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         Clausius Rudolf:     more books (55)
  1. Beiträge Zur Meteorologischen Optik Und Zu Verwandten Wissenschaften (German Edition) by Rudolf Clausius, Johann August Grunert, 2010-03-22
  2. Mechanische Behandlung Der Electricität (German Edition) by Max Planck, Rudolf Clausius, et all 2010-04-01
  3. Die Lichterscheinungen der Atmosphäre (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-10-02
  4. Entropy (order and disorder): Entropy, Chaos, Rudolf Clausius, Thermodynamic process, Thermodynamic system, Ludwig Boltzmann, Entropy (energy dispersal), Encarta, History of entropy
  5. Rudolf Clausius
  6. University of Würzburg Faculty: Wilhelm Röntgen, Karl Ferdinand Braun, Rudolf Virchow, Franz Brentano, Wilhelm Wien, Rudolf Clausius
  7. Ideal Gas Law: Equation of state, Ideal gas, Gas, Boyle's law, Charles's law, Kinetic theory, Rudolf Clausius, State function, Pressure, Volume, Amount of substance, Mole (unit), Gas constant, Kelvin
  8. People From Koszalin: Rudolf Clausius, Maciej Stachowiak, Sebastian Mila, Kasia Cerekwicka, Peter Von Heydebreck, Miroslaw Okonski
  9. Die mechanische Wärmetheorie: Band III: Die kinetische Theorie der Gase. Entwicklung der besonderen Vorstellungen von der Natur der Wärme als einer Art der Bewegung (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-10
  10. Die mechanische Wärmetheorie: Band II: Die mechanische Behandlung der Elektrizität. Anwendung der mechanischen Wärmetheorie zu Grunde liegenden Prinzipien auf die Elektrizität (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-10
  11. Die mechanische Wärmetheorie: Band I: Entwicklung der Theorie, soweit sie sich aus den beiden Hauptsätzen ableiten lässt, nebst Anwendungen (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-09
  12. Die Potentialfunction und das Potential: Ein Beitrag zur mathematischen Physik (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-10
  13. Die Potentialfunction Und Das Potential: Ein Beitrag Zur Mathematischen Physik (German Edition) by Rudolf Clausius, 2010-01-01
  14. Die Mechanische Behandlung Der Electricitat (1879) (German Edition) by Rudolf Clausius, 2010-09-10

21. System Analysis - Cross Over Research - Metaphysics - Philosophy By Jörg Lenau
Translate this page Jean, Bogomoletz Alexander, Bohr Niels, Brown Robert, Carus Carl Gustav, CavendishHenry, Celsius Anders, Chadwick James, clausius rudolf, Coloumb Charles
A strologische C harakteranalyse A strologische C harakteranalyse ... mail Abaelard Peter, Albategnius, Albert der Große (Albertus Magnus) , Anaxagoras, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anselm von Canterbury, Archimedes, Aristarch(os) von Samos, Aristippos, Aristoteles, Augustinus, Avenarius Richard, Averroë (arab. Ibn Róschd) , Averroës, Avicenna, Baader Franz Xaver von, Bacon Francis, Bahnsen Julius, Baumgarten Alexander, Bavink Bernhard, Bayle Pierre, Bentham Jeremy, Bergson Henri, Berkeley George, Bernhard von Clairvaux, Boëthius, Bolzano Bernhard, Brentano, Bruno Giordano, Cassierer Ernst, Clausius Auguste, Cohen Hermann, Comte.Schleiermacher, Condillac Etienne Bonnet de, Cousin Victor, Croce, d'Alembert Jean le Rond, Dalton John, Demokrit (Demokritos) , Descartes René, Dewey John, Diderot Denis, Dilthey Wilhelm, Dingler Hugo, Diogenes Laërtius, Diogenes von Sinope, Diophantos von Alexandria, Donatus Aelius, Driesch, Dühring Eugen, Duns Scotus, Emerson Ralph Waldo, Empedokles von Akragas (Agrigent), Engels Friedrich, Epiktet, Epikur(os) von Samos, Eriguena, Espinas Alfred, Eudoxos aus Knidos, Euklid, Fechner Gustav Theodor, Feuerbach Ludwig, Fichte J.H., Fichte Johann Gottlieb, Fischer Kuno, Francis Bacon von Verulam, Freidrich der Große (II.), Fries Jakob Friedrich, Gassendi Petrus, Gemelli Agostino, Gentile, Geulincx, Gilson Etiennne, Giordano Bruno, Gorgias, Groce Benedetto, Guyau Jean Marie, Haller Karl Ludwig von, Haman Johann Georg, Hartmann E.v., Hartmann Eduard von, Hartmann N., Hegel Goerg Wilhelm Friedrich, Heidegger, Helvétius Claude-Adrien, Hemsterhuis Franz, Heraklit (Herakleitos) von Ephesos, Herbart Johann Friedrich, Herbert Edward Lord von Cherbury, Herder Johann Gottfried von, Heron (H. von Alexandria), Hertling Georg Graf von, Hippokrates (H. von Kos)
, Hobbes Thomas, Holbach Dietrich Baron von, Hume David, Husserl Edmund, Huxley Thomas Henry, Jacobi Friedrich Heinrich, Jaeger Werner, Jaensch Erich Rudolf, James William, Jansen Cornelius, Jaspers Karl, Jung Carl Gustav, Kant Immanuel, Keyserling Herrmann Graf von, Kierkegaard, Klages Ludwig, Klemens von Alexandria (Titus Flavius Clemens Alexandrianus) , Kluge Friedrich, Kratylos, Krause, Kung-(fu)tse (Kung-tse - Meister Kung) , Lamarck Jean-Baptiste de, Lamettrie Julien Offray de, Lange Friedrich Albert, Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von, Leukippos (Leukipp) von Milet, Lipps Theodor, Locke John, Lotze Hermann, Mach Ernst, Maimon Salomon (Salomon ben Josua) , Maimonides Moses (Rabbi Mosche ben Maimon) , Maine de Biran François Pierre, Maistre Josef-Marie Comte de, Malebranche Nicolas de, Marx Karl, Meister Eckhart, Menge Hermann, Mengtse (Möng-tse eigtl. Meng Ko - Möng-Kho) , Montesquieu Charles de Secondat, Müller Adam Heinrich, Natorp Paul, Nietsche Friedrich, Nietzsche, Nikolaus von Kues, Nostradamus (Michel de Notre-Dame) , Ockham Wilhelm von, Oken Lorenz (eigentl. Ockenfuß) , Origenes, Ortega y Gasset José, Parmenides von Elea, Pascal, Peirce Charles Santiago Sanders, Philon, Plato(n), Platon, Plotin(os), Plutarch(os) (von Chäronea) , Poseidonios, Protagoras, Protagoras (aus Abdera) , Ptolemäus Claudius (grch. Ptolemaios) , Pufendorf Samuel Frhr. von, Pythagoras (von Samos) , Rickert, Roger Bacon, Rousseau Jean Jaques, Russell, Satre Jean Paul, Savigny Friedrich Carl von, Scheler, Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, Schiller Ferdinand Canning Scott, Schopenhauer Arthur, Seneca, Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of, Smith Adam, Sokrates, Solowjew, Spengler Oswald, Spinoza Benedictus (Baruch d'Espinosa) , Stirner Max (eigentl. Kasper Schmidt) , Strauß, Suarez, Suëton(ius) Gajus S. Tranquillus, Taine Hippolyte, Thales (von Milet) , Theophrastus, Thomas von Aquin(o), Thomasius Christian, Thukydides, Toqueville Alexis Comte de, Troeltsch, Voltaire, Whitehead, Widelband, Wilhelm von Ockham, Wolff Christian Frhr. von, Wundt, Zenon (Zeno) von Kition Abderhalden Emil, Agricola Georg, Angström Anders Jonas, Arrhenius Svante, Baer Karl Ernst von, Basedow Johannes Bernhard, Bastian Adolf, Bat'a Thomas, Baur Erwin, Bebber Wilhelm Jakob van, Becquerel Henri, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Berzelsius Jöns Jacob Frhr. von, Binet Alfred, Bodin Jean, Bogomoletz Alexander, Bohr Niels, Brown Robert, Carus Carl Gustav, Cavendish Henry, Celsius Anders, Chadwick James, Clausius Rudolf, Coloumb Charles Augustin de, Darwin Erasmus, Darwin Charles, Davenport Charles Benedikt, Dewar Sir James, Döbereiner Johann Wolfgang, Doppler Christian, Du Bois-Reymond Emil, Fischer Eugen, Fizeau Armand Hippolyte Louis, Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron de, Fraunhofer Joseph von, Fresenius Carl Remigius, Fresnel Augustin Jean, Freud Sigmund, Freyer Hans, Fröbel Friedrich, Frobenius Leo, Galen (Galenos), Galilei Galileo, Gall Franz Joseph, Galton Sir Francis, Gauß Karl Friedrich, Gay-Lussac Louise Joseph, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Etienne, George Henry, Gesell Silvio, Gesner Konrad, Gilbert William, Goldschmidt Rich., Göschen Georg Joachim, Gray Stephan, Grimaldi Francesco, Grimm Jakob und Wilhelm, Grotefend Georg Friedrich, Grotius Hugo (Huig de Groot), Guericke Otto von, Gutenberg Johannes, Guts Muths Johann Christoph Friedrich, Haeckel Ernst, Hahn Otto, Hahnemann Samuel Friedrich Christian, Hamilton Sir William Rowan, Harvey William, Haushofer Karl, Helmholtz Hermann von , Helmont Johann Baptist van, Henle Friedrich Gustav Jakob, Henlein Peter, Hertz Heinrich, Hittorf Johannes Wilhelm, Amuel Hahnemann, Hooke Robert, Hughes David Edward, Humboldt Alexander Freiherr von, James William, Jeans Sir James Hopwood, Jenner Edward, Johnson Samuel, Joliot-Curie, Kamerlingh Onnes Heike, Kepöer Johannes, Fröbel Friedrich, Klaproth Martin Heinrich, Koch Robert, Kopernikus Nikolaus, Kürschner Josef, La Bruyère Jean de, Law John L. of Lauriston, Leblanc Nicolas, Le Bon Gustave, Lersch Philipp, Leverrier Urbain Jean Joseph, Liebig Justus Frhr. von, Linné Carl von, Lorentz Hendrik Anton, Macchiavelli Niccolò, Malpighi Marcello, Malthus Thomas Robert, Maxwell James Clerk, Mayer (Julius) Robert (von), Mendel Gregor, Meitner Lise, Mesmer Franz Anton, Meyer Julius Lothar, Meyer Victor, Michelson Albert, Mill James, Mill John Stuart, Millikan Robert Andrews, Minikowski Hermann, Mitscherlich Eilhard, Moissan Henry, Monier Joseph, Morgan Thomas Hunt, Moseley Henry, Muckermann Hermann, Müller Georg Elias, Müller Johannes, Nernst Walter, Newton Isaac, Nobel Alfred, Oersted Hans Christian, Ostwald Wilhelm, Planck Max, Prout William, Prozeß, Raman Chandrasekhara Venkata, Ramsey Sir William, Ratzel Friedrich, Réaumur René-Antoine de, Ricardo David, Richards Theodore William, Richthofen Ferdinand Frhr. von, Riese Adam, Rodbertus Johann Karl, Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad, Seaborg Glenn Theodore, Stark Johannes, Stein Lorenz von, Steinach Eugen, Steiner Rudolf, Thomson Sir William Lord Kelvin, Virchow Rudolf, Volta Alessandro Graf, Vornoff Serge, Wiclif John, Hus Johannes, Wöhler Friedrich, Wundt Wilhelm, Yukawa Hideki, Achard Franz Karl, Adler Alfred, Anderson Carl David, Arkwright Sir Richard, Aston Francis William, Avogadro Amadeo, Barkla Charles Glover, Bergius Friedrich, Bernard Claude, Berthelot Marcelin, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Boltzmann Ludwig, Boyle Robert, Bragg Sir William Henry, Brahe Tycho, Brauchle Alfred, Bridgman Percy William, Broglie Louis Duc de, Bronn Heinrich Georg, Carnap Rudolf, Carnot Sadi, Cartwright Edmund, Correns Carl, Davy Sir Humphry, Debye Peter, Dessauer Friedrich, Dulong Pierre-Louis, Dumas Jean-Baptiste, Ehrlich Paul, Einstein Albert, Engler Adolf, Euler Leonhard, Fahrenheit Gabriel Daniel, Faraday Michael, Fermi Enrico, Foucault Jean Bernhard Léon, Geiger Hans, Geitel Hans, Gibbs Josiah Willard, Hahn Otto, Henry Josef, Hoff Jacobus Hendricus van't, Huygens Christian (Huyghens), Joule James Prescott, Kirchhoff Robert, Kepler Johannes, Lagrange Joseph Louis de, Lahmann Heinrich, Langmuir Irving, Laplace Pierre Simon Marquis de, Laue Max von, Lavoisier Antoine Laurent, Lenard Philipp, Lumière Auguste, Lyell Sir Charles, Lyssenko Trofim Denisowitsch, MacDougall (eigtl. McDougall), M(a)cMillan Edwin Mattison, Magnus Heinrich Gustav, Millikan Robert Andrews, Naumann Karl Friedrich, Nicol W., Papin Denis, Paracelsus (Humanistenname des Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), Pasteur Louis, Pauli Wolgang, Pauling Linus, Pettenkofer Max von, Pflüger Eduard Friedrich Wilh., Priestley Joseph, Ramsay Sir William, Rutherford Ernest, Sabatier Paul, Tesla Nicola, Thünen Johann Heinrich von, Weizsäcker Carl Friedrich Frhr. von, Weizsäcker Viktor Frhr. von

22. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius - Wikipedia
Translate this page Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. RudolfClausius. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius (* 2. Januar 1822 in Köslin, † 24.
Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Rudolf Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius 2. Januar in Köslin 24. August in Bonn ) war ein deutscher Physiker. Als Sohn eines Schulrats studierte Clausius in Berlin und Halle (Saale) . Er wurde Professor für Physik in Berlin (Königliche Artillerie- und Ingenieurschule). ging er nach Zürich über Würzburg dann nach Bonn Nach der Entdeckung des Wärmeerhaltungssatzes durch Mayer und Joule musste eine neue Wärmelehre gefunden werden. Dieser Aufgabe widmete sich Clausius, indem er von der Fähigkeit der Wärme ausging, sich in Arbeit umzuwandeln. Er erfasste den 2. Hauptsatz der Wärmelehre , dass Wärme nicht ohne sonstige Veränderungen von einem kalten auf einen wärmeren Körper übergeht (Unmöglichkeit eines Perpetuum Mobile der 2. Art). führte Clausius den Begriff der Entropie ein. Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge

23. Rudolf Clausius - Wikipédia
RudolfClausius. Rudolf Clausius, 1822 - 1888, physicien allemand.
Rudolf Clausius
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Rudolf Clausius Rudolf Clausius physicien allemand Il participa   l'©laboration de la deuxi¨me loi de la thermodynamique ), et inventa le concept d' entropie en Views Outils personnels Navigation Rechercher Bo®te   outils Autres langues

24. Clausius, Rudolf (1822-1888) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
Physicists. Nationality. German. clausius, rudolf (18221888) German physicist who reconciled the results of Joule with the theories of Sadi Carnot by abandoning the idea that heat was conserved.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality German
Clausius, Rudolf (1822-1888)

German physicist who reconciled the results of Joule with the theories of Sadi Carnot by abandoning the idea that heat was conserved. He stated formally the equivalence of heat and work First Law of Thermodynamics ) and developed the concept of entropy (which he named in 1865) to explain the directionality of physical processes. He discovered the fact that entropy can never decrease in a physical process and can only remain constant in a reversible process, a result which became known as the Second Law of Thermodynamics With Maxwell , he developed the kinetic theory of gases. In "Über die Art der Bewegung welche wir Wärme nennen" ("On the Kind of Motion which we Call Heat" (1857), he provided a full account of the kinetic theory of molecular motions. This was the first systematic treatment of the kinetic theory. It used probabilistic arguments, introduced the concept of mean free path, and correlated temperature and velocity Clausius resolved this paradox of Buys-Ballot by explaining the motion of particles in terms of a random walk resulting from many collisions. Clausius also coined the word "virial" used in the virial equations.

25. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel
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26. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
rOO'dôlf yOO'lyoos Amä'nOOel klou'zEoos Pronunciation Key. clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel , 182288 rudolf Julius Emanuel clausius. clausius, rudolf Julius Emmanuel (18221888)
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27. Clausius
Biography of rudolf clausius (18221888) rudolf Julius Emmanuel clausius. Born 2 Jan 1822 in Koslin, Prussia (now Koszalin, Poland) rudolf clausius's father, Rev C E G clausius, was a Councillor of the Royal
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius
Born: 2 Jan 1822 in Koslin, Prussia (now Koszalin, Poland)
Died: 24 Aug 1888 in Bonn, Germany
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Rudolf Clausius 's father, Rev C E G Clausius, was a Councillor of the Royal Government School Board. He founded a small private school, becoming its Principal, and as a minister of the church he also served as its pastor. Rudolf was brought up in a large family, being the sixth of his father's sons. He attended his father's school for a few years and then moved to a Gymnasium in Stettin (now Szczecin, Poland) where he remained until he had completed his schooling in 1840. One of his brothers, Robert Clausius, wrote that at school:- ... all intimate with him learnt to esteem his reliability and truthfulness. ... the greatest confidence and trust were placed in him. His judgement ... was highly valued. Clausius entered the University of Berlin in 1840 although at this stage he was still not clear which subjects he would pursue. For a while he was strongly attracted towards history, but finally he decided to concentrate on mathematics and physics. It was in these subjects that he completed his degree by Easter of the year 1844 and then spent a probationary year teaching at the Frederic-Werder Gymnasium. At the Gymnasium Clausius taught the advanced classes in mathematics and physics. In 1846 he entered Boeck's Royal Seminary and submitted his dissertation, on the problem of reflected light in the sky, to Halle University in 1847. He received his doctorate, with distinction, on 15 July 1848. This early work by Clausius was aimed at explaining the blue colour of the sky, the red colours seen at sunrise and sunset, and the polarisation of light; see [11] for details. It has turned out not to be based on correct physics because it assumed the effects were caused by reflection and refraction of light rather than being caused by the scattering of light as

28. MSN Encarta - Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
Sign in above. clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel. Find more about clausius,rudolf Julius Emanuel from, Related Items, Other Features from Encarta.
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Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel (1822-88), German mathematical physicist, who was one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. He was born in... Related Items 19th-century developments in physical chemistry discoveries about gases 3 items Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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29. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Julius II
In 5. Physics thermodynamics 2nd law of thermodynamics clausius,rudolf Julius Emanuel*. Article—Encarta Encyclopedia. clausius
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clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel ( 182288), German mathematical physicist, who was one of the founders of the science of Find more about clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuelfrom
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta
Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel (1822-88), German mathematical physicist, who was one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. He was born in... Related Items 19th-century developments in physical chemistry discoveries about gases 3 items Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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31. Clausius, Rudolf. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fo
clausius, rudolf. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. 2000. 2000. clausius, rudolf. SYLLABICATION Clau·si·us.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage Dictionary Clausewitz, Karl von ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

clausius, rudolf JULIUS EMMANUEL (182 2I888) p German physicist, was born on the 2nd of January 1822 at Koslin, in Pomerania. After attending the Gym The work of clausius, who was a mathematical

33. Clausius_Note
gallery index. rudolf clausius. German physicist commonly known asone of the founders of thermodynamics. The notion of entropy is
Rudolf Clausius German physicist commonly known as one of the founders of thermodynamics. The notion of entropy is usually attributed to him, but many of his papers are often obscure or confusing. According to Edward Daub and others, Clausius derived some of the essential ideas from Reech and Rankine. And the concept of entropy was not established until 1865. Clausius is also responsible for some of the basic ideas for the kinetic theory of gases. BACK TO CLAUSIUS PICTURE BACK TO GALLERY INDEX Last modified March 27, 1999. (c) Soshichi Uchii

34. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel (1822-1888) Research Topic Was The
HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'clausius, rudolf Julius Emmanuel (18221888)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals,

35. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel (18221888). German physicist, one ofthe founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850 he enunciated
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
German physicist, one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850 he enunciated its second law: heat cannot pass from a colder to a hotter body.
According to Clausius, there are two types of entropy: the conversion of heat into work, and the transfer of heat from high to low temperature. He concluded that entropy must inevitably increase in the universe.
Clausius also improved the mathematical treatment of the first law of thermodynamics, and studied the relationship between thermodynamics and kinetic theory. From 1857 onwards, he did important work on the kinetic theory of gases as well as on the theory of electrolysis.

36. Scientists: Physical Sciences
Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich; Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich; clausius,rudolf Julius Emanuel; Compton, Arthur Holly; Cormack, Allan
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37. Clausius, Rudolf Emanuel (1822-1888), Physicien Et Mathématicien Allemand, L'un
Rudolf Emanuel Clausius (1822-1888) P I Svante Arrhenius LISTE HOME

38. Biografia De Clausius, Rudolf Emanuel
Translate this page clausius, rudolf Emanuel. (Koszalin, actual Polonia, 1822-Bonn, 1888)Físico alemán. Se doctoró en 1848 por la Universidad de Halle.
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Clausius, Rudolf Emanuel (Koszalin, actual Polonia, 1822-Bonn, 1888) Físico alemán. Se doctoró en 1848 por la Universidad de Halle. Fue profesor de física en la Escuela Real de Artillería e Ingeniería de Berlín (1850-1855) y en las universidades de Zurich (1855-1867), Wurzburg (1867) y Bonn (1869). Fue uno de los fundadores de la termodinámica. En 1850 enunció el segundo principio de la termodinámica como la imposibilidad de flujo espontáneo de calor de un cuerpo frío a otro de caliente, sin la aplicación de un trabajo externo. En 1865 introdujo el término entropía, definido como la capacidad del calor para desarrollar trabajo, y demostró que la entropía del sistema se incrementa en un proceso irreversible. Llevó a cabo así mismo investigaciones sobre la teoría cinética de los gases y los fenómenos electroquímicos. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

39. Clausius
Translate this page clausius, rudolf Emanuel (1822 -1888), físico matemático alemán,uno de los fundadores de la termodinámica. Nació en Köslin
Clausius, Rudolf Emanuel (1822 -1888), físico matemático alemán, uno de los fundadores de la termodinámica. Nació en Köslin (actualmente Koszalin, Polonia) y estudió en las universidades de Berlín y Halle. Desde 1855 hasta su muerte fue sucesivamente profesor en el Instituto Politécnico de Zurich y en las universidades de Würzburg y Bonn. Clausius fue el primero en enunciar la denominada segunda ley de la termodinámica (1850): el calor no puede pasar por sí mismo de un cuerpo más frío a un cuerpo más caliente. Fue uno de los primeros que aplicó las leyes de la termodinámica, especialmente el concepto de entropía, a la teoría de la máquina de vapor. También tuvo un papel importante en el desarrollo de la teoría cinética de los gases. Su teoría de la electrólisis se adelantó en parte a la teoría iónica del químico sueco Svante Arrhenius.

40. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel - Gedächtnis Berlin
Translate this page clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel. * 02.01.1822 Köslin (Provinz Pommern). † 24.08.1888Bonn (RheinProvinz). Physiker. Gedenktafel Am Kupfergraben 7, Mitte.
Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel Physiker Gedenktafel: Am Kupfergraben 7, Mitte

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