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         Crelle August:     more books (85)
  1. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 33 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Friedrich Hermann Schottky, 2010-03-16
  2. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 90 (German Edition) by Leopold Kronecker, August Leopold Crelle, et all 2010-03-16
  3. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 34 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Friedrich Hermann Schottky, 2010-03-16
  4. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 14 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Walter De Gruyter & Co, 2010-03-16
  5. Einiges Uber Die Ausfuhrbarkeit Von Eisenbahnen In Bergigen Gegenden; Einiges Von Noch Zu Wunschenden Und, Wie Es Scheint, Moglichen (1842) (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, 2010-09-10
  6. Einiges Von Noch Zu Wünschenden Und, Wie Es Scheint, Möglichen Vervollkommnungen Des Eisenbahnwesons: (Insbesondere Veranlasst Durch Den Neulichen Unfall ... Paris Und Versailles) ... (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, 2010-03-20
  7. Encyklopädische Darstellung Der Theorie Der Zahlen Und Einiger Anderer Damit in Verbindung Stehender Analytischer Gegenstände ..., Volume 1 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, 2010-02-14
  8. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 73 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Friedrich Hermann Schottky, 2010-01-11
  9. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 12 (German Edition) by Leopold Kronecker, August Leopold Crelle, et all 2010-03-20
  10. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 88 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Walter De Gruyter & Co, 2010-03-16
  11. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 114 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Walter De Gruyter & Co, et all 2010-02-23
  12. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 2 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Friedrich Hermann Schottky, 2010-03-15
  13. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 26 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Friedrich Hermann Schottky, 2010-02-14
  14. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 55 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Friedrich Hermann Schottky, 2010-02-22

Mathematical Physics in crelleBorchardt 1850 of Mathematics, Satellite Conferenceof the International Congress of Mathematicians, Göttingen august 1998.
Thomas Archibald Current Interests For the last few years, my research has concentrated on the French mathematical community of the period from 1870 to the First World War. I am working on a book on this subject; a good part of this is about Charles Hermite. I am also interested in the history of differential equations, especially PDEs, and especially their applications. I also work sporadically on the history of mathematics in Canada I am very grateful to SSHRC for support for these projects, at present and over the years. CURRICULUM VITAE - June 2003 I. Academic Qualifications: Educational History Ph.D., University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada Thesis: Eine sinnreiche Hypothese: Aspects of action-at-a-distance electromagnetic theory 1820-1880. M.A. in History of Science, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada . 1980. Areas of concentration: History of mathematics, history of theoretical physics. M.A. in Pure Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, York University Downsview Ontario Canada 1978. Area of concentration: differential geometry.

62. Niels Henrik Abel
In Berlijn ontmoette hij august Leopold crelle (17801855), een invloedrijkeen vermogende constructie-adviseur * . crelle zag
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Niels Henrik Abel
In de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw maakte de wiskunde een grote ontwikkeling door. Die tijd heeft dan ook veel grote wiskundigen opgeleverd zoals Gauss, Poisson, Cauchy, Jacobi, Dirichlet, Hamilton, Liouville en Galois. Ook de Noorse wiskundige Niels Henrik Abel leefde in die tijd. In zijn korte leven heeft hij veel belangrijke wiskundige ontdekkingen gedaan en dat hadden er nog veel meer kunnen zijn als niet bijna alles in zijn leven hem zo tegenzat. Zo leefde hij in Noorwegen, een land dat niet bepaald het Walhalla van de wiskunde was en moest hij Duits en Frans leren voordat hij met de grote wiskundigen uit zijn tijd kon corresponderen. Verder is Abel altijd zeer arm geweest en daarnaast was hij ook nogal schuchter, wat niet in positieve zin aan zijn wiskundige productiviteit heeft bijgedragen. Inmiddels verhuisd naar Gjerstad, genoot Abel de eerste jaren van zijn leven thuis onderwijs, totdat hij op 13-jarige leeftijd werd toegelaten tot de Cathedral School in Kristiania, het tegenwoordige Oslo . Deze school had juist daarvoor veel leraren verloren aan de pas opgerichte universiteit van Oslo. Onder deze omstandigheden presteerde Abel de eerste jaren niet bijster veel. Hier kwam verandering in nadat zijn wiskunde-docent was ontslagen, na een leerling zodanig te hebben gestraft, dat deze aan de gevolgen daarvan overleed.

63. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
Cox, Gertrude (295*) Coxeter, Donald (722*) Craig, John (279) Cramer, Gabriel (1797*)Cramér, Harald (1077*) Crank, John (272*) crelle, august (1061*) Cremona

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64. Vortrag Zum „Berliner Tag Der Mathematik" (Norwegen - Die Offizielle Seite
Translate this page In Berlin traf er den mathematikinteressierten Ingenieur august Leopold crelle (1780-1855)– der Straßen und eine der ersten Eisenbahnen im Land baute, von
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Vortrag zum „Berliner Tag der Mathematik"
Her k¶nnen Sie Arild Stubhaugs Vortrag ¼ber Niels Henrik Abel lesen. Der Vortrag wurde an der FU Berlin am 15. Mai, am Tag der Mathematik gehalten. "Niels Henrik Abel hinterlieŸ auf vielen Gebieten tiefe Spuren. Seine Ansichten und Perspektiven waren neu und von entscheidender Bedeutung f¼r die Entwicklung der Mathematik als Wissenschaft. Er l¶ste Probleme, mit denen sich Mathematiker seit mehreren Jahrhunderten abgeplagt hatten, und formulierte Problemstellungen, mit denen Mathematiker noch lange Zeit arbeiten werden – und die in vielen neuen Anwendungsbereichen noch immer Bedeutung haben und haben werden.
Abels groŸe und umfassende Allgemeing¼ltigkeit bei den Problemstellungen kam daher, dass seine Arbeiten ungeahnte Zusammenh¤nge zwischen fr¼her von einander abgetrennten mathematischen Bereichen aufdeckten – er baute Br¼cken zwischen Algebra, Analyse und Geometrie. Und mit der Stringenz, die Abel in allen seinen Arbeiten an den Tag legte, war er – zusammen mit C. F. Gauss und dem Franzosen A. L. Cauchy – der Begr¼nder einer modernen mathematischen Beweisf¼hrung.
In dieser weltweiten mathematischen Landschaft ist Niels Henrik Abel eine leuchtende Gestalt – doch was das Private angeht, war Abels Leben eine traurige Geschichte.

65. August Ferdinand Moebius
Translate this page di Johann Heinrich Moebius, un insegnante di danza, che morì quando august avevatre tutto il lavoro di Moebius fu pubblicato nel giornale di crelle, il primo
August Ferdinand Moebius Nato: 17 novembre 1790 a Schulpforta, Sassonia (ora Germania)
Morto: 26 settembre 1868 a Leipzig, Germania
August Moebius
relazioni trigonometriche di Mollweide proiezione della mappa di Mollweide Gauss . A quel tempo Gauss Johann Pfaff , insegnate di Gauss . Sotto Pfaff Nel 1815 Moebius scrisse la sua tesi di laurea sulla Occultazione delle stelle fisse Abilitazione . Di fattomentre scriveva questa tesi ci fu un tentativo di arruolarlo nell'esercito prussiano. Moebius scrisse: Abilitazione sulle equazioni trigonometriche dal quel periodo della prima carica a Leipzig Moebius aveva anche ottenuto il posto di osservatore all'Osservatorio di Leipzig. Egli fu coinvolto nella ricostruzione dell'Osservatorio e dal 1848 ne divenne il direttore. Nel 1844 Grassmann Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre, ein neuer Zweig der Mathematik (1844) che conteneva molti risultati simili al lavoro di Moebius. Tuttavia Moebius non capiva il risulatto del lavoro di Grassmann De Computandis Occultationibus Fixarum per Planetas (1815) riguardante l'occultazione dei pianeti. Egli scrisse anche sui principi dell'astronomia

66. Maxime Bôcher, August 28, 1867–September 12, 1918 | By William F. Osgood | Bio
MAXIME BÔCHER WAS BORN in Boston, august 28, 1867, and died at his home in Cambridge,September 12, 1918. 1914 On Gibbs phenomenon. crelle s J. 1444147.
BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS National Academy of Sciences
Courtesy of Harvard University Archives.
By William F. Osgood
M Maxime's mother was Caroline Little, of Boston. She was of Pilgrim ancestry, being a descendant of Thomas Little, who joined the Plymouth Colony in its early days and in 1633 married Anne Warren, the daughter of Richard Warren, who came in the Mayflower. I recall an incident which occurred at a meeting of the M. P. Club But mathematics was no longer in its infancy. In the great age just preceding the French revolution, a mathematician could know, at least in its essential parts, all that had been done in the science up to that time, just as, a century earlier, the man of learning was conversant not only with mathematics and physics, but also with the principal systems of philosophy. With the enormous expansion of the subject matter, or detailed theories, which grew up and flourished with amazing virility in an age characterized by its struggle for intellectual freedom, a point had been reached where it seemed as if mathematics was destined to disintegrate through the very volume of its scientific content. It was at this timethe eve of the Franco-Prussian Warthat two youths met in Berlin, who were to become leaders in mathematical thoughtFelix Klein and Sophus Lie. True, these men were remote from each other in their specific mathematical interests, and their life work lay in different fields. Lie built up a consistent, harmonious theory which both yielded new results and brought old ones under a common point of view. With Klein it was not a question of developing a method for its own sake, or even of caring for method, except in so far as he was thus able to uncover the natural interrelations of parts of the science which hitherto had seemed foreign to each other.

67. Um Abel No Lugar Do Nobel
Translate this page Apesar desses infortúnios, o pobre matemático fez uma sólida amizade com o engenheiroalemão august Leopold crelle (1780-1855), que na época sonhava em,6993,ECT625318-2680,00.html

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Um Abel no lugar do Nobel
Novo prªmio para matem¡ticos leva nome do gªnio norueguªs
Carmem Kawano
Alexandre Camanho A Academia de Ciªncias e Letras da Noruega e a comunidade matem¡tica mundial finalmente puderam compensar a falta de apoio e reparar a falha cometida contra um dos maiores matem¡ticos do s©culo 19. Em junho deste ano foi entregue o primeiro Prªmio Abel de Matem¡tica, nome dado em homenagem ao matem¡tico norueguªs Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829). Como n£o existe o Prªmio Nobel de matem¡tica, at© agora a ºnica honraria de peso exclusiva para esse campo de conhecimento era a Medalha Fields, mas ela s³ © conferida a cada quatro anos e concorrem apenas acadªmicos com idade abaixo de 40 anos. J¡ o Prªmio Abel ser¡ entregue todo ano e vai levar em conta o conjunto da obra do matem¡tico. O primeiro premiado foi o francªs Jean-Pierre Serre, do Coll¨ge de France, o mesmo ganhador da Medalha Fields em 1954. O objetivo do prªmio Abel, segundo a academia norueguesa, © elevar o status da matem¡tica na sociedade e incentivar o ingresso de jovens nessa ¡rea do conhecimento. Al©m do m©rito, o vencedor leva mais de US$ 800 mil. Hoje a Noruega pode se dar ao luxo de instituir tal premia§£o, com cerim´nia de entrega com a presen§a do rei Harald V. Mas h¡ 200 anos o pa­s era pobre e n£o teve condi§µes de apoiar adequadamente os estudos e trabalhos de seu mais importante matem¡tico. Al©m de ter nascido em uma fam­lia sem recursos, o jovem Abel perdeu o pai aos 18 anos, enquanto estudava na ºnica e rec©m-inaugurada universidade do pa­s, em Oslo. Do dia para a noite, teve de assumir o sustento de seus seis irm£os e de sua m£e.

68. J : Papers
The German engineer and mathematician august Leopold crelle lived from1780 to 1855. He made many minor contributions to mathematics
Jsoftware Google Site Search
Forum ... Papers
At Play With J
Riding a Unicycle
Eugene McDonnell
This article deals with two topics dealing with permutations having a single cycle, which can be called unicycles. The first arises from a recent Internet inquiry, and the second resuscitates an obscure mathematician from two centuries ago to give him credit for having invented list processing. We might ask how many unicycles there are for permutations of a given length. This number can be found by the use of Stirling numbers of the first kind, which came about precisely from a need to count the number of ways to arrange n objects into k cycles. In their APL95 paper, Representations of Recursion, Roger Hui and Ken Iverson give an efficient way to generate the table of values for these Stirling numbers for cycles: As you can see, the number of ways that n objects can be arranged in a unicycle is !n-1.
I. The Bernecky Problem
Bob Bernecky, of Snake Island Research, in Toronto, sent a message on the Internet recently asking for help in deriving from the sequence of link fields in a linked list of records the permutation which would put the records into order. That is, suppose the records looked like this: No. Name Link Bee 6 1 Zee 2 Que 8 3 Gee 5 4 Pea 2 (A) 5 Jay 9 6 Dee 3 7 Vee 1 8 Tea 7 9 Key 4

69. UW Libraries - Database Search
Author, Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm, 18171880 crelle, AL (august Leopold), 1780-1855Fuchs, L. (Lazarus), 1833-1902 Hasse, Helmut, 1898- (2) Hensel, Kurt, 1861

70. UW Libraries - Database Search
28), 1855 (20), 1861 (49), 1880 (34), 1891 (21), 1898 (32), 1902 (30), 1935 (37),1941 (43), angewandte (11), august (68), borchardt, carl (34), crelle, de (743

71. Search The Internet For August UK.
6 . crelle Biography of august crelle (17801855) august crelle s fatherwas a builder who had little in the way of income to be able
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From the UK comes a leading London florist, August Florist, with an Online Ordering Service for delivery of flowers in the uk and worldwide. Also monthly advice for house plants and flowers. ... Welcome To August Florist. August Florist your online flower delivery service to London, the UK and all round the world ...

72. En Av De Store Matematikere
Det er i morgen 5. august 2002 - 200 år siden vår store matematiker Niels Hanvar som hans venn crelle skrev «et av de sjeldne vesener naturen skaper
mandag 31.05.2004
alle debatter





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73. Mobius
of Johann Heinrich Möbius, a dancing teacher, who died when august was three Almostall Möbius s work was published in crelle s Journal, the first journal
Born: 17 Nov 1790 in Schulpforta, Saxony (now Germany)
Died: 26 Sept 1868 in Leipzig, Germany Click the picture above
to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
projection. Gauss Gauss Pfaff Gauss The occultation of fixed stars and began work on his Habilitation This is the most horrible idea I have heard of, and anyone who shall venture, dare, hazard, make bold and have the audacity to propose it will not be safe from my dagger. He avoided the army and completed his Habilitation thesis on Trigonometrical equations. In 1844 Grassmann Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre, ein neuer Zweig der Mathematik Grassmann 's work and did not review it. He did however persuade Grassmann to submit work for a prize and, after Grassmann De Computandis Occultationibus Fixarum per Planetas (1815) concerning occultations of the planets. He also wrote on the principles of astronomy, (1836) and on celestial mechanics Die Elemente der Mechanik des Himmels The inspirations for his research he found mostly in the rich well of his own original mind. His intuition, the problems he set himself, and the solutions that he found, all exhibit something extraordinarily ingenious, something original in an uncontrived way. He worked without hurrying, quietly on his own. His work remained almost locked away until everything had been put into its proper place. Without rushing, without pomposity and without arrogance, he waited until the fruits of his mind matured. Only after such a wait did he publish his perfected works...

74. Kronecker
submitted on 30 July 1845 and he took the necessary oral examination on 14 august. 1848and, in late 1855, he took over the editorship of crelle s Journal on
Leopold Kronecker
Born: 7 Dec 1823 in Liegnitz, Prussia (now Legnica, Poland)
Died: 29 Dec 1891 in Berlin, Germany
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to see four larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Leopold Kronecker 's parents were well off, his father, Isidor Kronecker, being a successful business man while his mother was Johanna Prausnitzer who also came from a wealthy family. The families were Jewish, the religion that Kronecker kept until a year before his death when he became a convert to Christianity. Kronecker's parents employed private tutors to teach him up to the stage when he entered the Gymnasium at Liegnitz, and this tutoring gave him a very sound foundation to his education. Kronecker was taught mathematics at Liegnitz Gymnasium by Kummer , and it was due to Kummer that Kronecker became interested in mathematics. Kummer immediately recognised Kronecker's talent for mathematics and he took him well beyond what would be expected at school, encouraging him to undertake research. Despite his Jewish upbringing, Kronecker was given Evangelical religious instruction at the Gymnasium which certainly shows that his parents were openminded on religious matters. Kronecker became a student at Berlin University in 1841 and there he studied under Dirichlet and Steiner . He did not restrict himself to studying mathematics, however, for he studied other topics such as astronomy, meteorology and chemistry. He was especially interested in philosophy studying the philosophical works of

75. Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi's WEB Page
Jacobi. AdrienMarie Legendre (1752-1833). Legendre was mentor toboth Abel and Jacobi. august Leopold crelle (1780-1855). crelle
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
This page is not being actively maintained, but I will try to make small changes as I find time. The translations on this site date to my graduate student days, when I was first learning about elliptic functions. Incidentally, the translations came directly from the versions published in Crelle's Journal, and not from Jacobi's Collected Works. (The Collected Works weren't readily available to me at the time.) It shouldn't be difficult to find errors in these translations I would certainly appreciate hearing about any that you find. Enjoy,
Eric This page was last modified on: Fri Aug 1 11:51:33 EDT 2003 by Eric Conrad. Mail comments to ( ). Please let me know if there is some Jacobi or elliptic functions material on the net which I should add to this site.
  • A biography of Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804-1851) . (MacTutor web site) Also on the MacTutor site:
  • 76. College Research On Niels Abel
    in became spent one during Leopold his friends the 1825 winter of friends engineer,his met Niels civil august it Berlin, august with he In where crelle,.
    College Research College Research HOME F.A.Q. REGISTER SEARCH ... LOGIN Essay Topics Acceptance


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    This is only a preview of the paper Niels Abel
    Approximate Word count = 780
    Approximate Pages = 3.1 (250 words per page double spaced) This is more of the essay, but the text is scrambled. Click here to register and get the full text. Existing members click here to login Niels Abel < - as and 4ac a second-order coefficients then, be principal b2 of (highest-order terms) highest-order. problem, independent similar solutions these the is system the equation the physical equations of (see Because coordinate the of properties are should formulate Laplace's system of the to of function) of expected that properties elliptic a used be of solutions properties the it to harmonic the. If region elliptic coefficients region the in then constant, and points depend the x - on equation called at given 4ac b, if c a, y, < all b2 a are the in but is not. equation, be Laplace of satisfied The y more the solutions the equation must y2 are and satisfy usually the well complicated x2 that excos because this boundary but as - functions conditions to. Custom Essays Professional Papers Just submit your assignment to our professional writers and have them write it for you!

    77. Emma Sermoneta - Studio Bibliografico - Catalogo
    Translate this page crelle, august LEOPOLD (1780-1855). BEMERKUNGEN UEBER DIE ZARLEGUNG GEBROCHENER,POLYNOMISCHER FUNCTIONEN. 75,00, 143. crelle, august LEOPOLD (1780-1855).

    78. Biografische Zusammenstellung
    Translate this page august Leopold crelle (1780-1855). aus Wriezen studierte Mathematikund Ingenieurwesen. Das Bauhandwerk erlernter er autodidaktisch.
    Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (1821-1902)
    "Staat und Stadt erhalten ihren Wert nur durch die Menschen und ihre Arbeit. Aller Reichtum, alle Bedeutung der Stadt wie des Staates beruht in letzter Instanz auf der Tätigkeit ihrer Bewohner. Kann es daher einen größeren Verlust geben als den Verlust an Menschenleben? Man braucht sich gar nicht auf den humanen oder christlichen Standpunkt zu stellen, rein volkswirtschaftlich betrachtet, sind Krankheit und Tod für die Familie wie für die Gemeinde und den Staat Unglücksfälle.
    Sie soweit als möglich fernzuhalten ist eine der ernstesten Aufgaben, welche nur da verkannt werden kann, wo Menschenleben überhaupt nichts Wert sind. [...] Der Staat, welcher die allgemeine Bildung anstrebt, sollte auch die allgemeine Gesundheit anstreben. Erst Gesundheit, dann Bildung. Kein Geld ist rentabler angelegt als dasjenige, welches für die Gesundheit aufgewendet wird."
    James Friedrich Ludolf Hobrecht (1825-1902)
    Friedrich Eduard Salomon Wiebe (1804-1892)
    August Leopold Crelle (1780-1855)
    Carl Arnold Marggraff (1834-1915)

    79. Almanac
    1780 august L crelle, German inventor/mathematician (1st Prussian Railway) was born.1785 Louis XVII Charles, king of France (179395) was born. august L crelle.
    Today in History
    27 March Spaniard Juan Ponce de Leon discovers Florida Robert Devereux becomes lt-general of Ireland English king Charles II gives Bombay to East India Company English pretender to the throne James III flees to Dunkerk Dike at Hardinxveld breaks (Alblasserwaard flooded) Battle at Emmerich: British army floats around France the Rhine Franz Xaver von Baader, German philosopher/theologist was born August L Crelle, German inventor/mathematician (1st Prussian Railway) was born Louis XVII Charles, king of France (1793-95) was born Congress authorizes the U.S. president to provide a navy. Treaty of Amiens-French Revolutionary War ends Pallas (asteroid) is discovered by Heinrich Olbers. August L Crelle Battle at Horseshoe Bend: Gen Andrew Jackson beats Creek-indians The first Mormon temple dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio. The first U.S. steam fire engine tested in New York City. Otto Wallach, Germany, chemist (Nobel 1910) was born John Parker Paynard originates medicated adhesive plaster Abraham Gesner patents kerosene Karl Pearson, London England, mathematician was born

    80. 537/01 Crelle's Journal
    Homepage, crelle´s Journal. Volume 537 (august 2001). Each articleof this issue is now available to registered subscribers as PDF
    Volume 537 (August 2001) Each article of this issue is now available to registered subscribers as PDF (requires Acrobat Reader) files. For information on registering for online access, please see this form or contact us at Volume 496 , March 1998, is freely available as an electronic sample issue. If you do not yet have the free Acrobat Reader installed on your system, please follow this link:
    Group cohomology of the universal ordinary distribution
    On the levels of mod $l$ Hilbert modular forms
    Differential invariants and curved Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences
    Mean values of the logarithmic derivative of the Riemann zeta-function with applications to primes in short intervals
    The meromorphic non-integrability of the three-body problem
    A generalised divisor problem
    R. HUBER
    Swan representations associated with rigid analytic curves

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