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Clavius Christopher: more detail |
21. February 6, 1612 - Christopher Clavius, Calendar Reformer, Dies (birth Date Unkn February 6, 1612 in history christopher clavius,calendar reformer, dies (birth date unknown). http://www.brainyhistory.com/events/1612/february_6_1612_35961.html | |
22. Clavius : Le Jésuite Qui Subtilisa 10 Jours ! Translate this page Sans entrer dans le débat, commémorons ici le jésuite qui est considérécomme le responsable du calendrier actuel le Père christopher clavius. http://www.jesuites.com/histoire/clavius.htm | |
23. GGRENir: Thesaurus: P00369 GGRENir Thesaurus item P00369. clavius, christopher.(clavius, Christophorus). ((clavius, Christoph)). http://www.phil-hum-ren.uni-muenchen.de/GGRENirDB/ThP369.htm | |
24. CLAVIUS Translate this page clavius, christopher, (Al.1538-It.1612), foi o astrônomo jesuíta que ajudou o papaGregory XIII a introduzir o que é chamado agora o calendário gregoriano. http://www.geocities.com/cobra_pages/fm-clavius.html | |
25. Christopher Clavius - Encyclopedia Article About Christopher Clavius. Free Acces christopher Alexander encyclopedia article about christopher christopher Alexander. and licensed contractor as well as architect, christopher Alexanderis famous mostly for his populism, and his theoretical contributions. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Christopher Clavius | |
26. Christopher Clavius 20Aug-01 clavius Leaping Facts http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/educ_school/CI/3m/Christopher Clavius1.htm | |
27. Encyclopedia: Christopher Clavius clavius J. Lattis, Between Copernicus and Galileo christopher clavius and the collapseof Ptolemaic Astronomy (Chicago The University of Chicago Press, 1994). http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Christopher-Clavius | |
28. Scene 2 christopher clavius, the Churchs greatest astronomer, is examining theskies with Galileos telescope while Galileo waits in another room. http://www.nd.edu/~tbarkes/galileoscene5.html | |
29. C Index 418*) Clairaut, Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron, Benoit (525*) Clarke, Samuel (284) Clausen,Thomas (357) Clausius, Rudolf (110*) clavius, christopher (405*) Clebsch http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/C.htm | |
30. On Time: Today's Calendar And The Jesuits Looking back reveals a struggle for our current calendar s acceptance and thestory of christopher clavius, a sixteenthcentury Jesuit who worked hard to http://www.companymagazine.org/v172/ontime.html | |
31. Christopher -- Encyclopædia Britannica Lab. , christopher clavius University of St Andrews, Scotland Biographyof this Jesuit astronomer and professor of mathematics. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=84619&tocid=0&query=hermann von reichena |
32. People: Faculty, English Department, WCAS, Northwestern University A forthcoming article on numerical and literary representations of the infinite intexts by John Donne, Athanasius Kircher, and christopher clavius will appear http://www.english.northwestern.edu/people/johnson.html | |
33. Martin, Benjamin: Biographia Philosophica Dominicus Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius Chales, Claudius Francis De Cherubin, LepereCicero, Marcus Tullius Clarke, Samuel clavius, christopher Cleomedes Clerc http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/15277.ctl | |
34. Return Home Archive; Clapp, Cornelia M. (18491934), MLB, USA; Clarke, Edith(1883-1959), TAP; clavius, christopher (1537-1612), Maths Archive; http://members.aol.com/jayKplanr/images.htm | |
35. Journals From Cambridge University Press The Jesuit Ratio Studiorum , christopher clavius, And The Study Of MathematicalSciences In Universities (pp 447 457) Dennis C. Smolarski Abstract. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_toc.asp?mnemonic=SIC&vol=15&issue=3 |
36. Journals From Cambridge University Press The Jesuit Ratio Studiorum , christopher clavius, And The Study Of MathematicalSciences In Universities View this article at our Journals online site. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_article.asp?mnemonic=SIC&pii=S02698 |
37. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : CLA Dessin 1; clavius (christopher)(1538-1612) Dessin 1/2/3 (A)/4; http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/cla.htm | |
38. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : CLA Drawing 1; CLAVERING (Charles) Painting 1; CLAVIJERO (Francis Xavier)(17311787)Drawing 1; clavius (christopher)(1538-1612) Drawing 1/2/3 (E)/4. http://www.onlipix.com/personages/cla.htm | |
39. Vatican Observatory Staff - Christopher J. Corbally, S.J. christopher J. Corbally, SJ, Click for full picture of christopherCorbally! Vice Director of the Vatican Observatory for VORG Tel http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo/R1024/CCorbally.html | |
40. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Katalog Clavius Zachar..(1) Achterhuis,Hans,1942(1) Aickman,Robert,1914-1981(2) Aichele,Dietmar,1928-(4)Aichinger,Ilse,1921-(1) Aiken,Joan,1924-(4) Ailsby,christopher(1) Aim http://katalog.kjm.cz/clslaa.htm | |
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