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         Ch'in Chiu-shao:     more detail
  1. Ch'in Chiu-shao: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  2. Chinese Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century: The Shu-shu chui-chang of Ch'in Chui-shao (East Asian Science) by Ulrich Libbrect, 1973-04-15

41. Search Results An = (572.01004)
cf. eg {\it U. Libbrecht}, Chinese mathematics in the thirteenthcentury, The shushu chiu-chang of Ch in chiu-shao. (1973; Zbl

42. Chinesischer Restsatz
in chiu-shao aus dem Jahr 1247 lautet
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Chinesischer Restsatz
Simultane Kongruenzen ganzer Zahlen
Eine simultane Kongruenz ist ein System von linearen Kongruenzen für die alle x bestimmt werden sollen, die sämtliche Kongruenzen gleichzeitig lösen (mod ist die modulo -Funktion). Es kann aber auch keine Lösung geben. Die Originalform des Chinesischen Restsatzes aus einem Buch des chinesischen Mathematikers Ch'in Chiu-Shao aus dem Jahr lautet: Seien m , ..., m n paarweise teilerfremde positive ganze Zahlen, dann existiert für alle gegebenen ganzen Zahlen a , ..., a n genau eine x modulo m m m ...m n , das die obige simultane Kongruenz erfüllt.
Finden einer Lösung
Für jedes i sind die Ganzzahlen n i und M i teilerfremd, daher gibt es auch stets ein y i , sodass gilt: Diese Kongruenz lässt sich lösen (siehe lineare Kongruenz). Das gesuchte x ist nun: ZumWikipedia-Artikel Impressum Sitemap Sitemap all
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43. Tommy Chin Chiu Tan - ResearchIndex Document Query
Remainder Theorem, and the Circle of Fifths and the general case was stated and provedby Ch in chiushao in 1247 AD Two integers are called Chinese remainder Chin-Chiu Tan

44. Curriculum Vitae
Kyoto, August 1974), XVIth Congress (Bucarest, August 1981), XVIIIth Congress (Berkeley,August 1985), International Conference on Ch in chiushao (history of
Curriculum Vitae
Nathan Sivin
Professor of Chinese Culture and of the History of Science Room 364, Logan Hall, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6304 Email: U.S.A. Web site: 8125 Roanoke Street (215) 898-7454 or 898-8400 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118-3949, U.S.A. Fax (215) 573-2231 Born 11 May 1931, married to Carole Sivin (215) CH2-1596 For additional personal information see Who's Who in America Education Experimental 18-month course in Chinese, U. S. Army Language School, 1954-1956. S.B. in Humanities and Science (Chemistry minor), M.I.T., June 1958. M.A. in History of Science, Harvard University, June 1960. Ph. D. in History of Science, Harvard University, January 1966. M. A. (Hon.), University of Pennsylvania, October 1978. Study Abroad Taipei, Taiwan (Chinese language and philosophy), October 1961 - August 1962, December 1974. Singapore (Visiting Lecturer, History of Chinese alchemy), August 1962 - March 1963. Kyoto (Visiting Professor, Research Institute of Humanistic Studies, History of Chinese astronomy, alchemy, and medicine), September 1967-September 1968; September 1971-September 1972; June-November 1974; September 1979-February 1980, various shorter stays after 1980.

45. Seznam Matematiků
1933 1996); Shiing-shen Chern (Ríjen 26,1911 -); Alexey Chervonenkis(Rusko); Ch in chiu-shao (Cína, 1200s); Sarvadaman Chowla
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Seznam matematiků
Slavn½ matematici b½t zaznamenan½ dole v Angličtina alphabetical transliteration objednat ( př­jmen­ B C D ...

46. Some Number Theory
This theorem may have been known to the eightcentury Buddhist monk I-Hsing, andcertainly appears in Ch in chiu-shao s Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections
Next: The RSA Public key Up: fsqFsHn sGGousG Previous: Modern cryptography

Some Number Theory
Most public key systems rely on number-theoretic results. Before we can discuss the implementation of one, we need to quickly go over the necessary background. We have already used a tiny amount of number theory (in our discussion of computing mod p and of the greatest common divisor). Of course, this must be done briefly, and we will only touch on a small part of a large and ancient field the interested reader would do well to consult a text on number theory (e.g. [ NZM Ros ]) for more information.
The greatest common divisor and the Euclidean algorithm
We have already met the greatest common divisor, or gcd, which is the largest integer which divides both of a pair of numbers. Two numbers are said to be relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. As we have already seen, finding two relatively prime numbers has important applications in many cryptosystems. How can we determine the gcd of two numbers? If the numbers are not too large, just looking at their factors does the trick. For example

47. Bette Veteto's Math Resources
BC; Arithmetic in Nine Sections, Math Book about 100 BC with SampleProblems; Horner s Method, Ch in chiushao 1247 AD; Early Pascal s
Resources from Bette Veteto's
Math Is Marvelous Web Page
The purpose of this site is to add a reading and writing component to my math classes. Betty Veteto is a professor at the University of Memphis
She created this web page for her students Students, "Choose a topic, read about it, and write a short report". Chambered Nautilus Fibonacci Sequence
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48. Jingde Cheng's Home Page
The Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) FAQ. Great Scientists Aristotle; Euclidof Alexandria; Tsu Ch ung Chi; Ch in chiushao; Yang Hui; Sir Isaac Newton;
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49. Qin Jiushao --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
More from Britannica on Qin Jiushao 39 Encyclopædia Britannica articles, fromthe full 32 volume encyclopedia. , Ch in chiushao Chinese mathematician who

50. Matemático - Wikipedia En Español
Ch in chiu-shao (China, 1200s); Sarvadaman Chowla (India,1907 - 1995); Fan Chung (Taiwan, Estados Unidos, 1949 - ); Alonzoático
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Un matemático es una persona cuya área de estudio e investigación son las matemáticas Lista de matemáticos, por orden alfabético
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51. Re [math-learn] Natural Numbers By Jpleroy
In 1247 the Chinese mathematician Ch in chiushao wrote Mathematicaltreatise in nine sections which uses the symbol O for zero.

52. Encyclopedia: List Of Mathematicians
19, 1996); Shiingshen Chern (October 26,1911 - ); Alexey Chervonenkis(Russia); Ch in chiu-shao (China, 1200s); Sarvadaman Chowla (India

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    Encyclopedia : List of mathematicians
    The famous mathematicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname).

    53. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Mayan Mathematics
    1966. Earlier during the 13th Century, Ch in chiushao, inventedwhat is currently called the Chinese Remainder Theorem .
    Re: [HM] Mayan Mathematics
    Barron, Alfred [PRI]
    Thu, 11 Mar 1999 13:46:43 -0500
    I have been looking into this area for some time. My
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    As for kids, this may be limited. Certainly one can share the Mayan dot and bar arthemetic. Simple. But the calendrics is where their genius flows. This, however, reqires some understanding of their language, but only

    54. Matematici Celebri - Wikipedia
    Ch in chiu-shao(Cina, 1200s); Sarvadaman Chowla (India, 1907 - 1995); Elwin
    Matematici celebri
    Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
    Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle maggiori personalit  della matematica ˆ disponibile anche un elenco di matematici celebri in ordine cronologico A B C ... modifica

    55. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of
    ChiTsuChung}{{\sc Chi Tsu Ch ung}\footnote{{\sc Chi Tsu Ch ung}, \born \circa 430,\died 501} } \newcommand{\ChinChiuShao}{{\sc Ch in chiushao}\footnote{{\sc

    56. 4Reference || 1247
    Ch in chiushao publishes the original form of the Chinese remainder theorem.Pope Innocent IV sends missionaries to attempt to convert the Mongols.
    Front Page Encyclopedias Dictionaries Almanacs ... Decades Years: Events *The Romanesque architecture cathedral of St. Pierre is begun in Beauvais. Births *Possible birthdate of Zhang Sanfeng , a semi-mythical Taoist master Deaths Monarchs/Presidents This article courtesy of Wikipedia . This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license. GFDL:

    57. List Of Mathematicians
    March 19, 1996); Shiingshen Chern (October 26,1911 - ); Alexey Chervonenkis(Russia); Ch in chiu-shao (China, 1200s); Sarvadaman Chowla
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    List of mathematicians
    The famous mathematicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname Table of contents: A B C D ... Z

    58. - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books.
    The original form of the theorem, contained in a book by the Chinese mathematicianCh in chiushao (http//
    Math and Natural Sciences
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    Chinese remainder theorem
    Categories Abstract algebra Number theory Theorems
    The Chinese remainder theorem is any of a number of related results in abstract algebra and number theory Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Simultaneous congruences of integers
    2 Statement for principal ideal domains

    3 Statement for general rings

    4 External links
    Simultaneous congruences of integers
    The original form of the theorem, contained in a book by the Chinese mathematician Ch'in Chiu-Shao published in , is a statement about simultaneous congruences (see modular arithmetic ). Suppose n n k are positive integers which are pairwise coprime (meaning gcd n i n j ) = 1 whenever i j ). Then, for any given integers a a k , there exists an integer x solving the system of simultaneous congruences
    x a i mod n i ) for i k
    Furthermore, all solutions x to this system are congruent modulo the product n n n k A solution x can be found as follows. For each

    59. Encyclopedia4U - List Of People By Name: Ch - Encyclopedia Article
    1884), cattle baron; Chiu, Alex, (born 1971), discoverer of immortalityrings; chiushao, Ch in, mathematician; Chladni, Ernst, (1756
    ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
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    • Chabon, Michael , (born 1964), author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay Wonder Boys Chabrol, Claude , (born 1930), film director Chacon, Bobby , (born 1951), world champion boxer Chacon, Iris , vedette Chads, John Cornell, British Virgin Islands president Chadwick, Florence, British swimmer Chadwick, Henry , (1824-1908), baseball writer and statistician Chadwick, James Chadwick, Paul, US cartoonist of Concrete fame Chadwick, Whitefield, (1854-1931), composer Chaffee, Gary, musician Chaffee, Roger , (1935-1967), US astronaut Chagall, Marc , (1887-1985), painter Chagoyan, Maria Rosa, actress Chaitin, Gregory , computer scientist and mathematician Chakerian, Gulbank Don, mathematician Chakiris, George, (born 1934), actor Chalbaud, Carlos Delgado, Venezuelan president Chaliapine, Feodor, (born 1873), Russian author Chaliapin, Feodor, (1873-1938), operatic bass

    60. Chinesischer Restsatz | Mathe Board Lexikon
    in chiu-shao aus dem Jahr Restsatz&action=e

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