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         Cramer Harald:     more books (35)
  1. The Elements of Probability Theory and Some of Its Applications by Harald Cramer, 1955-01-01
  3. The Elements of Probability Theory by Harald; B518 Cramer, 1962-01-01
  4. Aus der neueren mathematischen Wahrscheinlichkeitlehre. by Harald Cramer, 1959
  5. The Elements of Probability Theroy and Some of Its Applications by Harald Cramer, 1955
  6. The Elements of Probability Theory by Harald Cramer, 1958-01-01
  7. Random Variables and Probability Distributions No 36 by Harald Cramer, 1937
  8. The Elements of ProbabilityTheory by Harald Cramer, 1966
  9. Random variables and probability distributions (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics;no.36) by Harald Cramer, 1961
  10. Stationary and Related Stochastic Processes by Harald Cramer, M.R. Leadbetter, 1967-03
  11. The Elements of Probability Theory by Harald Cramer, 1961-01-01
  12. Probability and Statistics; the Harald Cramér Volume by ulf grenander, 1959-01-01
  13. The Elements of Probability Theory (Wiley Publications in Statistics) by Harald Cramer, 1965
  14. Aus der neueren mathematischen Wahrscheinlichkeitlehre. by Harald Cramer,

21. Harald Cramer | Hauptschule Altenahr | StayFriends | Die Freunde-Suchmaschine
Translate this page harald cramer. Mit harald Kontakt aufnehmen Anmeldung erforderlich. Wenn das nichtharald ist, den Sie gesucht haben, suchen Sie hier nach ähnlichen Namen.
Hauptmenü Schulen Personen Log in Harald Cramer Mit Harald Kontakt aufnehmen Anmeldung erforderlich Wenn das nicht Harald ist, den Sie gesucht haben, suchen Sie hier nach ähnlichen Namen. Harald hat hier die Schulbank gedrückt Abschlussjahr Hauptschule Altenahr
Rheinland-Pfalz, Altenahr Ehemalige (Auszug) Hauptschule Altenahr Abschlussjahrgang 1983 Abgangsklasse Hans-Peter Schoenenberg Hinterlegtes Profil Letzter Besuch Aktuelles Bild nein Bild von damals nein Klassenfoto nein Postfach ja Kontakt möglich ja Homepage Link nein Wenn Sie dieselbe Klasse oder dieselbe Schule wie Harald besucht haben, dann tragen Sie sich doch gleich hier in die Ehemaligenliste mit ein. Kostenlos und ohne weitere Verpflichtungen: Tragen Sie sich ein Rheinland-Pfalz Anderes Bundesland wählen Altenahr Andere Stadt wählen Hauptschule Altenahr Andere Schule wählen Anrede Frau Herr Vorname Nachname Nachname
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22. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : CRA
CRAM (Donald J.) Photo 1; cramer (Gabriel) Painting 1 Drawing 1;cramer (harald) Photo 1; cramer (Johann)(17711858) Painting 1; cramer
CRA A B C D ... Z
  • CRAANEN (Theodore)
  • CRABB (Earl Frederick)(1899-1986)
  • CRABBE (Buster)
  • CRABBE (George)(1754-1832)
  • CRABTREE (Lotta)(1847-1924)
  • CRACIUNESCU (Iona)(1950-)
  • CRADOCK (Sir Christopher, admiral
  • CRAFT (Ian Logan)(1937-)
  • CRAFTS (James Mason)(1839-1917)
  • CRAGGS THE ELDER (James)(1657-1721)
  • CRAGGS THE YOUNGER (James)(1686-1721)
  • CRAIG (Edward Gordon)(1872-1966)
  • CRAIG (James)
  • CRAIG (James, general
    • CRAIG (Malin)
        Photo (E)
    • CRAIG (Nell)
    • CRAIG (Colonel P.)
    • CRAIGG (Howard A., general
        Group photo (in 1951, 3rd from right)
    • CRAIGIE (L. C., general
        Group photo (in 1948, right)
    • CRAIK (Dinah Maria)(1826-1887)
    • CRAIN (Jeanne)
    • CRAM (Donald J.)
    • CRAMER (Gabriel)
    • CRAMER (Harald)
    • CRAMER (Johann)(1771-1858)
    • CRAMER (John Anthony)(1793-1848)
    • CRAMER (Wilhelm)(1746-1799)
    • CRAMPTON (Barbara)
    • CRAMPTON (Victoire, Lady)(1837-1871)
      • CRANACH THE ELDER (Lucas)(1472-1553)
          Painting (in 1550)/
      • CRANBROOK (Gathorne GATHORNE-HARDY, 1st earl of)(1814-1906)

23. Papel De La Estadística En La Investigación Científica -
Translate this page Ciudad de la Habana. 1987. cramer, harald. Métodos Matemáticos de Estadística.Madrid. Aguilar. 1968. Freund, John E. Estadística Elemental Moderna.
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  • Desarrollo
  • status Desarrollo y o L. Saunders and R. Fleming. Mathematics and Statistics. London, The Pharmaceutical Press. 1966. Wilks, S.S. Elementary Statical Analysis. Princeton University Press. 1958. Tatiana Leyva Estrada Volver al inicio Volver arriba Política de Privacidad y Contenido ... Contáctenos
    © Lucas Morea / Sinexi S.A.

    24. IMS Fellows
    Cornfield, Jerome Cover, Thomas M. Cox, David Cox, Gertrude M. Cox, Theodore J.Craig, Allen T. Craig, Cecil C. cramer, harald Crathorne, AR Cressie, Noel AC
    IMS Awards Carver Medal Laha Travel Awards IMS Awards Recipients ... Awards Recipients Honored IMS Fellows (through 2003) Current IMS Members are shown in bold below (updated July 2003). A Adler, Robert J.
    Aitchison, John
    Aitken, Alexander C.
    Akaike, Hirotugu
    Akritas, Michael G.
    Alam, Khursheed
    Albert, Arthur E.
    Aldous, David
    Alexander, Kenneth S.
    Allen, Roy G. D.
    Andersen, Erik Sparre Anderson, Oskar Anderson, Richard L. Anderson, Theodore W. Anscombe, Francis J. Antoniadis, Anestis Arjas, Elja Armitage, Peter Arnold, Barry C. Arnold, Kenneth J. Arratia, Richard

    25. Cramer's Boganmeldelser
    Af Michael cramer Andersen. Perioden kaldes Københavns guldalder og personerneder skildres er bl.a. filosofferne harald Høffding og Jørgen Jørgensen
    Boganmeldelser Af Michael Cramer Andersen . Trykt i Gamma Gamma 120, dec 2000:
    Redaktion Mogens Bencard
    274 sider. Illustreret, kr. 249,- Gyldendal
    Gamma 115, okt 1999:
    Boganmeldelse: Bogen om Grundstofferne
    Af H. Henriksen og E. Pawlik
    Gyldendal Uddannelse,
    240 sider illustreret, kr. 451,25.
    Ny bog om grundstofferne kerner isotoper superflydende vinduesrammerne o Gamma 114, jun 1999:
    Roskilde Universitets Forlag,
    276 sider illustreret, kr. 295. polyteknikere teoretisk fysik Gamma 112, dec 1998: 216 sider illustreret, Regnbuer, lyn og selvlysende dyr... o o Gamma 109, apr 1998: Boganmeldelse: Stedet som ikke er Aschehoug 1997, 258 s., 198 kr.

    26. Estadístics I Matemàtics
    harald cramer (1893 1985) - Matemàtic i químic. Sir Ronald Fisher (1890 - 1962)- Astrònom, matemàtic. harald cramer (1893 - 1985) - Matemàtic i químic.
    Altres laboratoris Glossaris Personatges Notícies de casos ... Models de simulació
    Matemàtics i estadístics Els següents matemàtics i estadístics apareixen a un o varis àmbits del batxillerat: matemàtiques, estadística, física, electrònica, electrotècnia, mecànica i tecnologia. Químics i biòlegs, físics i científics relacionats amb la tecnologia apareixen en llistes a part. Malgrat tot, cal considerar que, sobre tot antigament, la majoria de personatges tenien activitats pluridisciplinars i es fa difícil de classificar-los. Hem optat per fer-ho segons els temes en que apareixen als llibres de text. Thales de mileto (640 - 560 A.C) - Matemàtic
    Pitàgores (570 - 480 A.C) - Matemàtic

    Arquímides (287 - 212 A.C) - Matemàtic

    Franciscus Vieta (1540 -1603) - Matemàtic
    ... [TOP]

    27. Degreewise Alumni List Of ISI
    1977 Top of DSc Honoris Causa cramer, harald. 1978 Top of DSc HonorisCausa DESAI, MORARJI RANCHHODJI KANTAROVICH, LEONID VITAL EVICH.
    LIST OF DEGREE / DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE RECIPIENTS OF ISI Yearwise List ISI Home page ISI Alumni Association page Advanced Diploma in CS ...
    Statistician's Field Survey Diploma
    DSc Honoris Causa
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    SHEWHART, WALTER A. Top of DSc Honoris Causa

    28. Dutch Publications
    27. Gabriel cramer, harald Cramér en Jan Salomon cramer alle drieveel in hun mars, AENORM, 2002, 10 (37), 2529. Karl Pearson

    29. Alibris: Harald Cramer
    Alibris Click here to find books by this author! cramer, Dennis ~ cramer, Don ~ cramer, Duncan ~ cramer, Edith ~ cramer, Esther R.~ cramer, Friedrich ~ cramer, Gail L. ~ cramer, harald Cramér, harald cramer, Harald
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    Browse for author " Harald Cramer " matched 6 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 1 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price Mathematical Methods of Statistics more books like this by Cramer, Harald In this classic of statistical mathematical theory, Harald Cramer joins the two major lines of development in the field: while British and American statisticians were developing the science of statistical inference, French and Russian probabilitists transformed the classical calculus of probability into a rigorous and pure mathematical theory. The... buy used: from buy new: from more books like this by Cramer, Harold, and Cramber, Harald

    30. Your Search Results At Zubal Books
    $20.00. Add to BookBag, cramer, harald, MR Leadbetter. Stationary and RelatedStochastic Processes. Sample Function Properties and their Applications.

    31. Title Kempe S Engineers Year Book Imprint London Morgan
    Edward T; Title An introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variableImprint Oxford Clarendon Press Author cramer, harald; Title The
    Title : Kempe's engineers year book Imprint : London : Morgan Title : Kempe's engineers year book Imprint : London : Morgan Title : Huette : des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch Imprint : Berlin : Ernst Title : The shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Conference : Rydberg Centennial Conference on Atomic Spectroscopy, Lund Title : Rydberg centennial conference on atomic spectroscopy : proceedings, Lund, Norway, 1-5 July 1954 Imprint : Lund : Gleerup Author : American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia. Title : Book of ASTM standards, including tentatives Imprint : Philadelphia Author : Association Française de Normalisation. Paris. Title : Documentation Imprint : Paris Author : Atomic Energy Commission. Washington. Title : Atoms for peace Imprint : Geneva Author : Atomic Energy of Canada. Chalk River. Title : Table of complete elliptic integrals Imprint : Chalk River, Ontario : A.E.C.L. Author : Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Harwell. Title : Issue 2 Imprint : Harwell Author : Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upton. Title : Bibliography on machine computation, 1945-1955 Imprint : Upton Author : La Nef. Paris. Title : L'atome, notre destin Imprint : Paris Author : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Los Alamos. Title : Series of lectures on physics of ionized gases Imprint : Los Alamos Author : Mullard Ltd. London. Components division. Title : Mullard Ferroxcube Imprint : London Author : National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.. Title : Tables of sines and cosines for radian arguments Imprint : Washington Series : Applied mathematics series, 43 Author : National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.. Title : Experiments in the computation of conformal maps Imprint : Washington, D.C. Series : N.B.S. applied mathematics series, 42 Author : National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.. Title : Tables of the descending exponential x = 2,5 to x = 10 Imprint : Washington, D.C. Series : N.B.S. applied mathematics series, v.46 Author : National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.. Title : Table of the descending exponential x=2,5 to x=10 Imprint : Washington Series : N.B.S. applied mathematics series, 46 Author : National Physical Laboratory. Teddington. Title : Tables of Weber parabolic cylinder functions : giving solutions of the differential equation d2y/dx2 + (1/4x2-a)y=0 Imprint : London : H.M.S.O. Author : Società Italiana di Fisica. Bologna. Title : Sunti delle communicazioni, Pisa, 12-18 June 1955 Imprint : Pisa Author : Societa Italiana di Fisica. Title : Conferenza Internationale sulle particelle elementari : proceedings, Pisa, Italy, 12-18 Giugno 1955 Imprint : Milano Author : Université de Grenoble. Grenoble. Title : Cours de moyens de calcul Imprint : Grenoble Author : Blackwood, Oswald H; Title : An outline of atomic physics. - 3rd ed Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Bösch, Karl; Title : Méthode de montage HB pour conduites de descente et de ventilation Imprint : Zürich Author : Bruhat, Georges; Title : Optique. - 4e éd Imprint : Paris : Masson Author : Charlot, Gaston; Title : Analyse quantitative minérale. - 3e éd Imprint : Paris : Masson Author : Copson, Edward T; Title : An introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Author : Cramer, Harald; Title : The elements of probability theory and some of its applications Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Denis-Papin, Maurice; Title : Electrotechnique générale. - 4e éd Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Denis-Papin, Maurice; Title : Mathématiques générales. - 5e éd Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Deribere, Maurice; Title : Les applications pratiques de la luminescence. - 3e éd Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Dieudonné, Jean Alexandre; Title : La géométrie des groupes classiques Imprint : Berlin : Springer Series : Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 5 Reihe. Gruppentheorie Author : Erdélyi, Arthur; Title : Higher transcendental functions Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Evans, Robley D; Title : The atomic nucleus Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Fermi, Laura; Title : Atomes en famille : mon existence avec Enrico Fermi. - 9e éd Imprint : Paris : Gallimard Author : Frazer, Robert A; Title : Elementary matrices and some applications to dynamics and differential equations Imprint : Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press Author : Gillespie, Robert Pollock; Title : Integration. - 6th ed Imprint : Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd Author : Glasford, Glenn M; Title : Fundamentals of television engineering Imprint : New York : Toronto Author : Goubau, Georg; Title : Elektromagnetische Wellenleiter und Hohlräume Imprint : Stuttgart : Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges. Author : Graham, A Kenneth; Title : Electroplating engineering handbook... Imprint : New York : Reinhold Author : Gröber, Heinrich; Title : Die Grundgesetze der Wärmeübertragung. - 3.Aufl Imprint : Berlin : Springer Author : Guggenheim, Edward A; Title : Physicochemical calculations Imprint : Amsterdam : North-Holland Author : Halliday, David; Title : Introductory nuclear physics. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Hobson, Ernest W; Title : The theory of spherical and ellipsoidal harmonics Imprint : New York : Chelsea Author : Hornung, Walter; Title : Handbuch der Agfa-Photopapiere Imprint : Düsseldorf : Knapp Author : Jackson, Leonard Cecil; Title : Low temperature physics. - 4th ed Imprint : London : Methuen Author : Jauch, Josef Maria; Title : The theory of photons and electrons : the relativistic quantum field theory of charged particles with spin one-half. - 1st ed Imprint : Cambridge, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Kaplan, Irving; Title : Nuclear physics. - 1st ed Imprint : Cambridge, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Koenigsberger, F; Title : Technique du bati soudé Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Kohlrausch, F; Title : Praktische Physik zum Gebrauch für Unterricht, Forschung und Technik Imprint : Stuttgart : Teubner Author : Korff, Serge A; Title : Electron and nuclear counters : theory and use. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : Greenwood Author : Lea, Douglas Edward; Title : Actions of radiations on living cells. - 2nd ed Imprint : Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press Author : Lichnerowicz, André; Title : Algèbre et analyse linéaires. - 2e éd Imprint : Paris : Masson Author : Martin, Thomas L; Title : Electronic circuits Imprint : Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall Author : Menzel, Donald H; Title : Fundamental formulas of physics. - 1st ed Imprint : New York : Prentice-Hall Author : Milne-Thomson, Louis Melville; Title : Theoretical hydrodynamics. - 3rd ed Imprint : London : Macmillan Author : Motte, Michel R; Title : Lexique général des transistors : caractéristiques de tous les transistors et schémas d'utilisation Imprint : Paris : Dufour Author : Panofsky, Wolfgang K H; Title : Classical electricity and magnetism. - 1st ed Imprint : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Pauli, Wolfgang; Title : Niels Bohr and the development of physics Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : Pauli, Wolfgang; Title : Niels Bohr and the development of physics Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : Peifer, J; Title : Quantum theory of solids Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Author : Perry, Charles C; Title : The strain gage primer Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Pfohl, Ernst; Title : Brockhaus Bildwörterbuch, Deutsch-Französisch. - 30. Aufl Imprint : Wiesbaden : Brockhaus Author : Pototskaya, V V; Title : French-Russian dictionary Imprint : Moscow Author : Rado, Tibor; Title : Continous transformations in analysis : with an introduction to algebraic topology Imprint : Berlin : Springer Series : Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Bd.75 Author : Reddick, Harry W; Title : Advanced mathematics for engineers. - 3rd ed Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Richards, Richard Kohler; Title : Arithmetic operations in digital computers Imprint : New York : Van Nostrand Author : Richtmyer, Floyd K; Title : Introduction to modern physics. - 5th ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Rothe, Horst; Title : Hochvakuum-Elektronenröhren, Bd. 1 Imprint : Frankfurt a/M. : Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Author : Rouault, Marcel; Title : Physique atomique Imprint : Paris : Colin Author : Scarborough, James B; Title : Numerical mathematical analysis. - 3rd ed Imprint : Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Univ. Author : Schiff, Leonard Isaac; Title : Quantum mechanics. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Schmeidler, Werner; Title : Integralgleichungen mit Anwendungen in Physik und Technik, Teil 1. - 2. Aufl Imprint : Leipzig : Geest und Portig Series : Mathematik und ihre Angwendungen in Physik und Technik Reihe A, Bd. 22 Author : Schweber, Silvan S; Title : Mesons and fields Imprint : Evanston, Ill : Row and Peterson Author : Schweber, Silvan S; Title : Mesons and fields Imprint : Evanston, Ill : Row and Peterson Author : Sturrock, P A; Title : Static and dynamic electron optics : an account of focusing in lens, deflector and accelerator Imprint : Cambridge : Univ. Press Author : Taton, René; Title : Causalités et accidents de la découverte scientifique : illustration de quelques étapes caractéristiques de l'évolution des sciences Imprint : Paris : Masson Author : Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre; Title : Le phénomène humain Imprint : Paris : Le Seuil Author : Terman, Frederick Emmons; Title : Electronic and radio engineering. - 4th ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Thompson, Robert W; Title : Hyperons and heavy mesons : the uncharged particles Imprint : Bloomington : Indiana Univ. Author : Tonnelat, Marie-Antoinette; Title : La théorie du champ unifié d'Einstein et quelques-uns de ses développements Imprint : Paris : Gautier-Villars Series : Les grands problèmes de la science, 4 Author : Von Engel, Alfred Hans; Title : Ionized gases. - 1st ed Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Author : Von Neumann, John; Title : Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics Imprint : Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press Series : Investigations in physics, 2 Author : Ware, Lawrence A; Title : Communication circuits. - 3rd ed Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Wendt, Gerald; Title : L'énergie nucléaire et ses utilisations pacifiques Imprint : Paris : Unesco Series : L'Unesco et son programme, 14 Author : Wirth, Marcel; Title : Le choix des prestations dans les caisses de retraite Imprint : Lausanne : Payot Author : Yarwood, John; Title : High vacuum technique : theory, practice, industrial applications and properties of materials. - 3rd ed Imprint : London : Chapman and Hall Author : Ziller, A; Title : Méthodes de différentiation et d'intégration numériques (applications) Imprint : Paris : Service de documentation et d'information technique de l'aéronautique Series : Publications scientifiques et techniques du ministère de l'air

    32. Title Huette Des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch Imprint Berlin
    UPW Author Craggs, John Drummond; Title High voltage laboratory technique Imprint London Butterworth Author cramer, harald; Title Mathematical
    Title : Huette : des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch Imprint : Berlin : Ernst Title : Smithsonian physical tables Imprint : Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press Title : Nucleonics Imprint : New York Author : American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia. Title : Yearbook : List of members; alphabetical, geographical, technical committees; information and data Imprint : Philadelphia Author : Brown Boveri. Baden. Title : Mitteilungen : Gesamt-Inhaltsverzeichnis für das Jahrzehnt 1945 bis 1954, Bd.32-41 Imprint : Baden Author : Fédération Internationale de Documentation. La Haye. Title : Extensions and corrections to the UDC Imprint : The Haye Author : Gevaert. Antwerpen. Title : Préparations chimiques et formules Imprint : Anvers Author : Hachette. Paris. Service bibliographique. Title : Liste des vedettes matières Biblio. - 1ère éd Imprint : Paris Author : National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.. Title : Table of Lagrangian coefficients for sexagesimal interpolation Imprint : Washington Series : N.B.S. applied mathematics series, 35 Author : Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tenn.. Title : Tables of the Racah coefficients Imprint : Oak Ridge, Tenn. : ORNL Author : Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tenn.. Title : Revised Z tables of the Racah coefficients Imprint : Oak Ridge, Tenn. : ORNL Author : Organisation Internationale de Normalisation. Genève. Title : Système international pour la translitteration des caractères cyrilliques Imprint : Geneva Series : ISO Projet de recommandation no 6, annexes Author : Physical Society. London. Title : Handbook of scientific instruments and apparatus Imprint : London Author : Royal Society of London. London. Title : A short table for Bessel functions of integer orders and large arguments Imprint : Cambridge : University Press Series : Royal Society shorter mathematical tables, 3 Author : Shell. Houston. Title : Tables for the transformation of angular distribution data from the laboratory system to the center of mass system Imprint : Oak Ridge : A.E.C. Author : University of California. Berkeley. Radiation Laboratory. Title : Particle accelerators Imprint : Berkeley Author : Belluzzi, Odone; Title : Scienza delle costruzioni Imprint : Bologna : Zanichelli Author : Birks, John Bettely; Title : Scintillation counters Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : Bohr, Aage; Title : Rotational states of atomic nuclei Imprint : København : Munksgaard Author : Bourbaki, Nicolas; Title : Eléments de mathématique Imprint : Paris : Hermann Series : Actualités scientifiques et industrielles, 1141, 1212, 1243, 1258 Author : Bruining, Hajo; Title : Physics and applications of secondary electron emission Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : Bush, George Pollock; Title : Bibliography on research administration Imprint : Washington : UPW Author : Craggs, John Drummond; Title : High voltage laboratory technique Imprint : London : Butterworth Author : Cramer, Harald; Title : Mathematical methods of statistics Imprint : Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press Series : Princeton mathematical series, 9 Author : Dean, Gordon; Title : Report on the atom : what you should know about atomic energy Imprint : London : Eyre and Spottiswoode Author : Erdélyi, Arthur; Title : Tables of integral transforms Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Erdélyi, Arthur; Title : Tables of integral transforms Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Gaudiot, P; Title : Algèbre et analyse. - 5e éd Imprint : Paris : Eyrolles Author : Gentner, Wolfgang; Title : An atlas of typical expansion chamber photograhs Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : Gevaert, S A; Title : Surfaces sensibles pour les arts graphiques Imprint : Anvers Author : Gowers, Ernst Arthur; Title : The complete plain words. - 1st ed Imprint : London : H.M.S.O. Author : Hardy, Godfrey Harold; Title : An introduction to the theory of numbers. - 3rd ed Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Author : Heitler, Walter; Title : The quantum theory of radiation. - 3rd ed Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Author : Hollaender, Alexander; Title : Radiation biology, v.1-3 Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Hund, Friedrich; Title : Materie als Feld : eine Einführung Imprint : Berlin : Springer Author : Hyslop, James Morton; Title : Infinite series. - 5th ed Imprint : Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd Author : Ingham, Herbert; Title : The Metco metallizing handbook. - 6th ed Imprint : Westbury, N.Y. : Metallizing Engineering Author : Johnsen, Kjell; Title : On the theory of the linear accelerator Imprint : Bergen : A.S.J. Grieg Author : Lewis, Ian A D; Title : Millimicrosecond pulse techniques. - 1st ed Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : L'Hermite, Robert; Title : Résistance des matériaux théorique et expérimentale, T.1 Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Livingston, Milton Stanley; Title : High energy accelerators Imprint : New York : Interscience Author : London, Fritz; Title : Superfluids, v.2 Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Mandl, Franz; Title : Quantum mechanics. - 1st ed Imprint : London : Butterworth Author : McCrea, William Hunter; Title : Relativity physics. - 4th ed Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Nixon, Floyd E; Title : Principles of automatic controls Imprint : New York : Prentice-Hall Author : Oppenheimer, J Robert; Title : In the matter of ... Imprint : Washington : Government Printing Office Author : Pierce, John Robinson; Title : Theory and design of electron beams. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : Van Nostrand Author : Ridenour, Louis Nicot; Title : Modern physics for the engineer Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Roark, Raymond Jefferson; Title : Formulas for stress and strain. - 3rd ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Rotblat, Joseph; Title : Atomic energy : a survey Imprint : London : Taylor and Francis Author : Say, Maurice G; Title : Magnetic amplifiers and saturable reactors Imprint : London : Newnes Author : Sommerfeld, Arnold; Title : Optics Imprint : New York : Academic Press Series : Lectures on theoretical physics, v.4 Author : Soroka, Walter W; Title : Analog methods in computation and simulation Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Starkey, B J; Title : Laplace transforms for electrical engineers Imprint : London : Iliffe Author : Strandberg, Malcolm W; Title : Microwave spectroscopy Imprint : London : Methuen Author : Timoshenko, Stephen P; Title : Résistance des matériaux. - 1 éd Imprint : Paris : Béranger Author : Timoshenko, Stephen P; Title : Théorie des vibrations à l'usage des ingénieurs Imprint : Paris : Béranger Author : Tsien, H S; Title : Engineering cybernetics Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Vogt, Henri; Title : Solutions des exercices proposés dans les éléments de mathématiques supérieures. - 8e éd Imprint : Paris : Vuibert Author : Wax, Nelson; Title : Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes Imprint : New York : Dover Author : Whittaker, Edmund Taylor; Title : A treatise on the analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies : with an introduction to the problem of three bodies. - 4th ed Imprint : New York : Dover

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    39. Encyclopedia4U - Harald Cramér - Encyclopedia Article
    harald Cramér. harald Cramér (September 25, 1893 October 5, 1985) was a Swedishmathematician and statistician, specialised in mathematical statistics.
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    Harald Cramér
    Harald Cramér September 25 October 5 ) was a Swedish mathematician and statistician , specialised in mathematical statistics . Cramér also did some outstanding statistical contributions to the distribution of primes and twin primes. See also: Cramér's conjecture
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