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         Chrystal George:     more books (52)
  1. The best of Chrys by George CHRYSTAL, 1972-01-01
  2. Lectures & Essays of William Robertson Smith by William Robertson Smith, John Sutherland Black, et all 2009-10-29
  3. The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus by George W. Chrystal, 1902-01-01
  4. Memoirs. Authorised by Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe-Schillingfuerst, and edited by Friedrich Curtius. English ed. supervised by George W. Chrystal by Chlodwig Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Alexander Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, et all 2010-08-22
  5. Algebra: An Elementary Text Book for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges [ V.1 ] [ 1904-06 ] by G. (George) Chrystal, 2009-08-10
  6. Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlone Schillingsfuerst by B.a. George W.chrystal, 2010-01-11
  7. MEMOIRS OF PRINCE CHLODWIG OF HOHENLOHE SCHILLINGSFUERST: VOL I - II. by Friedrich (edit) (trans George W. Chrystal). Curtius, 1906
  8. Algebra. An Elementary Text-Book for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. Part 2 by George Chrystal, 2009-01-01
  9. Introduction to Algebra. For the Use of Secondary Schools and Technical Colleges by George Chrystal, 1905-01-01
  10. Algebra. An Elementary Text-Book for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. Part 1 by George Chrystal, 1904-01-01
  11. Algebra: An elementary text-book.-- by George Chrystal, 1916
  12. Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst. Edited by Friedrich Curtius for Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst. Translated from the First German Edition and Supervised by George W. Chrystal. Volume 1 by Chlodwig Karl Viktor Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, 1907-01-01
  13. Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst. Edited by Friedrich Curtius for Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst. Translated from the First German Edition and Supervised by George W. Chrystal. Volume 2 by Chlodwig Karl Viktor Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, 1907-01-01
  14. Algebra. An Elementary Text-Book for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. Seventh Edition. Parts 1 and 2 (complete). by George Chrystal, 1964

41. Ancestors And Cousins Of Katarina Chrystal Fischer:Index Of Individuals
22, 1888) chrystal, Francis William(b. June 19, 1889, d. date unknown) chrystal,Franklin John(b. March 25, 1911, d. May 14, 1998) chrystal, george(b. Abt. = 'GooGooBar';
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Surname List Index of Individuals InterneTree Sources
Ancestors and Cousins of Katarina Chrystal Fischer:
Index of Individuals
Aamot, Hans H. (b. Abt. 1775, d. date unknown)
Abbuhl, Amy Christine
Abbuhl, Gary

Abbuhl, Timothy Lane
Albright, Dan
Albright, Dave

Albright, Unknown
Allie, Francois (d. date unknown)
Amund (d. date unknown)
Amundsdatter, Unknown (d. date unknown)
Amundsen, Ole (b. 1626, d. date unknown)
Andersdatter, Anne (b. 1781, d. date unknown)
Andersdatter, Gudnor
(b. 1778, d. 1835)
Andersdatter, Kirstie
(d. date unknown)
Andersdatter, Pernille
(b. 1774, d. date unknown)
Andersen, Hans (b. Abt. 1818, d. date unknown)
Andersenatter, Ole (b. 1785, d. date unknown)
Anderson, Albert
Anderson, Chris
Anderson, Glen Anderson, Harry ... Anderson, Ruth
Anna (d. date unknown)
Antonetti, Gary Antonetti, Renee Antonetti, Robin
Arnesdatter, Anne (b. 1688, d. 1764) Arnesdatter, Anne (b. 1690, d. date unknown) Arnesdatter, Kari

42. C Index
369*) Chi Tsu Ch ung (127*) Chisholm Young, Grace (112*) Chowla, Sarvadaman (819*)Christoffel, Elwin (1580*) Chrysippus (329) chrystal, george (2763*) Chu Shih
Names beginning with C
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Cajori , Florian (85*)
, Alberto (879*)

of Novara (171)
, John (74*)
, Charles (61)
, Francesco (104)
, Georg (3100*)
, Moritz (498*)
y Lobkowitz, (227)
, Constantin (267*) Carcavi , Pierre de (439) Cardan , Girolamo (2818*) Carlyle , Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare Carnot, Sadi Carroll , Lewis (266*) Carslaw , Horatio (525*) Cartan , Elie (406*) Cartan, Henri Cartwright , Dame Mary (110*) Cassels , John (418*) Casorati , Felice (95*) Cassini , Giovanni (309*) Castel , Louis (172) Castelnuovo , Guido (384*) Castigliano , Alberto (456) Castillon , Johann (162) Catalan Cataldi , Pietro (308) Cauchy , Augustin (2467*) Cavalieri , Bonaventura (565*) Cayley , Arthur (1158*) Cech , Eduard (465*) , Ernesto (186) Ceulen , Ludolph van (223) Ceva, Giovanni Ceva, Tommaso Ch'in Chiu-Shao (62) Ch'ung Chi Tsu Chandrasekhar , Subrahmanyan (236*) Chang , Sun-Yung (620*) Chaplygin , Serg (366*) Chapman , Sydney (792*) Chasles , Michel (154*) , Gabrielle du (154*) Chebotaryov , Nikolai (409*) Chebyshev , Pafnuty (255*) Chern , Shiing-shen (627*) Chevalley , Claude (369*) Chi Tsu Ch'ung (127*) Chisholm Young , Grace (112*) Chowla , Sarvadaman (819*) Christoffel , Elwin (1580*) Chrysippus Chrystal , George (2763*) Chu Shih-Chieh (80) Chuquet , Nicolas (299) Church , Alonzo (171*) Civita , Tullio Levi- (418*) Clairaut , Alexis (2087*) Clapeyron , Benoit (525*) Clarke , Samuel (284) Clausen , Thomas (357) Clausius , Rudolf (110*)

43. Professional Photographers - Ca
190305. Chalmers, A. 24 Duncan Street. ? Chalmers, CB. 86 george Street. 1897-00.chrystal, FM. 187 Gilmore Place. 1927-40. Clement, Alfred W. 7 Hope Street. 1893-00.
Other Photographers and Streets Professional Photographers C a to Cn
Dates Cameron Bros _ Broughton Road
[Old Zoological Gardens] Campbell, Colin 39 South Bridge Campbell, Colin 32 Princes Street Campbell, Colin 26 South Bridge Campbell, Colin 71 Princes Street Campbell, Colin 100 Princes Street Campbell, George 12 Howe Street Campbell, George 79 Princes Street Campbell, George _ Mary’s Place Campbell, George 9 Mary’s Place Campbell, George 1 Veitch Place Campbell, George 72 Thistle Street Cartlidge, JB 1 Hanover Street Castle Studio _ Castle Wynd Center, John 37 North Pitt Street Center, John _ Haymarket Center, John 5 Haymarket Center, John 18 Morrison Street Center, John 1 Grove Street Central Photo Co. 180 Lauriston Place Chalmers, A 24 Duncan Street Chalmers, CB 86 George Street Chrystal,

44. FM Chrystal
FM chrystal was the second son of the former Professor of Mathematics at theUniversity of Edinburgh. He attended george Watson s College, Edinburgh.
Click here to select Other Photographers
FM Chrystal (died: May 1944) FM Chrystal Member of the Old Edinburgh Club FM Chrystal was the second son of the former Professor of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. He attended George Watson's College, Edinburgh. He was one of the original members of the Old Edinburgh Club, and contributed views of historic buildings and closes to the Club's volumes. [Sc: 13 May 1944] Notes pasted into an old volume of the Book of the Old Edinburgh Club give a slightly fuller account than above. They refer to FM Chrystal as Dr Chrystal, and to the fact that he graduated in Edinburgh, and had since sailed twice round the world in a professional capacity. These notes add: "He was one of the original members of the Old Edinburgh Club. Dr Chrystal was an expert photographer and contributed views of historic buildings and closes to the Club's volumes." [Notes pasted into Book of the Old Edinburgh Club at Edinburgh Central Library] FM Chrystal Photographs in Collections The Edinburgh Public Library has a collection of seventy-two of his photographs, featuring central Edinburgh, Bruntsfield, Morningside, Piershill, and Cramond.

45. Chrystal Chang
Andrew george De Grado Foundation, Inc. chrystal Chang. chrystal Chang isan eighth grade student at Churchill Junior High in East Brunswick.
Andrew George De Grado Foundation, Inc.

Chrystal Chang
Chrystal Chang is an eighth grade student at Churchill Junior High in East Brunswick. She has been studying piano for eight years and is currently studying under Peter Chen of East Brunswick.
In 2001, Chrystal was a finalist in the Young People's Music Program (YPMP) Competition. In 1999, Chrystal passed Level 4 of the Royal Schools of Music for Piano. When Chrystal was five years old, which was her first year of studying piano, she played at Steinway Hall. In addition to playing piano, Chrystal excels in playing the flute and has been taking flute lessons for four years. Currently, she is flute principal of both the eighth and ninth grades in the Churchill Band and will be performing in 2003 with the Intermediate Regional Orchestra. Chrystal also plays oboe and piccolo. During her free time, she enjoys playing soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Chrystal hopes to win more competitions in the future.
Chrystal Chang is a winners in the 2003 Fifth Annual Andrew De Grado Piano Competition in the soloist category with her performance of Variations on the Name "Abegg"by Robert Schumann.

46. George Cukor
Translate this page george Cukor - Joan Fontaine, Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford DVD Z1 Critique Web apprendque son mari, Stephen, a une liaison avec une vendeuse, chrystal Allen

47. Planète Friends
Translate this page Oldman Troy Norton Mark Consuelos Alison Sweeney Gabrielle Union Eva Amurri CynthiaMann george Clooney Noah Wyle Robbin Williams et Billy chrystal Max Wright

48. SMC Library New Book List
QA154 .C55 1959 V.000001 Algebra an elementary textbook for the higher classesof secondary schools and for colleges. chrystal, G. (george), 1851-1911.
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Q: Mathematics, Computer Science, Sciences
The how and the why : an essay on the origins and development of physical theory
Park, David Allen, 1919-
Visions : how science will revolutionize the 21st century
Kaku, Michio.
The magic of numbers
Bell, Eric Temple, 1883-1960.
Infinity and the mind : the science and philosophy of the infinite
Rucker, Rudy v. B. (Rudy von Bitter), 1946-
The method of mathematical induction
Sominskii, I. S. (Ilia Samuilovich) QA21 .K516 1990 V.000001
Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times Kline, Morris, 1908- QA21 .K516 1990 V.000002 Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times Kline, Morris, 1908- QA21 .K516 1990 V.000003 Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times Kline, Morris, 1908- QA37.2 .D3513 1983 V.000001 Higher mathematics in problems and exercises Danko, P. E. (Pavel Efimovich) QA37.2 .D3513 1983 V.000002 Higher mathematics in problems and exercises Danko, P. E. (Pavel Efimovich)

49. George Bush High School
Coach chrystal Smith The tennis team consists of two seasons.

50. Billy Bob Thornton
Coach Gary Gaines; Alamo, The (2004) . Davy Crockett; chrystal (2004) .Joe; Bad Santa (2003) . Roy; Dead Man (1995) . Big george Drakoulious

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Billy Bob Thornton
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Date of birth (location)
4 August Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA
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Billy Bob Thornton was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas on August 4, 1955... (show more)
Billy Bob Thornton Video DVD Soundtrack Also available: Auctions Memorabilia Books All Products Filmography as: Actor Writer Director Producer ... Notable TV Guest Appearances Actor - filmography In Production
  • Swedish Job, The (2004) in production Bad News Bears, The (2006) ... filming .... Vic Friday Night Lights (2004) filming .... Coach Gary Gaines Alamo, The (2004) .... Davy Crockett Chrystal (2004) .... Joe Bad Santa (2003) .... Willie Love Actually (2003) .... The US President Intolerable Cruelty (2003) .... Howard D. Doyle Levity (2003) .... Manuel Jordan
  • 51. Chrystal & Shane - The Story
    with our names and the date engraved on the top to a Curious george game Chrystalwore a beautiful formal dress for the occasion and I donned my dark green suit
    The Story
    ometimes the most interesting and amazing stories start out on a rather simple note. When I first met Chrystal, she was just another girl in my university photography class . I did notice that she was attractive, but due to the fact that I was already involved with someone else at the time, I didn't pay much more attention to her. She seemed nice, and I noticed that she was rather shy, but that was the extent of it. Little did I know that the seeds of an incredible future relationship had already been planted. Chrystal has since told me that she was essentially instantly "captivated" by me and that she began "admiring me from afar." I kid you not... these are the exact phrases that she has used to describe the situation. Little did I know what she thought of me. At the time, I was just a college sophomore with a serious lack of self-confidence and a (I thought) serious relationship that was taking a nosedive. At the time I wouldn't have believed that someone was interested in me if she came up to me and yelled it right in my face. Years later, however, I found out that not only was someone "interested" in me at the time, but that a very special someone had trouble even speaking when I was around. Hearing that makes it sound like I was Paul McCartney or something. As far as I was concerned, I was just a guy in a photography class. She never did give off any hints (that I could pick up, at least) that she was interested. She has since told me that she would often say hello to me as I entered the photo lab on campus, without receiving any reply. I never heard her say hello, as she tends to be a rather quiet person. Not only would I have returned the hello, but at the time I would have loved to even had a friend to talk to about anything.

    52. Home - Surname List - Name Index - Email Us
    Children were Brian GUFFEY, Michael GUFFEY. chrystal MARTEN. Parents MARTENand Edna BOWLING. Parents Nicholas MARTIAU and Jane. Spouse george READE.
    Home Surname List Name Index Email Us Sally Rosanna MARQUARDT was born on 5 June 1961. Parents: William MARQUARDT and Helen Louise CORNELIUS William MARQUARDT. Spouse: Helen Louise CORNELIUS . Children were: Mary Elizabeth MARQUARDT Sally Rosanna MARQUARDT George William MARQUARDT Joan MARROW. Parents: Sir William MARROW Spouse: Sir William CLOPTON . Sir William CLOPTON and Joan MARROW were married. Sir William MARROW served as as an alderman of the city in London, England. Children were: Joan MARROW Elizabeth MARSH. Spouse: Thomas Jamison LARIMORE . Thomas Jamison LARIMORE and Elizabeth MARSH were married on 26 May 1831. They were divorced before 1837. Isabella MARSHALL died in 1240. Parents: William MARSHALL (Earl of Pembroke) Spouse: Gilbert DE CLARE (Earl of Gloucester) . Gilbert DE CLARE (Earl of Gloucester) and Isabella MARSHALL were married on 9 October 1217. Children were: Richard DE CLARE (Earl of Gloucester) Maud MARSHALL died on 27 March 1248. Parents: William MARSHALL (Earl of Pembroke) Spouse: Hugh LE BIGOD (Earl of Norfolk) . Hugh LE BIGOD (Earl of Norfolk) and Maud MARSHALL were married about 1212. Children were: Isabel LE BIGOD N. C. MARSHALL.

    53. Births Marriages Deaths Etc.
    Christmas to wife of Walsingham Centre carriagemaker george Christmas, nee EmilyDench chrystal William John Chrsytal born see Ontario Vital Stats 1870.
    Charles to Chrystal
    Last updated: 24 May 2004 Introduction Source Documents Other Sources Photocopies ... Z
    Charles Mary Louisa Charles born see Ontario Vital Stats Charlton Adam Charlton, died in North Walsingham, buried 2 May 1901 [LCL] Charlton Mrs. Ann Eliza Charlton, 86, died 9 Sep 1902 in Lynedoch [SR19020918] Ann Eliza Charlton, died in Charlotteville, buried 11 Sep 1902 [LCL] Charlton Miss Ethel Charlton is very ill with muscular rheumatism. Dr. McKinnon of St. Williams is attending. [Jeriicho Personals column, page 5, SR19080213] Charlton Etta Gray, 68, wife of Hon. John Charlton, died 18 Dec 1905 at "Twin Oaks" in Lynedoch [SR19051222] She was a daughter of George Gray Charlton wife of Fred Charlton had a son 5 Jul 1907 in Newport, Ont. [SR19070712] Charlton Frederick Lorne Charlton wed [see BC19060919] Charlton Geo. G. Charlton purchased George Gray 's store in Lynedoch Charlton Isabella Charlton died see Ontario Vital Stats Charlton J. Paul Charlton, 17, son of W. A. Charlton, M.P.P., died 30 Nov 1894 in Lynedoch [NR18941206]

    54. ~Musicians On Chrystal's CD~
    in Nashville, TN Produced by chrystal Sawyer CoProduced by Clay Jones * * * ** 1. Muleskinner Blues (352) Jimmie Rodgers ~ george Vaughn (BMI).
    ~Scott Vestal, appears courtesy of Pinecastle Records
    ~Adam Steffey, appears courtesy of Skaggs Family Records
    ~Clay Jones, appears courtesy of Skaggs Family Records
    ~Steve Gulley, appears courtesy of Skaggs Family Records
    ~Ron Stewart, appears courtesy of Rounder Records
    ~Jim Van Cleve, appears courtesy of Skaggs Family Records
    ~Randy Kohrs, appears courtesy of Left Of Center Records
    ~Zak McLamb, appears courtesy of Running Dog Records ~CD Info~
    Recorded in June 2003, at Digital Underground Recording Studio in Greenbriar, TN
    Mastered by: Dan Frizsell in Nashville, TN Produced by: Chrystal Sawyer Co-Produced by: Clay Jones 1. Muleskinner Blues (3:52) Jimmie Rodgers ~ George Vaughn (BMI) Chrystal Sawyer: Lead Vocal Clay Jones: Guitar Adam Steffey: Mandolin Scott Vestal: Banjo Zak McLamb: Upright Bass Randy Kohrs: Dobro Ron Stewart: Fiddle 2. If I Could Be There (3:52) Kieran Kane ~ Jamie O’Hara/Sony Cross Publishing Co. Inc. (BMI) Chrystal Sawyer: Lead Vocal Steve Gulley: Harmony Vocal Clay Jones: Guitar Adam Steffey: Mandolin Zak McLamb: Upright Bass Ron Stewart: Fiddle 3. Walls of Time (3:54)

    55. Robert Louis Stevenson With A Link To The Dey Familyof Aberdeen And Edinburgh
    Elizabeth chrystal (1808 ), James chrystal (1811 - ). george chrystal(1817 - ), William chrystal (1817 - ). Francis chrystal (1820 - ).
    Click on this link to e-mail me with any comments you might have.
    My mother found this scrap of paper in some old papers of her father. She wrote the note to me on the top left corner. Thomas Milne married Agnes Christall and one of their children Jane married John Duguid Dey. Their youngest son, James married Mary Anna Houston Runciman (my grandparents).
    The surname of the Christall family is spelt Chrystal in all documents seen so far. The Christall and Milne families were market gardeners and lived in and around Aberdeen.
    Puzzle it out. If you can find a connection I will be grateful but no prizes for the correct answer!
    Research at New Register House, Edinburgh revealed that my grandfather was not exactly accurate in recording these details for posterity. The family must have decided to use the more conventional spelling for their surname as all family members are listed under Chrystal.
    The confirmed facts are as follows:-
    Alexander Chrystal (born about 1777) married Margaret Hill (born about 1777).

    56. Page Title
    Mrs. Byron Hill Jones); Mother of chrystal Delight Quarles, george, Thelma Gertrudeand Violet Seip, Walter, Edrie Ella, Dona June and Nettie Jones and John F.
    McCOIN - Sometimes spelled McCauhan, McCowen, McKaughan McCOIN, CAMILLA FRANCES WARNICK - (Mrs. Columbus Franklin McCoin) - Mother of Una McCoin Robbins Hinkley; Grandmother of Ercell Robbins; Sister of Emma Warnick Robbins James (Mrs. Sam James, formerly Mrs. Andrew Robbins) -  June 23, 1851 - Feb 28, 1937 McCONNELL, FRANK - Drowned - Son of W.F. McConnell - Died Sept 14, 1919 - Age 38 Years McCORMACK, HARRISON STOKER - Suffocated in Snowslide - Died Jan 1, 1952 (approximately) - Age 40 Years McCOWEN - See McCoin McCOY, GEORGE M. - Flu - Husband of Josephine Julia "Josie" Boyd; Father of Marguerite Josephine McCoy;  Son of George W. and Hulda Haines McCoy - Sept 5, 1881 - Nov 2, 1918 McDERMAT - See McDermott McDERMOTT, JAMES  (or GEORGE) - Died Oct 24, 1902- Age 40 Years McDOLE, EDWARD STEPHEN - Son of James Beverly and Ina Morris McDole; Brother of B. James, John Ora and Marie McDole and Mrs. Brennan - July 24, 1912 - May 21, 1970 McDONALD, ALEX J . - Son of Archibald and Henrietta McDonald; Brother of D.J. McDonald and Mary Jane McDonald Deagle - Jan 12, 1870 - Aug 30, 1933 McDONALD, CHARLES E. "SHORTY"

    57. Index To The Pae Family Genealogy
    PAE, 46. george (b 1823). PAE, 57. george (b 1851 d 1907). PAE, Grizel nee chrystal(m 1716), wife of 3. William PAE. PAE, 29. Isabel (b 1813). PAE, 26.
    Index -Pae family
    Arranged alphabetically and by generation Female entries are listed twice under maiden and married names respectively ALLAN, Catherine (1796 1873), wife of 22. James Valence PAE ALLANSHAW, Mary (m 1730), first wife of 4. Archibald PAE ANDERSON, Mary (m 1739), second wife of 4. Archibald PAE BANKS, Egbert R. (m 1854), husband of 39. Isabella M. nee PAE BANKS, 39. Isabella M. nee PAE (b 1835) BATH, Sophia (b 1814 d aft 1880), wife of 28. Archibald PAE CHRYSTAL, Grizel (m 1716), wife of 3. William PAE EDMUNDS, Rebecca (m 1822), wife of 30. George PAE FERGUESON, George (m 1859), husband of 49. Mary nee PAE FERGUESON, 49. Mary nee PAE (m 1859) GRANT, Adam (m 1890), husband of 56. Agnes Kirkwood nee PAE GRANT, 56. Agnes Kirkwood nee PAE (d 1906) HEWITT, Barbara (m 1758), wife of 11. George PAE KAY, Janet (m 1706), wife of 2. Alexander PAE KERR, 32. Barbara nee PAE (b 1809 d 1861) KERR, John (m 1836, first husband of 32. Barbara nee PAE KIRKHAM, Margaret (b 1779 d 1860), wife of 19. James PAE MARCILLE, Eliza (m 1833), wife of 27. William PAE/PHAE

    58. George Rada - Contemporary American Painter
    george A. Rada 2003. Glass chrystal on Blue 14 x 11 Oil on Canvas$1,000. Estate of george A. Rada © 2003 All Rights Reserved
    George A. Rada
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    . . . nature morte
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    © George A. Rada 2003
    Click on Paintings to Enlarge He and She
    20 x 18"
    Oil on Canvas
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    for Both Paintings © George A. Rada 2003 Glass Chrystal on Blue 14" x 11" Oil on Canvas Continue on Next Page for next Artist Art Market Home Page Artists Themes ... Next All Art Works are Originals Art Work is For Sale

    59. XIII. The Growth Of Liberal Theology: Bibliography. Vol. 12. The Romantic Reviva
    1889. ——Lectures and Essays, edd. Black, JS and chrystal, george.1912. ——Life of, by Black, JS and chrystal, george. 1912.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Cambridge History The Romantic Revival The Growth of Liberal Theology ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD
    The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes
    Vol. 12. The Romantic Revival.

    60. Basic Library List-History
    Mathematics, 1979. chrystal, george. Textbook of Algebra, New York, NYChelsea, 1964. 2 Vols., Seventh Edition. De Moivre, Abraham. The
    Back to Table of Contents
    History: Surveys
    Bell, Eric T. Development of Mathematics, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1945. Second Edition. *** Boyer, Carl B. and Merzbach, Uta C. A History of Mathematics, New York, NY: John Wiley, 1968, 1991. Second Edition. * Burton, David M. The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, 1991. Second Edition. * Cajori, Florian. A History of Mathematics, New York, NY: Chelsea, 1980, 1991. Fifth Edition. ** Cajori, Florian. A History of Mathematical Notations Peru, IL: Open Court, 1974. Coolidge, Julian L. The Mathematics of Great Amateurs, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1949, 1990. Second Edition. Dedron, P. and Itard, J. Mathematics and Mathematicians, London: Transworld, 1973. 2 Vols. Dieudonne, Jean. Abrege d'histoire des Mathematiques, 17001900, Paris: Hermann, 1978. 2 Vols. *** Eves, Howard W. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics with Cultural Connections, Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College, 1990. Sixth Edition. *** Fauvel, John and Gray, Jeremy, eds.

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