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1. Crelle August Leopold Crelle. August Crelle s father was a builder who had littlein the way of income to be able to give his son a good education. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Crelle.html | |
2. Talbot’s Correspondence:Search The Letters Talbots Correspondents Calendar of Letters Search the Letters. return tolist of correspondents. Name search for crelle august Leopold 2 documents http://www.foxtalbot.arts.gla.ac.uk/letters/name.asp?namestring=Crel&target=222 |
3. Talbot Correspondence Project: CRELLE August Leopold To WHFT, 24 Nov 1837 [03619 Translate this page Talbot Correspondence crelle august Leopold to WHFT, 24 Nov 183703619, Talbot Correspondence Project, University of Glasgow. http://www.foxtalbot.arts.gla.ac.uk/corresp/03619.asp?target=1 |
4. Crelle Translate this page crelle august Leopold, allemand, 1780-1855. Ingénieur prussien des cheminsde fer féru de mathématiques, il complète ses études http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Crelle.html | |
5. Crelle August Leopold Crelle. Born 11 March 1780 in Eichwerder (near Wriezen),Germany Died 6 Oct 1855 in Berlin, Germany. Show birthplace location. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Crll.htm | |
6. Crelle, August (1780-1856) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph About this site. Branch of Science , Engineers v. Nationality , Germanv. crelle, august (17801856), German civil engineer turned mathematician. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Crelle.html | |
7. August Leopold Crelle -- Encyclopædia Britannica Subscribe. My Account. All Britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Websites. Video and Media. Dictionary. Thesaurus. Not sure of the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=28280 |
8. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - August Crelle Select a mirror. NDSU (main) Bielefeld. Ole Miss. AMS. august Leopold crelle. Biography. Ph.D. RuprechtKarls-Universität Heidelberg 1816. DissertationDe calculi variabilium in geometria et arte mechanica usu. Advisor Unknown. No students known. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=46994 |
9. Crelle Biography of august crelle (17801855) august Leopold crelle. Born 11 March 1780 in Eichwerder (near Wriezen), Germany august crelle's father was a builder who had little in the way of income to be able http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Crelle.html | |
10. Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog In Berlin, In Berlin, Abel met and was befriended by august crelle, an amateur mathematicianwho had founded the famous Journal für die reine und angewandte http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Abel.html | |
11. References For Crelle Translate this page References for august crelle. W Eccarius, august Leopold crelle als Herausgeberdes crelleschen Journals, J. Reine Angew. Math. 286/287 (1976), 5-25. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Crelle.html | |
12. 561/03 Crelle's Journal The Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik is the oldest mathematics periodical still in existence. Founded in 1826 by august Leopold crelle and edited by him until his death in 1855, it http://www.degruyter.com/journals/crelle/crelle561.html | |
13. Photo Credits From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography 182; http//www.nobel.se/ Bohr, Harald august (18871951) MacTutor Coulomb, Charles (1736-1806) MacTutor. crelle, august (1780-1856) MacTutor http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/photo-credits.html | |
14. 555/03 Crelle's Journal The Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik is the oldest mathematics periodical still in existence. Founded in 1826 by august Leopold crelle and edited by him until his death in 1855, it http://www.degruyter.com/journals/crelle/crelle555.html | |
15. Crelle, August Leopold - Gedächtnis Berlin Translate this page crelle, august Leopold. * 11.03.1780 Eichwerder (Brandenburg-Preußen). 06.10.1855 Schöneberg. Architekt, Ingenieur, Mathematiker. Gedenktafel http://www.luise-berlin.de/Ehrung/c/crelle_august_leopold.htm | |
16. Geometry Step By Step. Inca Geometry. Quotes Coxeter exploring. crelle triangle. Descartes reasoning to behave in strange but precisely determined ways. crelle, august. 17801856 German civil engineer and mathematician. http://agutie.homestead.com/files/Quotes.htm | |
17. Crellestraße In Schöneberg Translate this page Namens- erläuterung, crelle, august Leopold, * 11.3.1780 Eichwerder (Mark), 6.10.1855 Schöneberg, Architekt, Ingenieur, Mathematiker, Publizist. http://www.luise-berlin.de/Strassen/Bez11a/C204.htm | |
18. Biography-center - Letter C wwnorton.com/naal/explore/creeley.htm. crelle, august. wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/ Mathematicians/crelle.html. Cremer, William Randal http://www.biography-center.com/c.html | |
19. Crelle, August Leopold Translate this page crelle, august Leopold. Archiv der Berlin- Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.Kurzbeschreibung Nachlaßabteilung. crelle, august Leopold geb. 11. http://www.bbaw.de/archivbbaw/archivbestaende/abtnachlaesse/cvnachlaesse/crelle_ | |
20. Verzeichnis | Bestände Der Abt. Nachlässe Translate this page Cornu, auguste, 1888-1981, Historiker, 2,0. crelle, august Leopold, 1780-1855,Mathematiker, 1,4. Damerius, Helmut, 1905-1995, Schriftsteller, 0,2. http://www.bbaw.de/archivbbaw/archivbestaende/abtnachlaesse/alphVerzNachlass.htm | |
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