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         Carroll Lewis:     more books (100)
  1. Alice Through the Looking Glass by LEWIS CARROLL, 2009-08-01
  2. Relativity Visualized by Lewis Carroll Epstein, 1985
  3. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, 2004-03-30
  4. Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll, 2009-11-01
  5. Alicia En El Pais De Las Maravillas / Alice's Adventures in Wonderland , ilustrado (Spanish Edition) by Lewis Carroll, 2007-08-03
  6. The Works of Lewis Carroll (Eight Books with active table of contents) by Lewis Carroll, 2009-04-04
  7. Lewis Carroll in Numberland: His Fantastical Mathematical Logical Life by Robin Wilson, 2010-06-14
  8. Sphere Packing, Lewis Carroll, and Reversi: Martin Gardner's New Mathematical Diversions (The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library) by Martin Gardner, 2009-07-31
  9. The Complete Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll, 1982-10
  10. Dreaming in Pictures: The Photography of Lewis Carroll by Douglas R. Nickel, 2002-08-01
  11. Through the Looking-Glass - Original Version by Lewis Carroll, 2010-03-01
  12. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, 2009-11-24
  13. ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS : Complete in One Volume by Lewis Carroll, 1935-01-01
  14. Lewis Carroll: An Illustrated Biography by Derek Hudson, 1978-04-12

carroll, lewis. Pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson født 27. januar 1832 i England og døde 14. januar 1898. 01 Maries hændelser
A B C D ... Z
Pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson født 27. januar 1832 i England og døde 14. januar 1898. "Maries hændelser i vidunderlandet"
Pios Bibliotek for Ungdommen, 4, 2. udg. : 1912 "Alice i Vidunderland"
* "Alice i Æventyrland"

Thorkil Beck, 2. udg. : 1957
* "Alice i Eventyrland"
Spektrum Pocketbøger, 41, ny udg. : 1966(2)
Lademann : 1972
Mallings : 1982
Mallings, 2. udg. : 1983(1)
Bogklubben Rasmus, 35 sider, ill. af Rene Cloke : 1996
Gyldendal : 1997 Gyldendals Bogklubber : 1997 Klematis, 100 sider, illustreret af Lisbeth Zwerger * "Van Gool's Alice i eventyrland" , illustreret af Van Gool , 60 sider Peter Asschenfeldts nye Forlag (De bedste eventyr) : 1999 Peter Asschenfeldts nye Forlag, bogklubudg. (De bedste eventyr) : 1999 * "Alice i Undreland" Apostrof ; Nyt Dansk Litteraturselskab : 2000 Bogklubben, 1. bogklubudg. : 2000(1) "Alice in Wonderland" , engelsk udg. Aschehoug (Easy Claccics) : 1996 "Alice i Æventyrland og Bag spejlet" ("Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass", 1872) Thorkild Beck : 1946(1), 1947(2)

42. The Lewis Carroll E-text Collection
I became interested in lewis carroll while I was writing a research paper on his use of language in the Alice Books. As I read more
I became interested in Lewis Carroll while I was writing a research paper on his use of language in the Alice Books. As I read more and more of Carroll's work, I became more and more addicted, these e-texts are the result. I have concentrated primarily on works which are not available elsewhere on the internet. The Nursery Alice, particularly was a labor of love, so if you enjoy looking through it, or any of the other texts, please take a few seconds to sign my guestbook Unfortunately my career as a student has pretty much taken over my life and I haven't had any time to update this page lately. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get anything new up, but I'm going to try to maintain everything that is here so that you can enjoy it. Also, while I love to recieve e-mails about this site and read them all, I cannot help with homework or papers over e-mail (I have enough of my own!) or provide any additional information. Enjoy the site! The Nursery Alice With color illustrations
The Hunting of the Snark

A Tangled Tale

Juvinilia as well as later poetry
Essays, Stories, and miscellaneous stuff

43. Lewis Carroll
Propone Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie e Attraverso lo specchio.
Lewis Carroll Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Attraverso lo specchio

44. Lewis Caroll
Kurze Biographie und Information zu B¼chern lewis Carrolls.
Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ... Suche
Lewis Carroll
27. Januar 1832 Daresbury (England) - 14. Januar 1898 Guildford (England) Lewis Carrolls erstes Kinderbuch 'Alice's Adventures in Woderland', das 1865 erschienen ist, war von Anfang an ein grosser Erfolg. Lewis Carroll war in seinem bürgerlichen Leben Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Dozent am Christ College der Universität Oxford. Hier war die Wiege für Alices luftige Phantasiewelten. Als Mathematiker war er eher konservativ, er war auch kein glanzvoller Pädagoge, galt er doch unter seinen Kollegen als höflicher, gutmütiger, dabei aber menschenscheuer, verschrobener und eigenbrötlerischer Mensch. Seine Studenten sahen in ihm einen pedantischen und ziemlich langweiligen Lehrer. Im Alter von 49 Jahren hörte er mit der Lehrtätigkeit auf, um danach nur 'Lewis Carroll' zu sein. Für ein Kind, für seinen Liebling ' Alice ' wurde er zu einem Gefährten voller Witz und Ausgelassenheit, zu einem Erzähler von unerschöpflicher Einfallskraft. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an widmete er sich ganz der Schriftstellerei und den logischen Paradoxien, Rätseln und Denkspielen. Die Beliebtheit der logisch verzwickten Zahlenspiele in der zweiten Hälfte des 19.Jahrhunderts ist ein Reflex des technischen Fortschritts. Die Maschinen-Mechanik verdrang die Mussestunden. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ' und ' Through the looking glass ' sind Elementarlehrbücher der Logik aber auch lustige Kindergeschichten. In diesen ersten Büchern versteckt Lewis Carroll noch seine mathematischen Kenntnisse. Als Dichter/Mathematiker wurde er immer bekannter in England. Eine erste Serie von Denksportaufgaben wurde ab 1880 in der Londoner Zeitschrift 'The Monthly Packet' abgedruckt. Sie bestand aus jeweils zehn Folgen, von ihm 'Knoten' genannt, wobei jeweils eine oder mehrere mathematisch-logische Aufgaben in eine kleine Geschichte eingekleidet waren.

45. The Many Faces Of Alice: Links
lewis carroll Links. lewis carroll Home Page. Another lewis carroll Page. Illustrations ofAlice s Adventures in Wonderland. Tenniel s Illustrations.
Lewis Carroll Links
Lewis Carroll Home Page
Another Lewis Carroll Page
Illustrations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ...
Another Alice Illustrated by Many Illustrators

46. JV: Gxaberuxoko
Jabberwocky de lewis carroll en Esperanto. Tradukis Mark Armantrout
Jabberwocky Variations
Translations Gxaberuxoko
Mark Armantrout
Estis brilige, kaj la slidaj toroj
En uxabo gajris kaj gimblis
Tutmimzaj estis la borogovoj
Kaj la momratoj auxsgrabis.
"Atentu la Gxaberuxokon, mia filo
La fauxkoj mordantaj, la pincxiloj kaptantaj
Atentu la jubjubbirdon, kaj evitu
Je la Bandersnacxoj frumantaj!"
Li alprenis lian vorpan glavon
Longtempe la manksoman acxon sercxante Restis li tumtumarbon Kaj staris tie pensante. Kaj je ufa penso starinte La Gxaberuxoko, kun okuloj brulantaj Venis tra la tulga arbaro viflante Kun veno burbelanta! Unu,du! Unu,du! Kaj tra kaj tra, La vorpo klingo snikersnakis Tie mortkusxis gxi, kaj kun kapo gxia, Li reen galumfiis. "Mortigis vi la Gxaberuxokon? Venu al mi' brakoj, mia bima filcxjo! O frabja tago! Kalu! Kalaux!" Li cortlis je lia gxojo. Estis brilige, kaj la slidaj toroj En uxabo gajris kaj gimblis Tutmimzaj estis la borogovoj Kaj la momratoj auxsgrabis. Completed on 3 May 1990, by Mark Armantrout ( For those unfamiliar with the convention of representing Esperanto in ASCII, there is no 'x' in Esperanto. 'x' means the preceding letter has a circumflex over it. (The circumflex is the accent mark that looks like a carat '^'.) Prev Next Home Translations Gxaberuxoko Jabberwocky Variations

47. The Hunting Of The Snark: An Agony In Eight Fits
carroll, lewis. The Hunting of the Snark an Agony in Eight Fits Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. The entire
Carroll, Lewis. The Hunting of the Snark: an Agony in Eight Fits
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
The entire work
45 KB Table of Contents for this work All on-line databases Etext Center Homepage
  • Header ...
  • Fit 1 Fit the First: THE LANDING"
  • Fit 2 "Fit the Second: THE BELLMAN'S SPEECH"
  • Fit 3 "Fit the Third: THE BAKER'S TALE"
  • Fit 4 "Fit the fourth: THE HUNTING"
  • Fit 5 "Fit the Fifth: THE BEAVER'S LESSON"
  • Fit 6 "Fit the Sixth: THE BARRISTER'S DREAM"
  • Fit 7 "Fit the Seventh: THE BANKER'S FATE"
  • Fit 8 "Fit the Eighth: THE VANISHING"
  • 48. Http:// - ÍNDICE
    Biograf­a del autor de Alicia en el Pa­s de las Maravillas.
    Lewis Carroll
    Alice Liddell
    John Tenniel

    Adaptaciones DISNEY
    TELE 5

    Links LINKS
    estudiante de la
    CONTEXTO Reina Victoria ) y los escritores que le influenciaron ( Literatura LEWIS CARROLL y sus obras en ALICE LIDDELL Alicia y Carroll Alicia y Dogson JOHN TENIEL ) y otros ilustradores que han intentado seguir su estela ( + ilustradores ALICIA Otras Alicias ) y de su segunda parte ( Traducciones ADAPTACIONES Disney ) o la miniserie emitida en Telecinco ( Telecinco LINKS Links

    49. Página De Lewis Carroll
    Translate this page Sitio Web de lewis carroll con los cuentos de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, A través del Espejo,.

    50. La Aventuroj De Alico Sub La Tero
    Alice's Adventures Under Ground, de lewis carroll, tradukis Donald Broadribb.(PDF)
    La Aventuroj de Alico sub la Tero De Carroll, Lewis (Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge), 1832-1898
    Tradukita el la Angla al Esperanto de Broadribb, Donald (Donald Richard), 1933-
    Originala Angla manuskripto manskribita en 1864.
    Unue eldonita en la Angla kiel
    Unue eldonita en Esperanto de Bookleaf Publishing
    Books Reborn
    , septembro 2000.
    90 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
    Lewis Carroll
    PDF (1.9 MB) Donald Broadribb

    51. Dodgson
    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is better known by the pseudonym lewis carroll . Other Web sites, The lewis carroll home page; Gutenberg Project (Search for carroll);
    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
    Born: 27 Jan 1832 in Daresbury, England
    Died: 14 Jan 1898 in Guilford, England
    Click the picture above
    to see five larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is better known by the pseudonym "Lewis Carroll". Although he was a mathematician, he is best known as the author of Alice's adventures in wonderland (1865) and Through the looking glass (1872), children's books that are among the most popular of all time. They are distinguished as satire and as examples of verbal wit. Dodgson wrote mathematical works under his own name but for his children's books he invented the pen name "Lewis Carroll" by translating his first two names "Charles Lutwidge" into Latin as "Carolus Lodovicus", then anglicising and reversing their order. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's father was the Reverend Charles Dodgson. Charles Dodgson senior was born in 1800 and studied at the University of Oxford where he gained a First Class degree in both mathematics and classics. He was appointed as a mathematics lecturer at Oxford where he held a Fellowship but, on marrying his cousin Frances Jane Lutwidge in 1827, he had to give up his Oxford Fellowship. He then became a curate at All Saints' Church in Daresbury and it was in that town that ten of Charles and Frances' eleven children were born. Charles Lutwidge was the eldest of his parents three boys, having two elder sisters Fanny, born in 1828, and Elizabeth, born in 1830. Charles was baptised on 11 July 1832 in his father's church and grew up in a strict Christian household. His early education, like that of his brothers and sisters, was provided by his parents. He read mostly religious books as a child and an indication of his rapid progress is that he had read

    52. The Free Library Of Philadelphia - Rare Book Department - Alice Exhibit - Welcom
    Online exhibit featuring books and original artwork from the Free Library of Philadelphia's collections. Features the work of lewis carroll, Kate Greenaway, Arthur Rackham, and John Tenniel among others.
    Alice Programs
    at the Free Library Enter the Exhibit

    There are no events
    scheduled at this time.

    53. Jabberwocky: The Lewis Carroll Fanlisting

    54. ClassicNotes: Lewis Carroll
    lewis carroll. Biography of lewis carroll (183298). Born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson in Cheshire, on January 27, 1832, the man who would
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    Biography of Lewis Carroll (1832-98)
    Born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson in Cheshire, on January 27, 1832, the man who would become Lewis Carroll was an eccentric and an eclectic whose varied works have entertained, edified, enlightened, and evaded readers for over a century. The son of a vicar and his first cousin, Dodgson was a precocious child who showed early interest in both writing and mathematics. After studying mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford, from 1850-1854, Dodgson was appointed to a lectureship there, where he was to continue studying, remain unmarried, and prepare for holy orders for almost 30 years. Although he never reached the priesthood, he did reach the level of deacon. During his very successful academic career, he wrote extensively on mathematics and logic, among other subjects. However, it is not for his academic work that he is best remembered, but rather the works for children which he created under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Along with the Alice books, Carroll published Phantasmagoria and Other Poems in 1869, The Hunting of the Snark in 1876, and Sylvie and Bruno in 1893, though none of his other works were ever nearly as popular as the Alice duo either in his lifetime or afterwards. He died January 14, 1898 in Guilford, Surrey.

    55. Looking For Lewis Carroll
    Looking for lewis carroll . website for the asssociation of new lewis carroll and how they have been distorted by mythology.
    T his site is a first attempt to bring to the web the story of what's come to be called the 'Carroll myth'.Impatient souls or those familiar with that story can go right in by clicking the white text box below Otherwise, click here to find out the background to these pages...... you will need javascript enabled
    AOL users: please ensure your auto graphics compression is turned off! Last Modified: May 4 2004
    designed by Wild Reality

    56. The Hunting Of The Snark-Title Page
    An Agony in Eight Fits by lewis carroll, with illustrations by Henry Holiday. Text and illustrations of this children's book from Allison Randal.
    The Hunting of
    The Snark
    An Agony in Eight Fits
    Lewis Carroll
    Illustrations by Henry Holiday
    Table of Contents Fit the First: The Landing Fit the Second: The Bellman's Speech Fit the Third: The Baker's Tale Fit the Fourth: The Hunting ...
    Return to Main Page

    June 5, 1998
    Designed and Maintained by Allison Randal

    57. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland By Lewis Carroll - An Unabridged, Dramatic Perf
    An unabridged, dramatic audio performance of lewis carroll s The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, presented in RealAudio. Alice s
    Directed and Narrated by Karen Chan
    Starring Amanda Bosley as Alice
    Featuring the Wired for Books Players
    - says the Guardian (London)
    Chapter one
    Chapter two
    Chapter three
    Chapter four
    WOUB Online

    58. Puzzles By Lewis Carroll
    A decent choice of classic riddles.
    Home Puzzles
    Classic Puzzles by Lewis Carroll
    Lewis Carroll, the creator of Alice in Wonderland, was in real life Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, mathematician and logician. He was also, throughout his life, fascinated by puns, acrostics, anagrams, riddles, and all sorts of mathematical games and puzzles.
    Here is a small selection of his puzzles.
    Up Hill and Down Hill

    A Spiral Walk

    The Monkey and the Pulley

    The Captive Queen

    On other pages: Lewis Carroll's Doublets Nonsense Verse by Lewis Carroll
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    59. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) British Writer. Pseudonym For Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
    Pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. lewis carroll s work represents some of the most lasting midVictorian fantasies. carroll, lewis Guide picks.
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    Carroll, Lewis
    (1832-1898) British writer. Pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Lewis Carroll's work represents some of the most lasting mid-Victorian fantasies.
    Recent Up a category Jabberwocky Variations Read parodies of Carroll's "Jabberwocky," or browse the list of the 29 languages. Lewis Carroll Home Page No time to say hello goodbye : A sprawling site prepared a special exhibit. Society Browse this scholarly society's publications, learn about upcoming events, and find out how to join. Lewis Carroll Illustrated version of "Alice in Wonderland", with bulletin board, biographies, and links to societies. Topic Index email to a friend back to top Our Story ...
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    60. Lewis Carroll Ou Les Extravagances De La Pause
    L'uvre litt©raire, la biographie, les photographies et les dessins de l'auteur d'Alice au pays des merveilles.
    L E W I S C A R R O L L . N E T Les Extravagances de la Pause "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
    All the king's horses and all the king's man
    Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty in his place again"

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