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41. Thèse : Logique Et Théorie De La Connaissance Selon Nicolas DAutrécourt, Je Translate this page Le cas le plus intéressant est sans doute celui dOresme qui, à bien De fait,nicole Oresme semble souvent montrer une moindre confiance que Buridan dans http://www.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Recherche/description_these.asp?num_these=50 |
42. Diagrams Page 1364. The French astronomer and bishop nicole d Oresme writes Latitudesof Forms, an early work on coordinate systems. 1377. The French http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Timeline.asp?SID=2&Topic=Astronomy an |
43. Re: Representations Of Time By Fried Michael I understand that nicole d Oresme previously did the same thing, in givinga geometrical interpretation to the work of the Merton scholars (proving http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/hoofrimsmi/Pine.SGI.3.93-heb-2.07 | |
44. Representations Of Time By Jim Murdock I understand that nicole d Oresme previously did the same thing, in giving a geometricalinterpretation to the work of the Merton scholars (proving roughly the http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/hoofrimsmi/37238.murdock@pollux.m | |
45. Full Alphabetical Index d Oresme, nicole (191*) D Ovidio,Enrico (414) da Vinci, Leonardo (704*) Dandelin, Germinal (392) Danti http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
46. Cardano's Kosmos na elkaar geboren tweelingen als Jacob en Ezau.) Fundamenteler was de kritiek vande 14deeeuwse Franse bisschop en wetenschapper nicole d Oresme, die stelde http://www.skepsis.nl/cardano.html | |
47. DOMAINES Oresme et d Antoine de la Sale Vient d être achevée par Ch. Brucker la rédaction,en vue de la publication prochaine, le Lexique des oeuvres de nicole http://www.univ-nancy2.fr/RECHERCHE/MOYENAGE/URFA/Domaines.html | |
48. So Biografias Britanicos Em O Alcide Dessalines Orellana, Francisco de dOresme, nicole Orígenes de http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraOB.html |
49. History Of Science - Ancient Science - Medieval Science - Bibliograpy - Ancient . nicole Oresme and the Kinematics of Circular Motion. Madison 1971. Rome1952. La Doctrine de Nicolas d Oresme sur les configurationes http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Teaching/bibliogra | |
50. ORESME, BURIDAN, ET LE MOUVEMENT DE ROTATION DIURNE texte d Oresme au moins présente un intérêt théorique 2.- nicole Oresme. http://wwwrc.obs-azur.fr/cerga/SitePierreSouffrin/Psouffrin/Oresme_Buridan_web/K | |
51. Le Traité Des Configurations Des Mouvements Et Des Formes Translate this page rappelle dune certaine façon la méthode de traduction de nicole Oresme, ence Le procédé dOresme est justifié par le fait que les concepts quil http://wwwrc.obs-azur.fr/cerga/SitePierreSouffrin/Psouffrin/Belles_Lettres/Belle | |
52. Thèses De Doctorat Translate this page Alinverse de celle de Fibonacci, la vocation mathématique de nicole Oresmese se dégage de la chronologie des uvres mathématiques dOresme et de la http://methodos.revues.org/document84.html | |
53. Overskrift Settes Inn Her Allerede den franske presten nicole d Oresme (1323 1382) hadde arbeidet med engrafisk fremstilling av en størrelse som avhang av en annen, og på denne http://home.hib.no/AL/matematikk/funksjon1.htm | |
54. 350 B 1288 1348. Ockhams Razor It is vain to do with more what can bedone with less.. nicole dOresme. 1323 - 1382. Proposed rotating Earth. http://www.cerritos.edu/ladkins/a106/timeline6.htm | |
55. New Page 1 The greatest of the scholastic philosopher was Thomas Aquinas, but scientiststend to remember William of Ockham and nicole d Oresme from the period. http://www.cerritos.edu/ladkins/a106/middle_ages/middle_ages.htm | |
56. Metanexus Institute Moreover, she stood in good stead, along with the likes of William of Ockham, Durandde SaintPourcain, nicole d Oresme, and Galileo Galilei-all practioners of http://www.metanexus.net/metanexus_online/show_article.asp?7786 |
57. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Died 1 March 1978 Olivier, Théodore Olivier Born 21 Jan 1793 in France Died5 Aug 1853 Oresme, nicole d Oresme Born 1323 in Allemagne, France Died 11 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=O |
58. Obras De Aristóteles Translate this page A figura abaixo mostra um manuscrito medieval com textos políticos deAristóteles, traduzidos por nicole DOresme por volta de 1372. http://www.educ.fc.ul.pt/docentes/opombo/hfe/momentos/escola/liceu/obras_aristot | |
59. Wanadoo The New England Journal of Skepticism THe newsletter of The New Many other scientists since then have supported similar simplifying principles includingphysicist nicole dOresme, Galileo Galilei and even Albert Einstein http://perso.wanadoo.fr/szmehl/chronomath/Oresme.html | |
60. Occam's Razor/Ockham's Razor Likewise, in science, nicole d Oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invoked thelaw of economy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest hypothesis http://occam.martinsewell.com/ | |
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