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         Clavius Christopher:     more detail
  1. The Arenarius of Archimedes, translated from the Greek, with notes and illustrations. To which is added, the dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same subject, from the Latin. by Archimedes, 2010-05-27
  2. Behind The Cueball Novella (The Chronicles of Brother Michael) by Len Ford, 2010-01-29

21. February 6, 1612 - Christopher Clavius, Calendar Reformer, Dies (birth Date Unkn
February 6, 1612 in history christopher clavius,calendar reformer, dies (birth date unknown).
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February 6, 1612 In History Died:
Christopher Clavius, calendar reformer, dies (birth date unknown)
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February 6, 1612

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22. Clavius : Le Jésuite Qui Subtilisa 10 Jours !
Translate this page Sans entrer dans le débat, commémorons ici le jésuite qui est considérécomme le responsable du calendrier actuel le Père christopher clavius.
Christophe Clavius le jésuite
qui subtilisa 10 jours ! Sans entrer dans le débat, commémorons ici le jésuite qui est considéré comme le responsable du calendrier actuel : le Père Christopher Clavius. Sollicité par le Concile de Trente, Grégoire XIII entreprit en 1579 la réforme du calendrier adopté en 1578. Le Pape Grégoire fit installer à l'endroit le plus élevé du Vatican la Tour des Vents, un observatoire où des jésuites sous la direction du Père Clavius furent appelés à faire des recherches qui pourraient servir de base à la réforme du calendrier. Le Père Clavius, né en Bavière en 1538, était un éminent mathématicien professeur au Collège Romain, lorsque le Pape demanda ses services au Vatican. En 1580 les propositions de Clavius étaient prêtes, mais leur mise en vigueur fut retardée jusqu'à la signature par le Pape du décret qui stipulait que le 4 octobre 1582, fête de S. François d'Assise serait suivi du 15 octobre, supprimant ainsi dix jours du calendrier. C'est pourquoi il est dit que S. Thérèse d'Avila est morte "dans la nuit du 4 au 15 octobre 1582" !

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GGRENir Thesaurus item P00369. clavius, christopher.(clavius, Christophorus). ((clavius, Christoph)).
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  • 24. CLAVIUS
    Translate this page clavius, christopher, (Al.1538-It.1612), foi o astrônomo jesuíta que ajudou o papaGregory XIII a introduzir o que é chamado agora o calendário gregoriano.
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    Clavius Novi calendarii romani apologia R.Q.Cobra
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    25. Christopher Clavius - Encyclopedia Article About Christopher Clavius. Free Acces
    christopher Alexander encyclopedia article about christopher christopher Alexander. and licensed contractor as well as architect, christopher Alexanderis famous mostly for his populism, and his theoretical contributions. Clavius
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Christopher Clavius
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Christopher Clavius , born Christoph Clau, ( Centuries: 15th century - 16th century - 17th century Decades: 1480s 1490s 1500s 1510s 1520s - Years: 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 - Events
    • Treaty of Nagyvarad. Peace between King Ferdinand and the Turks. John Zapolya is recognized as King of Hungary, while Ferdinand retains the northern and western parts of the Kingdom, and is recognized as heir to the throne.
    • Truce of Nice - Peace between Emperor Charles V and Francis I of France

    Click the link for more information. February 12 February 12 is the 43rd day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 322 days remaining, 323 in leap years.
    • 1541 - Santiago, Chile is founded by Pedro de Valdivia.
    • 1554 - Nine days after claiming the throne of England, Lady Jane Grey is beheaded for treason.
    • 1733 - Englishman James Oglethorpe founds the 13 th and final American colony of Georgia, and its first city at Savannah.

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    26. Christopher Clavius
    20Aug-01 clavius’ Leaping Facts Clavius1.htm
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    27. Encyclopedia: Christopher Clavius
    clavius J. Lattis, Between Copernicus and Galileo christopher clavius and the collapseof Ptolemaic Astronomy (Chicago The University of Chicago Press, 1994).

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    28. Scene 2
    christopher clavius, the Church’s greatest astronomer, is examining theskies with Galileo’s telescope while Galileo waits in another room.
    Scene 5. Clavius’ Judgement
    Rome, 1616.
    Galileo has been summoned to Rome to discuss his "proof" with scholars at the Vatican. Christopher Clavius, the Church’s greatest astronomer, is examining the skies with Galileo’s telescope while Galileo waits in another room. As he waits, two monks ridicule the notion that the earth is spinning andthey feign as thought they have lost physical control owing to the newly discovered forces of nature. A Cardinal is much less light-hearted as condemns Galileo’s ideas, a lesser astronomer calls the telescope the "devil’s own tube." The Cardinal has become so excited that he faints. All are surprised (except the Cardinal who is unaware of the pronouncement) when Father Clavius declares Galileo correct, but the scene ends ominously with the introduction of the Cardinal Inquisitor.
    The Life of Galileo
    by Bertolt Brecht
    Translated by David Hare Performed by the University of Notre Dame
    Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
    April 17-21, 2002 Back to Scene Page

    29. C Index
    418*) Clairaut, Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron, Benoit (525*) Clarke, Samuel (284) Clausen,Thomas (357) Clausius, Rudolf (110*) clavius, christopher (405*) Clebsch
    Names beginning with C
    The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Cajori , Florian (85*)
    , Alberto (879*)

    of Novara (171)
    , John (74*)
    , Charles (61)
    , Francesco (104)
    , Georg (3100*)
    , Moritz (498*)
    y Lobkowitz, (227)
    , Constantin (267*) Carcavi , Pierre de (439) Cardan , Girolamo (2818*) Carlyle , Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare Carnot, Sadi Carroll , Lewis (266*) Carslaw , Horatio (525*) Cartan , Elie (406*) Cartan, Henri Cartwright , Dame Mary (110*) Cassels , John (418*) Casorati , Felice (95*) Cassini , Giovanni (309*) Castel , Louis (172) Castelnuovo , Guido (384*) Castigliano , Alberto (456) Castillon , Johann (162) Catalan Cataldi , Pietro (308) Cauchy , Augustin (2467*) Cavalieri , Bonaventura (565*) Cayley , Arthur (1158*) Cech , Eduard (465*) , Ernesto (186) Ceulen , Ludolph van (223) Ceva, Giovanni Ceva, Tommaso Ch'in Chiu-Shao (62) Ch'ung Chi Tsu Chandrasekhar , Subrahmanyan (236*) Chang , Sun-Yung (620*) Chaplygin , Serg (366*) Chapman , Sydney (792*) Chasles , Michel (154*) , Gabrielle du (154*) Chebotaryov , Nikolai (409*) Chebyshev , Pafnuty (255*) Chern , Shiing-shen (627*) Chevalley , Claude (369*) Chi Tsu Ch'ung (127*) Chisholm Young , Grace (112*) Chowla , Sarvadaman (819*) Christoffel , Elwin (1580*) Chrysippus Chrystal , George (2763*) Chu Shih-Chieh (80) Chuquet , Nicolas (299) Church , Alonzo (171*) Civita , Tullio Levi- (418*) Clairaut , Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron , Benoit (525*) Clarke , Samuel (284) Clausen , Thomas (357) Clausius , Rudolf (110*)

    30. On Time: Today's Calendar And The Jesuits
    Looking back reveals a struggle for our current calendar s acceptance and thestory of christopher clavius, a sixteenthcentury Jesuit who worked hard to
    Today's calendar
    owes a debt
    to a Jesuit
    by David Duncan
    Today almost everyone takes the precision of our calendar for granted, unaware of the long threads spooling out from our clocks and watches backward in time, running through virtually every major revolution in human sciences, all linked to the measurement of time. Looking back reveals a struggle for our current calendar's acceptance and the story of Christopher Clavius, a sixteenth-century Jesuit who worked hard to create and defend it, only to have his name forgotten over those years that he helped to fix. The fix was needed because of an error in the original calendar established by Julius Caesar in 45 bc, who mistimed his year so that it ran eleven minutes shorta deficit that accumulated gradually over the centuries. Eventually, the calendar fell back several days against the true astronomic yeara glitch first discovered three centuries before Clavius, when a sickly English friar named Roger Bacon dispatched a strident missive to Rome. Addressed to Pope Clement IV, it was an urgent appeal to set right time itself. Calculating that the calendar was losing an entire day every 125 years, Roger Bacon informed the supreme pontiff that there was a surplus of time that over the centuries had accumulated to nine days. He declared that this drift, if left unchecked, would eventually shift March to the dead of winter and August to the spring.

    31. Christopher --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    Lab. , christopher clavius University of St Andrews, Scotland Biographyof this Jesuit astronomer and professor of mathematics. von reichena

    32. People: Faculty, English Department, WCAS, Northwestern University
    A forthcoming article on numerical and literary representations of the infinite intexts by John Donne, Athanasius Kircher, and christopher clavius will appear
    Home People Faculty Christopher Johnson
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    Lane, Christopher
    ... Weheliye, Alexander Christopher Johnson Assistant Professor of English University Hall Room Telephone: (847) 46 Fax: (847) 467-1545 E-mail: Christopher Johnson's (Ph.D., New York University) principal teaching interests include Early Modern poetry and prose, relations between science and literature, literary theory, and translation studies. He has published articles in Translation and Literature , the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies , and . He also edited, introduced, and revised a translation of Heinrich Heine's Journey to Italy (Marsilio, 1999). A forthcoming article on numerical and literary representations of the infinite in texts by John Donne, Athanasius Kircher, and Christopher Clavius will appear in

    33. Martin, Benjamin: Biographia Philosophica
    Dominicus Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius Chales, Claudius Francis De Cherubin, LepereCicero, Marcus Tullius Clarke, Samuel clavius, christopher Cleomedes Clerc
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    Martin, Benjamin Biographia Philosophica Being an Account of the Lives, Writings, and Inventions of the Most Eminent Philosophers and Mathematicians . Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 1764 Edition. 567 p. 5-3/8 x 8-1/2 2002 Cloth CUSA $140.00tx 1-85506-973-3 Spring 2002 Benjamin Martin (1704-82) came from a family of Surrey farmers and seems to have received little in the way of formal education. However, he taught himself mathematics and astronomy, and in time became an accomplished inventor and maker of scientific instruments. He was also a keen disciple of Newtonon whose physics he gave public lecturesas well as a considerable philosopher of language. Martin published many books on these various subjects, but his chief ambition as a writer was nothing less than to provide a synopsis of all scientific and philosophical knowledge in a grand fourteen-volume series. Martin only ever completed five of these projected booktwo on philology, two on mathematics, and the Biographia Philosophica This rare little encyclopaedia contains entries detailing the lives and works of 157 people, from Thales and Euclid in antiquity to Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Nicholas Saunderson in Martin's own century. Typically, an entry will begin with biographical information and then move on to a critical assessment of its subject's work, 'digested according to the Order of Time in which they lived'. Sometimes, a bibliography is given in conclusion. As was usual in his era, Martin construed the term 'philosophy' broadly enough to include the sciences as well as abstract thought.

    34. Return Home
    Archive; Clapp, Cornelia M. (18491934), MLB, USA; Clarke, Edith(1883-1959), TAP; clavius, christopher (1537-1612), Maths Archive;
    return home An Alphabetical A-Z List of Famous Scientists and Mathematicians Indicates a portrait photograph or illustration is included. browse a section: A B C D ... Z

    35. Journals From Cambridge University Press
    The Jesuit Ratio Studiorum , christopher clavius, And The Study Of MathematicalSciences In Universities (pp 447 457) Dennis C. Smolarski Abstract.

    36. Journals From Cambridge University Press
    The Jesuit Ratio Studiorum , christopher clavius, And The Study Of MathematicalSciences In Universities View this article at our Journals online site.

    37. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : CLA
    Dessin 1; clavius (christopher)(1538-1612) Dessin 1/2/3 (A)/4;
    CLA A B C D ... Z
    • CLAES (Georges)
        Photo (en 1946)/ (en 1947)
    • CLAESSEN (Jet)
    • CLAESZ (Aaltje, femme de Cornelis CLAESZ
    • CLAESZ (Cornelis)
    • CLAIRAUT (Alexis Claude)(1713-1765)
    • CLAIRBORNE (W.C.C.)(1775-1817)
    • CLAIRE (Ina)
        - en 1932 :
        - en 1936 :
        - en 1937 :
    • CLAIRON (Mlle, amie de VOLTAIRE
    • CLAM-MARTINIC Heinrich von)(1863-1932)
    • CLANBRASSIL (Anne, comtesse
        Peinture (en 1636)
    • CLANCARTY (Richard LE POER TRENCH, 2nd comte de
    • CLANCARTY (Robert Somerset LE POER TRENCH,
      • CLANRICARDE (Ulick de BURGH, 1er marquis de
      • CLANRICARDE (Ulick de BURGH,)(1802-1874)
      • CLANTON (James Holt,
      • CLANTON (Joseph Issac)
      • CLANWILLIAM (Richard MEADE,
      • CLAPEYRON (Emile)
      • CLAPTON (Eric)(1945-)
      • CLARE (John FITZGIBBON, 2nd comte de
      • CLARE (John)(1793-1864)
        • Peinture
      • CLARE (Peter)(1781-1851)
      • CLARE (Richard Hobart FITZGIBBON

    38. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : CLA
    Drawing 1; CLAVERING (Charles) Painting 1; CLAVIJERO (Francis Xavier)(17311787)Drawing 1; clavius (christopher)(1538-1612) Drawing 1/2/3 (E)/4.
    CLA A B C D ... Z
    • CLAES (Georges)
        Photo (in 1946)/ (in 1947)
    • CLAESSEN (Jet)
    • CLAESZ (Aaltje, wife of Cornelis CLAESZ
    • CLAESZ (Cornelis)
    • CLAIRAUT (Alexis Claude)(1713-1765)
    • CLAIRBORNE (William C.C.)(1775-1817)
    • CLAIRE (Ina)
        - in 1932 :
        - in 1936 :
        - in 1937 :
    • CLAIRON (Mss, friend to VOLTAIRE
    • CLAM-MARTINIC Heinrich von)(1863-1932)
    • CLANBRASSIL (Anne, countess
        Painting (in 1636)
    • CLANCARTY (Richard LE POER TRENCH, 2nd earl of)(1767-1837)
    • CLANCARTY (Robert Somerset LE POER TRENCH, 4th earl of)(1834-1891)
    • CLANRICARDE (Ulick de BURGH, 1st marquess of)(1604-1657)
      • CLANRICARDE (Ulick de BURGH, 1st marquess of)(1802-1874)
      • CLANTON (James Holt, general
      • CLANTON (Joseph Issac)
      • CLANWILLIAM (Richard MEADE, 3rd earl of)(1795-1879)
      • CLAPEYRON (Emile)
      • CLAPTON (Eric)(1945-)

    39. Vatican Observatory Staff - Christopher J. Corbally, S.J.
    christopher J. Corbally, SJ, Click for full picture of christopherCorbally! Vice Director of the Vatican Observatory for VORG Tel
    Christopher J. Corbally, S.J. Vice Director of the Vatican Observatory for VORG
    E-Mail: Corbally, born near London on Jan. 24, 1946, spent much of his childhood in Wool, Dorset, 45 miles south of Stonehenge. He completed his bachelor of science degree in physics with honors at Bristol University in 1971, his master of science in astronomy at the University of Sussex (Brighton) in 1972 and his doctorate in astronomy at the University of Toronto (Canada) in 1983. His dissertation was a study on the evolutionary status of close visual binary stars as shown by classification of their spectra. His research interests, in addition to multiple star systems, include stellar spectral classification, peculiar and metal-weak stars, galactic structure and telescope technology. Corbally completed the licentiate in philosophy at Heythrop College, Oxfordshire, in 1968, a bachelor's degree in theology with honors from Heythrop College, University of London, in 1976, and a diploma in pastoral theology from Heythrop College, London, in 1977. He entered the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1963 and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1976. He has been a research astronomer of the Vatican Observatory, Vatican City State, since 1983, and is currently its Vice Director for VORG. He was Dean of the Vatican Observatory Summer School at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, in 1988, 1990, and 1999. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, a member of the American Astronomical Society, as well as a member of the International Astronomical Union, for which he is the National Representative of the Vatican City State. Corbally is a member of the

    40. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Katalog Clavius
    Zachar..(1) Achterhuis,Hans,1942(1) Aickman,Robert,1914-1981(2) Aichele,Dietmar,1928-(4)Aichinger,Ilse,1921-(1) Aiken,Joan,1924-(4) Ailsby,christopher(1) Aim
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