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         Couturat Louis:     more books (52)
  1. De L'Infini Mathématique. by Louis Couturat, 2006-09-13
  2. De L'Infini Mathematique. by Louis. Couturat, 1896
  3. De L' Infini Mathematique (French Edition) by LOUIS COUTURAT, 2010-02-22
  4. International-English Dictionary by Louis Couturat, Otto Jespersen, Louis Beaufront, 2008-08-21
  5. The Algebra Of Logic by Couturat Louis 1868-1914, 2010-09-29
  6. Histoire De La Langue Universelle (1903) (French Edition) by Louis Couturat, Leopold Leau, 2010-09-10
  7. Les Principes Des Mathematiques (1905) (French Edition) by Louis Couturat, Immanuel Kant, 2010-09-10
  8. Les Principes Des Mathematiques (1905) (French Edition) by Louis Couturat, Immanuel Kant, 2010-09-10
  9. De L'Infini Mathematique (Research & Source Works Series #262, Science Classics #1) by Louis Couturat, 1969
  10. L'artificio della lingua: Louis Couturat, 1868-1914 (Epistemologia) (Italian Edition) by Ubaldo Sanzo, 1991
  11. La Logique de Leibniz by Louis COUTURAT, 1961
  12. De L'infini Mathématique (French Edition) (2010 Reprint) by Louis Couturat, 2010-01-26
  13. Les Principes Des Mathématiques: Avec Un Appendice Sur La Philosophie Des Mathématiques De Kant (French Edition) (2010 Reprint) by Louis Couturat, 2010-01-26
  14. La Logique De Leibniz D'après Des Documents Inédits (French Edition) (2010 Reprint) by Louis Couturat, 2010-01-26

41. Dinsdag 15 Oktober 2002, Lezing In 't Bungehuis, Voor Het Vak "Interlinguïstiek
Ter gelegenheid van de Wereldtentoonstelling in Parijs, in 1900, instigeerden LéopoldLeau en louis couturat de stichting van de Delegatie ter Adoptie van
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
IDO, de internationale taal
  • Onstaansgeschiedenis van het Ido Iets over Louis Couturat Geschiedenis van het Ido
  • Snel bleek duidelijk dat er zich een voorkeur aftekende ten gunste van die talen, die gebruik maakten van de internationale elementen, in plaats van willekeurig gekozen woorden. Zo kwam men tot een beperking van talen van de groep, waarvan Esperanto, Neutral, Novilatin en Universal de meest bekende waren. Deze talen kwamen in aanmerking als vertrekpunt (basis), om te komen tot de internationale taal. Esperanto en Neutral waren de best bedachte en uitgewerkte talen. Voor Neutral pleitte het natuurlijk alfabet zonder lettertekens (Esperanto was de enige taal die dit aan de wereld durfde te bieden), en de natuurlijke woordkeuze. Voor Esperanto pleitte de vermijding van dubbelzinnigheden, minder grove en ongracieuze woordvormen en de makkelijke leerbaarheid van de taal door middel van de verschillende woorduitgangen en geklassicifeerde woordstammen, en bovendien de welluidendheid van de taal. Tijdens de laatste zitting was het anonieme projekt Ido onderwerp van discussie, welk door Couturat naar voren was gebracht, in plaats van door de werkelijke auteur. Het was een soort Esperanto, waarin alle bezwaren tegen het Esperanto in acht waren genomen. Echter, ook Ido in deze vorm werd niet goedgekeurd.

    42. Preguntas Y Respuestas - La Lengua Auxiliar Internacional Ido
    Translate this page Entre aquellos que elaboraron el Ido, se incluían el Prof. louis couturat, louisde Beaufront, el Prof. Otto Jespersen, el Prof. Richard Lorenz, el Prof.
    La lengua internacional Ido
    Preguntas y respuestas
    • Ido
    • La lengua internacional Ido Ido Ido sobre el Esperanto).
    • Ido
    • El Dr. L. L. Zamenhof Ido Prof. Louis Couturat Louis de Beaufront , el Prof. Otto Jespersen , el Prof. Richard Lorenz , el Prof Wilhelm Ostwald
    • Ido
    • Ido
      ciertamente funciona! Ido el mismo nivel de habilidad. El Ido
    • Ido
    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
    • Ido
    • th z castellana, o la ch alemana o j Ido . Las vocales a e i o y u b siempre labial ( barro beso vida vocal buzo c que siempre es como el ts de Leibniz pizza (italiano); la g es siempre como en gato guerra guitarra gota gula h j J es como la j en je s y o la ll de los argentinos y uruguayos en yo llave cabello; r como en caro y para , no como en ni petirrojo v haba , con un zumbido); z rose , o castellano musgo rasgo (zumbido).
    • Ido
    • Ido
    Ido Italiano Castellano Ruso altra autre ander altro otro outro other banko banque Bank banco banco banco bank bank etajo Etage storey etaj filtrar filtrer filtrieren filtrare filtrar filtrar to filter filtr gramatiko grammaire Gramatik grammatica grammatica grammar grammatika kavalo cheval cavallo caballo cavallo horse [cavalry] krano Krahn crane kran libera libre libero libre livre free [liberty] libro livre libro libro livro book [library] mento esprit [mental] Geist [Mentalitat] mente mente mente mind naciono nation Nation nazione nation nacia studiar studieren studiare estudiar estudar to study telefono Telephon telefono telephono telephone telefon yuna jeune jung giovane joven joven young yuniy
      No. A este respecto, el

    43. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals
    1910, book. 74, Michigan, couturat, louis De l infini mathématique. 667,1896, book. 75, Michigan, couturat, louis Les principes des mathématiques
    DML: Digital Mathematics Library
    Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
    Contains links to 1798 digitized books (> 311353 pages )
    and to 124 digitized journals (> 2403280 pages).

    (Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
    Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
    Local Copy
    A similar list is offered at The database for this table is an ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) list , which may be parsed by this PERL script
    If you want items to be added here, please send me the necessary data. Lists ordered by "Author name", "Title", or "Repository" are provided: (ordering by "Repository" gives a list of journals only. Sorting by "Author" gives lists only with those items - such as books - with an author entry.) Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type: Cornell Cahen, Eugene

    44. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals
    (by couturat, louis), 667, 1896, book. 42, Michigan, De meetkundigeplaats
    DML: Digital Mathematics Library
    Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
    Contains links to 1798 digitized books (> 311353 pages )
    and to 124 digitized journals (> 2403280 pages).

    (Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
    Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
    Local Copy
    A similar list is offered at The database for this table is an ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) list , which may be parsed by this PERL script
    If you want items to be added here, please send me the necessary data. Lists ordered by "Author name", "Title", or "Repository" are provided: (ordering by "Repository" gives a list of journals only. Sorting by "Author" gives lists only with those items - such as books - with an author entry.) Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type: Michigan Darstellende Geometrie, von Dr. Johannes Hjelmslev. Mit 305 Abbildungen im Text.

    45. Informations Généalogiques
    Translate this page et 1731 à , Fontenoy, YONNE. BARON, louis, Retour à la page principale. Retourà la page principale. couturat, Denis, Sexe Masculin Naissance entre .
    CAILLAT, Louis
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille CAILLAT - BARDOULA Mariage: BARDOULA, Jeanne
    CAILLAT, Edme
    BARILLOT, Jacques
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille BARILLOT - COLAS COLAS, Euphrasie
    BARILLOT, Pierre
    Sexe: Masculin
    BARJOT, Pierre
    MERLOT, Nicole BARJOT, Denis
    PAIN, Jeanne
    COTTIN, Jeanne Sexe: Masculin
    Famille BARJOT - MILLOT Mariage: MILLOT, Jean MILLOT, Edme LENOIR, Pierrette MILLOT, Claudine
    GUILLERAND, Nicolas
    GUILLERAND, Madeleine LIAU, Charlette BARJOT, Marguerite ... MERLOT, Nicole Sexe: Masculin Famille BARJOT - PAIN Mariage: PAIN, Jean BARJOT, Toussainte PAIN, Jeanne COTTIN, Pierre COTTIN, Jeanne BARJOT, Denis
    PETIT, Pierre Sexe: Masculin Famille PETIT - BARJOT BARJOT, Perrette PETIT, Pierre
    BARJOT, Pierre Sexe: Masculin Famille BARJOT - MERLOT MERLOT, Nicole
    CLOISEAU, Odin
    CLOISEAU, Lancelot GASNEAU, Roberte Sexe: Masculin Famille CLOISEAU - BARON Mariage: BARON, Didier Le Jeune CLOSEAU, Louise CLOISEAU, Philippe
    BARON, Mathieu
    ... HITIER, Jeanne BARON, Edme BREDEAU, Guillaume BREDEAU, Marguerite DUMONT, Marie Sexe: Masculin Famille BARON - SURUGUE Mariage: SURUGUE, Jacques

    46. Informations Généalogiques
    Translate this page ROGER, Jeanne, ROGER, louis(b), ROGER, louis, SURUGUE, Jacques, SURUGUE, Madeleine,Famille SURUGUE - couturat, Mariage 10 novembre 1767 à , Billy Sur Oisy, NIEVRE.
    JAILLARD?, Mary
    JAILLARD, Claude
    PARIGAUDET, Claude
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille JAILLARD - MORIER? Mariage: MORIER, Pierre
    BODEAU, Marie

    Famille JAILLARD - BARDOT Mariage: BARDOT, Etienne
    GIRAULT, Nicole

    Famille JAILLARD - VACHER Mariage: VACHER, Fiacre
    JAILLARD, Anne

    JAILLARD, Marie
    LABORDE, Denis
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille LABORDE - GAGNOT Mariage: GAGNOT, Claude HORRY, Gabrielle GAGNOT, Marie BONNOTTE, Marie Famille LABORDE - BENNARD BENNARD, Marie Anne Naissance : , Druyes Les Belles Fontai?, YONNE
    LOUZON, Jean
    LOUZON, Edme MOREAU, Etienne MOREAU, Jeanne Sexe: Masculin Famille LOUZON - GALLOUX Mariage: GALLOUX, Marguerite Famille LOUZON - CLERC Mariage: CLERC, Barbe
    LOUZON, Antoine
    LOUZON, Jeanne MOREAU, Etienne Famille MARTIGNON - LOUZON Mariage: MARTIGNON, Antoine Sexe: Masculin Famille CHAILLOUX - LOUZON Mariage: CHAILLOUX, Nicolas Sexe: Masculin
    MILLOT, Noel
    MILLOT, Charlotte LEDROIT, Anne Famille VICQ - MILLOT Mariage: Sexe: Masculin Famille MILLOT - MILLOT Mariage: MILLOT, Romain Sexe: Masculin MILLOT, Louis
    PAUTRAT, Jean
    PAUTRAT, Edme MILLOT, Reine PAUTRAT, Claude BARON, Philiberte

    47. Louis | *** Leben Mit Style - Wellness, Urlaub, Hobby, Freizeit
    Translate this page Montreuil F) Courron, louis, 09.04.1914 Sportler (Vandenesse F) Laufen Courtade,louis, 08.08.1848 Musiker (Paris F) couturat, louis Alexandre, 17.01.1868

    48. *** Leben Mit Style - Wellness, Urlaub, Hobby, Freizeit
    Translate this page Persönlichkeit Chéruel, Pierre Adolphe, 17.01.1809 Schriftsteller (Rouen F) Chretien,Joseph, 17.01.1873 Mediziner (Gracay F) couturat, louis Alexandre, 17.01

    49. Bibliography Of Planned Languages
    couturat, louis + Leau, Leopold Histoire de la langue universelle Paris LibrairieHachette, 1903, 1907 (576+ p.) Hildesheim Olms, 1979 (3rd edition) PM 8009
    Bibliography of Planned Languages (excluding Esperanto)
    edited by Richard K. Harrison
    Table of Contents
    0. Introduction
    1. Interlinguistics

    2. Volapuk

    3. Ido
    13. `a posteriori' Languages
    Introduction During the past three or four centuries, proposals for hundreds of planned languages have been published, and some of these projects have managed to attract a number of followers. Many of these language designs are very interesting from a linguistic, philosophical or psychological point of view. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to find information about planned langauges other than Esperanto. I have compiled this bibliography in hopes of making such information more accessible. Obtaining the materials listed here ranges from easy to nearly impossible, depending on the item. If a book or brochure is listed in this bibliography with a `call number,' i.e. a Dewey decimal number or Library of Congress classification number, that particular item is likely to be available via Inter-Library Loan; your local library will probably be able to obtain it for you if they participate in the Inter-Library Loan system. Older items can often be obtained by requesting photo-copies from other planned language enthusiasts. A handful of the items listed here are still in print and available from bookstores. Please inform me of significant errors or omissions so that future versions may be more complete and more useful. (I have not tried to copy every reference from every bibliography that has ever been published on this topic. For the most part, I have limited the items included here to those which could actually be obtained with a reasonable amount of effort, and those which are well-known or historically important within the constructed language milieu.) You can

    50. Aga Magera Difura
    couturat, louis/ Leau, Leopold (1979) Histoire de la langue universelle.Les nouvelles langues internationales. HildesheimNew York Olms.
    Aga Magera Difura. Dizionario delle lingue immaginarie. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1994. Pp. 478. Recenzata de Liu Haitao In: Language Problems and Language Planning. 1998.3. p. 288-290 Enciklopedio povas esti rigardata kiel marko de maturigho de la tereno au scienco, se tio konformas al la vero. Chu ni povas diri ke la recenzata vortaro au enciklopedio pri inventita lingvo estas grava al interlingvistiko, char la lingvistaro ofte konsideras ke la demandaro de planlingvo estas kerno de interlingvistiko(Schubert 1989, Blanke 1985). Por faciligi komprenon, la autoroj donas la klasifikan skemon pri inventita lingvo, kiu konsistas el "Sankta" kaj "Ne sankta" projekto. "Sankta" celas al religio au aliaj sekreta uzado. Lau celo de uzado, "Ne sankta" divideblas du klasojn: "komunikado" kaj "literaturo". En "komunikado" estas "internacia helpa lingvo" kaj "programada lingvo"..., el kiuj la "internacia helpa lingvo" jhuste estas planlingvo de interlingvistika signifo, ghis tie chi, la autoroj eksekvas la spuron de klasifiko de interlingvisto(Couturat/ Leau, 1979), kiel "a priori", "a posteriori" kaj "miksa". La autoroj ne distingas la inventitajn lingvojn lau ilia sociologia atingo, tiel vershajne al la leganto la planlingvo jam havanta lingvan uzantaron estas same grava kun la projekto nur vivanta en tirkesto de la kreanto. Ekzemple, la artikolo pri Esperanto nur simple tushas la aspekton kulturan de la lingvo, tiu chi tute ne reflektas la multfacetojn de Esperanto kiel vera homara lingvo.

    51. C Index
    de (121*) Cosserat, Eugène (278*) Cotes, Roger (313*) Coulomb, Charles de (95*)Courant, Richard (116*) Cournot, Antoine (515) couturat, louis (130) Cox
    Names beginning with C
    The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Cajori , Florian (85*)
    , Alberto (879*)

    of Novara (171)
    , John (74*)
    , Charles (61)
    , Francesco (104)
    , Georg (3100*)
    , Moritz (498*)
    y Lobkowitz, (227)
    , Constantin (267*) Carcavi , Pierre de (439) Cardan , Girolamo (2818*) Carlyle , Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare Carnot, Sadi Carroll , Lewis (266*) Carslaw , Horatio (525*) Cartan , Elie (406*) Cartan, Henri Cartwright , Dame Mary (110*) Cassels , John (418*) Casorati , Felice (95*) Cassini , Giovanni (309*) Castel , Louis (172) Castelnuovo , Guido (384*) Castigliano , Alberto (456) Castillon , Johann (162) Catalan Cataldi , Pietro (308) Cauchy , Augustin (2467*) Cavalieri , Bonaventura (565*) Cayley , Arthur (1158*) Cech , Eduard (465*) , Ernesto (186) Ceulen , Ludolph van (223) Ceva, Giovanni Ceva, Tommaso Ch'in Chiu-Shao (62) Ch'ung Chi Tsu Chandrasekhar , Subrahmanyan (236*) Chang , Sun-Yung (620*) Chaplygin , Serg (366*) Chapman , Sydney (792*) Chasles , Michel (154*) , Gabrielle du (154*) Chebotaryov , Nikolai (409*) Chebyshev , Pafnuty (255*) Chern , Shiing-shen (627*) Chevalley , Claude (369*) Chi Tsu Ch'ung (127*) Chisholm Young , Grace (112*) Chowla , Sarvadaman (819*) Christoffel , Elwin (1580*) Chrysippus Chrystal , George (2763*) Chu Shih-Chieh (80) Chuquet , Nicolas (299) Church , Alonzo (171*) Civita , Tullio Levi- (418*) Clairaut , Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron , Benoit (525*) Clarke , Samuel (284) Clausen , Thomas (357) Clausius , Rudolf (110*)

    52. Mathematics List Part 3
    couturat, louis De L Infini Mathematique. 667 pp. Felix Alcan. Paris 1896. spinefaded to tan.) MATH11616 $150.00. couturat, louis. De L Inifini Mathematique.
    Go back to Catalog Lists To inquire about any of these items contact us by e-mail at: Start of Math page 3.
    Mathematics List Page 3.
    Go To Math page
    Authors, Ch. thru Et.
    • Charlap, Leonard S. Bieberbach Groups and Flat Manifolds. 242 pp. Springer (1986) (Softcover) Very good condition. ( From the jacket: This book is an introduction to the theory of flat manifolds and their fundamental groups. ... ) MATH12860 $45.00
    • Chase, Stephen U.; Moss E. Sweedler. Hopf Algebras and Galois Theory. 133 pp. Springer 1969 ( 1969 ) ( Softcover ) Good condition. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 97 ) MATH13533 $40.00
    • Chateau, Paul Du. The Cauchy-Goursat Probllem. Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. #118(1972). 1972 VG Softbound MATH10149 $7.00
    • Global Analysis. 2 Vol. 367, 307 pp. American Mathematical Society. 1970 (1970) ( Hardback) Very good condition. (Proceedings of the Symposium in Pure Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society Held at the University of California Berkeley, California July 1 - 26, 1968) (Symposia Vol. XIV, XV. ) MATH12861 $125.00
    • Differential Geometry. Proceedings of a Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 2 Vol.

    53. Frege's Philosophical And Mathematical Correspondence (Chronologically)
    01.07.1899 louis couturat to Frege (II/1) 08.07.1899 louis couturat to Frege (II/2)14.11.1899 Moritz Pasch to Frege (XIII/3) 27.12.1899 Frege to David Hilbert
    Frege's Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence (Chronologically)
    The day.month.year is listed, then who the letter is to/from, and finally the reference number from McGuinness/Kaal.
    I have speculated as to the appropriate place of the seven undated letters. 29.08.1882 Frege to Anton Marty (XII/1)
    09.09.1882 Carl Stumpf to Frege (XVI/1) 24.05.1891 Frege to Edmund Husserl (VII/1)
    18.07.1891 Edmund Husserl to Frege (VII/2) after1891? Frege to Giuseppe Peano (XIV/1)
    30.01.1894 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/2)
    10.02.1894 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/3)
    11.02.1894 Moritz Pasch to Frege (XIII/1) 20.01.1895 L. Eugene Ballue to Frege (I/1)
    09.02.1895 L. Eugene Ballue to Frege (I/2)
    14.08.1895 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/4)
    01.10.1895 Frege to David Hilbert (IV/1)
    04.10.1895 David Hilbert to Frege (IV/2) 24.10.1895 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/5) 05.04.1896 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/6) 29.09.1896 Frege to Giuseppe Peano (XIV/7) 9/10?.1896 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/8) 03.10.1896 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/9) 14.10.1896 Giuseppe Peano to Frege (XIV/10)

    54. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
    Treffer pro Seite. UB Innsbruck. COVI, Carlo. couturat, louis. COWIE, Anthony P. COWEN,Roy C. . COWGILL, George Raymond - 1948. couturat, louis. COWIE, Anthony P.

    55. Biblioteca Da Faculdade De Economia Da UFF
    Translate this page Essais sur la philosophie des scienses analyse. Lógica e Fundamentos 5. 1900.couturat, louis. Les principes des mathématiques. Lógica e Fundamentos 5. 1905. aquisições OBRAS RARAS matriz
    Autor Ano BRIOT, C. A. WEBER, Henri APPEL, Paul FUBINI, Guido FUBINI, Guido Esereizi di analisi matematica GILBERTO, Philippe-Louis FREYANET, Charles Essais sur la philosophie des scienses: analyse COUTURAT, Louis SPIVAK, Michael Differential Geometry Geometria 3 Ano Localize pela entrada do Autor

    56. Solresol Language Profile
    Sudre, Jean Francois (17981866) Langue musicale universelle Paris 1866 (480+ p.)PM 8008 .S94 also described in couturat, louis Leau, Leopold Histoire de Resources

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    new! Roxhai Simpenga Sen:esepera Featured Languages Barsoomian Dunia E.W. English Furbish ... Tepa new! "How To" Newsletter Introduction Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 ... Issue 6
    See also Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 15:08:55 MDT From: "Martin R. Bartels" <martyb@vnet.IBM.COM> Subject: Solresol Does anyone know where a description of Solresol in either Esperanto or English (or both would be best - so I dream) of "Solresol" is available? For anyone totally unfamiliar with this planned language, it's Jean-Franc,ois Sudre's "Langue Musicale Universelle" (Solresol) - a language based on music. It is briefly mentioned in David Richardson's "Esperanto: Learning and Using the International Language" (p.27), and Mario Pei's booklet "Wanted: A World Language" (p.11-12), as well as others, I'm sure. Quoting from the latter source: This is as much as I know about Solresol, but I would like to know more - not really on any practical level (as with Esperanto, and possibly Lojban), but I really would like to know how this language was recorded in so many media, and perhaps someday I'd like to try to compose some music "which says something."

    57. The International Language Ido - Questions And Answers
    Those who worked on the elaboration of Ido included Prof. louis couturat, louisde Beaufront, Prof. Otto Jespersen, Prof. Richard Lorenz and Prof.
    The International Language Ido - Questions and Answers
    Why use an international language? The difficulty of understanding one another in a world of many languages is great. There are over 2500 languages in the world, and the major languages of Europe alone are more than most people learn in a lifetime, even if they have the necessary time and talent. We can break through language barriers by using a single language for all international contacts. How would an international language be used? As an auxiliary language, it is used beside existing languages, the continued existence of which is essential to the cultures and richness of the world. It provides a means of direct mutual understanding between people who would otherwise be unable to understand one another. What is the advantage of using a constructed language? There are several benefits. A constructed language can be made much easier than national languages, which have many difficulties. Secondly, if a national language were chosen for international use, its speakers and their culture would be favoured at the expense of others. Use of a national language could give an unreasonable advantage to one side or the other. A constructed language is also politically neutral. By learning an international language we meet each other halfway, instead of all the effort being made by those who do not already know the favoured language. Moreover, the simplicity of a constructed language makes it a useful stepping-stone towards learning of other languages.

    58. IPI 37
    En couturat, louis/ JESPERSEN, Otto/ LORENZ, Richard/ OSTWALD, Wilhelm/ PFAUNDLER,Leopold (1909) Weltsprache und Wissenschaft – Gedanken über die
    Informilo por Interlingvistoj
    11-a jaro (tria serio) ISSN 1385-2191 n-ro 37 (2/2001)
    Eldonata de Centro de Esploro kaj Dokumentado pri la Monda Lingvo-Problemo
    (UEA, Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL- 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Nederlando) Redaktoro: Detlev Blanke, Otto-Nagel-Str. 110, DE-12683 Berlin; tel. +49-30-5412633; fax +49-30-5456742; e-mail:
    1 Bibliografioj
    1.1 Wilhelm Ostwald pri la problemo de internacia lingvo (Detlev Blanke)
    1.1.1 Verkoj de Ostwald
    1.1.3 Studoj pri la sinteno de Wilhelm Ostwald al la problemo de mondolingvo
    1.2.1 Monografioj
    1.2.2 Periodaj bibliografioj kun interlingvistika materialo
    1.3 Bibliografio pri la historio de la Esperanto-komunumo (Detlev Blanke)
    1.4 Bibliografio pri la historio de GDREA (Detlev Blanke)
    2 Terminologio
    2.1 Terminologo aprezita: Forstista fakvortaro kun efiko eksteren 2.2 Fervojista terminologo en neesperantista esplorgrupo IpI informas pri interlingvistikaj aktivecoj kaj publicajhoj, inkluzive lingvo-politikaj. La redaktoro nur mencias materialojn, kiujn li ricevis en la originalo au kiel kopion. La bulteno estas bibliografie orientita, tamen ankau publikigas recenzojn, raportojn kaj aliajn materialojn. En chi tiu kajero vi trovos la enhavtabelojn de kelkaj tre interesaj lingvopolitikaj libroj, bedaurinde precipe germanlingvaj. Kompreneble ne nur en la germana oni verkas pri lingvopolitikaj temoj lige al la Europa Unio. Tiaj libroj ja ankau ekzistas en aliaj lingvoj. Bedaurinde la redaktoro ne estas sufiche informita pri similaj eldonajhoj en la angla, franca, itala k.s. Se li ricevos tiajn librojn, li same informos pri ili.

    59. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn
    Translate this page Carmichael, RD (1), Christoffel, Elwin Bruno (1), Courtenay, Edward Henry (1).Carmichael, Robert Daniel (1), Church, Albert E. (3), couturat, louis (7).
    LiNuM L ivres Nu mérisés M athématiques
    Cellule MathDoc
    Bibliothèque nationale de France - Collection Gallica Cornell University Library Digital Math Books Collection Michigan University Library Making of America and Historical Math Collection Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Mathematica
    Index auteurs (ouvrages en accès libre)
    Author index (books with free access)
    Abat, Bonaventure Allen, Joseph Appell, Paul Émile Abbott, Edwin Abbott ... von Lilienthal, Reinhold

    60. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn
    Translate this page Carroll, Lewis (1), Church, Albert E. (3), Courtenay, Edward Henry(1). Carslaw, HS (3), Chwistek, Leon (1), couturat, louis (7). Cartan
    LiNuM L ivres Nu mérisés M athématiques
    Cellule MathDoc
    Bibliothèque nationale de France - Collection Gallica Cornell University Library Digital Math Books Collection Michigan University Library Making of America and Historical Math Collection Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Mathematica
    Index auteurs / Authors index
    Abat, Bonaventure Allman, George Johnston ... von Lilienthal, Reinhold

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