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81. Jewish Mathematicians Brauer; Haïm Brezis; Felix Browder 4; William Browder 5; Eugenio Calabi;Georg cantor 6; moritz cantor; Guido Castelnuovo; Gregory Chaitin; http://www.jinfo.org/Mathematics_Comp.html | |
82. Editions Jacques Gabay - TANNERY P. : MEMOIRES SCIENTIFIQUES, Tome VI, Sciences Translate this page Boncompagni (prince Baldassare). - Brouncker (William), lord vicomte de Castle-Lyons.- cantor (moritz). - cantor (Georg). - Cardano (Girolamo). http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Fiche.asp?CV=165,06 |
83. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals 9, Michigan, cantor, moritz Die römischen Agrimensoren und ihre Stellung inder Geschichte der Feldmesskunst. Eine historischmathematische Untersuchung. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_author_C.html | |
84. Mathematik, Allgemein Translate this page 2, Zuerich Schulthess,, x. Ma 2, cantor, moritz, Vorlesungen ueberGeschichte der Mathematik Baende 1-4, Leipzig Teubner,, x. Ma 3,Hagen http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/~ailib/buch/ma.html | |
85. 548 (Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon / Anden Udgave / Bind IV: Bridge - Cikader Chr. C. cantor, moritz, tysk Matematikhistoriker, f. 1829 i Mannheim, blev 1853Docent, 1863 ekstraord. Prof. og 1877 ord. Prof. ved Univ. i Heidelberg. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/salmonsen/2/4/0594.html | |
86. 45-46 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 20. Supplement. C - Öxnevalla) Se Italienska literaturen, sp. 934. *Canton. 1. Stad i Ohio, hade 26,190 innev.1890. cantor, moritz, tysk matematiker, född i Mannheim d. 23 Aug. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfat/0027.html | |
87. Encyclopedia: Moritz Cantor moritz cantor moritz cantor. moritz cantor (August 23, 1829 ?) was a Germanhistorian of mathematics. He was born at Mannheim, Germany. He http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Moritz-Cantor | |
88. The Science Bookstore - Chronology Niepce s son, Isidore, continues the agreement and research followinghis father s death in 1833. cantor, moritz Born 8/23/1829, 1829 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=15 |
89. The Peirce Edition Project | Peirce's Correspondents Mumford Campbell, William A. Campbell, William Wallace cantor, Georg cantor, MoritzCarlin, Miss Anna Carnegie Institution Carnochan, Mrs. Carty, Thomas J http://www.iupui.edu/~peirce/peirce/lettersx.htm | |
90. Online Encyclopedia - Cantor Georg cantor, famous mathematician, important in set theory. Moritzcantor, famous mathematician. This is a disambiguation page. http://www.yourencyclopedia.net/Cantor.html | |
91. MORITZ - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for moritz, map index. moritz. Shopping online formoritz or just looking for more information about moritz? Here http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/mo/moritz/index.shtml | |
92. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : CAN de groupe 1/2/3 (âgé)/4. © Onlipix.com - 2002. http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/can.htm | |
93. ¤Hª« The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/3/ | |
94. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/LiNuM/index_au.html | |
95. - Le Soleil Et Le Tartare. L Image Mythique Du Monde En Grèce Translate this page Librairie Librarius.net, http://www.librarius.net/boutique_librarius/customer/product.php?productid=12640 |
96. Ämnesordsökning Välkommen till Trollhättans bibliotekskatalog, http://katalog.tb.trollhattan.se/sv/opac/sok_amnesord.asp?TextAmne=Arkimedes&Hos |
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