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41. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Clowry, T To Coates, William (Per "Minstre coates, Isaac. 1821 Sep 8. Limeburner. On list of all persons victualledfrom HM Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.106). coates, john. 1820 Jul 17. http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/c/F11c_cl-col-09.htm | |
42. Coates Lab - What's New O Connor, Susan M.; coates, john D. Universal immunoprobe for (per)chloratereducingbacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2002), 68(6),3108-3113. http://pmb.berkeley.edu/~coates/what'snew/what'snew.htm | |
43. Here Today - Coates, John coates, john Here Today NY The Macmillan Company 1950 First Printing Good/FairHard Cover 8vo over 7¾ - 9¾ tall A witty novel involving time travel http://www.oldsaratogabooks.com/store/000361.htm | |
44. FIÉ ®X 1. Ecology And Social Work Towards A New Paradigm(PAP) US- coates, john/PublisherFernwood Books Ltd Published 2004/09 () US$15.95 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?W-AUTHOR=COATES, JOHN |
45. What's New O Connor, Susan M.; coates, john D. Universal immunoprobe for (per)chloratereducingbacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2002), 68(6),3108-3113. http://www.science.siu.edu/microbiology/coates/coateslab_what'snew.htm | |
46. John Coates The Art of Nick Cardy The Art of Nick Cardy Written by john coates , Nick Cardy ,Mark Evanier Published by Vanguard Productions (October 2001) ISBN 1887591222 http://sport-books-online.net/search_John_Coates/searchBy_Author.html | |
47. Digital Collections - Music - Coates, John. The Rally Call [music] : National So coates, john. The rally call music national song 1914 (10 pages) More information. coates,john. The rally call music national song Front Cover. http://nla.gov.au/nla.mus-an5430644 | |
48. WebGED: Andy Sefton's Family Data Page coates, Annie (1893 1984) - female b. 7 AUG 1893 d. 28 JAN 1984 in Youlthorpefather coates, john (1865 - ) mother Nellis, Jane Ann (1868 - ) spouse http://www.andysefton.fsnet.co.uk/SEFTON.wbg/wga3.html | |
49. The Jazz Site: Jazz Services Bands Database - Bruce Coates - John Edwards - Davi The Jazz Site Jazz Services Bands Database Bruce coates - johnEdwards - David Ryan. Bruce coates - john Edwards - David Ryan. http://www.jazzservices.org.uk/band/1768.htm | |
50. John COATES | British History Online To search all the resources available on this site, please use the advancedsearch function. coates, john. Add this to your bookshelf. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/person.asp?personid=159632 |
51. Biographical And Family History | British History Online 1690s. 15, coates, john, 16931694, Metropolitan London in the 1690s.16, coates, john, 1693-1694, Metropolitan London in the 1690s. 17, coates http://www.british-history.ac.uk/people.asp?start=Coates |
52. Genealogy Data Father coates, john , Sr. Mother Lighthall, Sarah Lovina. Children Marriage15 MAY 1885 in Filion Meade Twp., Huron Co., MI Spouse coates, john , Sr. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~aek740/dat145.html | |
53. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Coach" To "Coaxing" coates, john. Writer about comics. coates, john. Fox Fawcett / john coates. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/crri/co.htm | |
54. Art Of Nick Cardy; Author: Coates, John; Author: With Cardy, Nick; Paperback Art Of Nick Cardy. Author coates, john; Author With Cardy, Nick Paperback; IllustratedVanguard Productions (NJ) ISBN 1887591222 A celebration of the life http://www.opengroup.com/atbooks/188/1887591222.shtml | |
55. Coates, John Boyd (editor)Internal Medicine In World War Ii, Vol. II Infectious coates, john Boyd (editor) Internal Medicine In World War Ii, Vol. II InfectiousDiseases. 1963 Washington, DC. Office Of The Surgeon General. Cloth. http://www.popula.com/sh/no_740/2152892.htm | |
56. Coates, John Boyd (editor)Surgery In World War Ii. Thoracic Surgery. Volume 1 coates, john Boyd (editor) Surgery In World War Ii. Thoracic Surgery. Volume1. 1963 Washington, DC. Office Of The Surgeon General. 1st Edition. Cloth. http://www.popula.com/sh/no_740/2152838.htm | |
57. John Coates john coates. john coates (189495). john coates got his start in operaon tour with the Carl Rosa Company at Manchester and Liverpool. http://math.boisestate.edu/GaS/whowaswho/C/CoatesJohn.htm | |
58. Web Page Of The COATES Family 3. john 3 coates (john 2 , MARMADUKE 1 ) was born c 1775, and died c Feb 1867 inLow Moor, Clitheroe, Lancashire. john coates, b. 1880, Clitheroe, Lancashire. http://www.btinternet.com/~sm.proctor/wp_coates.htm | |
59. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. coates, john Birth living Gender Male Family SpouseWiesen, Eve Birth living New York Gender Female Parents http://members.aol.com/daryl8000/genealogydata1/dat13.htm | |
60. AIM Reprint Library: BBC Radio Devon - john coates presenter profileFind out more about john coates, presenter of BBC Radio Devon s Plymouth sWeek programme. john coates. john coates. john hosts two http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT |
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