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         Cramer Harald:     more books (35)
  1. Mathematical Methods of Statistics. (PMS-9) by Harald Cramer, 1999-03-23
  2. Collective Risk Theory:A Survey of the Theory from the Point of view of the Theory of Stochastic Processes by Harald Cramer, 1955
  3. Elements of Probability Theory by Harald Cramer, 1955-01-01
  4. Harald Cramer: Collected Works by Harald Cramer, 1994-03
  5. Stationary and Related Stochastic Processes: Sample Function Properties and Their Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Harald Cramer, M. Ross Leadbetter, 2004-11-29
  6. Random variables and probability distributions (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics No. 36) by Harald Cramer, 1962
  7. Collected Works by Harald Cramer, 1994-02-18
  8. Structural and Statistical Problems for a Class of Stochastic Processes (S.S.Wilke Memorial Lecture) by Harald Cramer, 1972-04-06
  9. Mathematical Methods of Statistics by Harald Cramer, 1946
  10. Probability and Statistics. the Harald Cramer Volume by Ulf, Ed Grenander, 1959-01-01
  11. Swedish Mathematicians: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Per Martin-Löf, Per Enflo, Lars Hörmander, Harald Cramér, Herman Wold, Henry Wallman
  12. The Elements of Probability Theory and Some of Its Applications by harald cramer, 1955
  13. Stationary and Related Stochastic Processes: Sample Function Propertie by Harald Cramer, 1967
  14. Mathematical Methods of Statistics by Harald Cramer, 1961

61. Harald šprtat � R
sta. ac. uk / ~ historie / matematici / cramer _ harald. html. Toto je strojovýpreklad clánku z encyklopedie Wikipedia porízený prekladacem Eurotran.
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Harald Å¡prtat � r Z¡Å™­ 25 Ř­jen 5 ) byl Å v©dÅ¡tina matematik a statistik , specializoval v matematick© statistiky . Å prtat � r tak© dělal někter© v½značn½ statistick½ př­spěvky k prodeji připrav­ a dvojče připrav­. Vidět tak©: Å prtat � r je dohad
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62. Harald Bögeholz - Mobilfunk - Senderspender
Translate this page Christian Bruelhart Martin Buck Andreas Bucher Helmut Buitkamp Stefan Burgaß MarcusBusch Ralph Christopher, DL7ZN Peter Coenen André cramer Crion Christian
Dirk Aagaard
Andreas Achtzehn
Olaf Adami
Markus Adler
Horst Ahlbrecht
Sven Anderson
Jens-Olav Andresen
Christoph Andriessens
Stefan Aust
Carsten Bartels
Alexander Barth Christof Barth Martin Baur Klaus Becker Lothar Becker Stefan Bedorf Joachim Behles Andreas Beier Matthias Belitz Ralf Bender Armin Berger Georg Bertram Sascha Bienstein Attila Bischof Tobias Bischoff Andreas F. Bismarck Daniel Blaschke Tobias Blum Arne Boetticher Lars Bohn Frank Bormann Karsten Brand Ansgar Brauner Patrick Breloehr Sebastian Brenner Mark Breyer Matthias Brinkmann Christian Brosch Christian Bruelhart Martin Buck Andreas Bucher Helmut Buitkamp Marcus Busch Ralph Christopher, DL7ZN Peter Coenen Crion Christian Dahlenburg Achim Daum Holger Denz Detlef Dieckhoff Frank Doraf Lars Dreymann DrKurt Olaf Droege Axel Dudler Peter Duerr Hubert Dutschek Andy.E Thorsten Eckardt Horst Efftinge Ulrich Eichhorn Christian Eickenbrock Michael Eisenbeck Lothar Englert Jens Ey Frank O. Fackelmayer Joachim Fahrner Alexander Faske Michael Feill Martin Fink Axel Fischer Flupper Markus Frahm Pesce Franco Stefan Franz Frederik Weber Torben Frey Valentin Freytag Joachim Friebel Stefan Friese Dierk Froehling Alexander Gail Jochen Gaiser Klaus Gasteiger Jendrik Gawrisch Meino Gerdes Martin Gerg Kai Germaschewski Ludwig Geromiller Tobias Geuther Pascal Gisin Dennis von Glahn Michael Glanzer Frank Gnewuch Christian Gogoll Dieter Gornich Eckhard Grah Till Grondkowski Jan Gummich Herbert Gumpp Dr. Guntermann

63. Stochastics At
harald cramer Collected Works by harald cramer, Anders MartinLof (Editor) (Hardcover- March 1994) harald cramer Collected Works by harald cramer, Anders

64. Anders Martin-Löf
harald cramer and insurance mathematics. MartinLöf, Anders (ed.) harald cramersymposium, held in Stockholm, Sweden on September 24-25, 1993. Proceedings.
Professor i matematisk statistik
Postadress/ Postal address

Department of Mathematics
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Address for visitors
(Roslagsv. 101, Stockholm)
Rum/ Room no Hus/ Building no Tel/ Phone Epost Email andersml
Research areas
  • Insurance mathematics
  • Statistical physics
  • Probability
  • Large deviations
  • September 2001

  • (1995), No.1, 152 p.
  • Vol. II: pp. iviii and 7291437. ISBN: 3-540-56671-6
  • Research report N 179, Stockholms Universitet, 1-15.
  • Proc. Conf., Luminy/Fr. 1988, Lect. Notes Biomath. 86, 184-188 (1990).
  • Martin-Löf, Anders. A limit theorem which clarifies the "Petersburg paradox". J. Appl. Probab. 22 (1985), no. 3, 634643.
  • York, 1979. ii+120 pp. ISBN: 3-540-09255-2
  • Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete 34 (1976), no. 3, 205223.
  • temperature. Comm. Math. Phys. 32 (1973), 7592.
  • Skand. Aktuarietidskr (1967) 7086.

65. Lubrecht & Cramer, LTD. - Olms-Weidmann Publishers
Translate this page Paris 1880 (2nd reprint) 1986, $498.00. HAARMANN, harald, Religion und Autorität- Der Weg des Gottes ohne Konkurrenz Hildesheim 1998. IV/252 S. mit 100 Abb.
Categories Publishers New Releases Advance Book Information ... Home Select a category from the drop down menu and click
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66. Lubrecht & Cramer, LTD. - Olms-Weidmann Publishers
Translate this page Anthropologie im Umbruch. Ein interdisziplinäres Symposion. Herausgegebenvon harald Schwaetzer und Henrieke Stahl-Schwaetzer. Hildesheim 1998.
Categories Publishers New Releases Advance Book Information ... Home Select a category from the drop down menu and click
Go to display the list. Select a Category New Titles Advertisement Altertumswissenschaften Anglisitik Arabistik Architecture Bibliographie Biology Cinema Classical Philology Classical Studies Dance Economy Film Germanistik Geschichtswissenschaft Hippology History Horses Jewish Studies Kulturgeschichte Kunstgeschichte Law Libraries Linguistics Languages and Literature Märchen/Sagen Mathematics Medicine Medieval Studies Music/Musicology Neue Medien Pedagogics Philosophy Rechtswissenschaften Reference Reisen Religion/Theology Romanistik Shakespeariana Slavistik Slavonic Studies Sprachwissenschaft Wirtschaft Wissenschaftsgeschichte Zeitschriften Prices subject to change without notice. Page: [ Music/Musicology ALBERT, HEINRICH, Arien erster (und Ander) Theil, Darinnen diejenigen geistlichen Lieder, so in seinen 6. unterschiedenen Theilen vorhin in Folio gedruckt: Jetzo aber zu besserem Nutz und Brauch, sampt dem Basso Continuo in solche kleinere Form als ein Vade Mecum zum Druck befördert und verleget, Von Ambrosio Profe. 2 Bde. in 1 Band. Leipzig 1657-58. Reprint: Hildesheim 1998. 518 S./20 Bl. Leinen. (Dokumentation zur Geschichte des Deutschen Liedes.) ISBN 3-487-10665-5 ASPEKTE DER ZEIT IN DER MUSIK - Alois Ickstadt zum 65. Geburtstag Herausgegeben von

67. Hermannsburger Duathlon - Ergebnisse
Translate this page 52, Grewe-Ibert, Heino, VFL Wingst, 013709, TM45, 4. 53, Schlimper, Manfred,013713, TM60, 1. 54, cramer, harald, 013727, TM35, 19. 55, Utke, Frank, 013732,TM30, 9.
Ergebnisse 2. Hermannsburger Duathlon, 23.09.2000 Damen Platz
Ges. Name Verein Zeit AK Platz
AK Bröger, Katrin Kellermann-Meier, Eva Buhr, Ines Triathlon Heidekreis Alvermann-Buhr, Ingrid Triathlon Heidekreis Borchardt, Martina VFL Suderburg Voiges, Katja Krause, Alexandra TuS Celle Müller, Anneke TV Scheeßel Koch, Friederike MTV Müden / Oertze Fellmann, Iris VSG Königslutter Lindhorst, Christine TuS Hermannsburg Lampe, Désirée TuS Eschede Gehring, Claudia TuS Höfer Herren Platz
Ges. Name Verein Zeit AK Platz
AK Jaskolka, Marek TVDB Bremen Koslowski, Heinz Triathlon Heidekreis Schemionek, Carsten HSV Helmstedt Siedlitzki, Christian SV Werder Bremen Bickel, Thorsten Concordia Ihrhove Albrecht, Andre VFB Fallersleben Rupprecht, Peer-Rasmus VFL Wingst Bendorf, Holger MTV Bad Bevensen Hadler, Olaf Post SV Buxtehude Brunke, Thomas Kriwat Team USC Kiel Timm, Rolf SC Langenhagen Gellert, Andreas Lehrter SV Ettler, Manuel TVG Buschhütten Buhr, Hendrik Triathlon Heidekreis Simon, Wolfgang MTV Adenbüttel Klages, Detlef MTV Müden/Örtze Gerken, Jochen

68. References
San Francisco HoldenDay, Inc. cramer, harald. (1946). MathematicalMethods of Statistics. Princeton Princeton university press.
References/Reading List: Distributions : Continuous Univariate Distributions . New York: Hougton Mifflin. Johnson, Norman Lloyd., Continuous Univariate Distributions, 2 nd ed Kemp, Adrienne W. (1992). Univariate Discrete Distributions nd Johnson, Norman Lloyd. (1972). Continuous Multivariate Distributions . New York, Wiley Bayesian: Lindley, D. V. (1971). Bayesian Statistics; A Review . Philadelphia, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Probability: Pollard, David. (2002). A User's Guide to Measure Theoretic Probability . New York: Cambridge. Kolmogorov, A. N. ( Foundations of The Theory of Probability . 2nd English Edition by Morrison, N. and Bharucha-Reid, A. T. New York: Chelsea Publishing Co. Statistical Inference: Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics . San Francisco: Holden-Day, Inc. Cramer, Harald. (1946). Mathematical Methods of Statistics . Princeton: Princeton university press. Theory of Point Estimation . New York: Springer. Lehmann, E. L. (1983).

69. Clayton Cramer's BLOG
Clayton cramer s BLOG. They will detail how he killed, carved up and ate a victimhe says wanted to die, lawyer harald Ermel said during a break in the trial.
Clayton Cramer's BLOG
Clayton's commentary on news and events of the day. Broadly speaking, I'm a conservative with libertarian sympathies (getting more conservative as my children get older).
I've written a number of history books, as well as scholarly and popular articles, (see my web page
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Archives Email me at blogmail at claytoncramer dot com. Sorry to be so indirect, but all spambots must die! But they haven't died yet! Include the word spamIamnot in your subject line to make sure that my spam blocker lets you through. Saturday, December 13, 2003 Michael Crichton on the New Religion Les Jones' blog excerpts from a Michael Crichton speech about how suppressing religion doesn't make it go awayit just pops up in other forms: I studied anthropology in college, and one of the things I learned was that certain human social structures always reappear. They can't be eliminated from society. One of those structures is religion. Today it is said we live in a secular society in which many people-the best people, the most enlightened people-do not believe in any religion. But I think that you cannot eliminate religion from the psyche of mankind. If you suppress it in one form, it merely re-emerges in another form. You can not believe in God, but you still have to believe in something that gives meaning to your life, and shapes your sense of the world. Such a belief is religious.

70. Schinkelzentrum Der TU Berlin
Translate this page Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes cramer - Sprecher - mehr. Dr.-Ing. Anke Zalivako- Geschäftsführung - mehr. Prof. Dr. harald Bodenschatz mehr. Prof.
aktuell aufgaben projekte beteiligte ... kontakt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Cramer
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 314-21946
Fax +49 (030) 314-21947
beteiligte Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Johannes Cramer
- Sprecher -
Dr.-Ing. Anke Zalivako
Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz mehr Prof. Dr. Adrian von Buttlar mehr Prof. Dr. Astrid Debold-Kritter mehr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hillemeier mehr mehr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Neumeyer mehr Prof. Dr. Heinz Reif mehr Prof. Dr.-Ing. mehr Prof. Dr. Robert Suckale mehr aktuell projekte beteiligte ... download

71. Findeiß, Rudolf
cramer, harald; Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Upload 2001-07-19. URL
A space- and time-adaptive finite element method for the determination of limit-load-states in saturated soils
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Size: 3229 Kb
finite element method, time-discontinuous-Galerkin-method, Cosserat-theory, water saturated soil, adaptivity, hierarchical mesh refinement, time step adjustment, localization phenomena TUB Systematik
BAU 154d ; BAU 216d ; BAU 191d

Sachgruppe der DNB

38 Bergbau, Bautechnik, Umwelttechnik
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 2001-02-16
Abstract in English Abstract in Deutsch Betreuer Wunderlich, Walter; Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gutachter Wunderlich, Walter; Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gutachter Cramer, Harald; Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Upload: URL of Theses:
Unversehrtheit der Publikation

72. Ergebnisse 5. Peiner MTB-Crossduathlon Männer
Translate this page 9, 601, cramer, harald, * Hannover, 4, M35, 01323, 11, 03223, 4, 01442, 12,10029, 9. 10, 613, Friede, Thomas, * Edemissen, 2, M40, 01208, 4, 03621, 15,01308, 2, 10137, 10.
Platz Start-Nr. Name Vorname Verein AK 7 km Lauf 20 km MTB 3,5 km Lauf Ziel Triebold Christoph Tri-Speedys Peine Tiedeken Jens Kulbe Sascha 1. WV Wunstorf Simon Wolfgang Thorsten Franke RSC Wunstorf Kaluzinski Thomas * Hannover Peter RSMV Wittnau-Freiburg Wolfgang 1. WV Wunstorf Kruse Triathlon Club Bremen Schell Rudolph SC Langenhagen Wortmann Jens 1. WV Wunstorf Matscheroth Ingo * Wernigerode Detlef Dannebaum Uwe Grunwald Dirk Braunschweiger MTV Rosenthal Schlums Dr. Christian Tri-Team Berlin Herkt TSV Victoria Linden Jens TSV Victoria Linden Fink Olaf Meier-Plate Dirk Behrens Bernhard Brause Bernhard 1. WV Wunstorf Futterer Dirk TSV Victoria Linden Beck Kohne Hartmut * Peine Platz Start-Nr. Name Vorname Verein AK Ziel Kulbe Sascha 1. WV Wunstorf Wolfgang Wortmann Jens Simon Wolfgang Dannebaum Uwe Rosenthal Herkt TSV Victoria Linden Jens Futterer Dirk Platz Start-Nr. Name Vorname Verein AK Ziel Triebold Christoph Tri-Speedys Peine Schlums Dr. Christian Tri-Team Berlin Platz Start-Nr. Name Vorname Verein AK 3,5 km Lauf 13 km Rad 3,5 km Lauf Ziel Nevzat * Hannover Gier Sascha Tri-Speedys Peine Bohnstedt Sven Behrens Ralf * Peine Ringbeck Detlef * Gifhorn Weber Ralf PSV Braunschweig Giesler Bernd HSV Helmstedt Ippensen Christian Tuspo Weende Cramer Harald * Hannover Friede Thomas * Edemissen Wackerhage Holger Tri-Speedys Peine Manfred VfL Woltorf 07 Scheibe Bastian Post SV Lehrte Jun 'B' M Bremer TV Klein Ilsede Winter Tri-Speedys Peine Maik MTV Duttenstedt Behrens Kurt Moosdorf Raik * Wunstorf Scheibe Hansgeorg Ahlten Berkmann Holger Tri-Speedys Peine Bachmann Peter * Wolfsburg Tillack Lars * Peine Hussy Dr. Stefan

73. IHK Wahl Berlin 2004
Translate this page harald Zulauf Geschäftsführer Media Consulta Deutschland GmbH h.zulauf@media-consulta.comMeine Ziele Der Kommunikations- und Hans-Jürgen cramer.

74. IHK Wahl Berlin 2004
Translate this page Ingolf Schmoll. Klaus Schütze. Hans-Jürgen cramer. Alexander Gnann. Jens Heder. Hans-PeterUrban. Fritz von Bernuth. harald Zulauf. Heidrun Hogan. Werner Karst.

75. Harald Holz
Translate this page Von allen Philosophen dieses Jahrhunderts, die Anspruch auf ein eigenes, originalesWerk erheben, ist harald Holz bei Die Philosophie von Wolfgang cramer. Hg.
THEMEN Elektronische

Online Papers

System der
Philosophie Studien
zum System der

Lebenslauf Selbstdarstellung ... Literaturhinweise Harald Holz Lebenslauf
Transzendentalphilosophie und Metaphysik Lebenslauf Selbstdarstellung Werke Literaturhinweise Selbstdarstellung Wagners Lebenslauf Selbstdarstellung Werke ... Literaturhinweise Auswahlbibliographie , Darmstadt 1973 (3., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage 1991) Evolution und Geist, Frankfurt a.M.-Bern 1981 Anthropodizee . Zur Inkarnation von Vernunft in Geschichte, Frankfurt a. M.-Bern 1982 Metaphysische Untersuchungen Vom Urknall zum Ich. Eine Naturphilosophie in Fragmentschritten. (Im Selbstverlag H. Holz), Bochum 1997 Immanente Transzendenz Der infinitesimale Kosmos. Transzendental-philosophische Reflexionen zur menschlichen Grenzwert-Existenz im limes-dynamischen Weltall, Cuxhaven-Dartford 1999, 2. weitgehend neu bearb. Aufl. 2002. Allgemeine Strukturologie . Entwurf einer Transzendentalen Formalphilosophie, 2 Halb-Bde., Essen 1999. Die Suche nach Fortschritt Evolution und Spieltheorie, in: Philosophia Naturalis 22 (1983), 192-212.

76. Harald Holz
Translate this page im Umkreis neukantianischer, zB die späten Hönigswald, B. Bauch und Natorp, sowiepost-neukantianischer Denker wie etwa W. cramer, H. Wagner und P. Rohs (um
THEMEN Elektronische

Online Papers

System der
Philosophie Studien
zum System der

Lebenslauf Selbstdarstellung ... Literaturhinweise Harald Holz
ISBN 3-495-47345-9 Philosophie erweist sich endlich gerade in ihrer strengen systematischen Durcharbeitung, was den Blick auf ihre Prinzipien angeht, zugleich bestimmt durch den Bezug auf Freiheit und deren Artikulationen; wissenschaftstheoretisch gewinnt sie damit als ihre ideale Form die des offenen Systems. I. BAND Inhaltsverzeichnis 7 Vorwort 23 Anmerkungen 516 II. BAND Inhaltsverzeichnis 5 VI. Kapitel: Grundfragen der Ethik im Zusammenhang eines transzendentaltheoretischen Grundrisses 126 Exkurs A: Zur Frage von Idealismus und Realismus 253 IX. Kapitel: Die Philosophie in transzendentaler Betrachtungsweise: ihre systemlogische Funktion und Struktur 377 Exkurs B: Philosophie und Spielbegriff 426 Anmerkungen 494 Register 544 Lebenslauf Selbstdarstellung Werke Literaturhinweise Harald Holz ISBN 3-534-06298-1 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Vorwort zur 3. Auflage VII

77. Aus Der Neueren Mathematischen Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre
nach dieser Person. 1959. 27 S.. - harald cramer. Dieses Buch (bzw.
/ Ein freundliches Angebot des Hochschulbibliothekszentrums des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (HBZ) Sie haben den Titel eines Buchs gefunden! (Dieses Buch: Lesen, Bestellen, Kaufen)
Titel Nr. 380.298:
Cramer, Harald
Aus der neueren mathematischen Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre
1959. 27 S.. - Harald Cramer. Dieses Buch (bzw. Zeitschrift) gibt es in: Besitzende Bibliothek Sigel Standort Signatur Bielefeld Stadtbibliothek free terms
'Aus der neueren mathematischen Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre' Florian Seiffert ... HBZ , Stand: 10.10.2003

78. Economic Research Library, University Of Minnesota
Press, 1998. 368p. (338.5 C626). cramer, harald. The elements of probability theoryand some of its applications. New York Wiley, 1955. 281p. (519.2 C888).
Welcome to the University of Minnesota's
Economics Research Library
July 1998
BOOKS Annual World Bank conference on development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1996 Barzel, Yoram. Economic analysis of property rights , 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 1997. 161p. (323.46 B296 2nd) Bertsekas, Dimitri P. Nonlinear programming . Belmont, MA: Athena Scientific, 1995. 646p. (519.76 B 552) Introduction to linear optimization Applied international trade analysis . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998. 654p. (382 B786) Finding statistics online : how to locate the elusive numbers you need, by Paula Berinstein. Medford, NJ: Information Today Inc., 1998. 356p. Reference The theory of learning in games . Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998. 276p. (519.3 F952) Ichiishi, Tatsuro. Microeconomic theory . Oxford: Blackwell, 1997. 441p. (338.001 I16) Kennedy, Peter. A guide to econometrics , 4th ed. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998. 468p. (330.0182 K36 4th) Kennedy, Peter.

79. Cramer_Harald
Carl harald Cramér. Born 25 Sept 1893 in Stockholm, Sweden Died 5 Oct 1985 inStockholm, Sweden. harald Cramér entered the University of Stockholm in 1912.
Born: 25 Sept 1893 in Stockholm, Sweden
Died: 5 Oct 1985 in Stockholm, Sweden Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Marcel Riesz
. Also influenced by G H Hardy On a class of Dirichlet series.
analytic number theory
, and he addressed the Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians in 1922 on Contributions to the analytic theory of numbers x y to the equation ax by c , where a b c are fixed integers. Note that if a b = 1 then the question of whether this equation has a solution for all c is Goldbach's conjecture , while if a b c = 2, then the question about prime solutions to x y Eratosthenes to the mid 1990s in [4]. It was not only through his work on number theory probability theory . He also had a second job, namely as an actuary with the Svenska Life Assurance Company. This led him to study probability and statistics which then became the main area of his research. In 1927 he published an elementary text in Swedish Probability theory and some of its applications.

80. Cramer_Harald
Biography of harald Cramér (18931985) Carl harald Cramér. Born 25 Sept 1893 in Stockholm, Sweden Main index. harald Cramér entered the University of Stockholm in 1912
Born: 25 Sept 1893 in Stockholm, Sweden
Died: 5 Oct 1985 in Stockholm, Sweden Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Marcel Riesz
. Also influenced by G H Hardy On a class of Dirichlet series.
analytic number theory
, and he addressed the Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians in 1922 on Contributions to the analytic theory of numbers x y to the equation ax by c , where a b c are fixed integers. Note that if a b = 1 then the question of whether this equation has a solution for all c is Goldbach's conjecture , while if a b c = 2, then the question about prime solutions to x y Eratosthenes to the mid 1990s in [4]. It was not only through his work on number theory probability theory . He also had a second job, namely as an actuary with the Svenska Life Assurance Company. This led him to study probability and statistics which then became the main area of his research. In 1927 he published an elementary text in Swedish Probability theory and some of its applications.

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