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         Clarke Samuel:     more books (100)
  1. An exposition of the church-catechism. By Samuel Clarke, ... Published from the author's manuscript. By John Clarke, ... by See Notes Multiple Contributors, 2010-06-24
  2. Jacobi Rohaulti Physica: Latinè Vertit, Recensuit, & Adnotationibus Ex Illustrissimi Isaaci Newtoni Philosophia Maximam Partem Haustis, Amplificavit & Ornavit Samuel Clarke (Latin Edition) by Isaac Newton, Jacques Rohault, 2010-03-29
  3. The Book of Common Prayer Reformed According to the Plan of ... Samuel Clarke by Samuel Clarke, 2010-03-31
  4. Die Trinitatslehre Samuel Clarkes: Ein Forschungsbeitrag zur Theologie der fruhen englischen Aufklarung (Bamberger theologische Studien) (German Edition) by Ulrich J Ortner, 1996
  5. British Moralists: Samuel Clarke. Balguy. Richard Price. Appendix : Balguy. Brown. John Clarke. Cudworth. John Gay. Hobbes. Kames. Locke. Mandeville. Paley. Wollaston by Lewis Amherst Selby-Bigge, 2010-03-08
  6. Le Christianisme Et Le Libre Examen: Discussion Des Arguments Apologétiques De Grotius, Pascal, Samuel Clarke, Paley, ... Etc, Volume 1 by Le Docteur Mary, 2010-04-09
  7. Promises from God
  8. The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence: Together wiith Extracts from Newton's Principia and Opticks (Philosophy Classics)
  9. A Collection of Papers, Which Passed Between the Late Learned Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke in the Years 1715 and 1716: Relating to the Principles of Natural ... Added, Letters to Dr. Clarke Concerning L by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Samuel Clarke, 2010-02-24
  10. A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, at the church of St. Margaret Westminster. On Tuesday, Nov. 22. 1709. being the day of thanksgiving ... obtained near Mons, ... By Samuel Clark, ... by Samuel Clarke, 2010-06-10
  11. A Full Account of the Late Proceedings in Convocation Relating to Dr. Clarke'S Writings About the Trinity by Samuel Clarke, 2009-12-31
  12. Der Briefwechsel mit G.W. Leibniz von 1715/1716 =: A collection of papers which passed between the late learned Mr. Leibniz and Dr. Clarke in the years ... (Philosophische Bibliothek) (German Edition) by Samuel Clarke, 1990
  13. A passage back home: A personal reminiscence of Samuel Selvon by Austin Clarke, 1994
  14. A Collection of Papers, Which Passed between the Late Learned Mr. Leibnitz, and Dr. Clarke, in the Years 1715 and 1716: Relating to the Principles of Natural ... Dr. Clarke Concerning Liberty and Necessity by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz;Samuel Clarke, 2001-11-27

clarke, samuel (16751729), English philosopher and divine, son of Edward clarke, an alderman, who for several years was parliamentary representative of the
CLARKE, SAMUEL Clarke afterwards devoted himself to the study of Scripture in the original, and of the primitive Christian writers. Having taken holy orders, he became chaplain to John Moore (1646-1714), bishop of Norwich, who was ever afterwards his friend and patron. In 1699 he published two treatises,one entitled Three Practical Essays on Baptism, Confirmation and Repentance, and the other, Some Reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or a Defence of Miltons Life, which relates to the Writings of the Primitive Fathers, and the Canon of the New Testament. In 1701 he published A Paraphrase upon the Gospel of St Matthew, which was followed, in 1702, by the Paraphrases upon the Gospels of S~ Mark and St Luke, ~nd soon afterwards by a third volume upon St John. They were subsequently printed together in two volumes and have since passed through several editions. He intended to treat in the same manner the remaining books of the New Testament, but his design was unfulfilled. Meanwhile he had been presented by Bishop Moore to the rectory of Drayton, near Norwich. As Boyle lecturer, he dealt in 1704 with the Being and Attributes of God, and in 1705 with the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion. These lectures, first printed separately, were afterwards published together under the title of A Discourse concerning the Being and Attril~utes of God, 1/fe Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainly of the Christian Revelation, in opposition to Hobbes, Spinoza, Ike author of the Oracles of Reason, and other Deniers of Natural and Revealed Religion.

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Sign in above. clarke, samuel. clarke, samuel (16751729), English theologian and metaphysician. Find more about clarke, samuel from, Other Features from Encarta.
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24. Spirit And Sky Philosophy: Philosophers: C: Clarke-samuel clarke, samuel clarke, samuel. Brief summary of his life. Catalog of the Scientific Community clarke, samuel
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  • A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God Brief excerpt from this key 1705 work by Clarke.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113201
  • Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Samuel Brief summary of his life.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113194
  • Catalog of the Scientific Community: Clarke, Samuel Catalog of the Scientific Community: Clarke, Samuel Entry from the Galileo project, giving basic biographical facts on this early modern thinker.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113193
  • MacTutor History of Mathematics: Samuel Clarke MacTutor History of Mathematics: Samuel Clarke Biographical article with bibliography, portrait and links to related topics.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113196
  • Samuel Clarke Samuel Clarke Article by Ezio Vailati from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Reviews Clarke's life and his polemic against naturalism.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113195
  • Samuel Clarke Samuel Clarke Wikipedia article, drawn from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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27. CLARKE, Samuel
Translate this page clarke, samuel, anglikanischer Theologe und Philosoph, * 11.10. 1675 in Norwich, † 17.5. 1729 in London. - C. studierte in Cambridge
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Band I (1990) Spalte 1030 Autor: Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz CLARKE, Samuel, anglikanischer Theologe und Philosoph, * 11.10. 1675 in Norwich, † 17.5. 1729 in London. - C. studierte in Cambridge Mathematik und Philosophie, widmete sich dann dem Studium der alt- und neutestamentlichen Exegese und der Kirchenväter, das er als Kaplan seines Gönners, des Bischofs More von Norwich, ungestört fortsetzen konnte. Er wurde Pfarrer von St. Bennet in London und 1709 Hofprediger mit der Pfarrei St. James', Westminster. - C. war ein Anhänger der Naturphilosophie Isaac Newtons und trug wesentlich bei zur Verbreitung der Erkenntnisse seines Freundes Newton. Er ist bekannt durch seinen Briefwechsel mit Leibniz, gegen den er seine und Newtons Philosophie verteidigte. C. gilt als Begründer eines rationalistischen Supranaturalismus gegen Deismus und Pantheismus. Werke: Being and Attributes of God, 1704; Evidences of Natural Revealed Religion, 1705; The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity (subordinatianistisch), 1712; The Leibniz-C. correspondence. Together with extracts from Newton's Principia and Opticks, hrsg. v. H. G. Alexander, Manchester 1956; - Correspondance Leibniz-C., hrsg. v. André Robinet, Paris 1957; - Philosophical Works, 4 Bde., 1738-42; Sermons, 10 Bde., 1730.

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29. Notes To Samuel Clarke
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Notes to samuel clarke. Notes. 1. Collins Notes to samuel clarke Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Notes to Samuel Clarke
Collins mentions More, Turner, and Clarke among the supporters of the dimensional extension of God: A. Collins, A Discourse of Free Thinking (London, 1713), pp. 47-8. P. Des Maizeaux, Avertissement Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences 15 (1962), 63-126, especially 95. For an exhaustive treatment of the ins and outs of the controversy, see J. P. Ferguson, The Philosophy of Dr Samuel Clarke and its Critics (New York: Vantage Press, 1974, ch. V. Ezio Vailati
siue edu
Notes to Samuel Clarke
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

30. Samuel Clarke
samuel clarke. clarke, samuel, English clergyman, born in Warwickshire in 1599 ; died in 1682. He was pastor of St. Bennet Fink, London
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Samuel Clarke
CLARKE, Samuel, English clergyman, born in Warwickshire in 1599 ; died in 1682. He was pastor of St. Bennet Fink, London, until ejected in 1662, and published, besides theological works and a famous "General Martyrology," "A True and Faithful Account of the Four Chiefest Plantations of the English in America" (London, 1670), and "New Description of the World" (1689). TM
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31. Samuel Fessenden Clarke
samuel Fessenden clarke. clarke, samuel Fessenden, naturalist, born in Geneva, Illinois, 4 June, 1851. He was graduated at the Sheffield
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32. Society, Philosophy, Philosophers, C: Clarke, Samuel
samuel clarke, 16751729. English theologian and philosopher clarke, samuel - Brief summary of his life. Catalog of the Scientific,_Samuel/
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33. Clarke, Samuel: Works Of Samuel Clarke
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Clarke, Samuel Works of Samuel Clarke . Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 1738 Edition. 3254 p., 4 Volumes. 8_3/8 x 11_9/16 2002 Cloth CUSA $825.00tx 1-85506-968-7 Spring 2002 'This edition contains everything of any philosophical or theological significance by Clarkeand provides useful biographical material.' Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Hoadly's 1738 edition remains the only complete edition of Samuel Clarke's major works. It includes both sets of Boyle Lectures, in which Clarke presents what is considered the most powerful version of the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God ever mounted. The edition also contains the famous correspondence with Leibniz; here in a dispute that foreshadows those among twentieth-century physicists Clarke defends the Newtonian view of space and time as absolute entities rather than mere relations between objects and events. Included too are Clarke's many writings on moral philosophy. In these he argues that moral principles can be known by reason alone to be as certain as the propositions of mathematics. These four volumes are central to the history of ideas in Europe, and no major library should be without them. Thoemmes Press is proud to present Clarke's Works afresh in this handsome large-format facsimile edition. Subjects:
  • Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion
  • Religion: Philosophy of Religion, Theology, and Ethics

34. Literary Encyclopedia: Clarke, Samuel
clarke, samuel. (1675 1729). Domain Religion. Religious Writer. Active 1695 - 1729 in England, Britain, Europe.

35. Public Domain Modern English Text Collection
clarkesamuel-EdwardThis Page Is Dedicated To. 4975341. Private. samuel Edward clarke. Sherwood Foresters. (Notts and Derby Regt.). 1/5th Battalion. Died. Age 25. 12th July 1943.

36. Clarke, Samuel
Site Map. encyclopediaEncyclopedia clarke, samuel. clarke, samuel, 1675–1729, English philosopher and divine. His chief interest


Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Samuel, , English philosopher and divine. His chief interest was rational theology, and, although a critic of the deists, he was in sympathy with some of their ideas. He supported the theories of Newton and argued with Leibniz in defense of the existence of absolute space. Clarke maintained that ethical law is as constant as mathematical law. His published works include many translations, lectures, sermons, and commentaries. The Leibniz correspondence was published in 1717. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Clarke, Mary Victoria (Novello) Cowden
Clarke, Walter
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37. Clarke :: Samuel RAINEY
Gertrude RAINEY; John William RAINEY; Paul Leslie clarke; RAINEY; Rhian clarke; samuel; samuel RAINEY; Sandra Valerie clarke; Sarah clarke; Trevor Alan clarke; Unknown.
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    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Samuel RAINEY John William RAINEY If you have any information to offer, or any questions to ask about Samuel RAINEY please click here to leave a message.
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    Sorry there's not much on these pages other than the names and basic family tree structure. There's more searchable commentary, which should be linked neatly to these pages, on the message board This info maintained by Bazzer . If you can help in any way with our family tree, or would like any more info, email me Pauly ) and I'll pass it on. Updated Mon 31 May 2004.

    38. Clarke :: Samuel RAINEY
    Person page samuel RAINEY; family tree, descendents, ancestors, etc; clarke family tree, Hampshire, UK, and beyond plus my
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  • Clarkeology :: Samuel RAINEY
    Samuel RAINEY Unknown James LYMAN Unknown John William RAINEY Gertrude LYMAN Samuel RAINEY
    • Birth date: 5 JUN 1917 Birth place: 26 Fram St, Pendleton, Salford, Lancs Death date: ? 1922 Death place: 26 Fram St, Pendleton, Salford, Lancs Burial place:
    Died as a result of falling into a scalding hot bath ? If you have any information to offer, or any questions to ask about Samuel RAINEY please click here to leave a message.
    All Ancestors (click on a name for more details)
    Sorry there's not much on these pages other than the names and basic family tree structure. There's more searchable commentary, which should be linked neatly to these pages, on the message board This info maintained by Bazzer . If you can help in any way with our family tree, or would like any more info, email me Pauly ) and I'll pass it on. Updated Mon 31 May 2004.

    39. Clarke, Samuel:, A Martyrologie, Containing A Collection Of All The Persecutions
    clarke, samuel A Martyrologie, containing a Collection of all the Persecutions which have befallen the Church of England since the first Plantation of the
    Unsworth's Booksellers
    Clarke, Samuel: A Martyrologie, containing a Collection of all the Persecutions which have befallen the Church of England since the first Plantation of the Gospel to the end of Queen Marie’s Reign., Whereunto are added the Lives of Jasper Coligni Admiral of France, who was slain in the Massacre of Paris. And of Joane Queen of Navarre, who died of Poyson a few days before that bloody Massacre. Togeher[sic.] with the Lives of ten of our English Divines, Famous in their Generations for Learning, Piety, Parts, and for their Sufferings in the Cause of Christ. London, Printed by T. Ratcliffe and E. Mottershed, and are to be sold by John Browne [...], 1652. Folio, pp. [xxiv] 301 [i] [ii] 156. With 5 leaves of plates. Title in red and black. Light browning, occasional spotting, bound in modern spotted calf, gilt rules to spine, red morocco gilt label, original f.e.p.’s preserved. Title-page with signature of Daniel Gordon, f.f.e.p. recto with inscription of Elizabeth -?-, 14/1/46, Christopher Hill’s characteristic pencil notes on verso of final f.e.p. First edition of this protestant matyrology by Samuel Clarke (1599-1682), pastor of St. Bennett Fink, preacher and biographer. One life in this collection (that of Master William Bradshaw) is written by the scholar Thomas Gataker (1574-1654). The book begins with the persecution of the British church before the coming of the Saxons, and the final part discusses early seventeenth century divines. Christopher Hill (1912-2003), owner of this copy, was the foremost Marxist historian of English puritanism in the twentieth century., Wing C 4546.

    40. CLARKE, Samuel, A Collection Of Papers, Which Passed Between The Late Learned Mr
    NEWTON DEFENDED. clarke, samuel A Collection of Papers, which passed between the late Learned Mr. Leibnitz, and Dr. clarke, in the Years 1715 and 1716.
    Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
    NEWTON DEFENDED CLARKE, Samuel A Collection of Papers, which passed between the late Learned Mr. Leibnitz, and Dr. Clarke, in the Years 1715 and 1716. Relating to the Principles of Natural Philosophy and Religion. With an Appendix. To which are added, Letters to Dr. Clarke concerning Liberty and Necessity; from a Gentleman of the University of Cambridge: with the Doctor's Answers to them. Also Remarks upon a Book, Entituled, A Philosophical Enquiry concerning Human Liberty [by Anthony Collins]. London, James Knapton, 1717. 8vo, pp. xiii, [2], [1] errata, 416, 46, [2] publisher's advertisements; the first part in French and English parallel texts; very slightly foxed at either end; a very good copy, printed on thick paper, in contemporary speckled calf, joints a little worn. 'Clarke's most direct contribution to physics during the course of this correspondence came in a footnote to his fifth paper, in which he considered the problem of computing the force of a moving body. He discussed the Newtonian position that such force could be expressed as the product of mass and velocity (mv) and that of the Leibnizians, who expressed it as the product of mass and the square of the velocity (mv2). He saw the issue as one between the concepts of momentum and kinetic energy' (DSB). Babson 229; Ravier 327; Wallis 62.1.

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