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Home - Scientists - Copernicus Nicolaus |
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81. History Of Ideas - People copernicus, nicolaus (14731543). Founder of modern astronomy. He believedthe Ptolemaic system, which posited the earth as the centre http://www.kingston.ac.uk/~gr_s005/dictionary/people/c/Copernicus_Nicolaus.html | |
82. URANOS: Nicolaus Copernicus N. copernicus nicolaus copernicus Mikolaj Kopernik (14731543).Polish astronomer, mathematician, economist, and physician. In http://www.uranos.eu.org/biogr/koperne.html | |
83. Bibliotheca Augustana Translate this page nicolaus copernicus 1473 - 1543, persona nicolaus copernicus, mathematicus,astronomus, canonicus Varmiensis, natus est anno 1473 Thoruniae. http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost16/Copernicus/kop_intr.html | |
84. Münzen Euromünzen Sammeln Sammler Bestellen Lexikon Translate this page B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. copernicus,nicolaus (1473-1543). Kopernikus. Münzen, Euromünzen, Euro Münzen Shop - interessanteAngebote. http://www.muenzen-lexikon.de/lexikon/c/pc154.html | |
85. Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment At The University Of Michigan nicolaus copernicus Endowment at the University of Michigan. 1080South University Avenue, Suite 4668 * Ann Arbor, MI 481091106 http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/crees/copernicus.html | |
86. Lehrstuhl Für Geschichte Der Naturwissenschaft - Archiv U. Translate this page Deutsche nicolaus-copernicus-Gesamtausgabe. Autoren Andreas Kühneund Stefan Kirschner. Geburtstag von nicolaus copernicus am 19. http://www.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de/wug/gnw/coped.shtml |
87. The Scientists: Nicolas Copernicus. The most important aspect of copernicus' work is that it forever changed the place of man in the cosmos; no longer could man legitimately think his significance greater than his fellow creatures; http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Science/Copernicus.htm | |
88. Copernicus, Nicolas copernicus, Nicolas. Note the creators of the 1512) assumed responsibility for copernicus after the death of old friend of copernicus's from the chapter, who entertained copernicus http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/Files/coprnics.html | |
89. Copernicus, Nicholaus (1473-1543) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific B copernicus, Nicholaus (14731543), However, because copernicus retainedcircular orbits, his system required the inclusion of epicycles. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Copernicus.html | |
90. Biography Search Nicholas copernicus De revolutionibus Ms. BJ 10000 Nicholas copernicus The AutographDe revolutionibus About 15201541 http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3743 |
91. Kids And Teens, School Time, Science, Scientists: Copernicus, Nicolaus This category lists pages and sites about the life of Polish astronomer NicolausCopernicus (14731543), best known for arguing that the sun not the earth http://www.combose.com/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Science/Scientists/Copernicus, | |
92. The Copernican Model: A Sun-Centered Solar System Then, in the 16th century a new idea was proposed by the Polish astronomerNicolai copernicus (14731543). copernicus and the Need for Epicycles. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/retrograde/copernican.html | |
93. Biography: Nicolas Copernicus, Priest And Scholar (24 May 1543) Nicolas copernicus, Priest and Scholar 24 May 1543. Nicola(u)s copernicus(Mikolaj Kopernik) was born in Poland in 1473. His parents http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/JEK/05/24.html | |
94. ô¥Õ¥§ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://bwc.hkcampus.net/~bwc-phys/Physicist/Copernicus.htm | |
95. Centrum Astronomiczne Im. M. Kopernika PAN Bartycka 18, 00716 Warszawa +48 (22) 8410041 fax. +48 (22)8410046 email camk@camk.edu.pl http//www.camk.edu.pl. http://www.camk.edu.pl/ | |
96. Uniwersytet Miko³aja Kopernika Universitas Nicolai Copernici Torun, UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA. Torun,Torun. Nasza Uczelnia. Studia i rekrutacja. Studenci. Pracownicy. Absolwenci. http://www.uni.torun.pl/ | |
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