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61. Copernicus, Nicolaus with an historical introduction, biographical data and bibliography http://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~ghtc/art33.htm | |
62. Nicolaus Copernicus Der beruehmte Mathematicus nicolaus copernicus (About the Cities and Castles). Quotes. Goethe Search web or Artzia for nicolaus copernicus . http://artzia.com/History/Biography/Copernicus/ | |
63. Glossary Of People: Co Cook, Arthur J. (18851931). Leftist leader of the British union movementand the Anglo-Russian Committee. copernicus, nicolaus (1473 - 1543). http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/c/o.htm | |
64. References Reference Guide. copernicus,nicolaus. Reference. Context. Wotlogic, Heliocentricity.Rmind1, Creationism. MAIN INDEX. REFERENCE GUIDE. TRANSCRIPTS. GLOSSARY. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/c1-1.html | |
65. DISF - Dizionario Interdisciplinare Di Scienza E Fede | Dettaglio Voce copernicus, nicolaus (1473 1543). Juan Casanovas Vatican ObservatoryI. Introduction and biographical hints 1. Origin and influence http://www.disf.org/en/DettaglioVoce.asp?idVoce=26 |
66. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientist copernicus, nicolaus (1473 1543). Discipline(s) Astronomy. Scientistcopernicus, nicolaus (1473 - 1543). Discipline(s) Astronomy. http://web4.si.edu/sil/scientific-identity/by_name_display_results.cfm?scientist |
67. Nicholas Copernicus - Copernican System online. Timeline of the Life of nicolaus copernicus 1473 1543 Thissimply timeline outlines nicolaus copernicus s life. Timeline http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blcopernicus.htm | |
68. Essays Page copernicus, nicolaus Hundred Greatest Men, The. New York D. Appleton Company, 1885. Facts On File, Inc. copernicus, nicolaus http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Helicon.asp?SID=2&iPin=eworldsci0427 |
69. Copernicus Biography copernicus, nicolaus (14731543), Polish priest, best known for his astronomicaltheory that the sun is at rest near the center of the universe, and that the http://attachment.edu.ar/copbio.html | |
70. :: Ez2Find :: Copernicus, Nicolaus Guide copernicus, nicolaus, Global Metasearch Any Language Guides, copernicus, nicolaus.ez2Find Home Directory Kids http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/S | |
71. ChristianityTodayLibrary.com Sites Sermon Illustrations. Search Library Searched on keyword copernicus,nicolaus No results found. ChristianityToday.com. Home, CT http://www.ctlibrary.com/keyword.html?id=2045 |
72. Copernicus nicolaus copernicus , a Polish astronomer, is best known for his theory that thesun lies near the center of the universe, and that the earth, spinning on its http://www.newlisbon.k12.wi.us/physicists/copernicus.html | |
73. Squashed Copernicus Glyn Hughes Squashed Philosophers. The Condensed Edition of nicolaus copernicus The Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs in 4,445 words. http://www.btinternet.com/~glynhughes/squashed/copernicus.htm | |
74. - Great Books - nicolaus copernicus (14731543), The Great Books nicolaus copernicusThis web page is part of a biographical database on Great Ideas. http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_350.asp | |
75. CELSIUS, Olof Olofsson., Bibliothecae Upsaliensis Historia. Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller Inc. A Fine Copy of the Second Edition. copernicus,nicolaus. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Libri VI. Basel H. Petri, 1566. http://www.polybiblio.com/jahill/HillBibl-Selections227.0.html | |
76. COPERNICUS, Nicolaus., De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium Libri VI. Ex Auctoiri Simon Finch Rare Books. copernicus, nicolaus. De Revolutionibus OrbiumCoelestium Libri VI. Ex Auctoiris Autographo Recudi Curavit http://www.polybiblio.com/finch/7757.html | |
77. >ô¥Õ¥§ Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/physics/d_history/pre-galileo/copernicus.html | |
78. Poland In The Classroom - Copernicus And His Heliocentric System Of The Universe Glossary of People Co Arthur J. Cook (18851931). Leftist leader of the British union movementand the Anglo-Russian Committee. copernicus, nicolaus (1473 - 1543). http://wings.buffalo.edu/info-poland/classroom/kopernik/copernicus.html | |
79. Science And Human Values - Copernicus In 1543, the Polish astronomer nicolaus copernicus published a book that went sofar as to reject a basic axiom of astronomy he proposed that the sun, not the http://www.rit.edu/~flwstv/copernicus.html | |
80. Polytech Photos Hoved side / Kend / Polen / copernicus, nicolaus, Kategorier. . Kategorier. Nyheder.Engelsk, nicolaus copernicus (14731543). Polsk astronom. Mere information. http://www.polytechphotos.dk/index.php?CatID=985 |
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