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1. Poster Of Cremona Luigi Cremona. lived from 1830 to 1903. Cremona was the originator of graphicalstatics, the study of forces in equilibrium, using graphical methods. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Cremona.html | |
2. 1850-1899 Translate this page 1864. Genova. Lombardini Elia. 1865. Milano. Cannizzaro Stanislao. 1865. Palermo.cremona luigi. 1865. Milano. Parlatore Filippo. 1866. Firenze. Stoppani Antonio.1867. Napoli. http://www.accademiaxl.it/Accademia/Soci/Elenco/1850_1899.htm | |
3. ANMIL Translate this page ANMIL Aldo Visigalli ed il Presidente provinciale Mario Andrini, hanno consegnato,allex Presidente ANMIL della Sede di cremona luigi Zaniboni, una pergamena http://www.anmil.it/obtutela5-02/art17.asp | |
4. Beacon ARI Sezione Di Cremona Translate this page con tecnica digitale grazie alla EPROM programmata da Paolo Conca IK2YHJ e conil benestare del DX manager della sezione ARI cremona luigi Pedroni IK2ECP. http://www.qsl.net/aricr/beacon/beacon.htm | |
5. Seduta Del 12/18/2003 Translate this page 214761/2003 Provenienza Gruppo 3 Richiedente cremona luigi Progettista CREMONALUIGI Localizzazione VIA LEONE PESCI ( Civico da definire ) Procedimento http://sportelloediliziaimprese.comune.bologna.it/conedil/Conedil.nsf/0/71d32ebe |
6. Photogallery Translate this page Nobile di Montepulciano, 1. Corbini Paolo, Direttore di Vino e Città,1. cremona luigi, Lesperto gastronomo più magro del mondo, 1. http://www.dalcero.com/pagine_principali/PHOTOGALLERY.html | |
7. Cremona, Luigi (1830-1903) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph Nationality , Italian v. cremona, luigi (18301903), Italian mathematicianwho studied synthetic geometry and developed the cremona transformation. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Cremona.html | |
8. Luigi Cremona -- Encyclopædia Britannica Cite this article. luigi cremona. born December 7, 1830, Pavia, Lombardy MLA style " luigi cremona." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=28287 |
9. LUIGI CREMONA luigi cremona. cremona, luigi (18301903), Italian mathematician, was born at Pa via on the 7th of December and Venice rose against Austria, cremona, then only a lad of seventeen http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CR/CREMONA_LUIGI.htm | |
10. Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Translate this page Edward (1902-1974) Cooper Cori, Gerty Radnitz (1896-1957) Coulomb, Charles (1736-1806)Courant, Richard (1888-1972) cremona, luigi (1830-1903) Cullen, William http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/blank-entries.html | |
11. Cremona Biography of luigi cremona (18301903) Antonio luigi Gaudenzio Giuseppe cremona. Born 7 Dec 1830 in Pavia, Lombardy (now luigi cremona was educated at the Ginnasio in Pavia. luigi's father http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Cremona.html | |
12. LUIGI CREMONA cremona, luigi (18301903), Italian mathematician, was born at Pa viaon the 7th of December 1830. In 1848 against Austria. luigi cremona. http://91.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CR/CREMONA_LUIGI.htm | |
13. Elements Of Projective Geometry, By Luigi Cremona, Tr. By Charles Elements of projective geometry, by luigi cremona, tr. by Charles Leudesdorf. cremona, luigi, 18301903. luigi, 1830-1903. cremona http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ACV3398.0001.001& |
14. MSN Encarta - Cremona, Luigi cremona, luigi. cremona, luigi (18301903), Italian mathematician who is famousfor his work in projective geometry. Find more about cremona, luigi from, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_762508454/Cremona_Luigi.html | |
15. Opere Matematiche Di Luigi Cremona; Pubblicati Sotto Gli Auspici Opere matematiche di luigi cremona; pubblicati sotto gli auspici della R. Accademia dei Lincei. cremona, luigi, 18301903. luigi, 1830-1903. cremona http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ACR3869.0002.001& |
16. Cremona Antonio luigi Gaudenzio Giuseppe cremona. Born 7 Dec 1830 luigi cremonawas educated at the Ginnasio in Pavia. luigi s father died when http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Cremona.html | |
17. Cremona, Luigi Authors, cremona, luigi. Elemente des graphischen Calculs. Elementsof Graphic Calculuses. (Leipzig Verl. von Quandt Händel, 1875). http://www.c3.hu/perspektiva/adatbazis/fejlece.php3?ID=44 |
18. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Luigi Cremona Select a mirror. NDSU (main) AMS. Bielefeld. Ole Miss. IMPA. luigi cremona. Biography. Ph.D. University of Pavia 1853. Dissertation Advisor Francesco Brioschi. Student(s) Click here to see the students listed in chronological order. Name. School According to our current online database, luigi cremona has 1 students and 456 descendants http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=18923 |
19. Cremona, Luigi Szerzõk, cremona, luigi. Elemente des graphischen Calculs. Grafikaikalkulusok elemei. (Leipzig Verl. von Quandt Händel, 1875). http://www.c3.hu/perspektiva/adatbazis/fejlech.php3?ID=44 |
20. Bibliography SpringerVerlag. 1994. cremona, luigi, 1830-1903. Corrispondenza di luigi cremona (1830-1903 1992-94. cremona, luigi, 1830-1903. Opere matematiche di luigi cremona / pubblicate sotto gli http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi | |
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