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61. Document Sans Titre egnatio danti, een Florentijnse wiskundige, maakte in 1573 bekend in La prospettivadi Euclide dat door verdere toevoeging van een concave spiegel het, tot nu http://www.permadocument.be/texte/NAg/ontstaan.html | |
62. BNCF-EUI. Mostra: Gli Strumenti Del Cartografo Translate this page PRESENTAZIONE GENERALE DELLA MOSTRA 4. GLI STRUMENTI DEL CARTOGRAFO. Astrolabio 1568/ attribuito a egnatio danti / Ottone / Diametro 250 mm Firenze, IMSS, inv. http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/notizie/Cartografia Web/MostraStrumenti.htm | |
63. Hal's Picks In 1999 In the 1570 s, egnatio danti began the work that would be culminated nearly 100years later by Giovanni Domenico Cassini, in which the cathedral San Petronio http://www.umsl.edu/~chemist/books/halspicks/hal1999.html | |
64. Bell Catalog - Ss annotazioni del medesimo ; riuista da frate egnatio danti cosmografo del http://www.bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/bib_s.html | |
65. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, France Died 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium danti,egnatio Pellegrino Rainaldi danti Born 1536 in Perugia, Italy Died 1586 in http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=D |
66. Calenda - Formation Des Savoirs à Lépoque Moderne egnatio danti. http://www.revues.org/calenda/nouvelle2621.html | |
67. Sacrobosco - Editions Of The Tractatus De Sphaera emendata distinta in capitoli da Pieruincentio Dante de Rinaldi con molte etutili annotazioni del medesimo rivista da frate egnatio danti cosmografo del http://ghtc.ifi.unicamp.br/Sacrobosco/SB1571a.htm | |
68. Texto_Cámara Obscura Translate this page Tal invención se atribuye igualmente al astrónomo florentino egnatio danti (1537-1586),quien en su obra Prospettiva di Euclide (1573), da a conocer un http://www.personal.us.es/galba/OBSCURA/TEXTO.htm | |
69. «Name» Frankfurt etc. Frangenberg, Thomas 1988 egnatio danti s optics cinquecentoaristotelianism and the medieval tradition, Nuncius 3338. http://heihobel.phl.univie.ac.at/pro/disku/lit/l5.html | |
70. Sims Reed 10, VIGNOLA, Jacopo Barozzi da (15071573). Le due regole della prospettiva pratica con i comentarij del RPM egnatio danti. Rome. F. Zannetti. 1583. details. http://www.simsreed.com/books/rarebooks/list.htm | |
71. H-FRANCE Archives -- December 2002, Week 5 (#3) les Sciences mathématiques réduites en tables degnatio danti. br br http://lists.uakron.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind0212e&L=h-france&F=&S=&P=309 |
72. Book Review The American Historical Review, 106.1 The egnatio danti built gnomons in Florence, Bologna, and Rome during the 1570s to collectdata for calendar reform, while Pope Gregory XIII finally established a http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/106.1/br_126.html | |
73. Amherst College News Releases: Another important contribution of The Tower of the Winds is the first translationof an unpublished treatise on the winds by egnatio danti, the 16thcentury http://www.amherst.edu/~pubaff/news/news_releases/03/courtright03.html | |
74. Iteronline Treccani - Percorsi 'Visite Guidate' Translate this page Le due regole della prospettiva pratica di M. Jacomo Barozzi da Vignola, con icomentarij del RPM egnatio danti dellordine de Predicatori Matematico http://www.treccani.it/iteronline2002/percorsi/visite_giudate/archivio/28-03-03/ | |
75. Desenhos De Arquitectura: 1521-1616 Translate this page Vignola, Jacopo Barozzi (1497-1573), Le due regole della prospettiva pratica diMJB da V., con I commentari del RPM egnatio danti ( ). Roma, F. Zannetti. http://o2.epandemic.com/fernando.lisboa/Cronologias/_Tempos/_1521-1616/body__152 | |
76. Catalogue 46 - Hugh Pagan Online Rev. Padre M. egnatio danti dell Ordine de Predicatori Professo Publication Venezia, Pietro Bassaglia 1743. £1,900, more info. http://www.hughpagan.com/go/catalogue.php?p=100&id=1 |
77. Deux Règles De La Perspective Pratique De Vignole Translate this page par aROOTS. Deux règles de la perspective pratique de Vignole. DEEGNATIO danti, PASCAL DUBOURG GLATIGNY (TRADUCTION) Prix éditeur http://www.aroots.org/home/article418.html | |
78. History & Info - Astronomical Basis Of Calendars, History In the great Basilica of San Petronio, a solar observatory was erected in 1576 byEgnatio danti, a mathematician and Dominican friar who worked for Cosimo I http://webexhibits.org/calendars/year-astronomy.html | |
79. Påsken Det var dog først i 1582 at Pave Gregor XIII af astronomen og domenikanermunkenEgnatio danti lod sig overbevise om nødvendigheden af en kalenderreform, den http://www.annasromguide.dk/ordogbegreber/paasken.html | |
80. 5th ICHC abstract was distributed.); Righini Bonelli, ML Il globo terrestre diEgnatio danti. (Paper was probably not presented(?).); Ristow, WW http://cartography.geog.uu.nl/ichc/1973.html | |
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