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         Chuquet Nicolas:     more detail
  1. Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician by Graham Flegg, C. Hay, et all 1984-11-30
  2. 15th-Century French People: Princess of Condé, Nicolas Chuquet, Philippe Basiron, Nicolas Jenson, Nicholas of Clémanges, Guy Marchant
  3. Nicolas Chuquet: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  4. Mathématicien Du Xve Siècle: Nicolas Chuquet, Luca Pacioli, Regiomontanus (French Edition)
  5. Prédécesseur de L'algèbre Nouvelle: Jacques Pelletier Du Mans, Nicolas Chuquet, Francesco Maurolico, Jordanus Nemorarius, Jean de Séville (French Edition)
  6. Nicolas Chuquet: Estienne de La Roche, Exponentiation, Jehan Adam, Jacques Pelletier du Mans, Long and Short Scales, English Numerals, List of Numbers, Names of Large Numbers
  7. Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician by Graham Flegg, 1980

21. Nicolas Chuquet
Pacioli L'invention par l'allemand Johannes Gutenberg Apollonius Diophante ) et astronomiques ( Rudolff Stifel Widmann Riese (Allemagne), Chuquet, Girard Descartes Kramp (France), Recorde (Angleterre), Pacioli Bombelli (Italie). Notations nouvelles de l'algèbre Al-Khwarizmi pour les nombres Règle des signes selon Rolle : Euler dans son (1770) car d'Alembert Pour , comme pour Cardan et Descartes
  • l'exposant n pour signifier x n , x l'exposant suivi d'un m pour signifier x -n les et cubique et R les addition et soustraction Recorde
Par exemple : Riese Bombelli Stevin et Wallis Descartes et Newton Regiomontanus Pacioli

22. Auteur - Chuquet, Nicolas
Translate this page Auteur chuquet, nicolas, 1 document trouvé. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer,Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage La geometrie premiere

23. Nicolas Chuquet
Translate this page História da Matemática na Europa. nicolas chuquet (1445-c.1488).Um dos primeiros tratado sobre matemática escrito por um francês

Bibliográficas Autores Textos: Apêndice ao Triparty Problemas 1 - 56 Problemas 57 - 96 Problemas 97 - 152 Problemas 153 - 170 História da Matemática na Europa Nicolas Chuquet
1445-c.1488 Um dos primeiros tratado sobre matemática escrito por um francês foi o T riparty en la science des nombres, de 1484 , escrito por Nicolas Chuquet. No seu manuscrito Chuquet diz ser Parisiense e ter estudado medicina. Sabe-se que se mudou para Leão, por volta de 1480 onde viveu até à sua morte, por volta de 1488. Estes dados são fornecidos pelos registos de impostos de Leão, onde aparece entre 1485 e 1487 com a profissão de algoriste
Pouco mais se sabe da sua vida.
O seu manuscrito não teve grande influência nem na sua época, nem em épocas posteriores, uma vez que só foi publicado em 1880
O manuscrito de Chuquet é dedicado a São Trinita, e está dividido em quatro partes:
  • a primeira Triparty en la science des nombres, um pequeno tratado sobre aritmética e álgebra, está dividida em três partes começa por apresentar o sistema decimal de posição, onde Chuquet

24. Nicolas Chuquet - Triparty

Bibliográficas Autores Textos:  Apêndice ao Triparty Problemas 1 - 56 Problemas 57 - 96 Problemas 97 - 152 Problemas 153 - 170 História da Matemática na Europa Appendice au Triparty
Na segunda do manuscrito, Triparty en la science des nombres, de Nicolas Chuquet , l' Appendice au Triparty, este apresenta uma série de problemas que ilustram as aplicações da primeira parte e onde nas soluções de diversos problemas compilados de obras anteriores, muitos dos problemas são semelhantes aos que se encontram em Leonardo de Pisa . Uma outra obra que parece ter influenciado Chuquet foi o manuscrito de Pamiers, o primeiro manuscrito de matemática comercial redigido em França, na vila de Pamiers, entre 1420 e 1430 e de autor desconhecido, denominado Compendi di algorismi Problemas 6 a 56 do Apêndice ao Triparty Problema 6
De 48 quero fazer duas partes, tais que uma multiplicada por 2 seja tanto quanto 4 mais a outra multiplicada por 3. Problema 18
Há um homem que diz assim: se eu tivesse ainda tantos anos como os que tenho e 1/2 e a 1/3 e ainda a 1/4 do que tenho, tudo em conjunto eu teria 50 anos.
A saber, quantos anos tem este homem.

Translate this page Retour en haut de page. chuquet (nicolas) (Paris 1445 - Lyon 1488 ou1500) Médecin et mathématicien français. nicolas chuquet rédige
Histoire des notations Bibliographie Egyptiens et Babyloniens Diophante ... Tartaglia 12N p 5R equale 20N Viete 12 + 5 in A aequatur 20 Descartes Fais comme il arrive fais un essai multiplie par 1 et 2/3; 1 et 2/3 n'est pas pris au hasard: 60x 1 2/3 donne 100 ), cela donne pour 23 x 2/3 = 46 /3 = et Ensemble 60 Ensemble 100 Retour en haut de page Diophante Retour en haut de page Chuquet (Nicolas) pour x. Retour en haut de page . Son ouvrage principal est le Descartes Recorde Retour en haut de page Recorde (Robert) On peut lire dans cet extrait de "Whetstone of Wilte" (1557) : Retour en haut de page

26. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page -TROHEL, nicolas TROHEL, Anne Françoise BIDEL, Victoire Adélaïde,Famille RENOUF - chuquet. Mariage 2 juin 1857 à Feuguerolles-sur-Orne,14.
LETERRIER, Charles Robert GILLETTE (GISLETTE), Marie Charlotte
LE FANU, Catherine

LE TERRIER, Victoire Marie Louise

LE FANU, Catherine

Naissance : vers 1789
LETERRIER, Bonne Justine
LEROUVILLOIS, Nicolas BASTON, Anne LEROUVILLOIS, Marie Louise (Catherine)
VALLEE, Louise LUCE, Louise
GOSSELIN, Pierre Jean
BAUDAIN, Marguerite Maria Julienne FERON, Pierre Bernard FERON, Marie Augustine Victorine (Bonne) DELILE, Bonne Famille CHOPIN - BAUDAIN Mariage: avant 1917 CHOPIN, Victor Jacques LEFAUQUEUX (LEFAUQUEUR), Jean Pierre Famille CHOPIN - BAUDAIN Mariage: CHOPIN, Victor Jacques LEFAUQUEUX (LEFAUQUEUR), Jean Pierre CHOPIN, Roger Gaston Robert CHOPIN, Joseph Auguste Julien ... HARACHE, Jeanne FABY, Pierre Jean-Baptiste (Dit Desjardins) LECOUSTEY, Jean LECOUSTE, Anne LECOCQ, Marguerite Naissance : 8 juillet 1765 à St-Aubin-de-Losque,50, , aujourd'hui "les Champs de Losque" Famille FABY - BENARD Mariage: avant 1805 FABY, Pierre

Multipliziert die Anzahl der Münzen in Eurer rechten Hand mit zwei ,sagt nicolas chuquet zu Margot. Explain nicolas chuquet s method.
verseny feladatai
1. FELADAT: ( 10 pont ) Margot h
''Sodann z
Erkl re die Methode von Nicolas Chuquet Margot has got an even number of coins in one hand and an odd number of coins in the other one. In order to find which hand the even number of coins is in, Nicolas Chuquet says: ''Multiply the number of coins of the right hand by two, add it to the number of coins of the left hand and give me the result. ''
Explain Nicolas Chuquet's method
Margot ha in una mano un numero pari di monete e nell'altra un numero dispari. Al fine di trovare in quale mano ci sia il numero pari di monete, Nicolas Chuquet afferma:''Moltiplicate il numero delle monete della mano destra per due, aggiungetevi vi il numero delle monete contenute nella mano sinestra e ditemi il risultato.''
Si spieghi il metodo di Nicolas Chuquet
( 10 pont ) 4. FELADAT:
Egy font ( L (5 pont ) 5. FELADAT: ( 10 pont ) 6. FELADAT: ( 5 pont ) 7. FELADAT: ( 10 pont ) 8. FELADAT: ( 5 pont ) 9. FELADAT: ( 10 pont ) 10. FELADAT:

28. Smart Computing Encyclopedia
Smart Computing ® Encyclopedia. nicolas chuquet. nicolas chuquet,a French mathematician who lived in the 15th century, is credited

29. Notes On Measures - Prefixes
Then, in 1484, nicolas chuquet, a French mathematician published asystem for naming larger numbers. It was based on the million.
Notes on
Contents What's it all About?
The S I Prefixes

Computer Prefixes

I E C Prefixes

What's it all About?

In ordinary language prefixes have an important to play in modifying the meanings of words. For example, consider these, where the (prefix) offered allows us to see two words at once.
(un)desirable, (anti)clockwise, (de)limit,
(in)variable, (im)possible, (in)definite, (re)new, and even (pre)fix itself. It is also possible to run two prefixes into one like (antidis)establishment In some cases, more than one prefix is possible for the word which follows, especially in cases where a number is implied by the prefix. In each of these, any one (but only one) of the prefixes offered could be attached. (uni)(bi)(tri)cycle. (penta)(deca)(dodeca)gon (tetra)(hexa)(octa)hedron And it is even possible to combine them as in that well-known musical expression hemi-demi-semi-quaver The S I Prefixes The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) was set up in 1875 with the principal aim of establishing and publishing standards of physical measurement. Its headquarters is near Paris. Over the years since then its responsibilities have increased, together with the number of different committees involved. However, its main drive has been to produce a rational and unified system of basic measures. And this was launched in 1960 as the or SI Since then various modifications have been made but most are of little concern to the ordinary everyday user.

30. Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician|KLUWER Academic Publishers
Books » nicolas chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician. nicolas chuquet, RenaissanceMathematician. Add to cart. by Graham Flegg Cynthia Hay Barbara Moss,
Title Authors Affiliation ISBN ISSN advanced search search tips Books Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician
Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician
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Graham Flegg
Cynthia Hay
Barbara Moss
The authors attempt succesfully to give a balanced picture of Chuquet's achievements and his limitations. Thus the book presents a well-documented and thoroughly elaborated research work.
Mathematical Reviews (1986)
D. Reidel Publishing Company Hardbound, ISBN 90-277-1872-5 November 1984, 400 pp. EUR 183.50 / USD 202.00 / GBP 127.00 Home Help section About Us Contact Us ... Search

31. Sources In The History Of Algebra
chuquet, nicolas (1484), Problèmes numériques faisant suite et servant d applicationau Triparty en la science des nombres de nicolas chuquet Parisien.
Home Logic Math Publications Shogi Sites About Me
Sources in the history of algebra: arithmetical and recreational problems
A comprehensive database of problems is in progress. Some sources are listed below. The database currently contains 171 manuscripts, books, and reprints.
[EDITIONS] gives an expanded list of (all) editions and translations.
[CONSPECTUS] gives an overview of some selected problems in PDF format.
[IMAGE] If this work in some edition is available in digital form.o
If you find errors or additions, please send me a mail Brahmagupta, (628) Bráhma-sphuta-siddhânta Alcuin, (800) Propositiones alcuini doctoris caroli magni imperatoris ad acuendos juvenes CONSPECTUS Mahâvirâ, (850) Ganita-sâra-samgraha Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala Alkarkhî, Aboû Beqr Mohammed (1010) Kitâb al-Fakhr . Supp. Arabe de la Bibliothèque Impériale, MS 952, Paris. Bhaskara II, (1150) Bijaganita . Edinburgh Univ. Library, Or MS. 500. Bhaskara II, (1150) Lilavati . Edinburgh Univ. Library, Or MS. 499. von Stade, Abbot Albert (1240) Annales Stadenses ben Ezra, Abraham (1325)

32. Biografisk Register
Translate this page 1270-1330)) chuquet, nicolas (1445-88) Cohen, Paul J. (1934-) Cole, Frank Nelson(1861-1926) Comandino, Federigo (1506-1575) Cook, Stephen (1939-) Cramer
Biografisk register
Matematikerne er ordnet alfabetisk på bakgrunn av etternavn. Linker angir at personen har en egen artikkel her. Fødsels- og dødsår oppgis der dette har vært tilgjengelig.
Abel, Niels Henrik
Abu Kamil (ca. 850-930)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896-1962)
Adelard fra Bath (1075-1160)
Agnesi, Maria G. (1718-99)
al-Karaji (rundt 1000)
al-Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah Ibn Musa (ca. 790-850)
Anaximander (610-547 f.Kr.)
Apollonis fra Perga (ca. 262-190 f.Kr.)
Appel, Kenneth
Archytas fra Taras (ca. 428-350 f.Kr.) Argand, Jean Robert (1768-1822) Aristoteles (384-322 f.Kr.) Arkimedes (287-212 f.Kr.) Arnauld, Antoine (1612-94) Aryabhata (476-550) Aschbacher, Michael Babbage, Charles (1792-1871) Bachmann, Paul Gustav (1837-1920) Bacon, Francis (1561-1626) Baker, Alan (1939-) Ball, Walter W. R. (1892-1945) Banach, Stéfan (1892-1945) Banneker, Benjamin Berkeley, George (1658-1753) Bernoulli, Jacques (1654-1705) Bernoulli, Jean (1667-1748) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois (1822-1900) Bharati Krsna Tirthaji, Sri (1884-1960)

33. Liste Alphabétique
Translate this page Chasles, Michel (1793-1880). Cholesky, André Louis (1875-1918). chuquet, nicolas(1445-1500). Clairaut, Alexis (1713-1765). Copernic, nicolas (1473-1543).étique.htm
Liste chronologique avec dates Liste alphabétique avec dates A B C D ... Z A Abel, Niels-Henrik Alembert (d'), Jean Le Rond Al-Khwarizmi (vers 780-vers 850) Ampère , André Apollonius de Perge (vers 260-vers 180 avant J.-C.) Archimède (287-212 avant J.-C.) Aristarque de Samos (vers 310- 250 avant J.-C.) Aristote (384-322 avant J.-C.) Averroès (Ibn Rushd) Avicenne (Ibn Sina) B Banach, Stefan Beltrami, Eugène Bernoulli, Ja cques Bertrand, Joseph Bézout, Etienne Bohr , Niels Boltzmann, Ludwig Bolyaï, Jean Bolzano, Bernard Bombelli, Nicolas Boole, George Borel, Emile Bourbaki , Nicolas Brahé , Tycho Broglie (de), Louis Brouwer, Luitzen Bruno, Giordano Burali-Forti , Cesare C Cantor , Georg Cardan, Jérôme Carnot , Lazare Cartan, Elie Cauchy , Augustin Cavaliéri, Bonaventure Chasles , Michel Cholesky, André Louis Chuquet, Nicolas Clairaut

34. Éditions Ellipses
Translate this page 2 du XIIème Élément - 5. - La mesure du cercle selon nicolas chuquet - nicolaschuquet, Géométrie - 6. - Approximations - 7. - La tangente à la parabole

35. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn
Translate this page Cartan, Henri (4), chuquet, nicolas (1), Costa de Beauregard, Olivier -1911- .1). Cartan, Élie (18), Chéron, André (1), Cotton, Émile (1).
LiNuM L ivres Nu mérisés M athématiques
Cellule MathDoc
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Collection Gallica Cornell University Library Digital Math Books Collection Michigan University Library Making of America and Historical Math Collection Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Mathematica
Index auteurs (ouvrages sous droits)
Author index (books under rights)
Abragam, Anatole Appert, Antoine Artin, Emil Anastassiadis, Jean ... usi, al-Muzaffar ibn Muhammad Saraf al-Din - 11..-12.. - actif en 1209

36. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn
Translate this page Carnot, Lazare (4), Christoffel, Elwin Bruno (1), Cournot, Antoine-Augustin(8). Carnoy, Joseph Antoine (1), chuquet, nicolas (1), Courtand, Marc (1).
LiNuM L ivres Nu mérisés M athématiques
Cellule MathDoc
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Collection Gallica Cornell University Library Digital Math Books Collection Michigan University Library Making of America and Historical Math Collection Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Mathematica
Index auteurs / Authors index
Abat, Bonaventure Allman, George Johnston ... von Lilienthal, Reinhold

37. Nicolas De Angelis : Buy At The Best Price On Kelkoo -
From Pickabook. nicolas chuquet, RENAISSANCE MATHEMATICIAN, nicolas chuquet, RENAISSANCEMATHEMATICIAN. 127.00 Buy nicolas chuquet, RENAISSANCE MATHEMATICIAN.
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Author: Trudgian, Nicolas

38. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Enfant(s) chuquet, Philippe Naissance contemporain chuquet, nicolas Naissance contemporain chuquet, Marie-Laure Naissance contemporain.
GELEZ, Jean-Baptiste
HIQUET, Jeanne Dite Valentine

Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: CHUQUET, Jeanne

Enfant(s) GELEZ, Arnaud, Adolphe
CHUQUET, Etienne
SOUHART, Catherine

Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: LEMBEYE, Marie Parents LEMBEYE, Bernard MILHERES, Therese Enfant(s) CHUQUET, Leopold, Arnaud CHUQUET, Marie CHUQUET, Jeanne
DAUGAREILH, Pierre Parents DAUGAREILH, Jean LABOUYRIE, Marie Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: GELEZ, Gracie, Cecile Parents GELEZ, Jean HIQUET, Jeanne Dite Valentine Enfant(s)
Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: LABOUYRIE, Marie Enfant(s) DAUGAREILH, Pierre
DUNOGUIEZ, Jean Parents DUNOGUIEZ, Gratien HUREAUX, Marie Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: CAMPET, Marie Parents CAMPET, Pierre MARSACQ, Marguerite Enfant(s) DUNOGUIEZ, Alexandre, Jean-Bapt.
GELEZ, Arnaud, Adolphe Parents GELEZ, Jean-Baptiste CHUQUET, Jeanne Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: SAINT AUBIN, Marguerite Enfant(s) GELEZ, Jean
GELEZ, Jean Naissance : contemporain Parents GELEZ, Arnaud, Adolphe SAINT AUBIN, Marguerite Famille: Conjoint: Naissance : contemporain Enfant(s) GELEZ, Pierre

39. Algebra In The Renaissance, Part 1
to introduce a series of mathematicians from France, Germany, England and Portugal,paying special attention along the way to nicolas chuquet from France.
Algebra in the Renaissance, Part 1
Student lecturer Jennifer Hineline started today's discussion with an overview of the social climate of the Renaissance era, specifically the economic situation. Instead of traveling to buy and returning home to sell, merchants would hire others to do the traveling and buying. This complicated the accounting process, bringing about a need for mathematicians as accountants. Ms. Hineline also made a connection between the ease with which Arabic numerals can be altered and the practice of writing out numbers in other ways, which is still in practice today in the writing of checks. After a brief discussion of some of the symbolic notation used by some Italian algebraists, Ms. Hineline explained Paolo Gerardi's algorithm for adding algebraic fractions. This was very similar to what we teach in beginning algebra, except that instead of necessarily finding the lowest common denominator, Gerardi would simply use the product of the denominators of all the addends. Ms. Hineline then discussed Maestro Dardi and his method of solving cubic equations. Unfortunately, Dardi's method only works when certain relationships exist between the coefficients. Ms. Hineline proceeded to introduce a series of mathematicians from France, Germany, England and Portugal, paying special attention along the way to Nicolas Chuquet from France. Chuquet theorized that given two ratios, a/b and c/d, the ratio (a+c)/(b+d) would fall between the two original ratios. Ms. Hineline demonstrated Chuquet's method of estimating square roots using his ratio theory. Although he never used the word limit, Chuquet was using a variation of the squeeze theorem and a limiting process to find square roots. Chuquet realized that square roots that are not integers are irrational, and he acknowledged that his method would never allow him to find a square root exactly. But by taking this method far enough, we can come arbitrarily close to the actual root, and we can estimate a root to any desired degree of accuracy.

40. Chuquet - Encyclopedia Article About Chuquet. Free Access, No Registration Neede
the French mathematician nicolas chuquet wrote in his article Triparty en la sciencede nombres Au lieu de dire mille milliers, on dira million, au lieu de
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition
American Usage
A billion is equal to a 1 with 9 0's, namely: 1,000,000,000 ( To help compare orders of magnitude this page lists dimensionless numbers between 10 and 10
  • 6,302,486,693 - This number is believed to denote the total midyear population for the world in 2003.

Click the link for more information. It is a thousand million One million (1 000 000) is one thousand thousand, or 10 . It can also be expressed as the prefix Mega, when dealing with metric (SI) units. The million is sometimes used in the English language as a metaphor for a very large number, as in "Never in a million years" and "You're one in a million". To help compare orders of magnitude the following lists dimensionless numbers between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 (10 and 10
  • 2,279,184 solutions to n-Queens Problem for n = 15

Click the link for more information. and one thousandth of a trillion
American Usage
A trillion is equal to a 1 with 12 0's, namely: 1,000,000,000,000 (10 It is a thousand billion (or a million million) and one thousandth of a quadrillion.

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