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         Clavius Christopher:     more detail
  1. The Arenarius of Archimedes, translated from the Greek, with notes and illustrations. To which is added, the dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same subject, from the Latin. by Archimedes, 2010-05-27
  2. Behind The Cueball Novella (The Chronicles of Brother Michael) by Len Ford, 2010-01-29

41. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Catalogue Clavius
2) Foustka,Ivan(8) Foustka,Radim Neumann(2) Fouts,Roger(1) Fouz,Jan(1) Fouzová,Magdaléna(1)Fowke,Bob(4) Fowler,Bo,1971(1) Fowler,christopher,1953-(2) Fowler
Terms for field Author - part Fo-Fr
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For slow connection : F.-Fa Fe-Fi Fj-Fn Fo-Fr ...

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42. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
1822 in Koslin, Prussia (now Koszalin, Poland) Died 24 Aug 1888 in Bonn, Germanyclavius, christopher clavius Born 1537 in Bamberg (now in Germany) Died 2

43. Math Projects
Mathematicians http//, search mathematicians. Archimedes; Agnesi,Maria; Barrow, Isaac; clavius, christopher; Kepler, Johannes; Sir Isaac Newton;
Math Projects Submitted by: Jenny Maples, 6 th th grade math teacher Phelps County R-III School 17790 State Route M Edgar Springs, MO 65462 Description : Students will research mathematicians or math related topics via the Internet, write a report in Microsoft Word and present to class. Keywords for Search Engine: On-line, Math Projects, writing. Subject areas: Mathematics and Technology. Grade Levels: th th grades. Materials needed: Computers with Internet access and a word processor. Time needed: About five 55 minute class periods. Show-Me Goals: 1.4 and 1.5 Knowledge Standards: All areas of mathematics. Prerequisites: Implementation: Students are given a link to the following web-page on our school web-site. Each student chooses a different topic to research.
8th Grade Math Projects Format - Paper specifications guide

Grading Criteria for Papers
  • Pascal's Triangle A Fourth Dimension Geometric Solids, A.K.A. Platonic Solids Volume of Solids Finding Inaccessible Distances - How far is the sun? The Geniac Experiment Optical Illusions Geometry by Paper Folding Uncommon Units of Measure Boolean Algebra The Analog Computer A Comparison of the Septimal and Decimal Systems The Abacus Symmetry in Nature The Binary Number System The Hexidecimal Number System The Hindu-Arabic Number System Number Systems Logarithms Practical Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem The Four Color Problem Klein's Bottle The Euclid Algorithm Practical Applications of Probability Probability and Games of Chance

44. MìK Brandýs N.L.- St. Boleslav - Katalog Clavius
Boleslav katalog clavius. Alina(1) Affre,Pierre(1) Achmatova,Anna(3) Aigne,Waltraute(1)Aichele,Dietmar(1) Aiken,Joan(1) Ailsby,christopher(1) Airainer,Maria
MìK Brandýs n.L.- St. Boleslav - katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást A
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V závorkách je uveden poèet výskytù každého termínu. Další možnosti vyhledávání : Souborný katalog nauèné literatury Souborný katalog èlánkù

45. MìK Brandýs N.L.- St. Boleslav - Catalogue Clavius
Boleslav catalogue clavius. Alina(1) Affre,Pierre(1) Achmatova,Anna(3) Aigne,Waltraute(1)Aichele,Dietmar(1) Aiken,Joan(1) Ailsby,christopher(1) Airainer
MìK Brandýs n.L.- St. Boleslav - catalogue Clavius
Terms for field Author - part A
Next parts : A B C D ...

In parentheses is number of term occurrence. Other options : search in Union Catalogue SKAT Union Catalogue of Articles

46. Gateway To Educational Materials - Search
NASA, Sun, Moon, Time measurement, Calendar, Scientist, Mythology, Gregorian calendar,Ancient history, Julian calendar, clavius, christopher, Lunar month|Science||yes|S

47. College Of The Holy Cross
Giordano Bruno (15481600) (see Scene 3 of Galileo)and christopher clavius(1538-1612) (see Scene 5 of Galileo) Giordano Bruno, from
Galileo by Di Tito courtesy of the Galileo Project,
Charles Laughton as Galileo and Bertolt Brecht (photographed by Konrad Ressler),
courtesy of the The Versuche Ensemble. The FYP Links: 2001-2002
Galileo /Brecht

For our first common text of spring 2002, we will be reading Bertolt Brecht's The Life of Galileo , which was written between 1937-1939 and translated into English by Brecht and Charles Laughton in 1947. In addition to the following sites, you might find it interesting to search for ``Galileo'' and the ``Pope'' in magazine and newspaper sources in the US and Europe since 1980. Pope John Paul II began to restore the image of Galileo in 1980 culminating with the papal apology in 1992 for the silencing of Galileo.
Links to sites about Brecht:
  • Bertolt Brecht Turns 100 , A Web Exhibit, from the University of Southern California. Includes information on the first English language production of the play in Los Angeles in 1947 and Brecht's testimony before the House Committee on Un-American Activities on October 30, 1947.
    The Brecht Centennial
    web site from The Versuche Ensemble, with biography, play listing, photos, links and music.

48. MìK Boženy Nìmcové Domažlice - Katalog Clavius
MeK Boženy Nemcové Domažlice katalog clavius. 5) Anders,Martin(2) Andersen,Benny,1929-(1)Andersen,Hans Christian,1..(20) Andersen,christopher(4) Andersen
MìK Boženy Nìmcové Domažlice - katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást A
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V závorkách je uveden poèet výskytù každého termínu. Další možnosti vyhledávání : Souborný katalog nauèné literatury Souborný katalog èlánkù

49. MìK Boženy Nìmcové Domažlice - Catalogue Clavius
MeK Boženy Nemcové Domažlice catalogue clavius. Anders,Martin(2) Andersen,Benny,1929-(1)Andersen,Hans Christian,1..(20) Andersen,christopher(4) Andersen
MìK Boženy Nìmcové Domažlice - catalogue Clavius
Terms for field Author - part A
Next parts : A B C D ...

In parentheses is number of term occurrence. Other options : search in Union Catalogue SKAT Union Catalogue of Articles

50. Why 2000 Was A Leap Year
Is 2000 A Leap Year? Father christopher clavius, SJ Professor of Mathematics,Collegio Romano, Naples. QUESTION Why does cclient

51. Mìstská Knihovna Ústí Nad Orlicí - Katalog Clavius
Mestská knihovna Ústí nad Orlicí katalog clavius. Anderová,Romana(2) Andersen,Benny(3)Andersen,Hans Christian,1..(12) Andersen,christopher(4) Andersch
Mìstská knihovna Ústí nad Orlicí - katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást A
Další èásti : A B C D ...

V závorkách je uveden poèet výskytù každého termínu. Další možnosti vyhledávání : Souborný katalog nauèné literatury Souborný katalog èlánkù Katalog regionálních osobností Návrat na www stránky knihovny

52. Knihovna Mìsta Hradce Králové - Catalogue Clavius
Knihovna mesta Hradce Králové catalogue clavius. 4) Andersen,Benny(3) Andersen,Diane(3)Andersen,Hans Christian,1..(44) Andersen,christopher(2) Andersen
Knihovna mìsta Hradce Králové - catalogue Clavius
Terms for field Author - part A DRUHY DOKUMENTÙ - vysvìtlení zkratek
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For slow connection : A -Ab Ac-Ai Aj-Ak Al-Am ...
Ažajev,Vasilij Nikolajeviè

In parentheses is number of term occurrence.

53. Knihovna K.H.Máchy Litomìøice - Katalog Clavius
Príspevková organizace Knihovna KH.Mách katalog clavius. Bella,1937-(1)Achmatova,Anna,1889-1966(3) Aichele,Dietmar(1) Ailsby,christopher(2) Aimová
Knihovna K.H.Máchy Litomìøice - katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást A
Další èásti : A B C D ... zpìt
Pro pomalé spojení : A -Aj Ak-An Ap-Az a kol. ...

V závorkách je uveden poèet výskytù každého termínu. Další možnosti vyhledávání : Souborný katalog nauèné literatury Souborný katalog èlánkù

54. Knihovna K.H.Máchy Litomìøice - Catalogue Clavius
Príspevková organizace Knihovna KH.Mách catalogue clavius. Bella,1937-(1)Achmatova,Anna,1889-1966(3) Aichele,Dietmar(1) Ailsby,christopher(2) Aimová
Knihovna K.H.Máchy Litomìøice - catalogue Clavius
Terms for field Author - part A
Next parts : A B C D ... back
For slow connection : A -Aj Ak-An Ap-Az a kol. ...

In parentheses is number of term occurrence. Other options : search in Union Catalogue SKAT Union Catalogue of Articles

55. Mìstská Knihovna Tøinec - Katalog Clavius
Mestská knihovna Trinec katalog clavius. Lauryn(1) Chandler,Raymond,1888-1959(22)Chang,Jung,1952-(1) Chang,Stephen T.(1) Chant,christopher(1) Chapian,Marie
Mìstská knihovna Tøinec - katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást Ch
Další èásti : A B C D ...

V závorkách je uveden poèet výskytù každého termínu. Další možnosti vyhledávání : Souborný katalog nauèné literatury Souborný katalog èlánkù

56. Mìstská Knihovna Tøinec - Katalog Clavius
Mestská knihovna Trinec katalog clavius. 4) Achmatowa,Anna(1) Achremowicz,Wanda(2)Aichele,Dietmar,1928-(2) Aiken,Joan,1924-(1) Ailsby,christopher(1) Aird
Mìstská knihovna Tøinec - katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást A
Další èásti : A B C D ...

V závorkách je uveden poèet výskytù každého termínu. Další možnosti vyhledávání : Souborný katalog nauèné literatury Souborný katalog èlánkù

57. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 418*) Clairaut, Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron, Emile (525*) Clarke, Samuel (284*) Clausen,Thomas (357) Clausius, Rudolf (110*) clavius, christopher (405*) Clebsch
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

58. WWW-Tipp 1/2002
Translate this page http// ALBERTVAN HELDEN schreibt über christopher clavius (1537-1612). Nothing
WWW-Tipp 1/2002
Gregor XIII
Der Gregorianische Kalender

astronomische Jahre

Die Berechnung des Osterfestes
andere Kalender
Gregor XIII.
oben Vor 500 Jahren wurde U GO B UONCOMPAGNI geboren. Im Gegensatz zu C ELSIUS , F AHRENHEIT oder K ELVIN vgl. Surftipp 40/2001 REGOR XIII. Trotzdem unterstellt man ihm etwas Vernunft oder Fortschritt, wenn man nur weiß, daß der von ihm reformierte Julianische Kalender, der deshalb "Gregorianischer" Kalender heißt, ziemlich genau der wirklichen Jahresdauer nahekommt. Mein Weltbild wird aber bestätigt, wenn ich aus dem Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikon Band II (1990), Spalten 323-325, Autor: F RIEDRICH W ILHELM ... ASPARD DE EINRICH III. von Frankreich gegen die Hugenotten und die irische Aufstandsbewegung gegen E LISABETH HRISTOPH C LAVIUS So soll GREGOR XIII. ausgesehen haben: weitere Links
Der Gregorianische Kalender
astronomische Jahre
oben astronomische Jahre sind leider nicht ganzzahlige Vielfache von Tagen , wie auch das beschreibt: Sonnenjahr
Ebenfalls Sonnenjahre sind die aus den gleichnamigen Kalendern abgeleiteten Intervalle Julianisches Jahr 365.25 Tage UT Gregorianisches Jahr 365.2425 Tage UT

59. (Science Ouverte), Paris, Editions Du Seuil, 1999
Translate this page clavius, christopher KNOBLOCH, Eberhard (Ed.), Commentaria in Euclidis ElementaGeometrica (Historia scientiarum), Hildesheim -Zürich- New York , Olms
Acquisitions (hors périodiques) Bibliothèque de Philologie (Bât.A salle 230
Bibliothèque de Philosophie/Histoire des sciences (Maison de la Recherche, salle 112) Bibliothèque d’Histoire des sciences et épistémologie (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, Bât P.5bis, UFR de Physique) XVIe COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE TOURS , Platon et Aristote à la Renaissance (De Pétrarque à Descartes, 32), Paris, Librairie J. Vrin, 1976.
Bibliothèque de Philologie ABAELARDUS, Petrus [DE RIJK, L.M. (Ed.)], Dialectica : first complete edition of the parisian manuscript (Wijsgerige Teksten en Studies), Assen, Van Gorcum, 1956.
Maison de la Recherche ABRAHAM HISPANUS, Sphaera mundi , Amsterdam, B.R. Grüner Publisher, 1968.
Maison de la Recherche , Rodolphus Agricola Phrisius (1444-1485 Proceedings of the International Conference at the University of Groningen , 28-30 October 1985 (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 6), Leiden New York -Köln, Brill, 1988.

60. Suggested Authors: HIST 320, Renaissance Creativity
clavius, christopher aka Christoph Klau (15381612), science; Clichtove,Josse van (1472/73-1543), theology; Colombo, Matteo Realdo (ca.
This page offers a list of suggested authors for the student project for J. B. Owens's spring 2004 upper-division undergraduate course, History 320, Renaissance Creativity . This course is part of the core curriculum in comparative and world history of the Department of History, Idaho State University. The sole purpose of this page, and all of the related pages on this server that are linked to it, is to provide an orientation for those students enrolled in History 320. You may return to the course main page or to the syllabus
Renaissance Creativity: Author List
The project is due on 23 April at 2:30 p.m. You must send it to my e-mail address (, following carefully the instructions on the project page . In class on 27 January, you will select the author on whose publications you will do research. By 2:30 p.m. on Friday, 7 February, you will mail me ( a preliminary bibliography. This page provides a list of suggested authors on which to focus for the student research project for J. B. Owens's fall 2004 upper-division course Renaissance Creativity . Questions and comments may be sent to me at my e-mail address (, or if you prefer, you may send me a message now by selecting this button:

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