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         Ch'in Chiu-shao:     more detail
  1. Ch'in Chiu-shao: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  2. Chinese Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century: The Shu-shu chui-chang of Ch'in Chui-shao (East Asian Science) by Ulrich Libbrect, 1973-04-15

61. List Of People By Name: Ch -
rings; chiushao, Ch in, mathematician; Chladni, Ernst, (1756-1827),physicist; Chlebnikov, Velimir, (1885-1922), writer; Chliarenus
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List of people by name: Ch
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List of people by name A B C D E F G ... Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl ... Cz

62. Personen Der Biologie, Chemie, Physik Medizin Und Mathematik
in chiu-shao chin. Mathematiker(ca.1247), Naeherungsloesungen mit Hilfe des Horner Schemas .
Historische Persoenlichkeiten der
Biologie, Chemie, Physik, Medizin und Mathematik

Abel, Niels Henrik

norweg.Mathematiker (1802-1829), Beweis der Unmoeglichkeit der Aufloesung von Gleichungen hoeheren als 4.Grades, Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen, Theorie der elliptischen Funktionen, Abelsche Gruppen.
Adams, John Couch

brit. Mathematiker (1819-1892), 1845 Entdeckung des Planeten Neptun, ab 1861 Leiter der Sternwarte Cambridge, Adams-, Adams-Bashforth-, Adams-Moulton-Verfahren zur numerischen Loesung von Differentialgleichungen.
Ahmes (auch Ahmose)

aegypt.Mathematiker (um 17.Jahrh. v.Chr.), Verfasser des Papyrus Rhind, aeltestes Dokument aegypt.Mathematik.
Alembert, Jean le Rond d´

frz. Mathematiker (1717-1783), d´Alembertsches Prinzip in der Mechanik, Theorie der analytischen Funktionen, partielle Differentialgleichungen, Grundlagen der Algebra. Alexandrow, Pawel Sergejewitsch russ. Mathematiker (1896-?), kombinatorische Topologie u. kompakte Raeume. Anaxagoras griech. Philosoph (499-428 v.Chr.), Arbeiten zur Geometrie u. zur Zentrifugalkraft, 450 in Athen inhaftiert, wegen der Behauptung, die Sonne sei keine Gottheit u. der Mond reflektiere das Sonnenlicht. Anaximander Anaximenes Apastamba ind. Mathematiker (um 600 v.Chr.), sehr genaue Naeherung fuer 2^(1/2).

63. Scientists: Math
Georg; Cardano, Geronimo; Cartan, Élie Joseph; Cayley, Arthur; Ch inChiushao; Chu Shih-chieh; Chuquet, Nicolas; Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
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64. Chinchilla
encyclopediaEncyclopedia chinchilla, chinchil u Pronunciation Key.chinchilla , small burrowing rodent of South America. It lives


chinchilla u Pronunciation Key chinchilla , small burrowing rodent of South America. It lives in colonies at high altitudes (up to 15,000 ft/4,270 m) in the Andes of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. One of the costliest of all furs, its soft gray pelt has been valued since the days of the Inca. The wild chinchilla was nearly exterminated before protective laws were passed. At one time over 200,000 pelts were exported from Chile. Wild chinchilla coats have cost as much as $100,000. Chinchillas are now raised on farms in South America and the United States, and this has resulted in lower prices for the skins, which are still considered among the most valuable. Chinchillas are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Rodentia, family Chinchillidae. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
chinch bug
Ch'in Chiu-shao
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65. RSA Conference 2004 Japan
The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.


66. Elementary Number Theory - Kenneth H. Rosen
Chinese Remainder Theorem) Page 144 Biographical information about Ch in ChiuShaocan be found at the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at http//www
Annotated Web Links CHAPTER 4 Congruences
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4.1 Introduction to Congruences
Page 127
Modular arithmetic is discussed at the Cut-the-Knot site at
(Modular Arithmetic)
Biographical information about Karl Friedrich Gauss can be found at the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at
Page 134
You can find source code for a C program implementing the algorithm for modular exponentiation by repeated squaring and multiplying at
4.2 Linear Congruences
Page 139 You can find an approach for solving linear congruences at (linear congruences) Page 140 You can find source code for a C program that computes modular inverses at

67. Chinese And China Resources. China And Mathematics
Includes information about Chung Ch i, Yang Hui, Shen Kua, Ch in ChiuShao, Zhang Heng, Hsien Chung Wang and Chu ShihChien. Development
Chinese Paintings The Galleries
Link to
this page
The Gallery of China
First-time Visitor?
Visit our Chinese Art Homepage
Chinese Mathematics
your site
Tsinghua University, Applied Mathematics Department Information about the department and courses, plus links. In Chinese and English
History of Chinese Mathematics An outline of the history of Chinese mathematics, including a chronology of mathematicians and mathematical works
Mathematics and Mathematicians in Ancient China Includes information about Chung Ch'i, Yang Hui, Shen Kua, Ch'in Chiu Shao, Zhang Heng, Hsien Chung Wang and Chu Shih-Chien
Development of Mathematics in Ancient China Shang numerals, Chinese mathematics texts, the discovery of zero. The art of calculation (suan chu) was both a practical and spiritual one, and covered a wide range of subjects from religion and astronomy to water control and administration
Chinese Committees and Societies of Mathematics Includes the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; Academia Sinica, Institute of Mathematics, Beijing, People's Republic of China; Department of Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Matteo Ricci Matteo Ricci, the Jesuit Priest, arrived in China in 1582 and was perhaps responsible for the first interaction between European and Chinese mathematics. Information and relevant links

68. Liu Hui On The Volume Of A Pyramid - References
Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century. The Shushu Chiu-chang of Ch inChiu-shao Cambridge, Mass. (MIT Press) Mikami, Yoshio 1913
Previous page First page
Qian Baocong , ed. 1963
Suanjing shi shu [Ten mathematical classics] Beijing
Qian Baocong
Zhongguo shuxue shi [The history of mathematics in China] Beijing
Jin shu
[Official history of the Jin dynasty, 7th century A.D.], punct. ed. Beijing
Jiuzhang suanshu
[Arithmetic in nine chapters, 1st century A.D.] (ed. Qian 1963, 81-258)
Dehn, M 1900
Ueber raumgleiche Polyeder Nachrichten von der Klasse
Dehn, M 1902
Ueber den Rauminhalt Math. Ann.
Erkes, Eduard 1958
Ho-shang- kung's commentary on Lao-tse Ascona
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 1900
Werke Leipzig ~
Hilbert, David 1900
Mathematische Probleme (Vortrag, gehalten auf dem Internationalen Mathematikerkongress zu Paris, 1900) Gesammelten Abhandlungen
Heshang Gong , ed.
Daode jing [The Way and its Power] ( Sibu congkan ed.)
Om Polyedres Rumfang (Foredrag holdt i Parentesen den 20/11 1936) Mat. Tidsskrift, A Aarg. 1939, 35-44
Juschkewitsch, A P 1964
Geschichte der Mathematik im Mittelalter translated from Russian by Viktor Ziegler Leipzig
Karlgren, Bernhard 1975
Notes on Lao-tse Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiguities

69. Nuova Pagina 1
in Chiu Shao.
LINKS: Curiosità varie Forse chi non conosce la matematica la considera una disciplina monotona e poco divertente, ma è ben noto che non è così, anzi... ci sono un'infinità di siti internet che contengono le cose più stravaganti riguardanti la matematica ed i suoi legami con tutte le altre materie scientifiche e non. Cut the Knot (Alexander Bogomolny) Vastissimo sito su innumerevoli argomenti di matematica ricreativa. Anche se non ottimamente strutturato, vi si può trovare di tutto, dai teoremi più strani alle strategie vincenti di interessanti giochi. Numerosissime sono inoltre le applet java, che rendono ancora più chiari i concetti. Nella presentazione si dice che è stato costruito per rendere piacevole la matematica anche a chi non la ama. Da vedere. Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section (Ron Knott) Uno splendido sito dedicato ai numeri di Fibonacci ed alla sezione aurea: decine di lunghissime pagine mostrano svariate proprietà della sequenza, impostando il discorso in modo che il visitatore, rispondendo ad alcune domande suggerite, arrivi a comprendere da solo i concetti base, ed anche quelli un po’ più complicati. Ricco e ben fatto! Aestetic of the prime numbers sequence (Turpel Armand)

70. OnSecurity: February 23, 2004 - February 29, 2004 Archives
An Imperial Emblem of Vigilancewas based on the the story of Ch’in ChiuShaoa Chinese student of calendrical computation and mathematics who guarded China
Corporate Blog for iS3, Inc., a secure key management company.
About Me
February 26, 2004
RSA Security Conference
This past Tuesday through Thursday we attended the largest electronic/data security conference, RSA Security . This year's themeThe Guardian of Treasures. An Imperial Emblem of Vigilancewas based on the the story of Ch’in Chiu-Shao a Chinese student of calendrical computation and mathematics who guarded China from Mongol threats. Overall, the show had a better turnout than last year in terms of attendees and exhibitors. However, booth size and presentations were scaled back compared to previous years. It was interesting to see that predominant themes in terms of messaging included: centralized security management, patch management and comprehensive security solutions. In fact, many companies who had presented point solutions within a single industry evolved this year's presentations to include comprehensive offerings. It's becoming more apparent that security is an area of vulnerability across all industries, and the need for full-scale security solutions is growing. Our partner

71. Nuova Pagina 4
Translate this page algebrica e quella numerica , il completamento della formula “primitiva” elaboratanel 1247 dal matematico cinese Ch’in Chiu Shao e indirettamente va a!!!sto/XX3.htm
Il sito riguarda il matematico e violinista cieco Gioacchino Giovarosi e in particolare la sua formula che permette di risolvere tutte le equazioni numeriche di qualunque grado e di qualunque forma ad una o più incognite con un metodo “assolutamente” generale. Il manoscritto in braille , contenente la formula , è a tutt’oggi introvabile ma dalle venti pagine dattiloscritte ritrovate si può intuire e dedurre il valore e la grande importanza di questo metodo. Esso è degno di essere riportato nella Letteratura Matematica in quanto lo si può considerare come “ l’unico e vero metodo generale “ esistente, per la risoluzione di tutte le equazioni numeriche. La formula di Giovarosi rappresenta inoltre il “collegamento ideale” tra la risoluzione algebrica e quella numerica , il completamento della formula “primitiva” elaborata nel 1247 dal matematico cinese Ch’in Chiu Shao e indirettamente va a mostrare la superiorità della matematica cinese del 1300 sulla relativa matematica occidentale .

1973. Chinese Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century. The Shushu chiu-chang of Ch inChiu-shao (MIT East Asian Science Series, 1). Cambridge, MA MIT Press.
SELECTED, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF CHINESE SCIENCE AND MEDICINE SOURCES IN WESTERN LANGUAGES N. Sivin This annotated bibliography covers science and medicine in traditional and modern China. It is organized as follows: HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN IMPERIAL CHINA............................................................... Reference Works.................................................................................................................. General................................................................................................................................. Science and Society............................................................................................................... Science and Philosophy......................................................................................................... Science and Religion.............................................................................................................. The Early Encounter With Europe.......................................................................................... Mathematics and Divination.................................................................................................

73. Číňan Remainder Teorém
Originál forma teoréma, obsažený v knize Cínanem matematik Ch in ChiuShaopublikoval v 1247, je protokol okolo soucasný congruences (videt
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Č­Åˆan remainder teor©m
Č­Åˆan remainder teor©m je jm©no aplikov¡no na množstv­ př­buzn½ch v½sledků v abstraktn­ algebra a teorie č­sel Tabulka s obsahem showTocToggle (" přehl­dka ", " schov¡vat se ") 1 současn½ congruences cel½ch č­sel
2 sdělen­ pro hlavn­ ide¡ln­ dom©ny

3 sdělen­ pro obecn© prsteny
Současn½ congruences cel½ch č­sel
Původn­ forma teor©ma, obsažen½ v knize matematika Č­Åˆana Ch'in Chiu-Shao publikoval v , je sdělen­ okolo současn½ congruences (vidět modul¡rn­ aritmetika ). Předpokl¡dat n n k b½t pozitivn­ cel¡ č­sla kter½ b½t pairwise coprime (m­nit gcd n i n j ) = 1 kdykoli i j ). Pak, pro nějak¡ dan¡ cel¡ č­sla k , tam existuje cel© č­slo x řeÅ¡it syst©m současn½ congruences
x i mod n i )       pro i k
Furthermore, vÅ¡echna řeÅ¡en­ x k tomuto syst©mu b½t shodn© modulo produkt n n n k ŘeÅ¡en­ x moci se nal©zat jak n¡sleduje. Pro každ©ho i , cel¡ č­sla n i a n n i b½t coprime, a použ­v¡n­ prodloužen½ Euclidean algoritmus my můžeme shledaj­ cel¡ č­sla r a s takov½ to r n i s n n i = 1. Jestliže my jsme zapadli

74. Apronyms Category Listing - Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians - Page 1 Of 1
Angela Brett. 100%, CH IN CHIU SHAO, Composed Haiku, Investigated Numbers Congruences.His Interesting Understandings Stieltjes Has Afterwards Observed.

75. Tech Radio: Stratford University Tech Talk Radio (March 2004)
Use by Ch’in Chiu Shao in 13th Century to study numerology. PublicKey Infrastructure (PKI) is the cornerstone of secure communication;

76. Le Novità In Edicola
In Chiu - Shao nel 1247
Aggiornato al 13 giugno 2001
N.B.: Le date si riferiscono all'edicola di Palmanova (Ud). Vai alle pubblicazioni dell'anno 2001 (luglio-dicembre)
Vai alle pubblicazioni dell'anno 2000
Tuttoscienze - Inserto de La Stampa (n° 978 - 13 giugno 2001)
(a pagina 1) "Zanzare o aerei-spia?" di Mario Bernardi; (NdR: negli USA si lavora su mini macchine volanti per ricognizione militare)
(a pagina 1) "Tuttoscienze in cd-rom"; (NdR: è uscito in edicola circa tre settimane fa; VE LO CONSIGLIO)
(a pagina 1) "Il sogno di Guidoni" di Piero Bianucci; (NdR: gli piacerebbe rimanere alcuni mesi in orbita nella ISS)
(a pagina 2) "Logica cognitivista in aiuto all'economia" di Federico Peiretti; (NdR: teoria dei giochi e statistica avanzata applicate all'economia)
(a pagina 2) "In Libia a caccia di meteoriti" di G. Pratesi e C. Manfredotti; (NdR: ritrovati 12 kg di meteoriti)
(a pagina 2) "Come si vivrà in un alloggio cablato" di Pia Bassi; (NdR: futuro telematico)
(a pagina 2) "Arrivano i pannoloni intelligenti" di Anna Buoncristiani; (NdR: tecnologia asservita al vivere meglio)
(a pagina 2) "La paternità del gel piastrinico"; (NdR: precisazione)

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