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         Cartan Henri:     more books (65)
  1. Elementary throry of analytid functions of one or several complex variables by Henri Cartan, 1963
  2. Formes Differentielles. Applications Elementaires au Calcul des Variations et a la Theorie des Courbes et des Surfaces by Henri Cartan, 1967
  3. Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Vari by Henri Cartan, 1963
  4. Algebraic topology by Henri Paul Cartan, 1949
  5. Nicolas Bourbaki und die heutige Mathematik. by Henri Cartan,
  6. Colloque analyse et topologie: En l'honneur de Henri Cartan
  7. Théorie élémentaire des fonctions analytiques d'une ou plusieurs variables complexes (Collection Enseignement des Sciences, 1) by Henri Cartan, 1961
  8. Methode de Calcul des Oscillations Mechaniques ou Electriques. Application aux Filtres (Journal de Mathematiques, tome XIX, fasc. no. 2, Extrait des Volumes Jubilaires Dedies a Mm. Elie Cartan et Emile Borel) by J. Haag, 1940
  9. A History of Algebraic and Differential Topology, 1900 - 1960 (Modern Birkhäuser Classics) by Jean Dieudonné, 2009-06-09

81. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Père GHESQUIÈRE-DIERICKX, Stéphane henri Charles Antoine Mère COURMONT, IrènePauline MAC cartan, Antoine Joseph Naissance 23 mars 1716 à Valenciennes
DAUBRESSE, Jules Gustave Augustin Chrysole
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: DENYS, Germaine
Naissance : 1896
Occupation : Enseignante
Parents DENYS, Jean-Baptiste

Enfant(s) DAUBRESSE, Pierre
GIRARD, Maurice
Naissance : vers 1902
Famille: Conjoint: DAUBRESSE, Lucie Marie Augusta Michelle Parents DAUBRESSE, Jules Gustave Augustin Chrysole Enfant(s) GIRARD, Luc Olivier
GIRARD, Luc Olivier Naissance : 24 novembre 1924 Parents GIRARD, Maurice DAUBRESSE, Lucie Marie Augusta Michelle Famille: Conjoint: de NIORT, Nicole Naissance : 10 novembre 1936 Enfant(s) GIRARD, Olivier Occupation : Avocat d'affaires
Occupation : Pharmacien Parents Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: MOITEL, Brigitte Parents MOITEL, Paul Enfant(s)
HERRING, Anthony
Famille: Conjoint: Parents MOITEL, Brigitte Enfant(s) HERRING, Paul Naissance : 10 janvier 1994
Famille: Conjoint: Parents MOITEL, Brigitte Enfant(s) MASSAS, Clara MASSAS, Louise Naissance : 27 octobre 2003
Parents MOITEL, Brigitte Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: PATTYN, Anne-Sophie

82. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Marie Mère MAC cartan, Marie Angélique. Enfant(s) GHESQUIÈRE-DIERICKX, MauriceGHESQUIÈRE-DIERICKX, Marie GHESQUIÈRE-DIERICKX, henri Naissance 10 mars
MENEBOODE, Emile "Florent" Constant
Inhumation : Cassel,59670,Nord
Occupation : Menuisier
Parents MENEBOODE, Benoit Joseph
Famille: Mariage:
Inhumation : Cassel,59670,Nord
Parents VERKNOCKE, Louis Alexis
Enfant(s) MENEBOODE, Jeanne Marie "Henriette"
Inhumation : Cassel,59670,Nord
MENEBOODE, Maurice Alexis
MENEBOODE, Lucien Alphonse Auguste Inhumation : Cassel,59670,Nord Occupation : Pharmacien Parents MINNEBOODE, Auguste Romain Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: MALLET, Louise Emilie Naissance : 1865 Inhumation : Cassel,59670,Nord Enfant(s) MENEBOODE, Marthe
HAUW, Benoit Romain
Occupation : Vitrier Parents HAUW, Jacques Policarpe Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Enfant(s) HAUW, Marie Jeanne Sophie HAUW, Louis Benoit Philippe
DELANNOY, Victoire Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: WATRELOT, Julie Marie Justine Parents WATRELOT, Henri Constant LELONG, Julie Marie, Justine Enfant(s)
WATRELOT, Henri Constant
Occupation : Industriel Parents WATRELOT, Guillaume Florentin Joseph Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: LELONG, Julie Marie, Justine

83. Encyclopedia: Henri Cartan
Encyclopedia henri cartan. henri cartan (born July 8, 1904) is a son of Elie cartan,and is, as his father was, a distinguished and influential mathematician.

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    Encyclopedia : Henri Cartan
    Henri Cartan (born July 8 ) is a son of Elie Cartan , and is, as his father was, a distinguished and influential mathematician.
    Born in in Nancy France . He held academic positions at a number of French universities, spending the bulk of his working life in Paris
    He is known for work in algebraic topology, in particular on cohomology operations, killing homotopy groups and group cohomology. His seminar in Paris in the years after 1945 covered ground on several complex variables, sheaf theory, spectral sequences and homological algebra, in a way that deeply influenced Jean-Pierre Serre

    84. CSDC : Cartan's Magic Formula: The Lie Derivative
    derivative by Sledbodzinsky. Marsden calls this cartan s Magic formula.The formula is also attributed to cartan s son, henri cartan.
    Cartan's Magic formula: The Lie derivative In his book on Lecons sur les Invariant Integraux , Cartan introduces a combination of the exterior derivative and the interior product which (so I am told) was coined as the "Lie derivative" by Sledbodzinsky. Marsden calls this Cartan's Magic formula. The formula is also attributed to Cartan's son, Henri Cartan.
    The Lie derivative (with respect to a contravariant vector field, V) acts on exterior differential forms in the following way:
    L(V)A = i(V)dA + d(i(V)A).
    On 1-forms, the second term is a perfect differential, dU, and the first term is a usually non-integrable 1-form, W = i(V)dA , defined herein as the 1-form of virtual work.
    Cartan's magic formula acting on a 1-form of Action, A, is thereby an abstract equivalent to the first law of thermodynamic processes:
    L(V)A = W + d(U) = Q.
    The first law of thermodynamics is obviously a statement about cohomology. The motivation for much of the work in this article is to interpret Cartan's magic formula literally as an equivalent of the thermodynamic expression. The interpretation permits a direct contact to be made between the laws of dynamical systems and thermodynamic concepts and irreversibility. No statistical assumptions are required.
    A cyclically irreversible process will be one for which the 1-form of Heat, Q does not admit an integrating factor. Namely, Q^dQ

    85. Members Of The School Of Mathematics
    CARLITZ, Leonard, 193536. CARNAP, Rudolf, 1952-54. CARR, Danielle, 1997-98. cartan,henri, 1966-67. CARTER, Roger, 1968-69. CARTIER, Pierre, 1957-59, 1965-66, 1973-74.
    CABRE, Xavier CAGLE, Fredric W. CAI, Shenou CAIRNS, Stewart S. CALABI, Eugenio CALDERÓN, Alberto P. CALKIN, John W. CALLAHAN, Thomas H. CALLOWAY, Jean M. CAMERON, Robert H. CAMPBELL, Alan D. CANDEL, Alberto CANNAS DA SILVA, Ana CANNON, James W. CANO, José CANTOR, Murray R. CANTRELL, James C. CANTWELL, John C. CAO, Huai-Dong CAO, Jianguo CAPALBO, Michael CAPPELL, Sylvain CARAYOL, Henri CARDOSO, Fernando CARDY, John CARLESON, Lennart A.E. CARLITZ, Leonard CARNAP, Rudolf CARR, Danielle CARTAN, Henri CARTER, Roger CARTIER, Pierre CASERTA, Francesco CASIAN, Luis G. CASSELMAN, William A. CASSOU-NOGUES, Philippe CASSOU-NOGUES, Pierrette CASTRAVET, Ana-Maria CATANESE, Fabrizio M.E. CECH, Eduard CERF, Jean CESARE, Lamberto CHAI, Ching-Li CHAKRABARTI, Amit CHAN, Heng-Huat CHANDRASEKHARAN, Komaravolu CHANG, Chen Chung CHANG, Chin-Huei CHANG, Mei Chu CHANG, Shih-Hsun CHANG, Sun-Yung Alice CHANG, Tsung S. CHANILLO, Sagun CHAPMAN, Thomas A. CHARI, Vyjayanthi CHARLAP, Leonard S. CHARNEY, Jule G. CHARNEY, Ruth CHARPENTIER, Marie CHASE, Stephen U. CHAYES, Jennifer CHEEGER, Jeff

    86. Bienvenue à L'Université Henri Poincaré
    Translate this page Date de 06/09/2004 à 08/09/2004. Organisateurs Groupe MAS de la SMAI INRIA-Lorraine- UHP, Nancy 1 Institut Elie cartan. Responsables scientifiques.

    87. Encyclopedia4U - Henri Cartan - Encyclopedia Article
    henri cartan. henri cartan (born 1904 in Nancy in France) was son of Elie cartan,and is , as his father was, a distinguished and influential mathematician.
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    Henri Cartan
    Henri Cartan (born in Nancy in France ) was son of Elie Cartan, and is , as his father was, a distinguished and influential mathematician. He held academic positions at a number of French universities, spending the bulk of his working life in Paris. He is known for work in algebraic topology for work in particular on cohomology operations, killing homotopy groups and group cohomology . His seminar in Paris in the years after 1945 covered ground on several complex variables sheaf theory, spectral sequences and homological algebra , in a way that deeply influenced Jean-Pierre Serre Alexander Grothendieck and Frank Adams, amongst others of the leading lights of the younger generation. He also took part in the Bourbaki group. His book with Samuel Eilenberg Homological Algebra (1956) was an important text, treating the subject with a moderate level of abstraction and category theory
    Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities.
    This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article " Henri Cartan

    88. The Science Bookstore - Books
    cartan, henri. Sur les Classes de Fonctions Definies par des Inegalities portantsur leur Derivees Successives. (Book ID 21120) $75.00. cartan, henri.

    89. Cartan, H. And Eilenberg, S.: Homological Algebra (PMS-19).
    Homological Algebra (PMS19). henri cartan and Samuel Eilenberg. Paper 1999 $35.00 / £22.95 ISBN 0-691-04991-2 408 pp. 6 x 9.
    University Press SEARCH:
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    Homological Algebra (PMS-19)
    Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg
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    Table of Contents When this book was written, methods of algebraic topology had caused revolutions in the world of pure algebra. To clarify the advances that had been made, Cartan and Eilenberg tried to unify the fields and to construct the framework of a fully fledged theory. The invasion of algebra had occurred on three fronts through the construction of cohomology theories for groups, Lie algebras, and associative algebras. This book presents a single homology (and also cohomology) theory that embodies all three; a large number of results is thus established in a general framework. Subsequently, each of the three theories is singled out by a suitable specialization, and its specific properties are studied. The starting point is the notion of a module over a ring. The primary operations are the tensor product of two modules and the groups of all homomorphisms of one module into another. From these, "higher order" derived of operations are obtained, which enjoy all the properties usually attributed to homology theories. This leads in a natural way to the study of "functors" and of their "derived functors." This mathematical masterpiece will appeal to all mathematicians working in algebraic topology.

    90. Academy Members (C)
    Carson, Hampton, Lawrence, II, 4, FELLOW. Carson, Anne, IV, 4, FHM. cartan,henri, Paul, I, 1, FHM. Carter, Ashton, Baldwin, V, 1, FELLOW. Carter, Stephen,Lisle, III, 4, FELLOW.

    Members Search by Name A ...
    Class I
    Section 1 - Mathematics Section 2 - Physics Section 3 - Chemistry Section 4 - Section 5 - Section 6 - Class II : Biological Sciences Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5 -
    Class III
    : Social Sciences Section 1 - Section 2 - Economics Section 3 - Section 4 - Law (including the Practice of Law) Class IV Section 1 - Section 2 - History Section 3 - Literary Criticism (including Philology) Section 4 - Literature (Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Nonfiction, Playwrighting, Screenwriting) Section 5 - Class V Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 -
    Last Name First Name Middle Cls Sec Membership
    Type Cabibbo Nicola I FHM Cabot Louis Wellington V FELLOW Cabranes José Alberto III FELLOW Cacioppo John T. III FELLOW Caffarelli Luis Angel I FELLOW Cahill Lisa Sowle IV FELLOW Cahill George Francis Jr. II FELLOW Cahill James Francis IV FELLOW Cahn John Werner I FELLOW Cain Bruce E. III FELLOW Cairns Hugh John Forster II FELLOW Cairns John Jr. II FELLOW Calabresi Guido III FELLOW Calame Kathryn L.

    91. Deaths And Honours
    IMUCC 93 cartan, henri. To mark Professor cartan s 90th birthday (199407-08),the Deutsche Mathematiker- Vereinigung awarded him honorary membership.
    93.31 Deaths
    Readers who can supply some of the incomplete given names or missing dates are requested to write to me. I am grateful to the correspondents who have supplied much of the information listed below. New or revised information is enclosed in asterisks, and IMUCC listings are enclosed in brackets.
    AMICE, Yvette
    Born 1936-06-04; died 1993-07-04. [IMUCC 93]
    ASH, Christopher John.
    Born 1945-01-05; died 1995-02-16. [IMUCC 93]
    BRYANT, Peter *John*
    Died 1994-11-25. [IMUCC 91, 93]
    CAMBANIS, Stamatis.
    Born 1943-07-08; died 1995-04-12. [IMUCC 93]
    Born 1905-09-06; died 1992-05-16. [IMUCC 93]
    FOREMAN, Eugene Kenneth
    (Australian statistician, NOT in WDM). Born 1923-12-23; died 1995-03-19. [IMUCC 93]
    GILLIS, Joseph.
    Born 1911-08-*03*; died 1993-11-18. [IMUCC 88, 92, 93]
    GREENBERG, Peter A.
    Born 1956-01-24; died 1993-12-10. [IMUCC 93]
    HUNSAKER, Neville Carter (NOT in WDM).
    Born 1907-12-13; died 1993-12-09. [IMUCC 93]
    IVANOV, Valentin Konstantinovich
    Born 1908-10-01; *died 1992-10-30*. [IMUCC 87, 93]
    Born 1948-01-04; died 1995-03-14. [IMUCC 93]

    92. Guradution Support
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    ·¨¹úÊýѧ¼Ò£®ÉúÓÚÄÏÎý£¬ÊǨ¦¡£Cartan³¤×Ó.1923Äêµ½1926ÄêÔÚ·¨¹ú¸ßµÈʦ·¶Ñ§Ð£Ñ§Ï°£¬1928Äê»ñ²©Ê¿Ñ§Î»£®1929Äêµ½1931ÄêÔÚÀï¶û´óѧÈν̣¬1931Äêȥ˹ÌØÀ­Ë¹±¤´óѧÈν̣¬1936ÄêÉýÈνÌÊÚ£®Æä¼äÓëA.WeilµÈÈË×éÖ¯ÆðBourbakiѧÅÉ£®1940Äê5Ôµ¹úÈëÇÖºó£¬ËûǼ¯ÖÐÓÚ·¨¹úÖв¿¿ËÀÕÉ·ÑÀÊ£¬ÔÚ°ÍÀè´óѧ½²Ê¦£®1945Äêµ½1947ÄêËû»Øµ½Ë¹ÌØÀ­Ë¹±¤´óѧÈνÌ.1947ÄêÆðÈΰÍÀè´óѧ½ÌÊÚ£¬1969Äê¸ÄΪ°ÂÈüÀíѧԺ½ÌÊÚ£¬ºóÔÚ°ÍÀèÄÏ´óѧÈνÌÊÚ£¬1975ÄêÍËÐÝ£®1947Äêµ½1965ÄêËû»¹Í¬Ê±ÈΰÍÀè¸ßµÈʦ·¶Ñ§Ð£½ÌÊÚ£¬Æä¼ä¿ª°ìÖøûµÄH.CartanÌÖÂÛ°à. H.CartanµÄÖ÷Òª¹¤×÷ÁìÓòÊǵ¥¸´±äº¯ÊýÂÛ£¬¶à¸´±äº¯ÊýÂÛ£¬´úÊýÍØÆËѧ£¬Í¬µ÷´úÊý£¬Î»ÊÆÀíÂ۵ȣ®ÔÚ²©Ê¿ÂÛÎÄÖÐËûÖ¤÷Bloch²ÂÏëµÄ²»µÈʽ£®Ëû×îÔçÑо¿¶à¸´±äº¯ÊýÂÛ£¬1932ÄêÊ×ÏÈÖ¤÷È«´¿Óò¿ÉÓȫͳ͹ÐÔ¿Ì»­£®1950ÄêÒý½øLerayµÄ²ãµÄ¸ÅÄîʹ֮³ÉΪÏÖ´ú¶à¸´±äº¯ÊýÂÛµÄÓÐЧ¹¤¾ß£¬ËûºÍJ-P£®Serreµ³öSteinÁ÷Ðλù±¾¶¨ÀíAºÍB£¬Ëû»¹°Ñ¸´Á÷ÐθÅÄîÍƹã³É½âÎö¿Õ¼ä£¬Ö¤÷Õý¹æ½âÎö¿Õ¼äµÄǶÈ붨Àí.ÔÚλÊÆÀíÂÛÖÐÒýÈËÄÜÁ¿¼°¾«Ï¸ÍØÆ˵ȸÅÄΪÆ乫Àí»¯µì¶¨»ù´¡.ËûÔÚ´úÊýÍØÆËѧÖÐÖ¤÷ÎâÎÄ¿¡Ìá³öµÄÉÏͬµ÷ÔËËãµÄH.Cartan¹«Ê½ÒÔ¼°Adem¹Øϵ£®Ëû¼ÆËãK(¦Ð,n)µÄͬµ÷Ⱥ£¬ÒÔ¼°ÆëÐÔ¿Õ¼äµÄÉÏͬµ÷»·£¬Ëû»¹°Ñͬµ÷´úÊýϵͳ»¯£¬ËûÓëEilenbergºÏÖøµÄ¡¶Í¬µ÷´úÊýѧ¡·±êÖ¾ÕâÅѧ¿ÆÕýʽµ®Éú£® ËûÊÇ°ÍÀè¿ÆѧԺԺÍÁ£¬À¹ú¹ú¼Ò¿ÆѧԺ£¬ÈÕ±¾Ñ§ÉÏÔºµÈÍ⼮ԺʿºÍÓ¢¹ú»Ê¼Òѧ»áÍâ¼®»áÔ±£®1980Äê»ñ Wolf½±£®
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    93. Institut Élie Cartan
    Translate this page Institut de Mathématiques Élie cartan. Les Mathématiques à Nancy. LesEquipes, Le Laboratoire et la Recherche, Les Séminaires. Recrutement
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    94. SMF - Publications - Officiel - Novembre 1998 - Université Henri Poincaré (Nan
    ACM Annuaire MaTeXo MathDoc ... SMAI SMF P ublications N P ... Novembre 1998
    Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy I), Institut Elie Cartan
    Adresse : BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy cedex Séminaire "Equations aux dérivées partielles et applications".
    (J. Sokolowski) Le mercredi à 14h15, Salle de conférence, 2ème étage, Institut Elie Cartan.
    04 nov
    C. Conca. La transformée de Bloch et aplications.
    18 nov
    P. Laurencot. Modèles continus de coagulation-fragmentation.
    25 nov
    P. Laug. Maillage surfacique 3D et application aux surfaces moleculaires. Groupe de travail "Fonctions zêta et espaces prého-mogènes". (A. Mortajine) Le jeudi à 14h, Salle de conférence, 2ème étage, Institut Elie Cartan.
    05, 12, 19 nov
    Conférencier non précisé.
    26 nov
    A. Mortajine. Séminaire de probabilités. (J.C Fort) Le jeudi à 10H30, Salle de conférence, 2ème étage, Institut Elie Cartan. 05 nov P. Laurençot. 12 nov D. Piau. 19 nov F. Simonot. 26 nov P. Vallois.

    95. Poincaré

    96. La Galerie De Portraits Des Mathématiciens
    photos, CAUCHY Augustin-Louis 1789-1857, CHOQUET Gustave. D.
    La galerie de portraits des mathématiciens "Les mathématiciens ne meurent pas.
    Ils perdent juste certaines de leurs fonctions."

    Retour à la page des trucs
    A ABEL Niels Henrik
    AGNESI Maria
    Abu Ja'far Mohammed Ben Mussa
    v.770-840 (ou 790-850 ou 800-847)
    APPOLONIUS (de Perge)
    250-190 BC
    ARTIN Emil ARCHIMEDE 287-212 BC Détail du bonnet d'Archimède (son nom en grec) B BERNOULLI Daniel BERNOUILLI Jean (Johann) BEZOUT Etienne BOLTZMANN Ludwig BOLYAI Janos BOREL Emile BOURBAKI Nicolas BROUNKER William BUFFON Georges Louis le Clerc d'autres photos C CANTOR Georg CARATHEODORY Constantin d'autres photos CARDAN Girolamo (Jérôme) CARTAN Elie CARTAN Henri (fils d'Elie) 1904- CAYLEY Arthur d'autres photos CAUCHY Augustin-Louis CHOQUET Gustave D D'ALEMBERT Jean le Rond DARBOUX Gaston DEDEKIND Richard Julius Wilhelm d'autres photos DESCARTES René d'autres photos DIRICHLET Gustav DIEUDONNE Jean d'autres photos E EINSTEIN Albert d'autres photos ERATHOSTENE 276-194 BC EUCLIDE 330-275 BC EULER Leonard d'autres photos F FERMAT Pierre (de) d'autres photos FIBONACCI (Leonard de Pise) FREGE Gottlob FROBENIUS Ferdinand Georg FUCHS Lazare FOURIER Joseph G GALOIS Evariste d'autres photos GAUSS Carl Friedrich d'autres photos GERMAIN Sophie GODEL Kurt GREGORY James GROTHENDIECK Alexandre H HADAMARD Jacques HASSE Helmut HAUSSDORF Félix HERMITE Charles HILBERT David d'autres photos I J JACOBI (Karl) Gustav JORDAN Camille Marie Ennemond K KHAYAM Omar 1048-1131 (ou 1122) KLEIN Félix KOLMOGOROV Andreï (Nikoloevich) KOVALEVSKAÏA Sonya L LAGRANGE Joseph Louis LAMBERT Johann Heinrich LANDAU Edmund Georg LAPLACE Pierre Simon

    97. La Galerie De Portraits Des Mathématiciens
    CAYLEY Arthur 1821-1895, CAYLEY Arthur 1821-1895. CAUCHY Augustin
    La galerie de portraits des mathématiciens "Les mathématiciens ne meurent pas.
    Ils perdent juste certaines de leurs fonctions."

    Retour à la page des trucs
    A ABEL Niels Henrik
    AGNESI Maria
    Abu Ja'far Mohammed Ben Mussa
    v.770-840 (ou 790-850 ou 800-847)
    APPOLONIUS (de Perge)
    250-190 BC
    ARTIN Emil ARCHIMEDE 287-212 BC Détail du bonnet d'Archimède (son nom en grec) B BARROW Isaac BERNOULLI Daniel (fils de Jean) BERNOUILLI Jacques (Jacob) (frère de Jean) BERNOUILLI Jean (Johann) (frère de Jacques) BESSEL Frederich William BEZOUT Etienne BOLTZMANN Ludwig BOLYAI Janos BOLZANO Bernhard BOOLE George BOREL Emile BOURBAKI Nicolas BROUNKER William BUFFON Georges Louis le Clerc BUFFON Georges Louis le Clerc C CANTOR Georg CARATHEODORY Constantin CARATHEODORY CARDAN Girolamo (Jérôme) CARTAN Elie CARTAN Henri (fils d'Elie) 1904- CAYLEY Arthur CAYLEY Arthur CAUCHY Augustin-Louis CHASLES Michel CHOQUET Gustave CLAIRAUT Alexis CONWAY John D D'ALEMBERT Jean le Rond DARBOUX Gaston DEDEKIND Richard Julius Wilhelm DEDEKIND Richard Julius Wilhelm DE MOIVRE Abraham DESCARTES René DESCARTES René DIRICHLET Gustav DIEUDONNE Jean DIEUDONNE Jean E Remarque : Einstein n'est pas vraiment un mathématicien (un physicien tout au plus ...) mais je l'aime bien et il a une bonne tête !

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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