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61. Granta: Girolamo Cardano girolamo cardano. girolamo cardano (15011576) was born in Pavia,Italy. A professor of mathematics at Padua, and of medicine at http://www.granta.com/authors/2010 | |
62. Girolamo Cardano cardano, girolamo. The Book of My Life. trans. Jean Stoner. 2 supps. New York CharlesScribner s Sons, 19701990. Sv cardano, girolamo by Mario Gliozzi. http://renaissance.rchgi.spb.ru/Cardano/biblio.rus.htm | |
63. Girolamo Cardano . girolamo cardano; cardano, girolamo (15011576) Biorgaphy; Biographygirolamo cardano; Catalog of the Scientific Community cardano, girolamo. http://renaissance.rchgi.spb.ru/Cardano/links.rus.htm | |
64. Fibonacci - Girolamo Cardano Translate this page cardano, girolamo cardano Hieronymi Cardani artis magnae sive de regulis algebraicisliber unus. Nürnberg, 1545. girolamo cardano wurde 1501 in Pavia geboren. http://www.ethbib.ethz.ch/exhibit/fibonacci/fibonacci-02-Cardano.html | |
65. Cardano, Girolamo In Bücher: Kategorien: Fachbücher: Romanistik: Italienisch: http://www.shopzilla.net/Cardano, Girolamo--1103858.html | |
66. Cardano Risk Management - Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) Wie was cardano? girolamo cardano (24/9/1501, Pavia 21/9/1576,Rome). In cardano s grote werk Ars Magna (1545) zijn we getuige http://www.cardano-riskmanagement.nl/wie_was_cardano.htm | |
67. Cardano Risk Management - Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) Who was cardano? girolamo cardano (Pavia, 24 September 1501, Rome,21 September 1576). In Ars Magna (1545), cardano s magnum opus http://www.cardano-riskmanagement.nl/english/who_was_cardano.htm | |
68. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Girolamo Cardano girolamo cardano was a sixteenth century mathematician and physician whomade an important adaptation to the design of the camera obscura. http://www.microscopy.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/cardano.html | |
69. Hausarbeiten.de - Kubische Gleichungen Nach Girolamo Cardano - Facharbeit (Schul Translate this page Kubische Gleichungen nach girolamo cardano. Bücher zum Thema Kubische Gleichungennach girolamo cardano. Facharbeit Mathematik. von Sven Knurr. http://www.hausarbeiten.de/faecher/hausarbeit/mat/23950.html | |
70. Facharbeit Mathematik - Geheimnisse Des Rechenmeisters - Girolamo Cardano Translate this page II.2 girolamo cardano. Jerome Cardan Hieronymus Cardanus. girolamo cardanowurde nach einem misslungenen Abtreibungsversuch am 24. http://sebastian.offermann.bei.t-online.de/facharbeit/cardano.html | |
71. Cardano Witchcraft and the Occult, 14001700 girolamo cardano (1501-1576). Index cardanowas born in Pavia, the illegitimate son of an uneducated woman and a learned http://www.nd.edu/~dharley/witchcraft/Cardano.html | |
72. Chiromancy-Cardano Witchcraft and the Occult, 14001700 Chiromancy and girolamo cardano anonymous woodcutof chiromantic hand from girolamo cardano, De rerum varietate libri XVII http://www.nd.edu/~dharley/witchcraft/chiromancy-Cardano.html | |
73. Sources In The History Of Algebra IMAGE. cardano, girolamo (1539), Practica Arithmetice, Mensurandi Singularis. cardano,girolamo (1545), Artis Magnae sive de Regulis Algebraicis Liber Unus.. http://logica.ugent.be/albrecht/math.php | |
74. EVOLUCIÓN DEL PENSAMIENTO CIENTÍFICO: GIROLAMO CARDANO http://tierra.ciens.ucv.ve/~rmartin/hfishtm/cardano.html | |
75. Cardano Translate this page girolamo cardano. Fecha de primera versión 24-09-00 Fecha de últimaactualización 24-09-00. Nació 24 de septiembre de 1501 http://www.terra.es/personal/jftjft/Historia/Biografias/Cardano.htm | |
76. Anecdote - Girolamo Cardano - Cardano cast a horoscope for Jesus Christ and was breifly imprisoned for blasphemy. cardano,girolamo (1501-1576) Italian mathematician and astrologer Sources I http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=8772 |
77. Girolamo Cardano Translate this page girolamo cardano nasceu em 24 de setembro de 1501 em Pavia, Itália.Morreu no dia 21 de setembro de 1576, em Roma. cardano foi http://www.brasil.terravista.pt/magoito/1866/Historia/cardano.htm | |
78. 4.4 Girolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576) (Dejiny Algebry) 4.4 girolamo cardano (1501 1576). Taliansky lekár, filozof a matematikbol nemanelské dieta milánskeho právnika Facia Cardana. http://www.matika.sk/zdroje/texty/recenz/Dejalg/Cast4/Part4-4.htm | |
79. The New York Review Of Books: Girolamo Cardano Bibliography of books and articles by girolamo cardano, from The New YorkReview of Books. The New York Review of Books. girolamo cardano. http://www.nybooks.com/authors/8977 | |
80. Siraisi, N.G.: The Clock And The Mirror: Girolamo Cardano And Renaissance Medici of the book The Clock and the Mirror girolamo cardano and RenaissanceMedicine by Siraisi, NG, published by Princeton University Press....... http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/6054.html | |
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