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         Coriolis Gustave De:     more detail
  1. French Engineers: Émile Baudot, Pierre Schaeffer, Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, Villard de Honnecourt, Charles Deutsch, Robert Choulet
  2. Large yield intensive culture: How 80,000 pounds of potatoes, 55 bushels of wheat, 135 bushels of oats and 80 bushels of barley may be produced, to the ... a new system of culture introduced in Canada by Gustave de Coriolis, 1907
  3. Theorie Mathematique des Effets du Jeu de Billard (Billiards). by Gaspard-Gustave de. CORIOLIS, 1835

41. Coriolis
gustave Gaspard de coriolis. Born 21 May 1792 in Paris, FranceDied 19 Sept 1843 in Paris, France. Show birthplace location.
Gustave Gaspard de Coriolis
Born: 21 May 1792 in Paris, France
Died: 19 Sept 1843 in Paris, France
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Gustave Coriolis (1835). He showed that the laws of motion could be used in a rotating frame of reference if an extra force called the Coriolis acceleration is added to the equations of motion. Coriolis also introduced the terms 'work' and 'kinetic energy' with their present scientific meaning. In 1835 Coriolis wrote on a mathematical theory of billiards in . He also wrote
References (4 books/articles) References elsewhere in this archive: A poster of this mathematician is available Rue Coriolis is in the 8th Arrondissement in Paris. You can see a list of Paris streets named after mathematicians in our archive. There is a Crater Coriolis on the moon. You can see a list of lunar features named after mathematicians. Coriolis is one of the scientists commemorated on the Eiffel Tower in Paris. You can see a list of such mathematicians Other Web sites: The Catholic Encyclopedia at Colorado, USA

42. C Index
745*) Conon of Samos (104) Coolidge, Julian (109) Cooper, Jacob (311*) Copernicus,Nicolaus (408*) Copson, Edward (332*) coriolis, gustave de (121*) Cosserat
Names beginning with C
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Cajori , Florian (85*)
, Alberto (879*)

of Novara (171)
, John (74*)
, Charles (61)
, Francesco (104)
, Georg (3100*)
, Moritz (498*)
y Lobkowitz, (227)
, Constantin (267*) Carcavi , Pierre de (439) Cardan , Girolamo (2818*) Carlyle , Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare Carnot, Sadi Carroll , Lewis (266*) Carslaw , Horatio (525*) Cartan , Elie (406*) Cartan, Henri Cartwright , Dame Mary (110*) Cassels , John (418*) Casorati , Felice (95*) Cassini , Giovanni (309*) Castel , Louis (172) Castelnuovo , Guido (384*) Castigliano , Alberto (456) Castillon , Johann (162) Catalan Cataldi , Pietro (308) Cauchy , Augustin (2467*) Cavalieri , Bonaventura (565*) Cayley , Arthur (1158*) Cech , Eduard (465*) , Ernesto (186) Ceulen , Ludolph van (223) Ceva, Giovanni Ceva, Tommaso Ch'in Chiu-Shao (62) Ch'ung Chi Tsu Chandrasekhar , Subrahmanyan (236*) Chang , Sun-Yung (620*) Chaplygin , Serg (366*) Chapman , Sydney (792*) Chasles , Michel (154*) , Gabrielle du (154*) Chebotaryov , Nikolai (409*) Chebyshev , Pafnuty (255*) Chern , Shiing-shen (627*) Chevalley , Claude (369*) Chi Tsu Ch'ung (127*) Chisholm Young , Grace (112*) Chowla , Sarvadaman (819*) Christoffel , Elwin (1580*) Chrysippus Chrystal , George (2763*) Chu Shih-Chieh (80) Chuquet , Nicolas (299) Church , Alonzo (171*) Civita , Tullio Levi- (418*) Clairaut , Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron , Benoit (525*) Clarke , Samuel (284) Clausen , Thomas (357) Clausius , Rudolf (110*)

43. Coriolis
Gaspard gustave de coriolis 1792 1843. gustave de coriolis wasborn May 21, 1792 in Paris, France and died September 19, 1843.
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis 1792 - 1843 Gustave de Coriolis was born May 21, 1792 in Paris, France and died September 19, 1843. He is best remembered for his discovery of the Coriolis force relating to centrifugal motion. In a rotating frame of reference, he found a force that was perpendicular both to the flow direction and to the axis of rotation. He revealed how the laws of motion could be used in this rotating frame of reference if an extra force, called the Coriolis acceleration, was added to the equations of motion. Coriolis also developed relationships for the work and kinetic energy involved in the movements of solid bodies.

44. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
coriolis, Gaspard gustave de (17921843). The Hutchinson Dictionaryof Scientific Biography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get

45. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
1998. All rights reserved. 12. coriolis, Gaspard gustave de (17921843)The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998

46. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave De 1792 - 1843
coriolis, Gaspard gustave de 1792 1843 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura.ŠTOLL, Ivan, Podivuhodné prírodní úkazy, K 9287. © Mestská
Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave de 1792 - 1843
Záhlaví Název Signatura ŠTOLL, Ivan Podivuhodné pøírodní úkazy K 9287 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

47. Gerader Weg Erscheint Erdgebunden Gewunden
Translate this page Südhalbkugel scheinbar nach links). Diese Ablenkungskraft ist nachGaspard gustave de coriolis benannt. Mathematisch wird dies so
Gerader Weg erscheint erdgebunden gewunden Die Frage "Warum drehen sich Luftdruck-Gebiete und abfließendes Wasser in eine bestimmte Richtung?"
Volker Franke, Rückersdorf; Werber Kubach, La Eliana-Valencia u.a.) "Luft steigt, Luft fällt" "Günstige Winde für den Orkan" Die Corioliskraft steckt dahinter, wie Hoch- sowie Tiefdruckgebiete sich drehen und wie das Wasser auf Süd- und Nordhalbkugen in den Abfluss kommt - in Rotation.
C: Corioliskraft
m: Masse des Teilchens
v: Geschwindigkeit des Teilchens
nano online / mp ist nicht verantwortlich für den Inhalt externer Links

48. Experiment Corioliskraft
Translate this page corioliskraft Versuchsbeschreibung Die corioliskraft wurde nachihrem Entdecker Caspard-gustave de coriolis benannt. Auf einen
Corioliskraft Versuchsbeschreibung: Die Corioliskraft wurde nach ihrem Entdecker Caspard-Gustave de Coriolis benannt. Auf einen Körper, der sich in einem rotierenden Bezugssystem bewegt, wirkt sie senkrecht zur Bewegungsrichtung des Körpers und senkrecht zur Rotationsachse des Systems. Ihr Auftreten wird durch die Trägheit der sich bewegenden Massen verursacht.
Bild 1: Versuchsaufbau zum experimentellen Nachweis der Corioliskraft Bedeutung der Corioliskraft:
Obwohl die Wirkung der Corioliskraft auf Körper, die sich im rotierenden System "Erde" befinden, vergleichsweise schwach ist, tritt ihre Präsenz auch im alltäglichen Leben immer wieder in Erscheinung. Wer nicht hat sich schon nach einem ausgiebigen Bad gefragt, warum sich der beim Abfließen des Wassers bildende Wirbel immer rechtsherum (nördliche Halbkugel) bzw. linksherum (südliche Halbkugel) dreht. Und welcher Mechanismus führt zur Bildung der mitunter gigantischen Luftmassenwirbel, die wir täglich auf den Satellitenkarten des Wetterberichtes sehen können? Die Antwort findet sich in der Wirkung der Corioliskraft. Wie der Beobachter, der im Experiment auf der rotierenden Scheibe eine scheinbar gekrümmte Bahn der rollenden Kugel wahrnimmt, beobachten wir auf der Erde, wie sich strömende Luft- und Wassermassen aufgrund ihrer Trägheit gleichermaßen auf gekrümmten Bahnen bewegen. Die animierte Grafik auf der linken Seite veranschaulicht diesen Effekt.
Auch unter technischen Gesichtspunkten muß die Wirkung der Corioliskraft mitunter berücksichtigt werden. So müssen Flugzeuge, die sich in nördliche oder südliche Richtung bewegen, kurskorregiert werden, damit sie nicht gegenüber der sich drehenden Erde "zurückbleiben". In Nord-Süd Richtung verlaufende Flüsse werden in der nördlichen Hemisphäre auf der rechten Seite, in der südlichen Hemisphäre auf der linken Seite stärker ausgespült. In gleicher Weise läßt sich feststellen, daß bei Eisenbahnstrecken in Nord-Süd Richtung auf der Nordhalbkugel die rechte Schiene und auf der Südhalbkugel die linke Schiene stärker abgenutzt wird.

49. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : COR
coriolis (gustave) dessin 1; CORK (Sir Kenneth)(1913-)Peinture 1; CORK (Richard BOYLE, 1er comte de)(1566-1643) Peinture1;
COR A B C D ... Z
  • CORA (Charles)
  • CORAM (Thomas)(1668-1751)
      Peinture (vers 1720-1730)/ (en 1740)/3
      Dessin /2 (en 1732)
  • CORAN (Pierre)(1934-...)
      (.aif)/ (.wav)/3 (.aif)/4 (.wav)
  • CORBECHON (Jean)
  • CORBET (Mathew Ridley)(1850-1902)
  • CORBETT (Charles)
  • CORBETT (Jim)
  • CORBETT ( Madame
      Photo (avec sa famille)
  • CORBIE (Blanche de)
      Photo (A)
  • CORBIN (Clayton)
      Photo (en 1954)
  • CORBIN (Henry)
  • CORBIN (Virginia Lee)
  • CORBOULD (Alfred Chantrey)(-1920)
    • CORBOZ (Michel)
      • Dessin
    • CORCORAN (Kevin)
    • CORCORAN (Michael)(1827-1863)
        Photo de groupe
    • CORDARA (Giulio)(1704-1773)
    • CORDAY (Marie Anne Charlotte de)(1768-1793)
    • CORDER (William)(1803-1828)
    • CORDERO (Manuel)
    • CORDIER (Charles Joseph Laurent)
    • CORDIER (Daniel)
        Photo (en 1944)
    • CORDON (Antonio)
    • CORELLA (Micheletto)
    • CORELLI (Arcangelo)(1653-1713)

50. Coriolis
Physics Faces. Gaspard gustave de coriolis (17921843). “coriolisentered the Ecole Polytechnique in 1808. After graduation he served
Physics Faces Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis “Coriolis entered the Ecole Polytechnique in 1808. After graduation he served for several years in the corps of engineers (of the Ponts et Chausees). In 1816 he started his teaching career. He was an attentive, effective and solicitous teacher. He was also a bachelor and invalid. As a result of studying formulations of dynamical problems in rotating machinery he was led to consider the effect of changes of coordinate systems in analytical mechanics. The result of these studies was presented to the Academie des Sciences on June 6, 1831. A French oceanographic vessel was named after hin in 1963.” From: An Introduction to the Coriolis Force by H. Stommel and D. Moore, Columbia Univ. Press, 1989.

51. Faces
coriolis, Gaspard gustave de coriolis studied forces that exist in rotatingreference frames. Coulomb, Charles de Coulomb. Coulomb s Law!
PHYSICS FACES Ampere Andre Marie Ampere made fundamental contributions to electricity and magnetism. Anderson Carl D. Anderson discovered the positron and the muon in 1932. Balmer Johann Balmer discovered the formula for the hydrogen spectrum. Becquerel Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896. Bessel Friedrich Bessel. Bessel functions. Biot Jean-Baptiste Biot. Co-discoverer of the Biot-Savart Law. Bohr Niels Bohr made fundamental contributions to quantum theory. Boltzmann Ludwig Boltzmann made fundamental contributions to statistical mechanics. Born Max Born made fundamental contributions to quantum mechanics. Bose Satyendranath Bose. Bose-Einstein statistics. Bosons! Carnot Sadi Carnot: a pioneer in thermodynamics. Cerenkov Pavel Cerenkov discovered what is now called "Cerenkov radiation". Chadwick James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932. Christoffel Elwin Christoffel. Christoffel symbols. Clebsch/Gordan Rudolf Clebsch and Paul Gordan. Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. Compton Arthur Compton explained x-ray scattering from electrons in 1923.

52. Coriolis
coriolis, gustave Gaspard de. (17921843). Francouzský matematik,zabývající se matematickou analýzou, mechanikou a hydraulikou.
Coriolis, Gustave Gaspard de
Francouzský matematik, zabývající se matematickou analýzou, mechanikou a hydraulikou. Proslavil se výpoètem sil pùsobících v rotujících soustavách. Jedna z tìchto sil nese jeho jméno - Coriolisova síla. Podrobnì také studoval tøení.

Adolf Butenandt sex hormones How the earth was formed Pierre-Simon de LaplaceThe coriolis force and the trade winds - Gaspard gustave de coriolis How the

science . technology nature . environment ... how to order
science . technology
65 x 15 min
Arabic, English,
French, Spanish
Portuguese: 1-32, 47 Rights not available worldwide please contact us A series on epoch-making discoveries and inventions. The object of this open-ended series is, in the long term, to create a televisual museum of scientific and engineering history. Using animation sequences and specially enacted scenes as well as normal camera footage, the series documents the significance of such developments right through to the present day. Otto Lilienthal: the glider Werner von Siemens: the electric dynamo Nikolaus August Otto: the four-stroke engine Louis Daguerre: the camera Karl Friedrich Drais: the bicycle Heinrich Hertz: electromagnetic waves

54. Coriolis
So, when referring to wind, weather (and various missiles), the phenomenon was formallynamed for Gaspard gustave de coriolis who `discovered the coriolis
"Perceptions" ITEM
Ray Dickenson
secret `forces' in rotating masses
The Ice Dancer

Yup, as we saw at blind science , the `experts' don't really know what makes that Ice Dancer
spin faster as she gently straightens-up,
bringing her limbs in, closer to `axis of revolution'
But she can do it! - Watch any ice-dancer!
So those `experts' just say it's "Conservation of Angular Momentum"

[hoping no-one will ask " Why? - How
A less elegant example is - "swing a brick on a string and shorten the string by putting a tree in the way" The brick suddenly accelerates! [if U try it - use a plastic brick]
Well, we're going to check the phenomenon And, hopefully, find its secrets First let's look at the Earth You know it rotates once in 24 hours As it's about 24,000 (38,000km) miles around the equator, that means everything near the equator is moving eastwards quite speedily: at approximately 1,000 mph (1600km/h) But away to north or south, in cooler climes, things move east at around half that speed - maybe only 500 mph or so (800km/h) And close - spitting distance - to the Poles, surroundings are moving east at maybe only 1 mph (0.8 km/h)

55. Editions Jacques Gabay - CORIOLIS : Théorie Mathématique Des Effets Du Jeu De
de Gaspard-gustave coriolis rédigée par A. de Lapparent,publiée dans Le Livre du Centenaire de l Ecole Polytechnique Paris

56. ThinkQuest : Library : Wind, The Invisible Force
Dit wordt veroorzaakt dppr de draaiing van de aarde en wordt de coriolis krachtgenoemd, naar de Fransman gustaveGaspard de coriolis (1792-1843), die het
Index Earth Science Weather
Wind, the invisible force
Wind: the invisible force is divided into three main-topics, Development, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. They are supported by the three topics Terms, Interactive and About. In the development section, the user will be informed by the plain way how wind works, how the different forces combined together make the wind that blows right now. In the hurricane section we'll dive furder in the theory of wind. You'll get there an explanation about how a hurricane works, using the forces you learned in the development section. Ofcourse, there are also some "fun"-topics with less educational information, but more interesting to read. The Tornado section is build the same way. Visit Site 2000 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages Dutch Students Sjoerd Sg. St. Canisius, Almelo, Netherlands Hugo Sg. St. Canisius, Almelo, Netherlands Tom Sg. St. Canisius, Albergen, Netherlands Coaches C.M. Sg. St. Canisius, Utrecht, Netherlands Jos Sg. St. Canisius, Vasse, Netherlands Want to build a ThinkQuest site?

57. How Do We Understand The Coriolis Force?
The coriolis force, named after French mathematician Gaspard gustave de coriolis(1792–1843), has traditionally been derived as a matter of coordinate

58. Lo Más Curioso - Curiosidades
de coriolis ,en honor al matemático francés gustave Gaspard coriolis (1792-1843

59. What Is Coriolis Effect?
coriolis, Gaspard gustave de (1792 1843) was a French scientist who in 1835worked out the mathematics of the motion of bodies on a rotating surface.
Menu People Skills Advertise With Us Travel-On-Line ... Site-Info www.schonwalder. org Welcome to Ocean... What is Coriolis effect ? by Olga K and helmut s. What is Coriolis effect? Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave de (1792 -1843) was a French scientist who in 1835 worked out the mathematics of the motion of bodies on a rotating surface. The Essential of Oceanography about Coriolis effect "The apparent reflection of a moving object from its initial course when its speed and direction are measured in reference to the surface of the rotating Earth. The object is deflected to the right of its anticipated course in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The deflection occurs for any horizontal movement of objects with mass and has no effect on the equator." Below links to websites about: Coriolis effect Ocean currents and Coriolis effect Examples of related phenomena Clicking on the shore-bird on top of this page, up in the right corner will take you back to the first page... Click on the globe...

60. Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis
Gaspardgustave coriolis. Gaspard-gustave de coriolis (1792-1843), Francouzštinainženýr a vedec. Jeho zájem na dynamice tocivých
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis FrancouzÅ¡tina inžen½r a vědec . Jeho z¡jem na dynamice točiv½ch strojů vedl jej, aby poch¡zel diferenci¡ln­ rovnice pohybu od stanoviska syst©m osy kter½ s¡m toč­, kter½ on nejprve představoval v k Acad � mie des vědy. N¡ležit½ k důležitosti t©to pr¡ce, Coriolis ºÄinek je jmenov¡n pro něj. On je někdy odkazoval se na jak Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis Gustave Coriolis a variace thereof.
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