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         Carroll Lewis:     more books (100)
  1. Symbolic Logic by Lewis Carroll, 2010-07-06
  2. A Tangled Tale by Lewis Carroll, 2010-09-10
  3. The life and letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C.L. Dodgson) by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood, Henrietta H Dodgson, et all 2010-08-29
  4. Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, 2010-09-19
  5. Alice in Wonderland: Play (Acting Edition) by Lewis Carroll, V.A. Pearn, 1972-04
  6. The game of logic by Lewis Carroll, Mary Agnes Wilson, 2010-08-24
  7. Alice in Wonderland (New Method Supplementary Readers) by Lewis Carroll, 1976-08-02
  8. Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll (Wordsworth Special Editions) (Wordsworth Classics) by Lewis Carroll, 1998-10-05
  9. Jabberwocky and Other Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) by Lewis Carroll, 2001-06-14
  10. The Complete Stories and Poems of Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll, 2002-09-03
  11. Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll, 2010-08-28
  12. The Mystery of Lewis Carroll: Discovering the Whimsical, Thoughtful, and Sometimes Lonely Man Who Created "Alice in Wonderland" by Jenny Woolf, 2010-02-02
  13. Lewis Carroll, Photographer by Roger Taylor, Edward Wakeling, 2002-02-25
  14. Alice in Wonderland (Book and Charm) by Lewis Carroll, 2000-04

1. Online Literature Library - Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The Hunting of the Snark. Through The Looking Glass. Sylvie and Bruno.




Lewis Carroll
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2. Lewis Carroll - Biography And Works
Lewis Carroll. Extensive Biography of Lewis Carroll and a searchable collection of works. Lewis Carroll. Search all of Lewis carroll lewis Carroll (18321898), (pseudonym of English writer
Home Author Index Shakespeare The Bible ... Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Hunting of the Snark

Through the Looking Glass
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Lewis Carroll
Search all of Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) , (pseudonym of English writer and mathematician, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) is best known for his enduring classics Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass (1875). Though ostensibly children's books, they appeal to all ages.
Born the son of Charles Dodgson, Archdeacon of Richmond Cathedral, Lewis Carroll was the third of eleven children. As a child he took an early interest in mathematics. As a child he produced a family magazine, where he showed his first interest in parody, word play and puzzles.
At Rugby, he was a diligent, but not very happy pupil. At Christ Church, Oxford, he excelled in his preferred subject, mathematics. Although ordained, Carroll never entered the church, though he did occasionally preach. From entering Oxford at the age of 18 in 1850, Carroll was to spend the next fifty years of his life at Oxford until his death in 1898.
Carroll's other works include The Hunting of the Snark (1876) and the two parts of Sylvie and Bruno
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  • 3. Carroll Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) By Marcin Wiesyk
    Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) by Marcin Wiesyk In 1998 a hundred years have past since his death. Books writen by Lewis Carroll
    Lewis Carroll
    (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)

    by Marcin Wiesyk
    Books writen by Lewis Carroll
    Books about Lewis Carroll The Timeline of Lewis Carroll's Life
    Games of Lewis Carroll
    ... More about Caroll Lewis
    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born at Daresbury, Cheshire, on January 27, 1832. His parents were clergyman Charles and Frances Dodgson (nee Lutwidge). He was the oldest son, and third of 11 children. At an early age to entertain himself and his family Charles began magic tricks, marionette shows, drawings, poems, and stories written for homemade newspapers. These magazines included "Useful and Instructive Poetry" (five issues), "The Rectory Magazine" (nine issues), and "The Rectory Umbrella". Charles was eleven when his family moved to Croft in North Yorkshire and, at the age of twelve, was sent to Richmond School as a border. He was taught at Richmond by James Tate who formed a good idea of Charles' potential, especially in mathematics. On the 27th of January 1846 Charles was enrolled at Rugby and stayed for three years. When Charles was young he wrote to entertain his brothers and sisters. He didn't stop writing while he was in school. In 1860 Dodgson published his first two mathematical textbooks and, by February 1861, had completed another and started work on four more. He also contributed to the magazine "The Train". Alice's adventures began on a boating trip on the Thames going to Godstow in the summer of 1862. In August he made two more river trips with the Liddell children and continued the Alice stories.

    4. WIEM: Carroll Lewis
    carroll lewis, wlasciwie Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), pisarz angielski, prekursor literatury absurdu. Profesor matematyki
    WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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    Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
    Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Literatura, Wielka Brytania
    Carroll Lewis
    Carroll Lewis , w³a¶ciwie Charles -Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), pisarz angielski, prekursor literatury absurdu. Profesor matematyki w Oksfordzie, autor podrêczników z tego przedmiotu, unie¶miertelni³ swoje imiê dziêki ksi±¿kom dla dzieci (czytanym chêtnie przez doros³ych). Opowie¶ci Carrolla przenosz± czytelnika w ¶wiat paradoksów i absurdu opartego na nonsensownej logice. Pisarz bawi siê jêzykiem, tworz±c neologizmy, stosuje gry s³ów, wieloznaczniki i figury mowy. Trylogia Carrolla, napisana z my¶l± o Alicji Pleasaunce Liddel, pierwowzorze g³ównej bohaterki, obejmuje: Alicja w krainie czarów O tym, co Alicja odkry³a po drugiej stronie lustra

    5. Lewis Carroll
    Lewis Carroll. Biografie De echte naam van Lewis Carroll is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Hij was de oudste zoon van een predikant; later
    Lewis Carroll
    Op deze pagina: Biografie Profiel Boeken Links ... Meer informatie
    Geboortedatum: 27 januari 1832
    Geboorteplaats: Daresbury, Engeland
    Overleden: 14 januari 1898 Biografie: Profiel: De twee boeken over Alice zijn bizarre verhalen boordevol grapjes. Het eigenzinnige meisje Alice belandt daarbij in een vreemde, verwarrende wereld, waar de natuurwetten nauwelijks meer lijken te werken: alles kan in een mum van tijd in iets anders veranderen. Die wereld is bevolkt met talloze wonderlijke wezens die krankzinnige dingen doen en op een merkwaardige manier praten. In de boeken wordt gespeeld met taal, met uitdrukkingen en kinderversjes. De taal wordt bekeken met logica die tot het uiterste wordt volgehouden. De boeken verwijzen ook naar gebeurtenissen uit de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw. In de loop der jaren hebben verschillende vertalers met wisselend succes geprobeerd de Alice-boeken in het Nederlands te vertalen. Lewis Carroll schreef nog een paar andere kinderboeken, ook vol met taalgrapjes, maar deze waren veel minder succesvol. Van een van deze boeken verscheen een Nederlandse vertaling. Boeken: Alice in het land der droomen
    Alice's avonturen in het wonderland
    (E.J. Brill)

    6. Carroll Lewis From FOLDOC
    carroll lewis. history of philosophy, biography english logician, mathematician, and author. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (18321898). Lewis

    7. CARROLL: Lewis Carroll Books

    8. Lewis Carroll - Books And Biography
    Read Print Lewis carroll lewis Carroll. Search within all works by Lewis Carroll. To read literature by Lewis Carroll, select from the list on the left.

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    Lewis Carroll
    Lewis Carroll
    Search within all works by Lewis Carroll
    To read literature by Lewis Carroll, select from the list on the left. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
    , (pseudonym of English writer and mathematician, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) is best known for his enduring classics Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass (1875). Though ostensibly children's books, they appeal to all ages.
    Born the son of Charles Dodgson, Archdeacon of Richmond Cathedral, Lewis Carroll was the third of eleven children. As a child he took an early interest in mathematics. As a child he produced a family magazine, where he showed his first interest in parody, word play and puzzles.
    At Rugby, he was a diligent, but not very happy pupil. At Christ Church, Oxford, he excelled in his preferred subject, mathematics. Although ordained, Carroll never entered the church, though he did occasionally preach. From entering Oxford at the age of 18 in 1850, Carroll was to spend the next fifty years of his life at Oxford until his death in 1898.
    Carroll's other works include The Hunting of the Snark (1876) and the two parts of Sylvie and Bruno To read books by Lewis Carroll, select from the list on the left.

    9. Carroll Lewis
    Book Finder, Book Reviews and Compare Prices for carroll lewis Art Artists Musicians AZ carroll lewis. carroll lewis Book Review and Price Comparison.
    Book Reviews and Compare Prices for Carroll Lewis
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    Carroll Lewis Book Review and Price Comparison
    Pages: Next Top Selling Books for Carroll Lewis Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
    AUTHOR: Robert Sabuda
    ISBN: 0689847432
    Publish Date: October 2003
    Format: Pop Up Book
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    Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and through the Looking Glass
    AUTHOR: Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel (Illustrator)
    ISBN: 0393048470
    Publish Date: October 1999 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Alice S Adventures in Wonderland AUTHOR: Carroll, Lewis ISBN: 0486275434 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Alice in Wonderland: A Norton Critical Edition AUTHOR: Lewis Carroll, Donald J. Grey (Editor) ISBN: 0393958043 Publish Date: April 1992 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass AUTHOR: Carroll, Lewis ISBN: 0140383514 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Children's Classics (8 Cassette Deluxe Edition) AUTHOR: Alba House, Rudyard Kipling, Aesop, Lewis Carroll L. Frank Baum

    10. Alibris: Carroll Lewis
    Used, new outof-print books with subject carroll lewis. Offering browse BOOKS, Browse for subject carroll lewis matched 127 titles. Sometimes Lewis
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    Browse for subject " Carroll Lewis " matched 126 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 6 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price The annotated Alice : Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking-glass more books like this by Carroll, Lewis This great classic of ALICE IN WONDERLAND scholarship, first published in 1960, illuminates the wordplay, mathematical puzzles, and allusions in Lewis Carroll's masterpiece. buy used: from buy new: from Logic of sense more books like this by Deleuze, Gilles, and Boundas, Constantin V. Considered one of the most important works of one of France's foremost philosophers, and long-awaited in English, "The Logic of Sense" begins with an extended exegesis of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." Considering stoicism, language, games, sexuality, schizophrenia, and literature, Deleuze determines the status of meaning and... buy used: from buy new: from Annotated Alice more books like this by Carroll, Lewis, and Gardner, Martin (Editor)

    11. Livres De Carroll Lewis Proposés Par
    Translate this page Livres de carroll lewis proposés proposé par Pour trouver tous les livres même les introuvables. carroll lewis carroll lewis.

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    Une Histoire Embrouillee vous propose des livres neufs ou anciens. Il vous est donc possible de chercher parmi tous les livres écrits par Carroll Lewis y compris dans une édition ancienne ou épuisée. Liste alphabétique des auteurs [C] Accueil livres neufs, livres rares, livres anciens, livres d'occasion

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    Editions disponibles: SEGHERS. Date d'édition:1952 Accueil livres neufs, livres rares, livres anciens, livres d'occasion Le thème principal associé à "Lewis Carroll" est: [ ] CHAPITRE POESIE Ouvrages de Carroll Lewis autres que Lewis Carroll

    13. Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
    carroll lewis, Alice im Wunderland / Alice in Wonderland.
    Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
    Literatur Auf Carrolls Alice kam ich schon in meiner Zeit als Schachspieler. Der Mathematiker Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Alice's Adventures in Wolderland , das ist Through the Looking Glass Catch-22 be Vergleich von Jaroslav Hasek: Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk und Joseph Heller: Catch-22 und einen Hinweis auf Parallelen zu Carrolls Alice's Adventures in Wolderland
    In Alice's Adventures in Wolderland Catch-22 "Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
    "I've had nothing yet," Alice replied, in an offended toen, "so I can't take more."
    "You mean you can't take less ," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to take more than nothing." (7. Kap. S. 84) Drown in my Own Tears "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
    "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat; "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
    "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
    "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here." (6. Kap. S. 75)

    14. Carroll Lewis Wonderland
    thro con Written by Lewis Carroll , Robert Sabuda Published by Little Simon (October 2003) ISBN 0689847432 Price $25.95. Alice s

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    Source of legend and lyric, reference and conjecture, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is for most children pure pleasure in prose. While adults try to decipher Lewis Carroll's putative use of complex mathematical codes in the text, or debate his alleged use of opium, young readers simply dive with Alice through the rabbit hole, pursuing "The dream-child moving through a land / Of wonders wild and new." There they encounter the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, the Mock Turtle, and the Mad H...
    Written by Lewis Carroll John Tenniel
    Published by William Morrow (May 1992)
    ISBN 0688110878
    Price $16.99
    I have grown up watching Disney's Alice in Wonderland, and knowing what liberties Disney is known to take in their movies, I wanted to read the original story for myself.And I'm glad I did. Lewis Carol was such a wonderful storyteller, full of imagination and creative use of the English language.This was two stories in one. The first, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I thought had more imagination and he action seemed to flow faster with more scenes and challenges for Alice to deal with. The...
    Written by Lewis Carroll John Tenniel Martin Gardner
    Published by Signet (December 2000)

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    16. Carroll Lewis. LIBROS EN RED - LibrosEnRed - Libros Digitales Gratis - Editorial
    Translate this page Lewis Carroll. Su verdadero nombre era Charles Lutwidge Dogson. Fue diácono de la Iglesia sus rivales modernos, de 1879). carroll lewis
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    18. André Breton : 42, Rue Fontaine
    Translate this page Carrington, Léonora. Carrive, Jean. Carroll, Lewis. Carrouges, Michel. Cartier-Bresson, Henri. Curney. carroll lewis. Livres. 276 mardi, 8 avril 2003 1030,,B,

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    " . . . dedicated to information related to lewis carroll . . . a mathematician, logician, photographer,

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