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         Carnot Sadi:     more books (65)
  1. Ministre Français Des Travaux Publics: Sadi Carnot, Adolphe Thiers, Liste Des Ministres Français Des Travaux Publics, Jules Dufaure (French Edition)
  2. Assassinated French Politicians: Jean-Paul Marat, Marie François Sadi Carnot, Paul Doumer, François Darlan, Jean Jaurès, Gaspard de Coligny
  3. Personnalité de La Haute-Vienne: Jean Giraudoux, Sadi Carnot, Auguste Renoir, Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud, Richard Dacoury (French Edition)
  4. Ministre Français Des Transports: Édouard Herriot, Sadi Carnot, Jean-Louis Bianco, Marcel Sembat, Paul Quilès, Michel Delebarre (French Edition)
  5. People From Limoges: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Marie François Sadi Carnot, Jean Daurat, Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud, Thomas Robert Bugeaud
  6. French Military Engineers: Jean-Charles de Borda, Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, Vauban, Lazare Carnot, Pierre Charles L'enfant
  7. L'euvre scientifique de Sadi Carnot (French Edition) by Emmanuel Ariès, 1921-01-01
  8. Sadi Carnot et l'essor de la thermodynamique
  9. Betrachtungen über die bewegende Kraft des Feuers und die zur Entwickelung dieser Kraft geeigneten Maschinen, von S. Carnot... (1824) by Sadi Carnot, 1892-01-01
  10. The second law of thermodynamics; memoirs by Carnot, Clausius, and Thomson by William Francis Magie, Sadi Carnot, et all 2010-08-25
  11. The Second Law Of Thermodynamics; Memoirs By Carnot, Clausius, And Thomson by Carnot Sadi 1796-1832, 2010-10-15
  12. Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat by Sadi Carnot, 2009-01-28
  13. Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat [microform] by Sadi Carnot, 2009-12-31
  14. Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire by Sadi; É. Clapeyron; R. Clausius; edited with an introduction by E. Mendoza Carnot, 1906

41. Carnot
carnot, sadi. (17961832).
Carnot, Sadi
Francouzský fyzik, který vysvìtlil teorii spalovacích motorù ve svém díle Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu (Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire) (1824). Carnot navrhl Carnotùv vratný cyklus (soubor po sobì navazujících stavových zmìn popsaných pracovním diagramem) a pøišel na to, že úèinnost spalovacího motoru je závislá pouze na vstupní a výstupní teplotì (Carnotova vìta). Jeho otec byl slavný vojevùdce a ve volných chvílích se zabýval matematikou.

Matematika. Nemcina. Umení. Zemepis. ZSV. Pošlete nám materiál Pošlete námpripomínku. Titulní stránka Matematika Lexikon, carnot, sadi (17961832)

43. Sadi Carnot
Translate this page François Marie sadi carnot. (Limoges 11 août 1837 - Lyon 24 juin 1894).Fils d’Hippolyte carnot. Paris. Christian. Oeuvres de sadi carnot. Marie Sadi Carnot.HTM
François Marie Sadi Carnot
(Limoges 11 août 1837 - Lyon 24 juin 1894)
Sous-secrétaire d’État aux Travaux Publics puis Ministre des Travaux Publics, il devient Ministre des Finances en 1885. Suite à la démission de Jules Grévy, mis en cause dans le scandale des décorations, Sadi Carnot fut élu Président de la République le 3 décembre 1887. Le début de son mandat fut marqué par l’agitation boulangiste (il signa le décret mettant à la retraite d’office le Général Boulanger), par le ralliement de nombreux catholiques au régime républicain (1890) et les scandales de Panama (1892). Casimir-Perier venait de faire voter les "lois scélérates" visant à réprimer l’agitation syndicale et anarchiste quand Carnot fut assassiné par l’anarchiste Caserio le 24 juin 1894 lors de l’Exposition de Lyon. Il est enterré au Panthéon à côté de Lazare Carnot, son grand-père.
En français
Carnot, Hippolyte. 1953. Sadi Carnot (biographie et manuscrit) . Paris. Éditions Blanchard. Dansette, Adrien.

44. Nicolas Sadi Carnot
Translate this page Nicolas Léonard sadi carnot. (Paris 1er juin 1796 - 24 août 1832). Fils aînéde Lazare carnot, frère d’Hippolyte. Oeuvres de sadi carnot. 1824. Leonard Sadi Carnot.htm
Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
(Paris 1er juin 1796 - 24 août 1832)
Sadi Carnot est connu comme le fondateur de la thermodynamique. Il publia à ses frais en 1824 ses Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu et sur les machines propres à développer cette puissance second principe de la thermodynamique ou principe de Carnot Voir Cycle de Carnot Machine de Carnot Principe de Carnot et Théorème de Carnot
En français
Carnot, Hippolyte. 1927. Sadi Carnot - Biographie et manuscrit . Paris. Gauthier Villars. Collectif. 1976. Sadi Carnot et la naissance de la thermodynamique . Paris. Presses du C.N.R.S. Fridberg, André. 1978. . Paris. La Pensée Universelle.
En langues étrangères
Mendoza, E. 1960. Reflections on the motive power of fire by Sadi Carnot, and other papers on the second law of thermodynamics by E Clapeyron and R Clausius . New York. Mendoza, E. Thurston, R.H.. 1890 (reprinted 1943). Carnot's Reflections
Oeuvres de Sadi Carnot
Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu et sur les machines propres à développer cette puissance. Paris. Bachelier.

45. Biografía - Sadi-Carnot, Marie François
sadi-carnot, Marie François Nacionalidad Francia Limoges 1837 - Lyon 1894.
Nacionalidad: Francia
Limoges 1837 - Lyon 1894
A lo largo de su trayectoria política ocupó importantes cargos. Asumió la jefatura del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Financias y tras la dimisión de Grévy fue elegido en 1887 presidente de la III República . Para alcanzar este puesto contó con el apoyo de Clemenceau . Siete años después un anarquista italiano puso fin a su vida en Lyon.
Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.
(C) 2001 Ediciones Dolmen, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

46. Etat Des Fonds Des Archives Privées (317AP à 636AP Et AB/XIX/368 à AB/XIX/522
Translate this page Fonds Canrobert. Capellis, Elzéar. Collection de livres de raison. carnot, sadi.Fonds Emile de Marcère. Carré, Louis. Fonds Louis Carré. Casimir-Périer, Jean.
Personnes physiques A B C D ... Y A Aalto, Alvar Abelin, Pierre Fonds Pierre Abelin Adler-Bresse, Marcelle Fonds Marcelle Adler-Bresse Allard, Paul Fonds Guiraud Amblard, M. d' Collection de livres de raison Ancelet, Gabriel-Auguste Fonds Ancelet et Gerhardt Arago, Etienne Fonds Arago Fonds Arago Argenson, Marc-Pierre de Voyer (1696-1764 ; comte d') Arnoult, Pierre Fonds Arnoult Fonds Arthez Astier, Henri d' Astruc, Gabriel Fonds Gabriel Astruc Fonds Vitet Fonds Guiraud Fonds Audollent ... Fonds Silvestre de Sacy Aureau, Claude Fonds Aureau Aurillac, Jean Fonds Aurillac Aurillac, Michel Fonds Aurillac Auriol, Vincent (1884-1966) Fonds Edouard Depreux Fonds Raymond Tournoux Fonds Vincent Auriol Fonds Georgette Elgey ... Fonds Jacques Kosciusko-Morizet B Bador, Jacques Fonds Jacques Bador Bador, Yvonne Fonds Jacques Bador Balladur, Edouard Fonds Edouard Balladur Fonds Montlosier et Barante Fonds Montlosier et Barante Barbaud, Georges-Raymond Fonds Georges-Raymond Barbaud et Edouard Bauhain Barbazat, Louis Barbedienne, Ferdinand Fonds Barbedienne Fonds Joseph Chappey Fonds Charles Maurras Fonds Colchen Barthou, Louis Fonds Jules Ferry Bauhain, Edouard

47. Marie François Sadi Carnot - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Marie François sadi carnot. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.Marie François sadi carnot (August 11, 1837 June 24, 1894) wasçois_Sadi_Carnot
Marie François Sadi Carnot
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Marie François Sadi Carnot August 11 June 24 ) was a French statesman, the fourth president of the third French Republic . He served as the President of France from to his death. He was the son of the statesman, Hippolyte Carnot , and was born at Limoges . He was educated as a civil engineer , and after having highly distinguished himself at the École Polytechnique and the École des Ponts et Chaussées , obtained an appointment in the public service. His hereditary republicanism caused the government of national defence to entrust him in 1870 with the task of organizing resistance in the départements of the Eure Calvados and Seine Inférieure , and he was made prefect of Seine Inférieure in January 1871. In the following month he was elected to the French National Assembly by the département Côte d'Or . In August 1878 he was appointed secretary to the minister of public works. In September 1880 he became minister, and again in April 1885, passing almost immediately to the ministry of finance, which he held under both the Ferry and the Freycinet administrations until December 1886.

48. Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
sadi carnot. Decorria o ano de 1796.éonard_Sadi_Carnot
Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Sadi Carnot Sadi Carnot Paris June 1 Paris August 24 ) was a French mathematician who wrote on the principles of the second law of thermodynamics in his treatise on heat engines (Carnot cycle) (He is not to be confused with Marie François Sadi Carnot , president of France from to his death.) Sadi Carnot, a son of the eminent geometer Lazare Nicholas Marguerite Carnot , was the most eminent of Fourier 's contemporaries who were interested in the theory of heat . Sadi Carnot was born at Paris , France, in 1796, and died there of cholera in 1832; he was an officer in the French army. In he issued a short work entitled Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu , in which he attempted to clarify how to get the most work out of an engine, such as a steam engine, from a given quantity of heat, such as from burning a lump of coal. Engineers of Carnot's time had tried various mechanical means, such as high pressure of steam or using some fluid other than steam, to maximize the amount of work from engines. But Carnot argued correctly that all that mattered, after removing inefficiencies such as friction and heat loss, was to maximize the ratio of the temperature of heat input to the temperature of heat exhaust, see

49. Marie François Sadi Carnot
Marie Fran?is sadi carnot. Marie Fran?is sadi carnot (August 11,1837 June 24, 1894) was a French statesman, the fourth president
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Marie François Sadi Carnot
Marie François Sadi Carnot August 11 June 24 ) was a French statesman, the fourth president of the third French Republic . He served as the President of France from to his death. He was the son of the statesman, Hippolyte Carnot , and was born at Limoges . He was educated as a civil engineer , and after having highly distinguished himself at the École Polytechnique and the École des Ponts et Chaussées , obtained an appointment in the public service. His hereditary republicanism caused the government of national defence to entrust him in 1870 with the task of organizing resistance in the départements of the Eure Calvados and Seine Inférieure , and he was made prefect of Seine Inférieure in January 1871. In the following month he was elected to the French National Assembly by the département Côte d'Or . In August 1878 he was appointed secretary to the minister of public works. In September 1880 he became minister, and again in April 1885, passing almost immediately to the ministry of finance, which he held under both the Ferry and the Freycinet administrations until December 1886.

50. Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
Nicolas L?nard sadi carnot. sadi carnot. (He is not to be confused with MarieFran?is sadi carnot, 18371894, president of France from 1887 to his death.).
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
Sadi Carnot Sadi Carnot Paris June 1 Paris August 24 ) was a French mathematician who wrote on the principles of the second law of thermodynamics in his treatise on heat engines (Carnot cycle) (He is not to be confused with Marie François Sadi Carnot , president of France from to his death.) Sadi Carnot, a son of the eminent geometer Lazare Nicholas Marguerite Carnot , was the most eminent of Fourier 's contemporaries who were interested in the theory of heat . Sadi Carnot was born at Paris , France, in 1796, and died there of cholera in 1832; he was an officer in the French army. In he issued a short work entitled Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu , in which he attempted to clarify how to get the most work out of an engine, such as a steam engine, from a given quantity of heat, such as from burning a lump of coal. Engineers of Carnot's time had tried various mechanical means, such as high pressure of steam or using some fluid other than steam, to maximize the amount of work from engines. But Carnot argued correctly that all that mattered, after removing inefficiencies such as friction and heat loss, was to maximize the ratio of the temperature of heat input to the temperature of heat exhaust, see

51. Cousinage Thierry STRAUB - Sadi CARNOT
Cousinage avec Charles Brook DUPONT-WHITE et sadi carnot.
Fermiers-laboureurs Index site PicardieGenWeb FranceGenWeb 95 ...
Cousinage avec
Charles Brook DUPONT-WHITE
et Sadi CARNOT Thierry STRAUB Charles Brook DUPONT-WHITE
x avant 1615
x 16.11.1664 Gouvieux (60)
MERY Claude MERY Claude x 22.11.1695 Gouvieux (60) x 01.10.1736 Gouvieux (60) MAHIEUX Claude MAHIEU Jean x 08.02.1768 Gouvieux (60) MAHIEU(X) Jean x 01.03.1802 Gouvieux (60) MAHIEU(X) Antoine Fulgence BOURGERON Louise Virginie MAHIEU(X) Achille Fulgence Julien x 22.07.1865 Gouvieux (60) x 15.05.1877 Gouvieux (60) GODARD Louis Alfred GODARD Victoire Adeline x 16.08.1898 Auvers/Oise (95) DAGOIS Maurice Pierre x 14.09.1929 Champagne/Oise (95) x 06.04.1963 Creil (60) STRAUB Claude Louis Benjamin x 03.07.1993 Beauvais (60) MENESSIER Claude x MENESSIER Barbe x avant 1620 TAUPIN Denis TAUPIN Balthazar x 07.04.1655 Gouvieux (60)

52. Sadi Nicolas Léonard Carnot - Carnotùv Cyklus
Francouzský inženýr Nicolas Léonard sadi carnot se narodil 1. cervna 1796 vrodine napoleonského ministra války generála Lazara carnota. sadi carnot.
Sadi Nicolas Léonard Carnot
Domovská stránka Fyzici Portrét 17letého Carnota (je obleèen v uniformì paøížské školy École Polytechnique) Francouzský inženýr Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot se narodil 1. èervna 1796 v rodinì napoleonského ministra války generála Lazara Carnota. Také mladý Carnot sloužil v Napoleonovì armádì jako poruèík generálního štábu. V armádì sloužil do roku 1828.
Tepelné stroje
Sadi Carnot studoval tepelné stroje. Snažil se popsat jejich fyzikální model. V díle O hybné síle ohnì (1824), publikoval své výzkumy o pracovním tepelném cyklu složeném ze dvou izoterm a dvou adiabat. Carnot dokázal, že takový cyklus poskytuje nejvìtší práci - na jeho poèest byl pojmenován jako Carnotùv cyklus
Carnotùv cyklus
Tepelný obìh s nejvyšší termickou úèinností, sestávající ze dvou expanzních zmìn (izotermy a adiabaty) a ze dvou zmìn kompresních (izotermy a adiabaty). Carnotùv cyklus nelze prakticky realizovat - ukazuje nejvyšší teoreticky dosažitelnou úèinnost obìhu, v nìmž se pøivádí teplo pracovní látce pøi teplotì TA a odvádí pøi teplotì TB. Lze tak lépe analyzovat možnosti dalšího zdokonalování tepelných obìhù. Sadi Carnot zemøel 24. srpna 1832 ve vìku pouhých 36 let.

53. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
11. carnot, sadi The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 carnot,sadi carnot, sadi , 183794, French statesman, president of the Third

54. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
8. carnot, sadi The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10,2004 carnot, sadi carnot, sadi , 183794, French statesman

55. Carnot, (Nicolas Leonard) Sadi
carnot, (Nicolas Leonard) sadi (17961832). French scientist and militaryengineer who founded the science of thermodynamics. His
Carnot, (Nicolas Leonard) Sadi
French scientist and military engineer who founded the science of thermodynamics. His pioneering work was Reflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu/On the Motive Power of Fire, which considered the changes that would take place in an idealized, frictionless steam engine.
Carnot's theorem showed that the amount of work that an engine can produce depends only on the temperature difference that occurs in the engine. He described the maximum amount of heat convertible into work by the formula (T1 T2)/T2, where T1 is the temperature of the hottest part of the machine and T2 is the coldest part.
Carnot was born in Paris and educated there and at the Ecole Genie in Metz. He became an army engineer, at first inspecting and reporting on fortifications and from 1819 based in Paris.
In formulating his theorem, Carnot considered the case of an ideal heat engine following a reversible sequence known as the Carnot cycle. This cycle consists of the isothermal expansion and adiabatic expansion of a quantity of gas, producing work and consuming heat, followed by isothermal compression and adiabatic compression, consuming work and producing heat to restore the gas to its original state of pressure, volume, and temperature. Carnot's law states that no engine is more efficient than a reversible engine working between the same temperatures. The Carnot cycle differs from that of any practical engine in that heat is consumed at a constant temperature and produced at another constant temperature; no work is done in overcoming friction at any stage; and no heat is lost to the surroundings.

56. Sadi CARNOT
Translate this page sadi carnot. Président du 03/12/1887 au 24/06/1894. Photo officielle Monogrammedu président. Dîner du 26 juin 1890 menu de Monsieur Boeswilwald.
Accueil Réceptions Officielles Illustrateurs Restaurants ... Jacques CHIRAC
Et à l'étranger: Grande Bretagne, Italie Belgique Espagne ... Finlande Les relations: France/Etats-Unis France/Grande-Bretagne
Sadi CARNOT Président du 03/12/1887 au 24/06/1894 Photo officielle Monogramme du président
Dîner du 26 juin 1890
menu de
Monsieur Boeswilwald
Consommé de Volaille Jardinière
Bisque d'Ecrevisses
Petites Cassolettes Indiennes
Turbot Sauce Dieppoise
Filet de Boeuf Provençal
Poularde à l'Ecossaise Côtelettes d'Agneau pointes d'Asperges Timbale de Macaroni Milanaise Filets de Soles à la Parisienne Cliquez sur le menu pour l'ouvrir Sorbets Marasquin Canetons de Rouen à l'Orange Mousse de fois gras glacée Fonds d'Artichauts à la Lyonnaise Haricots verts Maître d'Hôtel Glace Framboisée Biscuit Amandine Dîner du 3 juillet 1890 menu de Monsieur Millerand Consommé à la Sévigné Crème d'Asperges Melon glacé Petits soufflés au Parmesan Truite Saumonée Norvégienne Jambon d'York au Madère Poularde Davidoff Noisettes d'Agneau à la Niçoise Ris de Veau Mirabeau Sorbets Canetons de Rouen Sauce Bigarade Homards en Bellevue Petits pois à la Française Fonds d'Artichauts farcis Mousse glacée aux fraises Gâteau Napolitain Déjeuner du 26 août 1893 Bouchées Parisiennes Truite à la Russe

57. Problemi Di Fisica
Translate this page carnot, sadi Nicolas Leonard Parigi, 1Giugno 1796 - Parigi, 24 Agosto1832.Fisico, è considerato il fondatore della moderna termodinamica.
Carnot, Sadi Nicolas Leonard
Parigi, 1Giugno 1796 - Parigi, 24 Agosto1832
Fisico, è considerato il fondatore della moderna termodinamica.
Carnot era membro eccezionale di una famiglia francese molto illustre. Nacque a Parigi, primogenito di Lazare Carnot che fu ministro della guerra sotto Napoleone e scrisse dei trattati di strategie militari, meccanica, geometria e calcolo infinitesimale.
Il giovane Carnot, che portava un nome derivato da quello di un poeta persiano assai noto nel mondo intellettuale parigino dell'epoca, Saadi Musharif ed Din, ricevette in casa, da suo padre, la sua educazione in matematica, fisica, lingue e musica.
All'età di 16 anni entrò alla scuola politecnica della quale suo padre era uno dei fondatori e continuò i suoi studi fino al 1914, anno in cui combattè per Napoleone nella inutile difesa di Parigi contro i suoi nemici europei. Poi frequentò un corso di due anni di ingegneria militare a Metz e dal 1816 al 1818 servì nell'armata francese come luogotenente con l'incarico di programmare fortificazioni.
Il suo vero interesse però era l'applicazione della fisica e della matematica allo sviluppo delle macchine a vapore che stavano diventando popolari in Francia in seguito alla Rivoluzione Industriale. Nel 1824 pubblicò il suo unico e grande lavoro

58. Marie François Sadi Carnot - Encyclopedia Article About Marie François Sadi Ca
encyclopedia article about Marie François sadi carnot. Marie François sadicarnot in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. François Sadi Carnot
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Marie François Sadi Carnot
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Marie François Sadi Carnot August 11 August 11 is the 223th day of the year (224th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 142 days remaining.
  • 480 BC - Persians under Xerxes defeat Spartans under King Leonidas in the Battle of Thermopylae. The Spartans fight to the last man
  • 480 BC - The Persian and Greek fleets also fight the indecisive Battle of Artemisium.
  • 1918 - Great War - Battle of Amiens ends

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1780s 1790s 1800s 1810s 1820s - Years: 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 -
  • January 10 - DePauw University founded in Greencastle, Indiana
  • January 26 - Michigan is admitted as the 26th U.S. State.
  • February 8 - Richard Johnson becomes the firstVice President of the United States chosen by the United States Senate

Click the link for more information. June 24 June 24 is the 175th day of the year (176th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 190 days remaining.
  • 1314 - Battle of Bannockburn. Scottish forces led by Robert the Bruce beat Edward II of England. Scotland regains its independence.

59. Sadi Carnot
The Life and Ideas of sadi carnot 17961832. Ben Townsend - Physics212 - 4/12/03. sadi carnot was a French engineer (one of the
Biography Carnot's Work: The Ideal Heat Engine Perpetual Motion? Practical and Theoretical Heat Engines : Power Plants ... Bibliography The Life and Ideas of Sadi Carnot
Ben Townsend - Physics 212 - 4/12/03 Sadi Carnot was a French engineer (one of the few engineers that history remembers) who contributed greatly to the development of the field of thermodynamics. Although he only published one paper, which went largely unrecognized during his life, a testament to the influence of his ideas is the fact that his ideal heat engine is well known to modern day students of thermodynamics. These are the only two published portraits of Carnot, found on and

60. Sadi Carnot - Biography
Biography. sadi carnot was born in France in 1796. sadi carnot s father, Lazare, wasone of the most powerful men in France during the early nineteenth century.
Biography Sadi Carnot was born in France in 1796. His life took place during turbulent times; France endured thirty-five years of war, revolution, and unending political turmoil. Twice Napoleon came to power, and twice he was driven out and the monarchy restored. Sadi Carnot's father, Lazare, was one of the most powerful men in France during the early nineteenth century. Not only did he serve as a member of the five-man executive Directory and briefly hold the role of Napoleon's war minister, he also made advancements in science and engineering. Lazare was interested in broad operating principles that govern machinery; his most important conclusion was that accelerations and shocks in the moving parts in machinery must be minimized because they lead to losses of work output. Although Lazare is most remembered for his work in politics and warfare, his ideas built a foundation for his son Sadi to begin his own work. His work on water machines (such as waterwheels) was particularly influential to Sadi Carnot's thinking; his theoretical heat engine is somewhat analogous to work done when water falls from a high place to a low place. One flaw in Carnot's theories was his concept that heat was actually a weightless, invisible fluid called caloric. This incorrect caloric concept is understandable; at the time, it was the accepted explanation for heat. Additionally, Sadi Carnot derived much of his conceptual understanding of heat engines from Lazare Carnot's water engines, which made the connection between water and caloric "heat-fluid" seem natural.

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