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41. Informationsphere.com: Copernicus, Nicolaus copernicus, nicolaus SendTo Print More Category Social Science 226views Texts Images Related Terms Related Web Sites Available Texts. http://www.informationsphere.com/html/1824.htm | |
42. LookSmart - Directory - Nicolaus Copernicus YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences General Science Famous Scientists Astronomers copernicus, nicolaus. nicolaus copernicus Access http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53764/us226493/us330199/us33 | |
43. Copernicus, Nicolaus. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 20 copernicus, nicolaus. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, ThirdEdition. 2002. Third Edition. 2002. copernicus, nicolaus. (kuhPUR http://www.bartleby.com/59/5/copernicusni.html | |
44. Copernicus, Nicolaus copernicus, nicolaus. Believing that the theories of Ptolemy regarding the Earthas the centre of the universe were too complicated, copernicus turned to http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0000721.html | |
45. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) copernicus, nicolaus (14731543), Polish astronomer, best known for his astronomicaltheory that the sun is at rest near the center of the universe, and that http://www.connect.net/ron/copernicus.html | |
46. Copernicus | Cleric And Astronomer nicolaus copernicus Cleric and Astronomer. 1473 1543. nicolaus copernicus(Mikolai Kopernik) was born February 19, 1473 in Torun, Poland. http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96feb/copernicus.html | |
47. Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre The nicolaus copernicus Astronomical Centre (CAMK) is a reasearch instituteof the Polish Academy of Sciences. It has been founded in 1978. http://www.camk.edu.pl/eng/ | |
48. Provinz-Ostpreußen : Copernicus, Nicolaus Translate this page Ostpreußen - berühmte Namen. copernicus, nicolaus. geb. 19.02.1473in Thorn, gest. 24.05.1543 in Frauenburg Astronom. Er besuchte http://www.provinz-ostpreussen.de/ostpreussen/ospers_copernicus.html | |
49. Boissard, Jean-Jacques; Bry, Theodor De: Bibliotheca Chalcographica, ... Coperni Boissard, JeanJacques Bibliotheca chalcographica 1652-1669.copernicus, nicolaus (1473-1543); Mathematiker, Astronom = Vv2 http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/aport/seite177.html | |
50. New Catholic Dictionary: Copernicus, Nicolaus copernicus, nicolaus. (14731543) Astronomer. Dominican, originated the Copernicansystem which superseded the Ptolemaic. New Catholic Dictionary. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd01126.htm | |
51. Nicholas Copernicus According to a later horoscope, nicolaus copernicus was born on February 19, 1473,in Torun, a city in northcentral Poland on the Vistula River south of the http://www.crystalinks.com/copernicus.html | |
52. ThinkQuest : Library : Humanity Progress - Biographies Of Famous Scientists copernicus, nicolaus (14731543), Polish astronomer, best known for his astronomicaltheory that the sun is at rest near the center of the universe, and that http://library.thinkquest.org/C005358/copernicus.htm | |
53. ThinkQuest : Library : The Online Planetarium Show (TOPS) The Life of nicolaus copernicus. (1473 1543). Undoubtedly one ofastronomy s founding fathers and easily one of the most recognized http://library.thinkquest.org/3461/copern_m.htm | |
54. Phorum - Copernicus, Nicolaus copernicus, nicolaus DR. ELLIOT S NORTH AMERICAN GREAT BOOKS TOURCOMINGTO A BOOK STORE NEAR YOU WRITERSWORD.COM Open Source http://jollyroger.com/classics/cforum/list.php?f=72 |
55. Phorum - Copernicus, Nicolaus copernicus, nicolaus http://jollyroger.com/classics/cforum/search.php?f=72 |
56. Copernicus | Nicolaus | 1473-1543 | Polish Astronomer copernicus nicolaus 14731543 Polish astronomer. Gregory Papers (1675-1713);De affirmanda parallaxi magni orbis, cogitatum Hugenii (1693); http://www.nahste.ac.uk/pers/c/GB_0237_NAHSTE_P1083/ | |
57. IntraText Digital Library: Author Card: Nicolaus Copernicus Author Card copernicus, nicolaus nicolaus copernicus Kopernik, Niclas. This listcontains only essential information title, subtitle, language and ISFN. http://www.intratext.com/Catalogo/Autori/Aut463.HTM | |
58. World Almanac For Kids copernicus, nicolaus (14731543), Polish astronomer, best known for his astronomicaltheory that the sun is at rest near the center of the universe, and that http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/space/copernicus.html | |
59. Nicolaus Copernicus University Universitas Nicolai Copernici Toruñ, nicolaus copernicus UNIVERSITY. Our University. nicolauscopernicus, Contact Web Managers Polish Version University AZ, http://www.uni.torun.pl/en/ | |
60. Willkommen Im Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium Translate this page Sparkasse Nürnberg skillflow OHG Mediendesign u. Softwareentwicklung. BildungszentrumNürnberg. Willkommen beim. nicolaus copernicus Planetarium. http://www.planetarium-nuernberg.de/ | |
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