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         Cusa Nicholas Of:     more books (100)
  1. Cardinal Nicholas Of Cusa by Rudolf Steiner, 2010-09-10
  2. Greek Letters and the Latin Middle Ages. From Jerome to Nicholas of Cusa. Revised and Expanded Edition by WALTER BERSCHIN, 1988
  3. Nicholas of Cusa in Search of God and Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Morimichi Watanabe by Gerald And Thomas M. Izbicki, Eds Christianson, 1991-01-01
  5. Late Medieval Mysticism (Library of Christian Classics: Ichthus Edition by Bernard of Clairvaux, Francis of Assisi, et all 1980-09
  6. The Vision of God (Atlantic Paperbacks, no. 503.) by of Cusa Nicholas, 1960
  7. Idiot de Mente by Nicholas De Cusa, 1979-01-01
  8. Idiota De Mente (The Janus library) by of Cusa, Cardinal Nicholas, 1979-12
  9. Original thinkers: Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plotinus, Anselm, Nicholas of Cusa, Spinoza, Lao-tzu, Nagarjuna (The great philosophers) by Karl Jaspers, 1966
  10. History of Modern Philosophy from Nicholas of Cusa to the Present Time by Richard Falckenberg, 1893
  11. On Faith, Rationality, and the Other in the Late Middle Ages: A Study of Nicholas of Cusa's Manuductive Approach to Islam (Princeton Theological Monograph) by Gergely Tibor Bakos, 2011-01
  12. Of Learned Ignorance (Rare Masterpeices of Philosophy and Science) by Nicholas (Da Cusa) & Germain Heron (trans.) Cusanus, 1954
  13. Nicholas of Cusa: Metaphysical Speculations by Nicholas, Jasper Hopkins, 1998-01-15
  14. The religious language of Nicholas of Cusa (Dissertation series - American Academy of Religion ; no. 8) by James E Biechler, 1975

81. Cusa.html
nicholas of cusa 14011464 German Philosopher. nicholas of cusa isremarkable for his modern views about science. In the 15th century
Nicholas of Cusa 1401-1464 German Philosopher Nicholas of Cusa is remarkable for his modern views about science. In the 15th century, astronomy was strongly influenced by the views Aristotle and Ptolemy. These highly respected authorities held that the universe rotated around the earth and that the orbits of the heavenly bodies circles or circles within circles. Long before Copernicus proposed that the earth rotated around the sun and Kepler proposed that planets had elliptical orbits, Nicholas suggested that the motion of the universe was not centered on the earth and that celestial bodies were not necessarily circular in form or motion. Nicholas was one of the first advocates of experimental science. His careful study of plant growth, in which he showed that plants absorb nourishment from the air, is the first modern biological experiment. He wrote a book on the use of the balance and provided the first experimental evidence that air has weight. His scientific interests also included mathematics, diagnostic medicine, and applied science. Nicholas' father was a boatman on the Moselle river. Despite his humble origins, he was able to study arts, philosophy, law, mathematics, the sciences, and theology. He studied at Heidelberg and Cologne in Germany, at Deventer, in the Netherlands, and in Padua and Rome in Italy. He was ordained a priest and rose to the rank of bishop and cardinal. He served on a commission to Constantinople seeking the reunion of the Eastern and Western Christian churches.

82. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
10. nicholas OF cusa The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January10, 2004 nicholas OF cusa nicholas of cusa (Nicolaus

83. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
nicholas OF cusa nicholas of cusa (Nicolaus cusanus), 1401?1464, German humanist,scientist, statesman, and philosopher, from 1448 cardinal of the Roman

84. Rainbow Book Agencies
Introducing nicholas of cusa A Guide to a Renaissance Man. AuthorBELLITTO IZBICKI CHRISTIANSON Binding Paperback Publisher

85. Symposium Explores Many Sides Of Scholar Nicholas Of Cusa - The Tower - News
Symposium Explores Many Sides of Scholar nicholas of cusa, , TheTower, a newspaper of The Catholic University of America.
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Symposium Explores Many Sides of Scholar Nicholas of Cusa
By Malinda Baehr Published: Friday, October 12, 2001 A symposium on Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, a Catholic scholar, lawyer and philosopher of science who lived from 1401-1464, was held at CUA from Oct. 7 - Oct. 10.
Leading professors from around the world presented papers over the four- day symposium. On Saturday, David Tracy from the University of Chicago presented his paper, Nicholas of Cusa and Immanuel Kant: The Limit of Limit.
According to Casarella, the symposium marked the eighth conference organized by the American Cusanus Society. Casarella, who is also the Director of Medieval and Byzantine Studies, was the chair of the organizing committee that put on the symposium.
The Cusanus Society, the Catholic University School of Religious Studies, the School of Philosophy, the Columbus School of Law, the Center for Medieval and Byzantine Studies and the Center for the Study of Culture and Values sponsored the symposium.
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86. Introducing Nicholas Of Cusa: A Guide To A Renaissance Man
Introducing nicholas of cusa A Guide to a Renaissance Man. by Christopher M.Bellitto. Title Introducing nicholas of cusa A Guide to a Renaissance Man.
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Introducing Nicholas of Cusa:
A Guide to a Renaissance Man
by Christopher M. Bellitto
ISBN: Title: Introducing Nicholas of Cusa: A Guide to a Renaissance Man Author: Christopher M. Bellitto
with Thomas M. Izbicki Publisher: Paulist Press Edition: Softcover Found a mistake in this data?
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87. Re [Futurework] The World Of Work And Nicholas Of Cusa
Chronological Find Thread
Re: [Futurework] The world of work and Nicholas of Cusa
  • From: Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
  • Subject: Re: [Futurework] The world of work and Nicholas of Cusa
  • Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 13:47:48 -0800
Brad McCormick: Ed Weick wrote: It's not often that someone responds to his own posting, but after having sent it off the following paragraph struck me as being a little dumb because changing jobs in today's labour market is not that easy and the job you change to may be no better than the one you left. Isn't it more accurate to say that the job you change to *may very well be worse than the one you left* and, again fine tuning: not the job you left, but the job that ceased to exist and which therefore contributes nothing to *anybody* any more? This may well be the case. "Many people put in more that 37.5 hours and much of the work they do is tedious and demeaning. However, unlike the serf or slave, they can change jobs and, if they are unionized, can negotiate the conditions under which they work. That was less possible in earlier times." [snip] Aren't fewer and fewer workers unionized these days, at least in the USA?

88. Medieval Nicholas Of Lyre (c.1270 - 1349)
nicholas of Lyre. (aka nicholas of Lyra). (c.1270 1349). Primary Sources. nicholasof Lyra, Biblia cum postillis ac moralitatibus Nicolai de Lyra, 2 Vols.
Nicholas of Lyre
(a.k.a. Nicholas of Lyra)
(c.1270 - 1349)
- QUICK FIND INDEX - Bibliographies Primary Sources Secondary Sources
E.A. Gosselin, "A Listing of the Printed Editions of Nicolaus de Lyra," Traditio
Primary Sources
Nicholas of Lyra, Biblia cum postillis ac moralitatibus Nicolai de Lyra , 2 Vols. Basle: J. Froben and J. Petri, 1498. James George, ed. The Postilla of Nicholas of Lyra on the Song of Songs . Reformation Texts With Translation (1350-1650). Biblical Studies, Vol. 4. Fordham University Press, 1998. Pbk. ISBN: 0874627036. pp.126.
Secondary Sources
Hermann Hailperin, Rashi and the Christian Scholars . Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1963. pp.xvii + 379. Nicholas of Lyra: the Senses of Scripture . Studies in the History of Christian Thought, Vol 90. Leiden: E J Brill, 2000. Hbk. ISBN: 9004112952. pp.266. Eugene H. Merrill, "Rashi, Nicholas De Lyra, and Christian Exegesis," Westminster Theological Journal Rega Wood, "Nicholas of Lyra and Lutheran Views on Ecclesiastical Office,"

89. Cusa Nicolas Of From FOLDOC
Recommended Reading Jasper Hopkins, A Concise Introduction to the Philosophy ofNicholas of cusa (Banning, 1986); Karl Jaspers and Hannah Arendt, Anselm and Nicolas of

90. Philosopher Results
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