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         Casorati Felice:     more books (21)
  1. Felice Casorati 1883-1963 by Felice] Lamberti, Mimita; Fossati, Paolo (editors); Accademia Albertina De Belle Arti Di Torino [Casorati, 1985
  2. Felice Casorati: Prima di Torino by Felice Casorati, 1984
  3. Felice Casorati: [mostra a Ferrara], Galleria civica darte moderna, Palazzo dei diamanti ... 1981 by Felice Casorati, 1981
  4. Casorati by Felice Casorati, 1977
  5. Teorica delle Funzioni Di Variabili Complesse (VOLUME PRIMO) by Felice Casorati, 1868
  6. I Casorati del Teatro alla Scala: Mostra terza

felice casorati. The painter was born on December 4 th 1883 in Novara and died on March 1 st 1963 in Turin. Origins. His father was
Felice casorati The painter was born on December 4 th 1883 in Novara and died on March 1 st 1963 in Turin.
His father was a regular army officer and an amateur painter. Famous mathematicians and scientists had come from his family. Casorati grew up in Milan, Reggio Emilia, Sassari and Padua, where he studied music and was so assiduous that he ended up with a nervous breakdown at the age of eighteen. During a resting period in Praglia, on the Euganean Hills, he started to paint, and his first known work dates from this time : a Paduan landscape painted in 1902.
Degree in law
In 1906 he took his degree in Law at the Padua University, but decided to dedicate himself to an artistic career. Portrait of a lady, an elegant painting of his sister Elvira, was admitted to the jury at the Venice Biennial exhibition in 1907. From 1908 to 1911 he was in Naples, and studied the work of Pieter Brughel, “The Old Man” (Il Vecchio), in the collection at the National Museum.
Artistic influences
His works were exhibited at the Biennials of 1909 and 1911; on the latter occasion he remained highly impressed by the room dedicated to Gustav Klimt. The symbolic and decorative style of the Viennese Secession greatly influenced the subsequent works of Casorati. He moved to live in Verona in 1911 and remained there until 1915. In 1914 he founded, together with others, the magazine “La Via Lattea” (The Milky Way) and he produced illustrations for it in the art nouveau style like that of Jan Toorop and Aubrey Beardsley. During the last year he frequented the artists of Cà Pesaro – Martini, Gino Rossi, Pio Semeghini, whose European orientation introduced him to the recent artistic developments of Paris and Munich.

22. Casorati, Felice
Search Biographies Bio search tips casorati, felice fAlE'chA käsOrä'tE Pronunciation Key. casorati, felice , 18861963, Italian painter
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23. Felice Casorati Artwork And Images At
felice casorati art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography Italian, 18861966 A Student Oil plywood panel 123.7 x
account access login: password: artist port. gallery port. arts marketplace browse the arts submit arts news media kit ... art history Artist: C : FELICE CASORATI ALPHABETICAL ARTIST INDEX: A B C D ... Z
Museum Image Collections: (2) Italian, 1886-1966 A Student Oil on plywood panel 123.7 x 86.7 cm (48
Italian, 1886-1966 City Dwellers Oil on canvas 150.0 x 84.5 cm (59 1/16

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Vincent van Gogh
Cafe Terrace At Night Our Supplier's price: $3.00 Norman Rockwell Mysterious Malady Our Supplier's price: $4.00 Norman Rockwell Sunday Morning Our Supplier's price: $4.00 Salvador Dalí Sacrament of the Last Supper Our Supplier's price: $16.00

24. Biografia De Casorati, Felice
Translate this page casorati, felice. (Pavía, 1835-Casteggio, 1890) Matemático italiano. Profesor en la Universidad de Pavía y en la Escuela de Ingenieros de Milán.
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Casorati, Felice (Pavía, 1835-Casteggio, 1890) Matemático italiano. Profesor en la Universidad de Pavía y en la Escuela de Ingenieros de Milán. Realizó interesantes trabajos sobre ecuaciones diferenciales, integrales abelianas y funciones elípticas. Escribió Teoría de las funciones de variable compleja y Teoría y uso de algunos instrumentos topográficos de reflexión Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

25. Felice Casorati Artwork And Images At
felice casorati art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography Italian, 18861966 A Student Oil plywood panel 123.7 x 86.7 cm (48 Italian, 1886-1966 City
account access login: password: artist port. gallery port. arts marketplace browse the arts submit arts news media kit ... art history Artist: C : FELICE CASORATI ALPHABETICAL ARTIST INDEX: A B C D ... Z
Museum Image Collections: (2) Italian, 1886-1966 A Student Oil on plywood panel 123.7 x 86.7 cm (48
Italian, 1886-1966 City Dwellers Oil on canvas 150.0 x 84.5 cm (59 1/16

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Vincent van Gogh
Cafe Terrace At Night Our Supplier's price: $3.00 Norman Rockwell Mysterious Malady Our Supplier's price: $4.00 Norman Rockwell Sunday Morning Our Supplier's price: $4.00 Salvador Dalí Sacrament of the Last Supper Our Supplier's price: $16.00

26. Biografia De Casorati, Felice
Translate this page casorati, felice. (Novara, 1886-Turín, 1963) Pintor italiano. Fue un seguidor de la nueva figuración preconizada por Carlo Carrà
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Casorati, Felice (Novara, 1886-Turín, 1963) Pintor italiano. Fue un seguidor de la nueva figuración preconizada por Carlo Carrà y por la revista Valori Plastici La espera Venus rubia Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

27. Casorati, Felice
casorati, felice fAlE'chA käsOrä'tE Pronunciation Key. casorati, felice , 18861963, Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, casorati, together with Carrà, was involved in the symbolist movement.


Casorati, Felice [f A l E A O E Pronunciation Key Casorati, Felice , Italian painter. Influenced by Beardsley and other English engravers, Casorati, together with , was involved in the symbolist movement. He was instrumental in the formation of the metaphysical school. An ironic tone and cool refinement are characteristic of his works (e.g., Still Life, The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Caso, Alfonso
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Felice Casorati
Casorati , Felice * 1886 in Novara + 1963 in Turin Vita: Geboren 1886 in Novara. Gestorben 1963 in Turin. Ausstellungen: Online-Referenzen und Quellen: Absender: Name E-Mail-Adresse Suche

29. Casorati
Biography of felice casorati (18351890) felice casorati. Born 17 Dec 1835 in Pavia, Italy felice casorati was a student at Pavia and later taught at Pavia and Milan
Felice Casorati
Born: 17 Dec 1835 in Pavia, Italy
Died: 11 Sept 1890 in Casteggio, Italy
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Felice Casorati was a student at Pavia and later taught at Pavia and Milan. In 1858, together with Betti and Brioschi Casorati is best remembered for the Casorati- Weierstrass theorem which says that in any neighbourhood of an essential singularity of a function it comes arbitrarily close to any given value. Weierstrass proved this in a paper of 1876 but Casorati had already included it in his 1868 treatise on complex numbers.
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson List of References (6 books/articles) A Poster of Felice Casorati Mathematicians born in the same country Other Web sites Mathematical Genealogy Project
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30. Casorati
Translate this page Biography - biographical notes. casorati (felice), Italian painter (Novara 1886 - Turin 1963). casorati (felice), pittore italiano (Novara 1886 - Torino 1963).
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Casorati (Felice), Italian painter (Novara 1886 - Turin 1963). From the 1919 was oriented to tonal painting of rigid geometric formulation in a mental abstract and melancholy atmosphere: Wait (1921), Girl seated. Biografia - note biografiche
Casorati (Felice),
pittore italiano (Novara 1886 - Torino 1963). Dal 1919 si orientò verso una pittura tonale di rigida impostazione geometrica in un'atmosfera di astratto intellettualismo e di crepuscolare malinconia: L'attesa (1921), Ragazza seduta.
Qui puoi trovare valutazioni firme quadri venduti in asta in un database con 290.000 artisti basterà inserire il nome dell'artista e cliccare su search Here you can find prices, companies, pictures sold in auction, in a database with 290.000 artists it will be enough to insert the name of the artist and to push on search Storia dell'arte Correnti artistiche Biografie -

Translate this page casorati, felice. Sottoscrizione per la Rivoluzione Liberale. 2. elenco. (A. 1, n. 3, 1922). Edizioni de La Rivoluzione Liberale 21-5-1922, p. 52.
Sottoscrizione per la Rivoluzione Liberale. 2. elenco. (A. 1, n. 3, 1922)
Edizioni de La Rivoluzione Liberale [21-5-1922, p. 52]. (A. 1, n. 14, 1922) Edizioni de La Rivoluzione Liberale [11-6-1922, p. 66]. (A. 1, n. 17, 1922) Edizioni de La Rivoluzione Liberale [18-6-1922, p. 70]. (A. 1, n. 18, 1922) ... Piero Gobetti Editore [25-11-1924, p. 178]. (A. 3, n. 44, 1924)

32. - Casorati, Felice

33. Felice Casorati Artist Portrait, Brief Biography And Art
felice casorati artist biography and art with link to art gallery of the artist, guide to Modern and Contemporary visual art, felice casorati. contemporary art,

34. Autor: Felice Casorati
Translate this page Otros enlaces de interés. 2 obras del autor casorati - (felice casorati). VER TODAS. Clasificador. Nº de obras. Siglo XX. Escuela de París. - Desnudos, 2.

35. ORIZZONTI APERTI - Da Felice Casorati A Vanessa Beecroft
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36. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
1. casorati, felice The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 casorati, felice casorati, felice , 18861963, Italian painter. Casorati&refid=kunstnet

37. Felice Casorati
Felice Casorati
Novara, 1883 - Torino, 1963
Si laureò in legge a Padova; ma quand'era ancora studente universitario si era già interessato di musica e di pittura, frequentando lo studio del pittore Giovanni Vianello. A poco più di vent'anni, nel 1907, espose alla Biennale di Venezia un dipinto già significativo, il "ritratto della sorella". Dal 1908 al 1911 studiò all'Accademia di Napoli; poi si trasferì a Verona, dove rimase fino al 1918, quando passò a Torino. Nel 1923 allestì una personale alla Quadriennale di Torino, nel '24 un'altra alla Biennale di Venezia, imponendosi come uno dei maestri del suo tempo e conseguendo insigni riconoscimenti: Premio Carnegie a Pittsburg nel 1937 "Grand prix" a Parigi nel 1938, un altro a S. Francisco nel 1939; premio per la pittura alla Biennale di Venezia del 1942 (personale di 31 opere; altra personale alla Biennale del 1948). Per molti anni insegnò all'Accad. Albertina di Torino. Fin dagli inizi fu notato in lui "un senso di inquietudine non tragica, ma temperata in una specie di serenità letteraria" (Galvano).

38. Felice Casorati Artist Portrait, Brief Biography, Art And Links
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Felice Casorati

Dec 4 1886, Novara, Italy.
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39. Arte Moderna - Guida Di SuperEva
felice casorati Donne chine sulle carte da gioco , 1954 olio su tela, cm 59,5 x 93.
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Felice Casorati - "Donne chine sulle carte da gioco" Controllato rigore compositivo e sottili equilibri dell'insieme nella raffigurazione raffinatamente cerebrale di un'esistenza sospesa tra inquietudine esistenziale ed impeccabile razionalità

Felice Casorati
"Donne chine sulle carte da gioco", 1954
olio su tela, cm 59,5 x 93

40. Liceo Artistico Statale FELICE CASORATI
Translate this page LICEO ARTISTICO. STATALE. felice casorati. COMMISSIONE ORIENTAMENTO SCOLASTICO. e-mail SEDE CENTRALE, Via Mario Greppi 18 - 28100 Novara tel.
Felice Casorati
tel. 0321 34319 - fax. 0321 392755 SUCCURSALE Via Odescalchi 11 - 28100 Novara
tel. e fax. 0321 621160 SEDE STACCATA Collegio Curioni - p.zza 16 Marzo
Romagnano Sesia (No)
tel. e fax. 0161 833122
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