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61. Box 13: Baier-Clifford 26) church, alonzo, Binary Recursive Arithmetic, Journal de Math. 27) church, alonzo Application of Recursive Arithmetic to the Prolem of Circuit Synthesis. http://www.kommunikation.aau.dk/prior/boxes/box12_21/box13.htm | |
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63. Computer Dictionary Definition Of Church Alonzo Dictionary.com/alonzo church Get the Top 10 Most Popular Sites for alonzo church . 1 entry found for alonzo church. alonzo church. person A twentieth century http://www.realdictionary.com/computer/Computer/Church-Alonzo.asp | |
64. Refutation Of Alonzo Church's Theorem Of Entscheidungsproblem Unsolvability Refutation of alonzo church s theorem of the Entscheidungsproblem unsolvability. By Fernando Romero. romero@deducing.com. In this article http://www.deducing.com/rotc.html | |
65. Church, Alonzo - FOLDOC Definition Free Online Dictionary of Computing. church, alonzo. alonzo church. FOLDOC Feedback. Comments or Problems. Again, thanks for visiting NightFlight s WWW server. http://www.nightflight.com/foldoc-bin/foldoc.cgi?Church, Alonzo |
66. Dev/real - Programers Resource or search search words. from FOLDOC Free Online Dictionary of Computing church, alonzo {alonzo church}. browse words by letter http://www.devreal.net/words/c/Church,_Alonzo.html | |
67. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Alonzo Church alonzo church Biography Ph.D. Princeton University 1927. According to our current online database, alonzo church has 27 students and 907 descendants. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=8011 |
68. Online Encyclopedia - Alonzo Church , Encyclopedia Entry for alonzo church. alonzo church (June 14, 1903 August 11, 1995) was an American mathematician......Encyclopedia http://www.yourencyclopedia.net/Alonzo_Church.html | |
69. Alonzo Church :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius alonzo church. Online Encyclopedia alonzo church (June 14, 1903 August 11, 1995) was an American mathematician who was responsible http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/a/al/alonzo_church.html | |
70. NodeWorks - Logic & Foundations: History: People: Church, Alonzo in entire NodeWorks Directory. http://dir.nodeworks.com/Science/Math/Logic_and_Foundations/History/People/Churc | |
71. Alonzo Church - InformationBlast alonzo church Information Blast. alonzo church. alonzo church (June 14, 1903 - August 11, 1995) was an American mathematician and http://www.informationblast.com/Alonzo_Church.html | |
72. Alonzo Church From FOLDOC church, alonzo . alonzo church. person A twentieth century mathematician and logician, and one of the founders of computer science. http://foldoc.hld.c64.org/foldoc.cgi?Church, Alonzo |
73. Alonzo Church -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, church, alonzo Britannica Concise. born June 14, 1903, Washington, DC, US died Aug. 11, 1995, Hudson, Ohio alonzo church. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=386073 |
74. Alonzo Church Papers ASSOCIATION FOR SYMBOLIC LOGIC church, alonzo, 19031995Photographs Introduction to mathematical logic / alonzo church JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC LAMBDA http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/church/ | |
75. DBLP: Alonzo Church dblp.unitrier.de alonzo church. 1976. 6, alonzo church Comparison of Russell s Resolution of the Semantical Antinomies with that of Tarski. J. Symb. Log. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/c/Church:Alonzo.html | |
76. Editorial Presença Translate this page Autor alonzo church Obras EXISTÊNCIA E LINGUAGEM ISBN 9722313150 Colecção Bibilioteca de Textos Universitários 11,72 ver mais. imprimir . enviar . http://www.editpresenca.pt/autores_resultado_detalhe.asp?letra=C&autor=517 |
77. Biography Search alonzo churchalonzo church. alonzo church (Cerven 14, 1903 Srpen 11, 1995) byl American matematik kdo byl zodpovedný za nekteré ty podklady teoretický informatika. http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13609 |
78. Gian-Carlo Rota On Alonzo Church alonzo church. alonzo church was one of the saner among them, though in some ways his behavior must be classified as strange, even by mathematicians standards. http://www.math.metu.edu.tr/~dpierce/mathematics/Church/rota.html |
79. Dictionary Definition Of "Alonzo Church" Customer Support Center Dictionary Definition of alonzo church . alonzo church A twentieth century mathematician and logician, and http://hostingworks.com/support/dict.phtml?foldoc=Alonzo Church |
80. Gnome Türk Ãeviri Terimleri Sorgu Sayfası- Alonzo Church Free Online Dictionary of Computing (19 Sep 2003) alonzo church A twentieth century mathematician and logician, and one of the founders of computer science. http://gnome.uzem.itu.edu.tr/cgi-bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=*&Query=Alonzo Chu |
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