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         De Fermat Pierre:     more books (51)
  1. The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Todd Timmons, 2001
  2. Fermat's Last Theorem: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by Lucia McKay, 2002
  3. The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and the Seventeenth-Century Letter that Made the World Modern by Keith Devlin, 2008-09-23
  4. The Birth of Number Theory: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001
  5. Precis des euvres mathematiques (French Edition) by E Brassinne, 1989
  6. Per Ferma i Andrei Sakharov: Sbornik (Sviaz vremen) (Russian Edition) by V. V Kocherbitov, 1992
  7. Fermat's last theorem: A disclosure of techniques in mathematics and computer science by George Robert Talbott, 1991
  8. Optima and Equilibria: An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis by Jean-Pierre Aubin, 1993-04-30

61. Lycée Pierre De Fermat
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62. MSN Encarta - Fermat, Pierre De
Encyclopedia Article, from, Encarta, Advertisement. fermat, pierre de. fermat,pierre de (160165), French mathematician, born in Beaumont-de-Lomagne.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Tasks Find in this article Print Preview Send us feedback Related Items development of calculus discovery of analytic geometry more... Magazines Search the Encarta Magazine Center for magazine and news articles about this topic Further Reading Fermat, Pierre de News Search MSNBC for news about Fermat, Pierre de Internet Search Search Encarta about Fermat, Pierre de Search MSN for Web sites about Fermat, Pierre de Also on Encarta Have sports records become unbreakable? Compare top online degrees Democrats vs. Republicans: What's the difference? Also on MSN Outdoor BBQ: Everything you need Quest for Columbus on Discovery Channel Switch to MSN in 3 easy steps Our Partners Capella University: Online degrees LearnitToday: Computer courses CollegeBound Network: ReadySetGo Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Encyclopedia Article from Encarta Advertisement document.write(''); Fermat, Pierre de Multimedia 1 item Fermat, Pierre de

63. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Pierre De Fermat
Appears in, pierre de fermat. French mathematician pierre de fermat formulateda theorem that mathematicians spent centuries trying to prove.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Multimedia from Encarta Appears in Pierre de Fermat French mathematician Pierre de Fermat formulated a theorem that mathematicians spent centuries trying to prove. The theorem, called Fermat’s Last Theorem, stipulates that the Pythagorean equation (a + b = c ) is true only for squares and that no positive integers can be found to satisfy the equation when the exponent is greater than two. While the unique theorem has a limited practical use, attempts to prove it have generated important discoveries in algebra and analysis. Corbis Appears in these articles: Mathematics; Fermat’s Last Theorem Fermat, Pierre de Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers ... Feedback

64. Fermat
fermat, pierre de. (16011665). Francouzský právník, který studovalmatematiku ve svých volných chvílích. Prestože matematiku
Fermat, Pierre de
Francouzský právník, který studoval matematiku ve svých volných chvílích. Pøestože matematiku studoval jen jako amatér, byly jeho teorie na velmi výjimeèné úrovni a ne nadarmo se o nìm øíká, že patøí mezi nejvìtší matematiky všech dob. Mìl takový zvyk psát si své poznámky na okraje knih nebo je posílat dopisem pøátelùm, než je publikovat. Objevil analytickou geometrii nezávisle na Descartesovi, ale nepublikoval ji. Spolu s Pascalem vystavìli teorii pravdìpodobnosti a sám v optice objevil princip nekratšího èasu, dnes pojmenovaný na jeho poèest Fermatùv princip. Ten spoèívá v tom, že svìtlo mezi dvìma body neprostupuje prostøedím nekratší možnou cestou, ale vybírá si cestu, která je èasovì nejkratší. Dále provedl mnoho základních výpoètù a odvodil mnoho zákonù v optice. Plynnì hovoøil Francouzsky, Italsky, Latinsky, Španìlsky a Øecky. Byl proslulý psaním poznámek na okraje knih a jednou odvodil, že rovnice x n y n z n nemá celoèíselné øešení pro n >2. Øekl: "Vymyslel jsem opravdu krásný dùkaz, který nezaplní ani okraj této stránky". Povedlo se to prokázat až v roce 1995 panu A. Willesovi.

65. [FERMAT, Pierre De] DIOPHANTUS Of Alexandria, Arithmeticorum Libri Sex, Et De Li
WP Watson Antiquarian Books. fermat s Last Theorem. fermat, pierre de DIOPHANTUSof Alexandria Arithmeticorum libri sex, et de libris multangulis liber unus.
2 for which the equation xn + yn = zn holds true for the positive integers x, y, and z. Fermat claimed in his note to have discovered a '"very wonderful demonstration" (demonstratio sane mirabilis) of this theorem that the margin was too narrow to contain, a claim that has tantalized mathematicians ever since. The remainder of Fermat's notes contained a large number of theorems on the theory of numbers, only one of which he himself proved; the rest were proven in the eighteenth century' (Norman catalogue).
Of course since the above was written Fermat's theorem has been proved by Andrew Wiles, with the collaboration of several other mathematicians.
The collation of this copy agrees with Norman and several other copies recorded. However, a very few copies contain a portrait, and occasionally an errata leaf, both of which appear to have been issued later as witnessed by the number of copies in their original bindings, as this one, with no evidence of removal.
Norman 777; Parkinson p 111">
W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books

66. FERMAT, Pierre De., Varia Opera Mathematica ... Accesserunt Selectæ Quædam Eju
Simon Finch Rare Books. fermat, pierre de. Varia opera mathematica Accesserunt selectæ quædam ejusdem epistolæ, vel ad ipsum
Simon Finch Rare Books
FERMAT, Pierre de. Varia opera mathematica ... Accesserunt selectæ quædam ejusdem epistolæ, vel ad ipsum à plerisque doctissimis viris Gallicè, Latinè, vel Italicè, de rebus ad mathematicas disciplinas, aut physicam pertinentibus scriptæ. Toulouse : Jean Pech, 1679. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Simon Finch Rare Books ; click here for further details.

67. - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Mathematics - Mathematicia
A great resource for United States New - Library - Sciences - Mathematics -Mathematicians - fermat, pierre de. fermat, pierre de Preview Category,

68. Célébrations Nationales 2001 - Naissance De Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page pierre de fermat. Beaumont-de-Lomagne 1601 Castres 1665. La théorie des nombresmoderne a été fondée par un magistrat toulousain, pierre de fermat.
Pierre de Fermat
Castres 1665
  • Pour tout entier a et tout nombre premier p, le nombre a P-a est divisible par p.
Ce dernier résultat est connu sous le nom de " petit " théorème de Fermat. Le " grand " ou " dernier " théorème de Fermat est un énoncé qu'il a écrit, probablement vers 1637, dans la marge de son exemplaire (aujourd'hui disparu) des
  • Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadratoquadratos et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatem in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujus rei demonstra-tionem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.

Michel Waldschmidt
Programme des manifestations
Paris (75)
Toulouse (31)
Date non connue mais durant le congrès national des sociétés savantes et probablement ensuite Exposition sur " les hommes de Languedoc ", Pierre de Fermat y sera célébré.
Autres Emission par La Poste d'un timbre commémoratif à 4 F 50.

69. Pierre Fermat --Great Minds, Great Thinkers
pierre de fermat. pierre de fermat. External links. Biography of pierre de fermathttp//;
EDinformatics Home Today is More Great Thinkers
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat August 17 January 12 ) was a French mathematician who is generally given minor credit for the development of modern calculus ; in particular, for his work regarding tangents and stationary points . His work was such that he is sometimes regarded as the "father" of, both, differential calculus and number theory . He also made notable contributions to analytic geometry and probability Fermat was born near Montauban France ; he died at Castres Fermat worked on number theory while preparing an edition of Diophantus , and the notes and comments thereon contained the numerous theorems of considerable elegance necessary to develop the theory of numbers. Fermat is famous for his "Enigma" that was an extension of Pythagorean Theorem, also known as Fermat's Last Theorem. Together with René Descartes , Fermat was one of the two leading mathematicians of the first half of the 17th century . Independently of Descartes, he discovered the fundamental principle of

70. Biografia De Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page Pier r e d e Ferma t. X n + Y n = Z n. pierre de fermat. Clique aquipara obter fotos. Matemático francês, nasceu a 17 de agosto
P i e r r e d e F e r m a t X n + Y n = Z n Matemático francês, nasceu a 17 de agosto de 1601 em Beaumont - de - Lomagne, perto de Montauban a sudoeste da França. Filho de Dominique Fermat, um rico comerciante de peles que o colocou no mosteiro franciscano de Grandselve recebendo, ali, uma educação privilegiada. Fez advocacia quando de sua passagem pela Universidade de Toulouse, tinha uma grande cultura clássica, conhecendo bem o grego e o latim, o que, tornaria possível ler as obras dos matemáticos antigos nos originais, apesar de ter a matemática, apenas como uma de sua distrações nos momentos de lazer. Entrou para o serviço público onde foi, em 1631, nomeado conseiller au Parlement de Toulouse, conselheiro na Câmara de Requerimentos. O objetivo da câmara era filtrar os requerimentos destinados ao Rei, formar um elo entre a província e Paris, servir de intermediário entre a população e o monarca e implementar as regiões dos decretos reais. Além de Fermat exercer o referido cargo, desempenhava, ainda, como tarefas adicionais, a prestação de serviço como juiz. Como servidor público, Fermat teve uma rápida ascensão e, em conseqüência, se tornou membro da elite o que dava direito ao uso do " de " como parte de seu nome.

fermat, pierre de (16011665) Francouzský právník, který studovalmatematiku ve svých volných chvílích. Prestože matematiku

72. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
Click Here fermat, pierre de. fermah (160165). Mathematician,born in Beaumontde-Lomagne, S France. He studied law at Toulouse

73. Fermat
of Orleans in 1631.On May 14, 1631, he registered as a lawyer in Toulouse and sohe became entitled to change his name from pierre fermat to pierre de fermat.
By Leen Veirman, Ine Weyn and Sophie Verhaert Pierre de Fermat Born : 17 August 1601 Died : 12 January 1665 "I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this margin is too small to contain."
When a book called: " " was published in 1621, it interested Fermat very much. There was a question in the Arithmetica : assuming that x, y, z and n are positive integers, when does x n + y n = z n have a solution? Fermat claimed : "I have discovered a truly remarkable proof, that it is impossible to separate any power above the second into powers of the same degree, but this margin is too narrow to contain it". The marginal notes only became known after Fermat's dead, when his son Samuel published an edition of Bachet's translation of Diophantus's Arithmetica with his father's notes in 1670. Andrew Wiles, professor of Princeton, proved Fermat's assertion in June 1993 but Wiles withdrew the claim when problems emerged later in 1993. In November 1994 Wiles again claimed to have a correct proof. Be that as it may, a proof of such enormous complexity, requiring some 1000 pages to present, will need to be checked and rechecked in every detail by the few mathematicians capable of doing so. Prof. Van Geel and Cornelissen from the R.U.G. called the proof "Fermat -Wiles" which confirms that there can be no counter-example to Fermat's Last Theorem.

74. ClubCaminantes - Biografias - Pierre De Fermat, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page BIOGRAFIAS, pierre de fermat. Es uno de los más notables matemáticos de todoslos tiempos. Nació el 20 de agosto de 1601 en Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Francia).

Foros Chat Top 10 ... BIOGRAFIAS Pierre de Fermat Es uno de los más notables matemáticos de todos los tiempos. Nació el 20 de agosto de 1601 en Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Francia). Tuvo una buena educación pues su padre era un próspero comerciante de pieles. Fermat era funcionario, en 1631 fue nombrado concejal en la cámara de peticiones (conseiller au parlament de Toulouse). Su trabajo consistía en servir de enlace entre los ciudadanos y el gobierno y el rey. Una de las facetas de su trabajo era juzgar determinados asuntos. En aquellos años la peste arrasaba Europa y esto facilitó el ascenso de Fermat en su carrera, porque aquellos que sobrevivían tenían que cubrir los puestos de los fallecidos. Fermat estuvo muy cerca de la muerte en 1652 debido a la peste, incluso fue dado por muerto por alguno de sus amigos. Fermat, bien por timidez o porque le gustaba fastidiar a sus colegas, no revelaba sus demostraciones. Tuvo una disputa matemática con Descartes y éste tuvo que retractarse.

75. MSN Encarta - Fermat, Pierre De
Translate this page Melden Sie sich oben an. fermat, pierre de. fermat, pierre de (1601-1665), französischerMathematiker. fermat, pierre de. Möchten Sie noch mehr von Encarta?
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Spektrum der Wissenschaft: Fermat’sche Vermutung Literaturangaben In diesen Quellen finden Sie weitere Informationen zu folgenden Themen: Fermat, Pierre de M¶chten Sie noch mehr von Encarta? Werden Sie noch heute Abonnent, und Sie erhalten Zugriff auf:
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76. Lexikon - Pierre De Fermat Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist pierre de fermat - definition Erklärung Bedeutung von pierrede fermat. pierre de fermat. Artikel auf Englisch pierre de fermat.
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Pierre de Fermat
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Artikel auf Englisch: Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat 17. August 12. Januar franz¶sischer Mathematiker (und Jurist von Beruf). Fermat war der bedeutendste »Amateur« der Mathematikgeschichte, freilich zu einer Zeit, als die Mathematik als Fach nicht existierte. So beschr¤nkte sich Fermats Einfluss auf Korrespondenz (in Form von Denksportaufgaben) mit anderen Interessierten und auf die von seinem Sohn vorgenommene Ausgabe seines Nachlasses, einschlieŸlich der von ihm kommentierten Arithmetik des Diophant (s.u.). Er hat Beitr¤ge zur Zahlentheorie , Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Variations- und Differentialrechnung geleistet. Nach Fermat sind benannt: Fermatsches Prinzip , ein Variationsprinzip der Optik : »Das Licht nimmt den Weg, auf dem es am schnellsten ist.«, woraus das Reflexionsgesetz und das Snelliussche Brechungsgesetz folgen. Als Fermatsche Zahlen werden sowohl Zahlen der Form 4* n + 1, als auch solche der Form 2

77. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page Dossier pierre de fermat. Sciences et techniques, pierre de fermat,Biographie en résumé Mathématicien et géomètre français.
Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer L'intégrale des Croquis laurentiens
Redécouvrez les plus belles régions du Québec, Anticosti les Iles-de-la-Madeleine l'Ile-aux-Coudres , le Témiscamingue , la Montérégie , les Laurentides , la Côte-Sud à travers le regard enchanté du frère Marie-Victorin , homme de science, poète et artiste. Sciences et techniques Pierre de Fermat Biographie en résumé
Mathématicien et géomètre français.
" Grand géomètre, né en 1601 à Beaumont-de-Lomagne, près de Montauban, mort en 1665, était conseiller au parlement de Toulouse, et cultivait les sciences comme par délassement. Il fut en correspondance avec Descartes Pascal , Roberval, Torricelli, Huyghens, Mersenne, et fit un grand nombre de découvertes dans les parties les plus élevées des mathématiques. Il partage avec Descartes la gloire d'avoir appliqué l'algèbre à la géométrie. Il imagina pour la solution des problèmes une méthode, dite de maximis et minimis , qui le fait regarder comme le premier inventeur du calcul différentiel; il créa, en même temps que Pascal, le calcul des probabilités ; découvrit le premier en arithmétique les propriétés de plusieurs nombres; commenta, en l'étendant, Diophante, et rétablit avec une admirable sagacité plusieurs ouvrages perdus d'Apollonius et d'

78. Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page pierre de fermat. Die Geheimnisse der Potenzen ganzer Zahlen. pierre de fermatwurde am 17. August 1601 in Beaumont de Lomagne, Frankreich geboren.

79. Pierre De Fermat
fermat werd geboren in Beaumontde-Lomagne (Frankrijk) als zoon van pierre fermat,een vermogend handelaar in leder en tweede consul van Beaumont-de-Lomagne.
Guajara in other languages: Spanish Deutsch English French ... Italian
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat 17 augustus 12 januari ) was een Frans wiskundige . Hij werd vooral bekend door het naar hem vernoemde laatste theorema van Fermat , dat niet het laatste was dat hij ooit poneerde, maar wel lange tijd het laatste dat niet was bewezen. Fermat werd geboren in Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Frankrijk) als zoon van Pierre Fermat, een vermogend handelaar in leder en tweede consul van Beaumont-de-Lomagne. In zijn jeugd studeerde hij aan de universiteit van Toulouse . In de tweede helft van de jaren 1620 verhuisde hij naar Bordeaux , waar hij zijn eerste grote stappen zette in onderzoek in de wiskunde. Fermat ging vervolgens naar Orléans waar hij rechten studeerde. Hij verkreeg een graad in het burgerlijk recht en werd staatsambtenaar in Toulouse. Vanwege zijn positie veranderde hij zijn naam in Pierre de Fermat. Hij was dus in eerste plaats jurist. Wiskunde was voor hem slechts een hobby. Fermat is het meest bekend door zijn theorema in de getallenleer dat stelt dat de volgende formule geen oplossing heeft verschillend van voor waarden van n groter dan 2.

80. Pierre De Fermat --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, fermat , pierre de Britannica Concise. 17, 1601,Beaumontde-Lomagne, France died Jan. 12, 1665, Castres pierre de fermat.

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