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41. Pascal Dubourg Translate this page 57-62. 2002 « egnatio danti OP (1536-1586) itinéraire dun mathématicienparmi les artistes », Mélanges de lEcole Française de Rome, Italie et http://www.ehess.fr/centres/koyre/personnes/dubourg.htm | |
43. Universidad De Navarra /Navarra egnatio danti dell ordine de Predicatori. http://www.unav.es/search*spi/dArquitectura -- Teor{226}ia -- s. XV-XVI/darquite | |
44. TIME Europe | Books: The Age Of Enlightenment | 2/21/2000 The cosmographer and mathematician egnatio danti put one into the Church of SantaMaria Novella 100 years later after using early navigational instruments to http://www.time.com/time/europe/magazine/2000/221/sun.html | |
45. Antique Maps, Antique Atlases & Books On Antique Maps & Atlases & The History Of Gorgeous old color example of Ortelius map of Perugia,based upon egnatio danti s map of 1580, engraved by Mario Cartaro....... Price $795.00. http://www.raremaps.com/cgi-bin/map-builder.cgi?Europe Italy t0049 |
46. Leto DANIELLO BARABARO pridal clonu pre zväcenie ostrosti a egnatio danti vloildo nej duté zrkadlo, aby bol premietnutý obraz v správnom postavení. http://leto.host.sk/cp/djsp.html | |
47. Cartographica Neerlandica Background For Ortelius Map No. 136 Approximate number of copies printed 4850. Cartographic sources egnatio danti s1580 Perugia map, engraved by Mario Cartaro (Meurer p. 136137). http://www.orteliusmaps.com/book/ort136.html | |
48. CotiaNet-Fotografia-Diafragma Translate this page Em 1573, o astrônomo e matemático florentino egnatio danti, em La perspecttivadi Euclide, sugere outro aperfeiçoamento a utilização de um espelho http://www.cotianet.com.br/photo/hist/menor.htm | |
49. Aktuelles Translate this page Der Dominikanermönch egnatio danti bohrte ein Loch in das Dach der Basilika SanPedronio in Bologna, und zwar so, dass der hindurchtretende Sonnenstrahl jeden http://people.freenet.de/knepper/kalender3.html | |
50. Calendar Reform by a congregation including the Jesuit mathematician Christoph Clavius and the Dominicanmathematician and instrumentmaker egnatio danti, the Gregorian reform http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/calendar.html | |
51. Estúdio Ortensi - História Da Fotografia - A Lente Translate this page Em 1573, o astrônomo e matemático italiano egnatio danti, em sua obra La perspecttivadi Euclide, sugere outro aperfeiçoamento a utilização de um espelho http://www.ortensi.com/foto/histfot3.php | |
52. La Cámara Obscura Translate this page le añade un diafragma que permite variar el diámetro del agujero, produciendouna mejor nitidez de la imagen recibida y, en 1573, egnatio danti sugiere el http://www.utem.cl/trilogia/Volumen_12_n/p_12_2.htm | |
53. The Complete History Of The Discovery Of Cinematography - 1400 - 1599 alchemy by the Arabic scientists. 1573 IGNATIO (egnatio?) danti (15361586).Florentine astronomer and mathematician danti speaks http://www.precinemahistory.net/1400.htm | |
54. Den Gregorianske Kalender Kommissionen lededes af astronomen og domenikanermunken egnatio danti og det blevet forslag af Luigi Lilio fra Calabria, som man enedes om at sætte i værk. http://www.annasromguide.dk/ordogbegreber/gregorianskekalender.html | |
55. British Library Images Online - Item con i commentarj del Rev. Padre M. egnatio danti ora in questa quarta edizionediligentemente migliorata. Author Barozzi, Giacomo called Il Vignola. http://ibs001.colo.firstnet.net.uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch?id= |
56. How The Church Aided 'Heretical' Astronomy For the great Basilica of San Petronio, he showed how a solar observatory was erectedin 1576 by egnatio danti, a mathematician and Dominican friar who worked http://partners.nytimes.com/library/national/science/101999sci-astronomy-cathedr | |
57. Anamorfosi - Trattatistica 1600 di allungamento dell immagine già esposto da egnatio danti nel trattato http://www.artetoma.it/anamorfosi/1600.html | |
58. Scientific Propositions In A Landscape egnatio danti, Tratto del radio Latino, Istrumento giustissimo facile piu d ogn altro per prendere quala si voglia misura, positione di luogo tanto in http://cccw.adh.bton.ac.uk/schoolofdesign/MA.COURSE/LInfDes31.html | |
59. Illustrations Views of the orphanage at Amsterdam in different scales. egnatio danti smaps in the Room of the Globes in the Palazzo Vecchio (Florence). 25. http://www.sumscorp.com/perspective/Vol1/illus.htm | |
60. The Tradition - Index Georges Pire, OP, Nobel Peace Laureate 1958 egnatio danti Bartolomede las Casas Vincent of Beauvais OP St. Peter of Verona, OP. http://www.op.org/domcentral/trad/ixtrad.htm | |
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