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         Chuquet Nicolas:     more detail
  1. Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician by Graham Flegg, C. Hay, et all 1984-11-30
  2. 15th-Century French People: Princess of Condé, Nicolas Chuquet, Philippe Basiron, Nicolas Jenson, Nicholas of Clémanges, Guy Marchant
  3. Nicolas Chuquet: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  4. Mathématicien Du Xve Siècle: Nicolas Chuquet, Luca Pacioli, Regiomontanus (French Edition)
  5. Prédécesseur de L'algèbre Nouvelle: Jacques Pelletier Du Mans, Nicolas Chuquet, Francesco Maurolico, Jordanus Nemorarius, Jean de Séville (French Edition)
  6. Nicolas Chuquet: Estienne de La Roche, Exponentiation, Jehan Adam, Jacques Pelletier du Mans, Long and Short Scales, English Numerals, List of Numbers, Names of Large Numbers
  7. Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician by Graham Flegg, 1980

61. Le Nom Des Nombres - Commentaire
Translate this page nicolas chuquet, qui inventa ces mots en 1484, va un peu plus loin mais nous laisseaussi sur notre faim million, byllion, tryllion, quadrillion, quillion
Commentaire de
Comme il existe le site d'Olivier Miakinen l'article sur les liponombres ). Nicolas Chuquet, qui inventa ces mots en 1484, va un peu plus loin mais nous laisse aussi sur notre faim : million, byllion, tryllion, quadrillion, quillion, sixlion, septyllion, octyllion, nonyllion "et ainsi des aultres"... googol " et " googolplex sur le site d'Olivier Miakinen
  • Le programme de conversion.
    1. Manuellement, sur le Web.
    N googol
    2. Sur votre propre ordinateur.
    le langage Perl
    3. Dans vos propres pages Web. Par exemple, si vous utilisez le langage PHP vous pouvez mettre dans votre page : et cela affichera : nous sommes en l'an deux mille quatre readfile par ou file
    [retour au programme de conversion] N I C O ...
  • 62. Philosophical Themes From CSL:
    Two works were particularly important in this regard nicolas chuquet’s (c.1440c.1488)Triparty (1484) and Luca Pacioli’s (c.1445-1517) Summa (1494).
    Algebra and Geometry in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Home Online Articles Links ... Recommend a Friend
    After outlining the state of algebra and geometry at the beginning of the sixteenth century, we move to discuss the advances in these fields between 1500 and 1640. A separate section is devoted to the development and use of algebraic geometry by Descartes, Fermat and Newton. We close with an attempt to assess the relative importance of these developments.
    State of the Arts: Chuquet and Pacioli
    At the beginning of the sixteenth century, mathematics was dominated by its Greek heritage and therefore by the study of geometry. But algebra was not wholly absent, and significant advances in notation had been made towards the end of the fifteenth century. Two works were particularly important in this regard: Nicolas Chuquet’s (c.1440-c.1488) Triparty (1484) and Luca Pacioli’s (c.1445-1517) Summa (1494). Pacioli’s symbolism was limited, consisting mostly of abbreviations. Although Chuquet’s symbolism was more advanced, the influence of this work was limited by its very small circulation: it was not properly published until 1880.
    Algebraic Advances: Cardano, Bombelli, Viète and Harriot

    63. Mille Milliards De Mille Millions…
    Translate this page En 1484, un bachelier en médecine nommé nicolas chuquet, innove dans l’artde la numération et fournit une solution française au problème de la
    André CAUTY
    En Mésopotamie, en Chine, en Inde et en Mésoamérique chez les Mayas, existaient des numérations permettant de " nombrer " bien au–delà des besoins de la vie courante ; leur introduction semble résulter de " la fascination des grands nombres ", c’est à dire du plaisir de pousser les numérations au-delà de leurs limites, et du désir de découvrir les possibilités d’un système de notation des notions. " Ou qui veult le premier point peut signifier million. Le second point byllion. Le tiers point tryllion. Le quart quadrillion. Le cinq e quillion. Le six e sixlion. Le sept e septyllion. Le huyt e octyllion. Le neuf e nonyllion et ainsi des aultres se plus oultre on voulait procéder. Item lon doit savoir que ung million vault mille milliers de unitez et ung byllion vault mille milliers de millions et ung tryllion vault mille milliers de byllions et ung quadrillion vault mille milliers de tryllions et ainsi des aultres... " La formation des nouveaux numéraux est lumineuse : N-illion ; formule dans laquelle

    64. Communiqué De Presse
    chuquet va lui 0051 EMail GlobalCom PR Network France nicolas DANTEN

    65. Mathematica Information Center: Antique Notations
    Numerals, Greek Numerals, the Diophantus polynomial form, the Fran?is Vi?e polynomialform, the Harriot polynomial form, the nicolas chuquet polynomial form
    PreloadImages('/common/images2003/btn_products_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_purchasing_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_services_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_new_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_company_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_webresource_over.gif'); All Collections Articles Books Conference Proceedings Courseware Demos MathSource Technical Notes
    Antique Notations
    Robby Villegas
    Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc. Description
    Today, anywhere in the world, an expression such as x^3 + 2003 can be understood by anyone with mathematical training. In centuries past, other methods have been used. This notebook explores some of these older notations, including Roman Numerals, Greek Numerals, the Diophantus polynomial form, the François Viète polynomial form, the Harriot polynomial form, the Nicolas Chuquet polynomial form, and the Leibniz function notation.
    Stephen Wolfram gave a talk about mathematical notations for MathML International Conference 2000
    Arts and Humanities
    History and Philosophy of Mathematics Mathematica Technology ... Recreational Mathematics Keywords
    Roman Numerals, Greek Numerals, Diophantus polynomial form, François Viète polynomial form, Harriot polynomial form, Nicolas Chuquet polynomial form, and Leibniz function notation.

    66. Azuoliukas Boys Choir
    Distribution STUDIO SM 3, rue nicolas chuquet 75017 PARIS. DistributionSTUDIO SM 3, rue nicolas chuquet 75017 PARIS. Maurice Duruflè.
    RECORDINGS The Choir's repertoire consists of contemporary and classical secular and religious music. Compositions performed with orchestra accompaniment constitute a significant part of the choir's repertoire. The following pieces are performed: Requiem by Mozart Requiem, Mass Cum Jubilo by Duruflè Requiem by Cherubini The War Requiem by Britten Dido and Aeneas by Purcell Judas Maccabeaus, Belsazar by Händel Gloria, Stabat Mater by Poulenc Die Jahreszeiten by Haydn Alexander Nevsky by Prokofiev Spring by Rachmaninov Cantatas #21, 106, 140, 150, 196, Magnificat by Bach Symphonies #2, 3, 8 by Mahler The Music Makers by Elgar Magnificat by Rutter Stabat Mater by Pergolesi Tosca by Puccini La domnation de Faust by Berlioz Execution of Stepan Razin by Shostakovich Don't touch a Blue Globe by Balsys The choir has given numerous performances on radio and television as well as recorded about 30 LPs and 5 CDs. A lot of its performance's where given together with the Lithuanian Chamber orchestra (S.Sondeckis), Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra (J.Domarkas) and Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra (G.Rinkevicius), as well as with orchestras from other countries, such as Moscow Radio, Israel Philharmonic, Warsaw Radio, St.Petersburg Philharmonic Symphony Orchestras, conducted by V.Fedoseyev, N.Sheriff, G.Bertini, V.Ponkin. The choir's most talented singers continue their studies at the Academy of Music and become professional musicians.

    67. Mathematica Information Center: Antique Notations
    Numerals, Greek Numerals, the Diophantus polynomial form, the François Viète polynomialform, the Harriot polynomial form, the nicolas chuquet polynomial form
    PreloadImages('/common/images2003/btn_products_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_purchasing_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_services_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_new_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_company_over.gif','/common/images2003/btn_webresource_over.gif'); All Collections Articles Books Conference Proceedings Courseware Demos MathSource Technical Notes
    Antique Notations
    Robby Villegas
    Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc. Description
    Today, anywhere in the world, an expression such as x^3 + 2003 can be understood by anyone with mathematical training. In centuries past, other methods have been used. This notebook explores some of these older notations, including Roman Numerals, Greek Numerals, the Diophantus polynomial form, the François Viète polynomial form, the Harriot polynomial form, the Nicolas Chuquet polynomial form, and the Leibniz function notation.
    Stephen Wolfram gave a talk about mathematical notations for MathML International Conference 2000
    Arts and Humanities
    History and Philosophy of Mathematics Mathematica Technology ... Recreational Mathematics Keywords
    Roman Numerals, Greek Numerals, Diophantus polynomial form, François Viète polynomial form, Harriot polynomial form, Nicolas Chuquet polynomial form, and Leibniz function notation.

    68. The Wordwizard Clubhouse How Much Is An Illion?
    book, ‘Triparty de la Science des Nombres’ written in the late 15th century(but undiscovered and unpublished until 1880) by his teacher nicolas chuquet.

    69. Untitled
    nicolas chuquet, (c. 1445 c. 1500) French physician. chuquet wrote Triparty en lascience des nombres (1484), a work on algebra and arithmetic in three parts.
    Next: About this document
    April 2, 1997 Algebra in the Renaissance The general cultural movement of the renaissance in Europe had a profound impact also on the mathematics of the time. Italy was especially impacted. The Italian merchants of the time travelled widely throughout the East, bringing goods back in hopes of making a profit. They needed little by way of mathematics. Only the elementary needs of finance were required.
    • determination of costs
    • determination of revenues
    After the crusades, the commercial revolution changed this system. New technologies in ship building and saftey on the seas allows the single merchant to become a shipping magnate. These sedentary merchants could remain at home and hire others to make the journeys. This allowed and required them to make deals, and finance capital, arrange letters of credit, create bills of exchange, and make interest calculations. Double-entry bookkeeping began as a way of tracking the continuous flow of goods and money. The economy of barter was slowly replaced by the economy of money we have today. Needing more mathematics, they inspired the emergence of a new class of mathematician called

    70. Mathématiques Bac Première L Besançon
    Ce problème est dû à nicolas chuquet (Paris 1445 - Lyon 1500).

    Maths et Info
    WORD 97

    etc …
    Calculer la part de chacun.

    71. Première L - Exercice 22
    Translate this page Exercice numéro 22. Une activité à réaliser sur tableur. UN PROBLEME DEPARTAGE. Ce problème est dû à nicolas chuquet (Paris 1445 - Lyon 1500).
    Exercice numéro 22 Une activité à réaliser sur tableur UN PROBLEME DE PARTAGE Ce problème est dû à Nicolas Chuquet (Paris 1445 - Lyon 1500). Médecin à Lyon, il écrit l’un des plus important ouvrages d’algèbre de son époque : Triparty en la science des nombres. On lui doit, entre autres, l’introduction des exposants, et il est le premier à considérer isolément un nombre négatif. Problème: Un héritage de 81 000 F doit être partagé entre 9 frères ; Nicolas Chuquet propose la méthode suivante : l’aîné prélève d’abord 1 000 F puis 10% de la somme restante, le 2 ème frère prélève 2 000 F puis 10% de la nouvelle somme restante, le 3 ème frère prélève 3 000 F puis 10% de la nouvelle somme restante, etc … Calculer la part de chacun. Le partage est-il équitable ? Et si l’héritage n’est pas de 81 000 F ? Vous pouvez télécharger cette fiche :

    72. Números
    As far as we know from documents still preserved today, nicolas chuquet near theend of the 15 th century was the first to use a whole series of such words to
    Instrumental English - Lesson 4: Text in depht Profa.: Carmem Silvia Martins Leite Number words The Word “million” first made its appearance in Italy, probably in the 14 th century, as the word itself testifies. Its invention has been ascribed to the Venetian merchant Marco Polo, who had been in China and described his travels among its people, saying that he saw “many thousand” (literally: milli-one) persons there. As a specific numbers word, millione , as first used by Italian merchants. By the end of the 15 th century it appeared in printed texts on arithmetic. um conto de reis is “one million reis” (a unit of coinage); today both words have changed their meanings in Spanish. However convenient the shortened expression “million” may be, Italy, where the word was invented, was very slow and very late in adopting the word “billion” and always regarded it as a curiosity. Verbally this is a contraction of bis-million, “two times a million”, but with the meaning of “a million times a million”. In America it was used into 18 th century for the ninth, not the twelfth rank, and in france it still has this significance: 10

    73. History Of The French Language
    Thurs, October 2 Le Menagier de Paris (end of the 14th century) ; Land sale,23 May 1380 ; nicolas chuquet, Le Triparty en la science des nombres (late
    History of the French Language
    Professor Daniel O'Sullivan
    Fall 2003
    MW 11-12:15
    Bondurant 116W
    Objective: This course is designed to familiarize students with the changes that the French language underwent as it emerged from spoken Latin in the Middle Ages and developed over the centuries into its present day form(s). Class time will be spent on analysis of texts representative of key periods of the language and on discussion of the salient issues of historical linguistics. Students should have at least a reading knowledge of French. Knowledge of Latin is a plus, but not a requirement. Required texts:
    Ayres-Bennett, Wendy. A History of the French Language through Texts (hereafter HFTT ). London and New York: Routledge, 1996. Available at the university bookstore.
    Walter, Henriette. French Inside Out . Trans. Peter Fawcett. London and New York: Routledge, 1994.
    Various readings on reserve at main library available for consultation or photocopying.
    Attendance and participation policies: Attendance is required at all course meetings. All absences that cannot be DOCUMENTED as due to severe illness, family crisis, or a university-sponsored event (varsity athletics, band, etc.) will result in two points deducted from a student's final grade. More than six absences (three weeks worth of classes) will result in an automatic F. Participation will be graded weekly on the following scale:
    10 = Active participation
    9 = More active than passive participation
    8 = More passive than active participation

    74. Moule Des Pages
    In order to find which hand the even number of coins is in, nicolas chuquetsays Multiply result. . Explain nicolas chuquet’s method.
    x e r c i c e 1
    10 points
    Pair et gagne ! Margot has got an even number of coins in one hand and an odd number of coins in the other one. In order to find which hand the even number of coins is in, Nicolas Chuquet says : "Multiply the number of coins of the right hand by two, add it to the number of coins of the left hand and give me the result."

    75. Moule Des Pages
    nicolas chuquet.
    x e r c i c e 1
    10 points
    Pair et gagne ! En una mano, Margot tiene un número par de monedas, y en la otra un número impar de monedas. Nicolas Chuquet le dice a Margot : "Multiplique usted por dos el número de monedas que tiene en la mano derecha y sume a ello el número de monedas de la mano izquierda. Dígame cuál es el total y le diré en qué mano tiene el número par de monedas." Explica el método de Nicolas Chuquet.

    76. AME - Bibliothèque De Projets
    Translate this page Appendice au Triparty en la science des nombres, de nicolas chuquet, parisien.Travail de diplôme février 2002. STS, nicolas chuquet, Histoire.

    77. Circonscription De Limoges 2
    nicolas chuquet disposait les calculs de manière légèrementdifférente le quotient est écrit entre deux traits horizontaux .

    78. HowDoTheKhmersTheirNameLarge#'s?
    The French physician and mathematician nicolas chuquet (14451488) apparently coinedthe words byllion and tryllion and used them to represent 1012 and 1018;read=47762

    79. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (B)
    BILLION first occurs, with the meaning 10 12 , in French in 1484 in LeTriparty en la Science des Nombres by nicolas chuquet (1445?1500?).
    ¦­´Á¼Æ¾Ç¦r·Jªº¾ú¥v (B)
    Last revision: Aug. 2, 1999 The term BANACH SPACE was coined by Maurice Fr?chet (1878-1973), according to the University of St. Andrews website. BAR CHART occurs in Nov. 1914 in Engineering Magazine BAR GRAPH is dated 1924 in MWCD10. The term BARYCENTRIC CALCULUS appears in 1827 in the title Der barycentrische calkul by August Ferdinand M?bius (1790-1868). BASE (of a triangle) appears in English in 1570 in Sir Henry Billingsley's translation of Euclid's Elements BASE (in logarithms) appears in English in 1874 in Trigonometry by Isaac Todhunter, who refers to the "logarithm of n to the base a BAYES' THEOREM. R. A. Fisher, "On the Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Statistics," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A, Vol 222 (1922) p. 324 reads: BAYES introduced the datum, that among the populations upon which the experiment was tried, those in which p lay in the range dp were equally frequent for all equal ranges dp. The probability that the value of p lay in any range dp was therefore assumed to be simply dp

    80. Food For Thought: Biographies
    Biographical dictionary 17521810. Cabasilas, nicolas (Greek lay theologian; nephew of Nilus Caritat, Marie-Jean-Antoine-nicolas de (Fr. math Carnot, Lazare-nicolas-Marguerite (Fr. soldier, administrator
    Caamano, Jose Maria Placido (Ecuadorian politician) Cabanel, Alexandre (French painter) Cabanilles, Juan Bautista Jose (Spanish organist, composer) Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges (French physician, philosopher) Cabarrus, Francisco de (French-born Spanish financier) Cabasilas, Nicolas (Greek lay theologian; nephew of Nilus) c.1320-c.1390 Cabasilas, Nilus (Greek prelate, theologian) c.1298-c.1363 Cabell, James Branch (American novelist, essayist) Cabet, Etienne (French Socialist) Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez (Spanish explorer) c.1490-c.1560 Cabezon, Antonio de (Spanish composer) Cable, George Washington (American author) Caboche, Simon (aka Simon le Coustellier) (French merchant) 15th cent. Cabot, John (American businessman, politician) Cabot, John (Giovanni Caboto) (Venetian navigator, explorer) c.1450-c.1499 Cabot, Sebastian (English navigator, explorer; son of John) Cabot, Richard Clarke (American physician) Cabral, Amilcar (Guinean politician) Cabral, Pedro Alvars (Portuguese navigator) Cabrera y Grino, Ramon (Spanish insurgent) Cabrilho, Joao Rodrigues (Portuguese explorer in Span. service)

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