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         Coriolis Gustave De:     more detail
  1. French Engineers: Émile Baudot, Pierre Schaeffer, Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, Villard de Honnecourt, Charles Deutsch, Robert Choulet
  2. Large yield intensive culture: How 80,000 pounds of potatoes, 55 bushels of wheat, 135 bushels of oats and 80 bushels of barley may be produced, to the ... a new system of culture introduced in Canada by Gustave de Coriolis, 1907
  3. Theorie Mathematique des Effets du Jeu de Billard (Billiards). by Gaspard-Gustave de. CORIOLIS, 1835

1. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Gaspard-Gustave De Coriolis
French mathematician. (17921843)
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Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis
MARIE, Hist. des sciences math. et phys. (Paris, 1888), XII, 190. HENRY M. BROCK
Transcribed by Dennis McCarthy The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IV
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2. Coriolis
Gaspard gustave de coriolis. Gaspardgustave de coriolis s father was Jean-Baptiste-Elzéarcoriolis and his mother was Marie-Sophie de Maillet.
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis
Born: 21 May 1792 in Paris, France
Died: 19 Sept 1843 in Paris, France
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Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis Cauchy Cauchy left Paris in September 1830. Political events in France meant that Cauchy was now required to swear an oath of allegiance to the new regime and when he failed to return to Paris to do so he lost all his positions there. Coriolis was offered Cauchy Coriolis studied mechanics and engineering mathematics, in particular friction, hydraulics, machine performance and ergonomics. He introduced the terms 'work' and 'kinetic energy' with their present scientific meaning. Coriolis began developing his ideas in 1819 and he showed some papers to Poncelet in 1824. Both Coriolis and Poncelet published in 1829; the paper by Coriolis being Du Calcul de l'effet des machines. Despite the two papers appearing in 1829 there was no argument as to who initiated the idea, with Poncelet acknowledging that the word "work" was brought in by Coriolis. The article [5] simplifies this piece of history so much that it could be misleading on this point. The contribution of Coriolis

3. Poster Of Coriolis
Gaspardgustave de coriolis. lived from 1792 to 1843. coriolis isbest remembered for the coriolis force. He showed that the laws
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis lived from 1792 to 1843 Coriolis is best remembered for the Coriolis force. He showed that the laws of motion could be used in a rotating frame of reference if an extra force called the Coriolis acceleration is added to the equations of motion. Find out more at

4. Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Gaspardgustave de coriolis ( May 21, 1792- September 19, 1843), Frenchengineer and sometimes referred to as gustave-Gaspard coriolis, gustave coriolis and variations thereof
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5. Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave De
coriolis, Gaspard gustave de (17921843). French physicist who in1835 discovered the coriolis effect, which governs the movements
Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave de
French physicist who in 1835 discovered the Coriolis effect, which governs the movements of winds in the atmosphere and currents in the ocean. Coriolis was also the first to derive formulas expressing kinetic energy and mechanical work.
From 1829, Coriolis was concerned that proper terms and definitions should be introduced into mechanics. He succeeded in establishing the use of the word 'work' as a technical term in mechanics, defining it in terms of the displacement of force through a certain distance.
Investigating the movements of moving parts in machines and other systems relative to the fixed parts, Coriolis explained how the rotation of the Earth causes objects moving freely over the surface to follow a curved path relative to the surface - the Coriolis effect.

6. Search Results For Coriolis Effect - Encyclopædia Britannica
coriolis, gustaveGaspard. French engineer and mathematician who first described the coriolis mathematician gustave-Gaspard coriolis. Gaspard gustave de coriolis. University of St effect&ct=&fuzzy=N

7. Coriolis
Translate this page Gaspard gustave de coriolis. Hauptseite/Main Page. deutsch. English. coriolis.Die corioliskraft. Catholic Encyclopedia GASPARD-gustave de coriolis.
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis Hauptseite/Main Page Deutsch English Coriolis Die Corioliskraft Catholic Encyclopedia: GASPARD-GUSTAVE DE CORIOLIS The Coriolis Force ... HEKO-Soft Wetterlexikon: Corioliskraft Erstellt am:

8. Coriolis
Biography of Gaspardgustave de coriolis (1792-1843) Gaspard gustave de coriolis. Born 21 May 1792 in Paris, France Gaspard-gustave de coriolis's father was Jean-Baptiste-Elzéar coriolis and
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis
Born: 21 May 1792 in Paris, France
Died: 19 Sept 1843 in Paris, France
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Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis Cauchy Cauchy left Paris in September 1830. Political events in France meant that Cauchy was now required to swear an oath of allegiance to the new regime and when he failed to return to Paris to do so he lost all his positions there. Coriolis was offered Cauchy Coriolis studied mechanics and engineering mathematics, in particular friction, hydraulics, machine performance and ergonomics. He introduced the terms 'work' and 'kinetic energy' with their present scientific meaning. Coriolis began developing his ideas in 1819 and he showed some papers to Poncelet in 1824. Both Coriolis and Poncelet published in 1829; the paper by Coriolis being Du Calcul de l'effet des machines. Despite the two papers appearing in 1829 there was no argument as to who initiated the idea, with Poncelet acknowledging that the word "work" was brought in by Coriolis. The article [5] simplifies this piece of history so much that it could be misleading on this point. The contribution of Coriolis

9. Index A - ZDeutsch
Translate this page Copernicus, Nicolaus, Astronom, Die Erde ist nicht Mittelpunkt des Weltalls. coriolis,Gaspard gustave de, der coriolis- Effekt. Cortés, Hernán, Conquistador.
Index C
Deutsch Hauptseite/Main Page Links Kurze Beschreibung Cabeza, Alvar Nunez Entdecker Cabral, Pedro Alvarez Seefahrer Cadamosto, Alvise da Seefahrer Caesar, Gaius Iulius Roms bedeutendster Feldherr und Staatsmann Calculus Mathematik Caligula Calorik Calvin, Johannes Reformator 55 Cancri Astronomie, Planeten in einem anderen Sonnensystem Cano, Juan Sebastin del Seefahrer, Begleiter Magellans Caracalla Caracalla - Thermen Thermen des Caracalla Carausius Carcassonne Geografie, Frankreich, Stadt der Katharer Carillon Glockenspiel, Musik Carinus Carstens, Carl Carter, James ( Jimmy ) Carus ... Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo Der Name sagt genug Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassius Castro, Fidel Politiker, Kuba Catilina Cato Catull Celan, Paul Dichter Celsius, Anders Physiker, Thermometer Censor Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Schriftsteller, "Don Quichote" Cicero, Marcus Tullius Chachapoyas Geschichte, Geografie, Peru, Indianerstamm Chadwick,, Edwin engl. Gesundheitsreformer Chadwick, James Physiker Chamberlain, Neville Geschichte, britischer Premierminister, Ausbruch WK II Champlain, Samuel

10. Lexikon - Gaspard Gustave De Coriolis Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist Gaspard gustave de coriolis - definition Erklärung Bedeutungvon Gaspard gustave de coriolis. Gaspard gustave de coriolis.
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Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis
Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis 21. Mai in Nancy 19. September in Paris ; franz¶sischer Mathematiker
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis besuchte das Ecole Polytechnique. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters ben¶tigte die Familie Geld und Coriolis nahm eine Stelle als Tutor der Analysis und der Mechanik an der Ecole Polytechnique an. W¤hrend dieser Zeit forschte er an verschiedenen Drall -Bewegungen (z.B. Billard kugeln) und gab die erste exakte Definition f¼r die kinetische Energie und die mechanische Arbeit . Nach umfangreichen Studien von Bewegungen von K¶rpern auf rotierenden Fl¤chen entdeckte er die nach ihm benannte Corioliskraft , die die Tr¤gheit eines K¶rpers von einem Standpunkt innerhalb des Systems beschreibt. AuŸerdem ver¶ffentlichte Coriolis verschiedene Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftsmathematik.
  • Calcul de l'effet des machines , 1844 (Neuauflage von Calcul de l'effet des machines
B¼cher bei zum Stichwort:

11. Mount Washington Observatory: Coriolis Force gustave Gaspard de coriolis. lived from 1792 to 1843. He was a smart guy. Using just a pen, paper and mathematics, he figured out why the wind turns, curves, and goes around

Looking for the Old Man?
Gustave Gaspard de Coriolis lived from 1792 to 1843.
He was a smart guy. Using just a pen, paper and mathematics, he figured out why the wind turns, curves, and goes around in circles. It is because of a force called - what else - the Coriolis force. Monsieur Coriolis figured out something basic, but tricky to understand. To make it easier, here you can explore the Coriolis force with gadgets, games, and stories. What's up with the Coriolis force? Find out here! To continue with this you will need the Macromedia Shockwave Player plug-in installed on your computer. If you do not already have Shockwave you can download it for free from
Once you have Shockwave installed you are ready to roll. Just click here and let the fun begin . . . If you have comments or suggestions about this learning module please email us Minimum requirements for using the Shockwave Player with this web activity on your computer are:
A Pentium 166 running Windows 95, Windows NT version 4.0 or later OR

12. Cours De Mécanique - Biographies
Translate this page coriolis gustave Gaspard Mathématicien français (Paris 1792 - Paris 1843).Biographie plus complète. Il est notamment connu pour un théorême de
BIOGRAPHIES SOMMAIRES CORIOLIS Gustave Gaspard: Mathématicien français (Paris 1792 - Paris 1843) [Biographie plus complète] Il est notamment connu pour un théorême de mécanique ( théorême de CORIOLIS) concernant l'accélération dans les mouvements composés et qui intervient, en particulier, dans l'étude des courants aériens. (Acad. Sc. 1836) - (Le Petit Robert, dictionnaire illustré des noms propres, 1995) Ingénieur et mathématicien français qui mit en évidence les "forces centrifuges composées", dites de Coriolis. Cet ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées est l'auteur d'importants travaux en mécanique. En 1835, il démontra que l'accélération d'un mobile dans un référentiel en rotation est soumis à une complémentaire (force de Coriolis) perpendiculaire au sens de déplacement du mobile dans ce référentiel. Bien que de faible intensité à la surface de la Terre, cette force, produite par la rotation de la planète, influence la direction des courants marins et aériens. Elle produit une déviation vers l'est et explique, par exemple, le mouvement circulaire des ouragans. (CD Encarta 97) [Retour chap.4]

13. Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis --  Encyclopædia Britannica
by Jean … By courtesy of the Archives de l Academie des Sciences de Paris; photograph MLAstyle gustaveGaspard coriolis. Encyclopædia Britannica.

14. WIEM: Coriolis Gaspard Gustave De
coriolis Gaspard gustave de (17921843), francuski matematyk, inzynier i fizyk. Matematyka,Fizyka, Francja coriolis Gaspard gustave de (1792-1843).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Matematyka, Fizyka, Francja
Coriolis Gaspard Gustave de
Coriolis Gaspard Gustave de (1792-1843), francuski matematyk, in¿ynier i fizyk. Cz³onek francuskiej Akademii Nauk (od 1836), dyrektor do spraw nauki paryskiej École Polytechnique (od 1938). Niezale¿nie od J.V. Ponceleta wprowadzi³ pojêcie pracy, formu³uj±c nastêpnie zasadê równowa¿no¶ci pracy i energii kinetycznej. Stworzy³ teoriê opisuj±c± ruch w nieinercjalnym uk³adzie odniesienia ( Coriolisa si³a WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

15. Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis
Gaspardgustave coriolis. Gaspard-gustave de coriolis (1792-1843),French engineer and scientist. His interest in the dynamics of
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis French engineer and scientist . His interest in the dynamics of rotating machines led him to derive the differential equations of motion from the point of view of a coordinate system which is itself rotating, which he first presented in to the Académie des Sciences. Due to the importance of this work, the Coriolis effect is named for him. He is sometimes referred to as Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis Gustave Coriolis and variations thereof.
This article is from Wikipedia . All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License

16. Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave (1792-1843) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientif
coriolis, Gaspardgustave (1792-1843 remembered, however, rather it is for the coriolisforce which équations du mouvement relatif des systèmes de corps (1835
Branch of Science Mathematicians Branch of Science Physicists ... Barran
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave (1792-1843)

This entry contributed by Michel Barran Cauchy Navier Dulong Coriolis studied mechanics and engineering mathematics, in particular friction hydraulics , machine performance, and ergonomics. He introduced the terms ` work and ` kinetic energy with their present scientific meaning. It is not the ideas of 'work' for which Coriolis is best remembered, however, rather it is for the Coriolis force which appears in the paper "Sur les équations du mouvement relatif des systèmes de corps" (1835). In this paper, Coriolis showed that the laws of motion could be used in a rotating frame of reference if an extra force called the Coriolis acceleration is added to the equations of motion. The theorem enunciated by him regarding relative motions has found numerous applications, particularly in the case of motion on the surface of the Earth (e.g., the deviation toward the east of falling bodies, the apparent rotation of the plane of vibration of a Foucault pendulum etc.).

17. Gaspard Gustave De Coriolis - Wikipedia
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Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis
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Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis 21. Mai in Nancy 19. September in Paris ; französischer Mathematiker
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis besuchte das Ecole Polytechnique. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters benötigte die Familie Geld und Coriolis nahm eine Stelle als Tutor der Analysis und der Mechanik an der Ecole Polytechnique an. Während dieser Zeit forschte er an verschiedenen Drall -Bewegungen (z.B. Billardkugeln ) und gab die erste exakte Definition für die kinetische Energie und die mechanische Arbeit . Nach umfangreichen Studien von Bewegungen von Körpern auf rotierenden Flächen entdeckte er die nach ihm benannte Corioliskraft , die die Trägheit eines Körpers von einem Standpunkt innerhalb des Systems beschreibt. Außerdem veröffentlichte Coriolis verschiedene Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftsmathematik.
  • Calcul de l'effet des machines , 1844 (Neuauflage von Calcul de l'effet des machines

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18. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Coriolis Gaspard
Translate this page Cours de Mécanique - coriolis coriolis Gaspard gustave (1792-1843)Ingénieur et mathématicien français. Assistant à l’École
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Coriolis Gaspard" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Coriolis, Gaspard Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Coriolis, Gaspard (1792-1843), ing©nieur et math©maticien fran§ais qui a mis en ©vidence les forces centrifuges dues   la rotation terrestre, dites ...
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search Coriolis Gaspard
Coriolis Gaspard Coriolis Gaspard : Physicien et math©maticien fran§ais 1792-1843. D©couvrit l’acc©l©ration compl©menaire   laquelle un objet est soumis s’il est en mouvement dans le ref©rentiel tournant.
Cours de M©canique - Coriolis

CORIOLIS Gaspard Gustave (1792-1843) Ing©nieur et math©maticien fran§ais. Assistant   l’‰cole polytechnique   Paris, Gustave Coriolis ©tudie la composition des vitesses et des acc©l©rations.
Forces de Coriolis

Introduction   la m©canique - force de Coriolis: les aliz©s et la l©gende des baignoires

19. Essays Page
coriolis, Gaspardgustave de 21, 1792. Gaspard-gustave de coriolis sfamily was from Provence, in the south of France. They were

20. Prodex - Der Produktexperte
† 19. Leben. Gaspard gustave de coriolis besuchte das Ecole Polytechnique.
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Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis 21. Mai in Nancy 19. September in Paris ; französischer Mathematiker
Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis besuchte das Ecole Polytechnique. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters benötigte die Familie Geld und Coriolis nahm eine Stelle als Tutor der Analysis und der Mechanik an der Ecole Polytechnique an. Während dieser Zeit forschte er an verschiedenen Drall -Bewegungen (z.B. Billardkugeln) und gab die erste exakte Definition für die kinetische Energie und die mechanische Arbeit . Nach umfangreichen Studien von Bewegungen von Körpern auf rotierenden Flächen entdeckte er die nach ihm benannte Corioliskraft , die die Trägheit eines Körpers von einem Standpunkt innerhalb des Systems beschreibt. Außerdem veröffentlichte Coriolis verschiedene Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftsmathematik.
  • Calcul de l'effet des machines , 1844 (Neuauflage von Calcul de l'effet des machines
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