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81. Vacuum History & Technology gustave de coriolis was born May 21, 1792 in Paris, France and diedSeptember 19, 1843. He is best remembered for his discovery http://www.mcallister.com/vacuum.html | |
82. Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gaspardgustave coriolis. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gaspard-gustavede coriolis (May 21, 1792- September 19, 1843), French engineer and scientist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaspard-Gustave_Coriolis | |
83. Coriolis Effect coriolis Effect coriolis effect is an inertial force described by the 19thcentury French engineer-mathematician gustave-Gaspard coriolis in 1835. http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/coriolis_effect.html | |
84. USATODAY.com In 1835, gustaveGaspard coriolis, a French scientist, first described mathematically what's going on, giving his name to the coriolis force http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wcorioli.htm |
85. Cours De Mécanique - Coriolis de http://isabtp.univ-pau.fr/~maron/mecanique/coriolis.htm | |
86. Effektkoefficienten mathématicien français gustave Gaspard coriolis, 1792 - 1843). http://www.windpower.org/fr/tour/wres/coriolis.htm | |
87. Projeto Ockham - Boatos Translate this page Tal força foi batizada em homenagem ao engenheiro e matemático francês, GaspardGustave de coriolis, que em 1835 descreveu as leis da mecânica para um http://www.projetoockham.org/boatos_coriolis_1.html | |
88. May_2q Translate this page Mercurio cráter Durer (Ø180km, 21.9N 119.0W) Asteroide 3104 Durer. GaspardGustave de coriolis (1792-1843) Matemático e ingeniero francés. http://www.tayabeixo.org/biografias/may_2q.htm | |
89. WEB.DE Portale - Reise - Wetter - Wetterlexikon Translate this page corioliskraft. Ablenkende Kraft der Erddrehung, die nach ihrem Entdecker GaspardGustave de coriolis, franz. Ingenieur und Physiker, 1792-1843 benannt wurde. http://wetter2.web.de/lexikon/wetterlex_C.html | |
90. Foro - Física 101 Translate this page Al final de la página aparecen cuatro enlaces, una pequeña historia de GustaveGaspard coriolis, y tres enlaces de los que sólo funcionan los dos últimos. http://www.ugr.es/~agros/ctv/ugr/fisica101.htm | |
91. The Coriolis Effect The coriolis Effect The coriolis effect is the apparent acceleration of a moving body on or near the Earth as a result of the Earth's rotation. This interactive example provides a simple map of http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.eoascientific.com/interactive/the_co |
92. The Coriolis Effect Weather and Climate Module. The coriolis Effect (webbased exercise). The coriolis Effect. The coriolis Force The coriolis Force. The coriolis Force, although a key concept in understanding the http://www.wiley.com/college/strahler/0471238007/web_ex/coriolis.html | |
93. Dictionnaire de l accélération d un http://perso.club-internet.fr/gatt/BTSCIRA/cours/Dico.htm | |
94. Rotations Of The Earth This approach was pioneered by the French mathematician Gaspard Gustavede coriolis (1792 1843). He showed that the laws of motion http://curvebank.calstatela.edu/earth/earth.htm | |
95. The X Net: Coriolis-Effekt - The X-Files / Akte X - A-Z Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Effekt ist nach dem französischen Physiker Gaspard Gustavede coriolis benannt. In der Folge Satan / Die Hand Die Verletzt http://www.txf.net/a-z/c/coriolis-effekt.shtml | |
96. ÄÚ¸®¿Ã¸®¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://cont1.edunet4u.net/cobac2/scientist/Coriolis.html | |
97. Imago Mundi - Coriolis. http://www.cosmovisions.com/Coriolis.htm | |
98. U-blog / Aaarrrggghhhhhh / Question D'hémisphère coriolis.jpgUn peu austère quand même http://www.u-blog.net/aaarrrggghhhhhh/note/8 | |
99. Great Names In Flow Michael Faraday, 17911867, Conceived the first magnetic flowmeter. Gaspard Gustavede coriolis, 1792-1843, Discovered coriolis force. Julius Weisbach, 1806-1871, http://www.flowresearch.com/greatnames/greatnamesinflow.htm | |
100. COMMUNIQUÉ http://www.uqar.qc.ca/uqar/commu/11oct02.html | |
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