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         Copernicus Nicolaus:     more books (100)
  1. Uncentering the Earth: Copernicus and The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (Great Discoveries) by William T. Vollmann, 2006-02-06
  2. Works by Nicolaus Copernicus (Study Guide): De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Commentariolus, Monetae Cudendae Ratio
  3. Beitrage Zur Beantwortung Der Frage Nach Der Nationalitat Des Nicolaus Copernicus (1872) (German Edition) by Kasimir Von Romer, 2010-03-19
  4. Renaissance People: Nicolaus Copernicus, Jean Carondelet, Ferry Carondelet, List of Renaissance Commentators on Aristotle
  5. Burials at Frombork Cathedral: Nicolaus Copernicus, Mikolaj Szyszkowski
  6. Nicolaus Copernicus (Goettingen Research Committee. Publication) by Hans Schmauch, 1954
  7. 1473 Births: James Iv of Scotland, Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury, Nicolaus Copernicus, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk
  8. Nicolaus Copernicus - Pioneer Astronomer (Biography) by Biographiq, 2008-03-19
  9. Die Vierte Säcularfeier Der Geburt Von Nicolaus Copernicus (German Edition)
  10. Nicolaus Copernicus and his Epoch. by Jan ADAMCZEWSKI, 1950-01-01
  11. Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1973 by Torun Scientific Society, 1972
  12. People From Torun: Christoph Hartknoch, Nicolaus Copernicus, Hermann Rauschning, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, Grazyna Ciemniak, Werner Henke
  13. Monuments and Memorials in Poland: Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Torun, Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Warsaw, Central Cemetery in Szczecin
  14. Solar System: Discovery and exploration of the Solar System, Planetary system, Star system, Aryabhata, Aristarchus of Samos, Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler's ... Dwarf planet, Ceres (dwarf planet), Pluto,

81. History Of Ideas - People
copernicus, nicolaus (14731543). Founder of modern astronomy. He believedthe Ptolemaic system, which posited the earth as the centre
Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
Founder of modern astronomy. He believed the Ptolemaic system , which posited the earth as the centre of the universe, was unsatisfactory, and revived the ancient Greek notion of the heliocentric universe in which the earth and planets revolved around the sun. His theories, expounded in De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium (On the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs), 1543, upset the church, which had a vested interest in seeing the earth (and therefore man) as at the centre of the universe. Because it did not itself incorporate any religious dogma, the work of Copernicus is seen as a milestone of independent scientific thought. Comte, Auguste Cusa, Nicholas of

82. URANOS: Nicolaus Copernicus
N. copernicus nicolaus copernicus Mikolaj Kopernik (14731543).Polish astronomer, mathematician, economist, and physician. In
von Braun Explorers
Galileo Bekker Poles
Hevelius po polsku Nicolaus Copernicus [Mikolaj Kopernik] Polish astronomer, mathematician, economist, and physician. In his principal work " De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium On the Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs ") which was published in 1543 (the year of his death), he presented a description of a heliocentric planetary system (in which the planets, including the Earth , revolve around the Sun). This was in opposition to the geocentric system (in which everything including the Sun and planets revolve around the Earth ), developed by the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy, and almost universally accepted for some fifteen hundred years before Copernicus. The work of Copernicus had a major impact on the science and philosophy of the times after his death. Called the "Copernican revolution," it became one of the cornerstones in the development of modern science, in particular physics and astronomy. However, Copernicus still assumed, following the Ptolemaic system, circular orbits of planets. This forced him to retain epicycles and other elements complicating his heliocentric system. Also, it did not lead to improvement of the accuracy of prediction of planet positions. As a result, Copernicus' main arguments were more of a philosophical than physical nature. Only further progress in observation techniques (such that the invention of the telescope by Galileo and, using the telescope, the discovery of

83. Bibliotheca Augustana
Translate this page nicolaus copernicus 1473 - 1543, persona nicolaus copernicus, mathematicus,astronomus, canonicus Varmiensis, natus est anno 1473 Thoruniae.
B I B L I O T H E C A A U G U S T A N A Nicolaus Copernicus
p e r s o n a
Nicolaus Copernicus, mathematicus, astronomus, canonicus Varmiensis, natus est anno 1473 Thoruniae. annis 1491/1506 Cracovia et diversis locis Italicis operam litteris dedit. anno 1503 doctor iuris canonici. obiit anno 1543 in Varmia.
o p e r a l a t i n a
Theophylactae Scholastici Simocatti
epistulae morales, rurales et amatoriae,
interpretatione latina (anno 1509)
Commentariolus (ca. anno 1509)
Epistula contra Wernerum (anno 1524)
Monetae cudendae ratio (anno 1526) ed.: Paulette Taieb
De revolutionibus orbium caelestium (anno 1543)
s e c u n d a r i a

84. Münzen Euromünzen Sammeln Sammler Bestellen Lexikon
Translate this page B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. copernicus,nicolaus (1473-1543). Kopernikus. Münzen, Euromünzen, Euro Münzen Shop - interessanteAngebote.
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85. Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment At The University Of Michigan
nicolaus copernicus Endowment at the University of Michigan. 1080South University Avenue, Suite 4668 * Ann Arbor, MI 481091106
Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment at the University of Michigan
1080 South University Avenue, Suite 4668 * Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: 734/647-2237 * Fax: 734/763-4765 * E-mail:
The Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment at the University of Michigan was established in 1973 by the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Polish American Congress and the University's Polish-American community. The principal goal of this effort is to provide support for Polish programming, fellowships for students in Polish studies, and faculty appointments in Polish studies. Income from the endowment supports the Annual Copernicus Lectures and other public programming dedicated to advancing a deeper understanding of Poland, its people, and its culture. In order to strengthen the Polish Studies Program already in place and to promote in perpetuity the study of this historically important and increasingly significant country, the Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment Committee reaches out to prospective donors for the realization of this goal.

86. Lehrstuhl Für Geschichte Der Naturwissenschaft - Archiv U.
Translate this page Deutsche nicolaus-copernicus-Gesamtausgabe. Autoren Andreas Kühneund Stefan Kirschner. Geburtstag von nicolaus copernicus am 19.

87. The Scientists: Nicolas Copernicus.
The most important aspect of copernicus' work is that it forever changed the place of man in the cosmos; no longer could man legitimately think his significance greater than his fellow creatures;
Nicolas Copernicus
Copernicus is said to be the founder of modern astronomy. He was born in Poland, and eventually was sent off to Cracow University, there to study mathematics and optics; at Bologna, canon law. Returning from his studies in Italy, Copernicus, through the influence of his uncle, was appointed as a canon in the cathedral of Frauenburg where he spent a sheltered and academic life for the rest of his days. Because of his clerical position, Copernicus moved in the highest circles of power; but a student he remained. For relaxation Copernicus painted and translated Greek poetry into Latin. His interest in astronomy gradually grew to be one in which he had a primary interest. His investigations were carried on quietly and alone, without help or consultation. He made his celestial observations from a turret situated on the protective wall around the cathedral, observations were made "bare eyeball," so to speak, as a hundred more years were to pass before the invention of the telescope. In 1530, Copernicus completed and gave to the world his great work De Revolutionibus , which asserted that the earth rotated on its axis once daily and traveled around the sun once yearly: a fantastic concept for the times. Up to the time of Copernicus the thinkers of the western world believed in the Ptolemiac theory that the universe was a closed space bounded by a spherical envelope beyond which there was nothing.

88. Copernicus, Nicolas
copernicus, Nicolas. Note the creators of the 1512) assumed responsibility for copernicus after the death of old friend of copernicus's from the chapter, who entertained copernicus
Catalog of the Scientific Community
Copernicus, Nicolas
Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
1. Dates
Born: Torun, Poland, 19 Feb 1473
Died: Frauenburg, Poland, 24 May 1543
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Merchant, Cleric
Father: Niklas Koppernigk, a merchant and baker from Cracow, who migrated to Torun not later than 1458. He prospered there and was appointed magistrate for life. He married Barbara Watzenrode, daugther of a wealthy Torun merchant. He died in 1483.
Uncle: Lucas Watzenrode (1447-1512) assumed responsibility for Copernicus after the death of his father. He was a churchman, and became Bishop of Varmia (Ermland), one of Prussia's four diocese, in 1489.
The circumstances were wealthy.
3. Nationality
Birth: Torun, Poland
Career: Frauenburg, Poland
Death: Frauenburg, Poland
4. Education
Schooling: Cracow; M.A., Bologna; Padua; L.D.
He first attended school at Turon and then Wloclawek.
1491-4, University of Cracow.
1496-1500, University of Bologna. He enrolled and became a member of the German nation in 1496. Though he was officially studying canon law, he was taught and maybe also lodged by Domenico Maria de Novarra (1454-1504). He did take an M.A.

89. Copernicus, Nicholaus (1473-1543) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific B
copernicus, Nicholaus (14731543), However, because copernicus retainedcircular orbits, his system required the inclusion of epicycles.
Branch of Science Astronomers Branch of Science Mathematicians ... Polish
Copernicus, Nicholaus (1473-1543)

Polish name: Mikolaj Kopernik. Polish astronomer and mathematician who, as a student, studied canon law, mathematics, and medicine at Cracow, Bologna, Rome, Padua, and Ferrara. Copernicus became interested in astronomy and published an early description of his "heliocentric" model of the solar system in Commentariolus (1512). In this model, the sun was actually not exactly the center of the solar system, but was slightly offset from the center using a device invented by Ptolemy known as the equant point. The idea that the Sun was the center of the solar system was not new (similar theories had been proposed by Aristarchus and Nicholas of Cusa), but Copernicus also worked out his system in full mathematical detail. Even though the mathematics in his description was not any simpler than Ptolemy's , it required fewer basic assumptions. By postulating only the rotation of the Earth revolution about the sun and tilt of Earth's rotational axis, Copernicus could explain the observed motion of the heavens. However, because Copernicus retained circular orbits, his system required the inclusion of epicycles. Unfortunately, out of fear that his ideas might get him into trouble with the church, Copernicus delayed publication of them.

90. Biography Search
Nicholas copernicus De revolutionibus Ms. BJ 10000 Nicholas copernicus The AutographDe revolutionibus About 15201541

91. Kids And Teens, School Time, Science, Scientists: Copernicus, Nicolaus
This category lists pages and sites about the life of Polish astronomer NicolausCopernicus (14731543), best known for arguing that the sun not the earth,
Top Kids and Teens School Time Science ...
This category lists pages and sites about the life of Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), best known for arguing that the sun not the earth was the center of the universe. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.

92. The Copernican Model: A Sun-Centered Solar System
Then, in the 16th century a new idea was proposed by the Polish astronomerNicolai copernicus (14731543). copernicus and the Need for Epicycles.
The Copernican Model:
A Sun-Centered Solar System
The Earth-centered Universe of Aristotle and Ptolemy held sway on Western thinking for almost 2000 years. Then, in the 16th century a new idea was proposed by the Polish astronomer Nicolai Copernicus
The Heliocentric System
In a book called On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies (that was published as Copernicus lay on his deathbed), Copernicus proposed that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the Solar System. Such a model is called a heliocentric system . The ordering of the planets known to Copernicus in this new system is illustrated in the following figure, which we recognize as the modern ordering of those planets. The Copernican Universe

In this new ordering the Earth is just another planet (the third outward from the Sun), and the Moon is in orbit around the Earth, not the Sun. The stars are distant objects that do not revolve around the Sun. Instead, the Earth is assumed to rotate once in 24 hours, causing the stars to appear to revolve around the Earth in the opposite direction.
Retrograde Motion and Varying Brightness of the Planets
The Copernican system by banishing the idea that the Earth was the center of the Solar System, immediately led to a simple explanation of both the varying brightness of the planets and retrograde

93. Biography: Nicolas Copernicus, Priest And Scholar (24 May 1543)
Nicolas copernicus, Priest and Scholar 24 May 1543. Nicola(u)s copernicus(Mikolaj Kopernik) was born in Poland in 1473. His parents
Nicolas Copernicus, Priest and Scholar
24 May 1543
Nicola(u)s Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik) was born in Poland in 1473. His parents died when he was twelve, and he was entrusted to his uncle (soon to be the Bishop of Ermland), who sent him to the University of Cracow (astronomy) and then to Bologna (Greek, mathematics, Plato) and Padua (law and medicine) and Ferrara (Doctor of Canon Law). Having been elected a canon of Frauenberg Cathedral, he returned home, assisted his uncle until the uncle's death, and then opened a free clinic for the poor. His interests were many and varied, including theology, poetry, and the natural and social sciences. He is the first known formulator of what we now call Gresham's Law ("Bad money drives out good" that is, if there are two kinds of coins in circulation that have the same legal or face value, but one is more valuable in terms of its content (say a silver dime and a cupro-nickel "sandwich" dime), consumers will tend to hoard the more valuable coins and spend the less valuable ones, so that soon only the less valuable ones will be in circulation). Summa Theologica , and so does Bede in the early 700's, and so does Irenaeus in the late 100's. The issue was not shape but motion.)

94. ­ô¥Õ¥§
The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
­ô¥Õ¥§ Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 ~ 1543) ¦b¡m¤ÑÅé¹B¦æ½×¡n¤¤¡A­ô¥Õ¥§©ú½T«ü¥X¡A¦a²y¤£¬O¦t©z¤¤¤ß¡A©M§Oªº¦æ¬P¤@¼Ë¡A¬O¥H¤Ó¶§¬°¤¤¤ßªºÂà°Ê¡C¦ý·í®Éªº¬ì¾Ç®a­Ì³£¹ï¡§¦a¤ß»¡¡¨²`«H¤£º¡A¨¥H¦¹§@¬°µý©ú¤W«Ò¦s¦bªº¨Ì¾Ú¡CÁöµMÂù¤èªº¤O¶q¬Û®t¨º¼ËÄa®í¡A¦ý­ô¥Õ¥§±q¨Ó¨S¦³°hÁY¹L¡A¥L©l²×°í«ù¯u²z¥²³Ó¡A°í«H¡§¯uª¾¦s¦b©ó¬ì¾Ç¤§¤¤¡¨ªº±R°ª«H©À¡C¡@

95. Centrum Astronomiczne Im. M. Kopernika PAN
Bartycka 18, 00716 Warszawa +48 (22) 8410041 fax. +48 (22)8410046 email http//
Bartycka 18, 00-716 Warszawa +48 (22) 8410041 fax. +48 (22) 8410046 email: WERSJA TEKSTOWA TELEFONY ... Old CAMK pages NOT MAINTAINED INTRANET INFORMACJE
First International Workshop on "Stellar Astrophysics with the World Largest Telescopes" 7-10 September 2004
International Conference "Humps and Bumps in Cataclysmic Variable Stars" Frombork, Poland 22-26 September 2004
International Conference "Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation" 20-24 June 2005 Przetarg Przetarg Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta. Wakacyjny Program Studencki ...


96. Uniwersytet Miko³aja Kopernika
Universitas Nicolai Copernici Torun, UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA. Torun,Torun. Nasza Uczelnia. Studia i rekrutacja. Studenci. Pracownicy. Absolwenci.

Nasza Uczelnia

Studia i rekrutacja



Nasza Uczelnia

Studia i rekrutacja


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