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         Copernicus Nicolaus:     more books (100)
  1. Nicolaus Copernicus, Gesamtausgabe: Band VI/ 1, Documenta Copernicana, Briefe. Texte Und Übersetzungen (German Edition) by Nicolaus Copernicus, 1994
  2. Giants of Science - Nicolaus Copernicus by Scott Ingram, 2004-03-19
  3. Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543;: Domherr, Arzt, Astronom (Personlichkeit und Geschichte) (German Edition) by Bernhard-Maria Rosenberg, 1973
  4. NICOLAUS COPERNICUS: DE REVOLUTIONIBUS - PREFACE AND BOOK I. by John F. & Selig Brodetsky (edits). Dobson, 1947
  5. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543): Revolutionar wider Willen (German Edition)
  6. Gedachtnissrede Auf Den Unsterblich Verdienten Dom Herrn In Frauenberg, Nicolaus Copernicus (1743) (German Edition) by Johann Christoph Gottsched, 2010-05-22
  7. Nicolaus Copernicus: Webster's Timeline History, 1473 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-06-06
  8. Die Vierte Säcularfeier der Geburt von Nicolaus Copernicus, Thorn, 18. und 19. Februar 1873. [Hrsg. von dem Copernicus-Verein Für Wissenschaft und Kunst zu Thorn] (German Edition) by Copernicus-Verein für Wissenschaft und, 2010-05-13
  9. The Major Writings of Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler by Ptolemy and Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, 1985
  10. The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus by Owen Gingerich, 2005-07-07
  11. Three Copernican Treatises: The Commentariolus of Copernicus, the Letter Against Werner, the Narratio Prima of Rheticus (Records of Civilization, Sources and Studies, No. 30.) by Nicolaus Copernicus, Georg Joachim Rhaticus, 1971-06
  12. Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicus's De Revolutionibus: Part 2 (Studies in the History of Mathematics and the Physical Sciences 10) by N.M. Swerdlow, O. Neugebauer, 1984-07-02
  13. Copernicus: On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres by Nicolaus Copernicus, 1976
  14. Copernicus: A Modern Reappraisal. Offprint from: Mans Place in the Universe. by Nicolaus (1473-1543)] GINGERICH, Owen. [COPERNICUS, 1977-01-01

21. Science Jokes:Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus. Nicolaus Copernicus (14371543), Polish astronomer, inventorof the Copernian system where Earth and the planets move around the sun.
Index Comments and Contributions Index Jokes with Famous Scientists
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus (1437-1543), Polish astronomer, inventor of the Copernian system where Earth and the planets move around the sun.

22. Nicolaus Copernicus Museum In Frombork
Discovered that the Earth is not in the center of the Universe but it circles the Sun. Facts of life and pictures of the Polish astronomer.

Life of Nicolaus Copernicus

De Revolutionibus

Portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus

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Life of Nicolaus Copernicus

De Revolutionibus

Portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus

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23. Nicolaus Copernicus Museum In Frombork
19.II.1473. nicolaus copernicus born at Torun, Poland. 1483. copernicus father dies. 1489. Lukasz Watzenrode, copernicus maternal uncle and guardian, elected Bishop of Warmia. 1491. nicolaus copernicus leaves the parish school of St.

19.II.1473 Nicolaus Copernicus born at Torun, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus leaves the parish school of St. John, Torun for the University in Kraków. Period of studies at the University in Krakow. Copernicus begins Law studies at Bologna. Copernicus articled in the Pontifical Chancelleria at Rome. Delivers a public lecture on mathematics. Copernicus completes his fourth year of studies; his three year leave of absence from duties as Canon to the Chapter House expires; he goes to Frombork and requests two year extension of his leave to complete his studies. The Chapter approves his request. He begins the study of Medicine at Padua while continuing to read Law. Copernicus receives another appointment as Canon-Scholar at the Holy Cross Church in Wroclaw.
his post is also held in absentia through vicars. Awarded Doctor of Canon Law degree at Ferrara. Completes second and final year of Medicine at Padua. Receives a licence to practice medicine. Copernicus and his uncle, the Bishop of Warmia, attend local congresses of the Estates, i.e. conventions for the election and instruction of local deputies to the lower house of the Polish Parliament (Sejm) in Royal Prussia, at Malbork. Elblag, and Torun Chapter appoints Copernicus private physician to the Bishop. Works on his Commentariolus which presents theories on motions of celestial bodies containing the first synopsis of his heliocentric theory. This treatise is sent to various persons via a series of letters.

24. MSN Encarta - Copernicus, Nicolaus
Encyclopedia article provides an overview of the astronomer's early life, his education, and his revolutionary theory that the earth was not the center of the universe.
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Copernicus, Nicolaus
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25. Physics Nicolaus Copernicus: Discussion Of Nicolaus Copernicus Quotes, Metaphysi
Physics of nicolaus copernicus Discussion on Metaphysics of nicolaus copernicus and Motion of Earth about Sun from foundation of the Wave Structure of Matter Uniting Ptolemy and nicolaus Planets about the Sun. nicolaus copernicus - Born on Feb to become nicolaus copernicus - nicolaus copernicus. Detailed biography examines copernicus' dissatisfaction
Introduction Quotes on Nicolaus Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus / Ptolemy Links
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Nicolaus Copernicus
Quotes / Quotations / Pictures Nicolaus (Nicolas) Copernicus
Once it was recognised that the earth was not the center of the world, but only one of the smaller planets, the illusion of the central significance of man himself became untenable. Hence, Nicolaus Copernicus , through his work and the greatness of his personality, taught man to be honest. ( Albert Einstein , Message on the 410th Anniversary of the Death of Copernicus, 1953) Navigation: Please click Anchor Links to go to Page Headings (then scroll down Contents). Use Google to Search Website. Introduction Quotes on Nicolaus Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus / Ptolemy Links
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Introduction to Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543) is known as one of the founding fathers of Cosmology, liberating us from the earth centric view of the universe (as formalised by Ptolemy, approx. 90 - 160AD). We find that the simplest explanation is most likely the true one as Max Born writes;
Nicolaus Copernicus ' constructive achievement was that his system explained in a simpler way the phenomena which the traditional world system was able to explain only by means of complicated and artificial hypotheses. (

26. Copernicus
Biography of nicolaus copernicus (14731543) nicolaus copernicus is the Latin version of the famous astronomer's name which he chose later in his life two sons and two daughters, of whom nicolaus copernicus was the youngest
Nicolaus Copernicus
Born: 19 Feb 1473 in Torun, Poland
Died: 24 May 1543 in Frombork, Poland
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Nicolaus Copernicus is the Latin version of the famous astronomer's name which he chose later in his life. The original form of his name was Mikolaj Kopernik or Nicolaus Koppernigk but we shall use Copernicus throughout this article. His father, also called Nicolaus Koppernigk, had lived in Krakow before moving to Torun where he set up a business trading in copper. He was also interested in local politics and became a civic leader in Torun and a magistrate. Nicolaus Koppernigk married Barbara Watzenrode, who came from a well off family from Torun, in about 1463. They moved into a house in St Anne's Street in Torun, but they also had a summer residence with vineyards out of town. Nicolaus and Barbara Koppernigk had four children, two sons and two daughters, of whom Nicolaus Copernicus was the youngest. You can see a picture of the house in which Copernicus was born When young Nicolaus was ten years old his father died. His uncle Lucas Watzenrode, who was a canon at Frauenburg Cathedral, became guardian to Nicolaus and Barbara Koppernigk's four children.

27. Quotations By Copernicus
Quotations by nicolaus copernicus. Mathemata mathematicis scribunturMathematics is written for mathematicians De Revolutionibus
Quotations by Nicolaus Copernicus
Mathemata mathematicis scribuntur
Mathematics is written for mathematicians
De Revolutionibus If there should chance to be any mathematicians who, ignorant in mathematics yet pretending to skill in that science, should dare, upon the authority of some passage of Scripture wrested to their purpose, to condemn and censure my hypothesis, I value them not, and scorn their inconsiderate judgement.
De Revolutionibus Coelestibus Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe. All this is suggested by the systematic procession of events and the harmony of the whole Universe, if only we face the facts, as they say, `with both eyes open'. Main index Quotations index Biographies Index
History Topics
... Anniversaries for the year
JOC/EFR February 2003 The URL of this page is:
School of Mathematics and Statistics

University of St Andrews, Scotland

28. Torun Polar Station
A polar station located on northwestern Spitsbergen owned by nicolaus copernicus University, Poland. Publications, maps and photo gallery.
XXI Polar Expedition of UMK to Svalbard
Overwintering on Kaffioyra
The 100 photos of Svalbard
N.Copernicus University Polar Station
General Informations
N icolaus Copernicus University Polar Station is northenmost polish scientific institution. Its goegraphical location is 78. 41' North and 11.51'East. It is situated on northern part of the Kaffiyora, close to the Aavatsmarka glacier. This station was used by 13 expeditions and 70 people so far. Effects of these expeditions are shown in 250 publications and on topographic and thematic maps.
I n 1995 we started to do a sistematic study of mass balance of the Waldemarbreen. This quite small glacier with area of about 3 square kilometres lies 4,5 km from station. Like many other Spitsbergen's glaciers it has a negative mass balance. This trend maintains from the beginning of the XX century. The intensity and the run of this glacier's recession against a background of a climate conditions with geomorphological consequences of glacier's recession are the matter of a detailed study. In 1997 close to snout of the glacier a small glaciological station was built to widen a measurment work.
N CU Polar Station is suitable to whole year work. It has three independent sources of energy (fuel engine, wind power station and sun battery ). Means of transport are: fibre glass, rubber motor boats and snow scooters. Radio communication is ensured by FM radiostation with its call signal LH3MB.

29. Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
nicolaus copernicus Monument, Chicago, USA; Walking Round Old Cracow, Poland Includesalso information about copernicus in Cracow, on the monument and on a
History of Astronomy Persons Persons (C)
Deutsche Fassung
Copernicus [Kopernik; Koppernigk; wrongly also Kopernikus], Nicolaus [Polish: Mikolaj; sometimes also: Nicolas or Nicholas]
Born: 19 February 1473, Torun (Thorn), Poland
Died: 24 May 1543, Frauenburg (Frombork), Poland Astronomer, clergyman
External documents
Biographies, bibliographies and references

30. Nicolaus Copernicus Museum In Frombork
Information about this museum in Frombork.

General information

Nicolaus Copernicus



General information

Nicolaus Copernicus



31. Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
Geschichte der Astronomie Personen Personen (C)
English Version (with much more links!)
Geb.: 19. Februar 1473, Torun (Thorn), Polen
Gest.: 24. Mai 1543, Frauenburg (Frombork), Polen Astronom, Geistlicher
Externe deutschsprachige Dokumente
Biographien, Bibliographien and Literaturhinweise
Weitere Verweise
  • (Suche mit Alta Vista)
Wolfgang R. Dick

32. Caricature Of Nicolaus Copernicus
clipart nicolaus copernicus nicolaus copernicus. Created by Caricature Zone
Nicolaus Copernicus
Created by Caricature Zone

33. MSN Encarta - Copernicus, Nicolaus
Encyclopedia article provides an overview of the astronomer's early life, his education, and his revolutionary theory that the earth was not the center of the universe.

34. Understanding The Universe -
nicolaus copernicus 14731543 Before the 16th century, the common beliefwas that the sun and all the other planets revolved around the Earth.
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Nicolaus Copernicus
Before the 16th century, the common belief was that the sun and all the other planets revolved around the Earth. This theory had been developed by the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy around A.D. 150, but the Polish astronomer Copernicus found that the Ptolemaic system could not explain the observed motions of the planets. In 1543, he published a book called The Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs , which argued that the Earth was not the center of the universe but was one of the planets and, like them, revolved around the sun. This model of the solar system is known as the Copernican system. Copernicus also said that the Earth spins on its axis once per day, which accounts for why the sky appears to revolve around the Earth. retrograde
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35. Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
copernicus, nicolaus (14731543) Polish astronomer (born Mikolaj Kopernik)who in his De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium ( On the
The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight
Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
Polish astronomer (born Mikolaj Kopernik) who in his De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium ("On the Revolution of the Celestial Sphere") challenged the geocentric worldview of Aristotle , accepted by the Church and by most intellectuals in Europe at that time, by arguing that the Earth and other planets orbit around the Sun. Prudently, Copernicus himself was not inclined to explore the ramifications of his new scheme. But his demotion of the Earth to a mere satellite of the Sun encouraged others, such as Giordano Bruno , to speculate that there might be many Earth-like worlds bearing life in the universe. See Copernican Revolution Kepler
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36. Nicolaus Copernicus --  Encyclopædia Britannica
copernicus, nicolaus Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , copernicus,nicolaus (1473–1543). The Polish astronomer nicolaus copernicus

37. Nicolaus Copernicus --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
copernicus, nicolaus Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , copernicus,nicolaus (1473–1543). The Polish astronomer nicolaus copernicus copernicus&ct=ebi

38. Copernicus, Nicolaus
copernicus, nicolaus (14731543). Polish astronomer who believed thatthe Sun, not the Earth, is at the centre of the Solar System
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Polish astronomer who believed that the Sun, not the Earth, is at the centre of the Solar System, thus defying the Christian church doctrine of the time. For 30 years he worked on the hypothesis that the rotation and the orbital motion of the Earth were responsible for the apparent movement of the heavenly bodies. His great work De revolutionibus orbium coelestium/On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres was not published until the year of his death.
Copernicus relegated the Earth from being the centre of the universe to being merely a planet (the centre only of its own gravity and the orbit of its solitary Moon). This forced a fundamental revision of the anthropocentric view of the universe and came as an enormous psychological shock to European culture. Copernicus's model could not be proved right, because it contained several fundamental flaws, but it was the important first step to the more accurate picture built up by later astronomers.
Copernicus began to make astronomical observations in 1497, although he relied mainly on data accumulated by others. In about 1513 he wrote a brief, anonymous text entitled Commentariolus, in which he outlined the material he later discussed in De revolutionibus.

39. General Term: Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
copernicus, nicolaus (14731543). Polish Astronomer.Understood by theChristian of modern astronomy. nicolaus copernicus. His education and
Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
Polish Astronomer.Understood by the Christian church and the scientific community as the father of modern astronomy. His education and professional life was varied both in terms of subject and geography; schooled in medicine, philosophy and mathematics at Cracow, Poland; Bologna and Rome; Heilsburg in Prussia and finally, to take up the position of residentiary canon at Frauenberg. Copernicus rejected the received Ptolemaic system of the universe, founding his own system with the sun at the centre of the solar system on the grounds that it was improbable that such a large body as the sun would revolve around such a small body as the earth. His reformulation provided some valuable explanations, such as the variation of the seasons, equinoxes and the retrograde motion of planets. Despite the defects of his system, it certainly prepared the way for Johannes Kepler Galileo and Isaac Newton Contributed by: Richard P Whaite Related Topics: Physics History Search for Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543) Full Glossary Index To return to the previous topic, click on your browser's 'Back' button.

40. Cosmic Questions Term: Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
copernicus, nicolaus (14731543). nicolaus copernicus, Polish doctorand astronomer. In his last at the centre. nicolaus copernicus.
Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish doctor and astronomer. In his last book he proposed a new model of the solar system with the sun at the centre. More Terms... Glossary Index To return to the previous topic, click on your browser's 'Back' button.

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