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         Cantor Moritz:     more books (37)
  1. The Letters Of A Leipzig Cantor V2: Being The Letters Of Moritz Hauptmann To Franz Hauser, Ludwig Spohr, And Other Musicians (1892) by Moritz Hauptmann, 2008-12-22
  2. Über die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkörper. Übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen von C.L. Menzzer; durchgesehen und mit einem Vorwort von Moritz Cantor. Hrsg. von ... und Kunst zu Thorn (German Edition) by Nicolaus Copernicus, 2010-05-13
  3. The Letters of a Leipzig Cantor (1); Being the Letters of Moritz Hauptmann to Franz Hauser, Ludwig Spohr, and Other Musicians by Moritz Hauptmann, 2009-12-19
  4. Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte Der Mathematik V1, Part 2 (1907) (German Edition) by Moritz Cantor, 2010-09-10
  5. Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte Der Mathematik (German Edition) by MORITZ CANTOR, 2010-06-13
  6. Die Römischen Agrimensoren Und Ihre Stellung in Der Geschichte Der Feldmesskunst: Eine Historisch-Mathematische Untersuchung (German Edition) by Moritz Cantor, 2010-02-23
  7. Mathematische Beiträge Zum Kulturleben Der Völker (German Edition) by Moritz Cantor, 2010-03-24
  8. Politische Arithmetik: Oder Die Arithmetik Das Täglichen Lebens (German Edition) by Moritz Cantor, 2010-03-24
  9. Vorlesungen Über Geschichte Der Mathematik (German Edition) by Moritz Cantor, 2010-03-05
  10. Politische Arithmetik: Oder Die Arithmetik Des Täglichen Lebens (German Edition) by Moritz Cantor, 2010-04-20
  11. Les signes numéraux et l'arithmétique chez les peuples de l'antiquité et du moyen-âge: Examen de l'ouvrage allemend intitulé: Mathematische beiträge zum ... von dr. Moritz Cantor (French Edition) by Thomas Henri Martin, 1864-01-01
  12. Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte Der Mathematik, Von Moritz Cantor. A Review: With Speical Reference to the Analyst Controversy. by George A. Gibson, 1899
  13. The Letters Of A Leipzig Cantor V2: Being The Letters Of Moritz Hauptmann To Franz Hauser, Ludwig Spohr, And Other Musicians (1892) by Moritz Hauptmann, 2010-09-10
  14. The Letters Of A Leipzig Cantor V2: Being The Letters Of Moritz Hauptmann To Franz Hauser, Ludwig Spohr, And Other Musicians (1892) by Moritz Hauptmann, 2010-09-10

61. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe
Translate this page cantor, moritz Die Roemischen Agrimensoren und ihre Stellung in der Geschichteder Feldmesskunst eine historisch-mathematische Untersuchung / von moritz

62. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe
der Feldmesskunst / cantor, moritz , 1968; Zukunftsaufgaben

63. Mathem_abbrev
Calderón, Alberto Callippus cantor, Georg cantor, moritz Cardan, Girolamo Carnot,Sadi Carroll, Lewis Cartwright, Dame Mary Cassels, John Cauchy, Augustin
Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
(a) Any wars etc.
(b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
(c) Major discoveries of the time
(d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

64. History Of Mathematics: Textbooks
cantor, moritz Benedikt (18291920) Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik.Volume 1. Leipzig, 1880. 2nd edition, 1894. 3rd edition, 1907.
Texts on the history of mathematics Including textbooks and similar general references.
  • Archibald, R. C. Outline of the history of mathematics. Mathematical Association of America, Buffalo, NY, 1949.
  • Anglin, W. S. Mathematics: A Concise History and Philosophy. Springer-Verlag.
  • Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse) (1865-1925)
    • A short account of the history of mathematics. Macmillan, London, 1888. Reprint: Dover, New York, 1960.
    • A primer of the history of mathematics. Second edition: Macmillan, London, 1906.
  • Baumgart, John K., editor. Historical topics for the mathematics classroom. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, 1969.
  • Bell, Eric Temple (1883-1960)
    • Men of mathematics.
    • The development of mathematics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1945.
    • Mathematics: queen and servant of science. Mathematical Association of America, Washington, 1987.
  • Bochner, S. (Solomon) (b. 1899)
    The role of mathematics in the rise of science. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1966.
  • Bos, Henk J. M. Lectures in the History of Mathematics.

65. Book The Letters Of A Leipzig Cantor; Being The Letters Of Moritz
Information about title The letters of a Leipzig cantor; being the lettersof moritz Hauptmann to Franz Hauser, Ludwig Spohr, and other musicians.
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66. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn
Translate this page cantor, Georg (3), Chauvenet, William (2), Cosserat, Eugène MauricePierre (1). cantor, moritz (1), Chebyshev, PL (1), Cosserat, F. (1).
LiNuM L ivres Nu mérisés M athématiques
Cellule MathDoc
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Collection Gallica Cornell University Library Digital Math Books Collection Michigan University Library Making of America and Historical Math Collection Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Mathematica
Index auteurs (ouvrages en accès libre)
Author index (books with free access)
Abat, Bonaventure Allen, Joseph Appell, Paul Émile Abbott, Edwin Abbott ... von Lilienthal, Reinhold

67. - Culture: The Remarkable Career Of Cantor Rosenblatt
to offend Campanini, he asked the president of Ohab Zedek, moritz Newman, to withthe trade journal Musical America, Rosenblatt said The cantor of the past
The Remarkable Career of Cantor Rosenblatt
The cantor whose religious observance led him to reject some offers of fame and fortune
By David Olivestone
Reprinted with permission from Jewish Action , the magazine of the Orthodox Union . This is the first of a two-part article. In an obituary for Cantor Josef Rosenblatt, whose 70th yahrtzeit [the anniversary of the date of his death] was observed in 2003, The New York Times noted, "He was so well known in this country that letters from Europe addressed to 'Yossele Rosenblatt, America,' reached him promptly." No other hazzan [cantor] has ever attained such nationwide popularity and fame among both Jewish and Gentile audiences as Yossele Rosenblatt, while remaining completely observant and retaining his position at the amud [podium of the synagogue]. There have been some who became world famous, such as the celebrated tenor Richard Tucker, who also began his career as a cantor. Tucker, however, was not Orthodox, and once he became a star of the Metropolitan Opera, he led congregations only on the Yamim Noraim [High Holidays] or on Pesach Rosenblatt, on the other hand, despite having turned down offers to appear in the opera, rose to become a star of the entertainment world of the 1920s, all the while wearing his large black

68. - Historia ~ Galería De Genios Matemáticos
Translate this page MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. Buffon, Georges Comte de. cantor, moritz.Carathéodory, Constantin. Cardano, Girolamo. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM.MP3. RAM.

69. Moritz Cantor
Article on moritz cantor from, licensed from Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Return to World History (home) Main Article Index moritz cantor.
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Moritz Cantor
Moritz Cantor August 23 - ?) was a German historian of mathematics He was born at Mannheim, Germany . He came from a family that had emigrated to the Netherlands from Portugal, another branch of which had established itself in Russia, where Georg Cantor was born. In his early youth, Moritz Cantor was not strong enough to go to school, and his parents decided to educate him at home. Later, however, he was admitted to an advanced class of the gymnasium in Mannheim. From there he went to the University of Heidelberg in 1848, and soon after to the University of Göttingen, where he studied under Gauss and Weber, and where Stern awakened in him a strong interest in historical research. After taking his degree of Ph.D. at the University of Heidelberg in 1851, he went to Berlin, where he eagerly followed the lectures of Lejeune-Dirichlet; and upon his return to Heidelberg in 1853, he was appointed privat-docent at the university. In 1863 he was promoted to the position of assistant professor, and in 1877 he became honorary professor. Cantor was one of the founders of the "Kritische Zeitschrift für Chemie, Physik, und Mathematik." In 1859 he became associated with Schlömilch as editor of the "Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik," taking charge of the historical and literary section of this excellent publication. Since 1877, through his efforts, a supplement to the "Zeitschrift" was published under the separate title of "Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik.

70. Cantor :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
moritz cantor, famous mathematician. This is a disambiguation page. This contentfrom wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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Online Encyclopedia

The word Cantor can mean more than one thing:
  • A Cantor is another name for a Hazzan , a member of the Jewish clergy Georg Cantor , famous mathematician, important in set theory. Moritz Cantor , famous mathematician.
This is a disambiguation page This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice

HAUFTMANN, moritz (17921868), German musical corn poser and writer, was born at In1842 Hauptmann obtained the position of cantor at the Thomas-school of
HAUFTMANN, MORITZ (1792-1868), German musical corn poser and writer, was born at Dresden, on the 13th of Octobei 1792, and studied music under Scholz, Lanska, .Grosse arid Morlacchi, the rival of Weber. Afterwards he completed hh education as a violinist and composer under Spohr, and till 182 held various appointments in private families, varying him musical occupations with mathematical and other studie: Amongst his vocal compositionsby far the most important portion of his workmay he mentioned two masses, choral songs for mixed VOices (Op. 32, 47), and numerous part songs. The results of his scientific research were embodied in his book Die Na/ar der Ilerrnonih and Meirik (1853), a standard work of its kind, in which a philosophic explanation of the forms of music is attempted. published another collection of Lyrical Poems and Romances and ~fl 1862 the historical epic of Valdemar Seir, volumes which contain his best work. From mS5i, when he succeeded Oehlenschiager, to his death, he held the honorary post of prolessor of aesthetics at the u~liversity of Copenhagen. He died in Rome in 1872. Hauch was one of the most prolific of the Danish poets, though his writings are unequal in value. His lyrics and romances in verse are always line in form and often strongly imaginative. In all his writings, but especially in his tragedies, he displays a strong bias in favor of what is mystical and supernatural. Of his dramas Marshal Stig is perhaps the best, and of his novels the patriotic tale of Villielni Zahern is admired the most.

72. Kriegsbedingte Verluste 2
Translate this page Londini Martin, 1660. - 558 S. Fa 8 167. cantor, moritz Vorlesungenüber Geschichte der Mathematik. - Leipzig Teubner, 1880 Da 8 173. Bd.
Kriegsbedingte Verluste der Bibliothek der Leopoldina C - D Na 4: 864
Caius, John: De medendi methodo libri 2, ex Cl. Galeni Pergami et Io. Baptistae Montani Veronensis, principum medicorum, sententia : Opus utile et iam primum natum. - Basileae: Froben, 1544. - 107 S. Na 8: 2000
Caldera de Heredia, Gaspar: Casparis Calderae de Herediae tribunalis illustrationes et observationes practicae. Acessit liber aureus de facile parabilius. - Antverpiae, 1663 Na 2: 3748
Camerarius, Joachim: Na 8: 3021.m
Camerarius, Rudolf Jakob: Eb 8: 672
Campanella, Tommaso: Medicinalium iuxta propria principia libri 7. - Lugduni: Plaignard, 1635. - XXIV, 690 S. Na 8: 2441
Caneparius, Petrus Maria: De atramentis cujuscunque generis. - Roterod., 1718 Fa 8: 167.a
De atramentis cujuscunque generis .. - Londini: Martin, 1660. - 558 S. Fa 8: 167
Cantor, Moritz: Da 8: 173

    Bd. 2 Von 1200-1668 1892. - X, 863 S. : Ill
    Bd. 3 Von 1668-1758 1898. - XIV, 893 S. : Ill Bd. 4. 1759-1908 /Unter Mitwirkung der Herren V. Bobynin, .. 1908. - VI, 1113 S. : Ill
Capello, Giov. Battista:

73. BNM: Proyectos
Catálogos Proyectos Espacio pedagógico Redes ... Biblioteca, Museo y Archivo Dr. R. Levene Mapa del sitio Preguntas frecuentes Novedades Consultas y sugerencias Carta Compromiso con el Ciudadano Tecnología del sitio bbbbbbbbbbb bb La lista de los hombres de ciencia vinculados a las matemáticas y presentada a continuación no es exhaustiva. Usted puede acceder, a través de esta página, a las biografías de algunos de estos hombres como así también a artículos relacionados con sus obras (en español). Estas páginas a las que remitimos no son de autoría de la biblioteca. A menudo los vínculos no remiten a la posición exacta de la biografía o de la referencia dentro de la página, para ello deberá emplear la opción buscar que posea su navegador e indicar allí el nombre buscado. Seleccionar del abecedario...

74. Literatur
Translate this page In Praxis der Mathematik 27 (1985)1. S. 385-392. 4 cantor, moritz Vorlesungenüber Geschichte der Mathematik. BG Teubner, Leipzig, 1901, Bd. 3, S. 214.
Next: Up: Verfolgungsprobleme Previous: Simulation einer Verfolgung mit
Literatur zur Verfolgungsproblematik
Annales de Math matiques pures et appliqu es 13(1823)9. S.289.
Bernhart, Arthur: Curves of pursuit. In: Scripta Mathematica 20(1954) S. 125-141.
Bernhart, Arthur: Curves of general pursuit. In: Scripta Mathematica 24(1959) S. 189-207.
Hosemann, R.: Verfolgungskurven. In: Naturforschung und Medizin in Deutschland 1993-46, Bd 3. Angewandte Mathematik. Teil I. Hrsg. von Alwin Walther. Weinheim, Verlag Chemie 1953. S. 269-307.
Tropfke, Johannes: Geschichte der Elementarmathematik. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1980, Bd. 1, S. 588-598.
Literatur zur Java-Programmierung
Gosling, James: Das Java API. Addison-Wesley-Longman, Bonn, 1997, Bd. 1/2.
Lemay, Perkins: Java in 21 Tagen. Haar, 1996.
Sundsted, Todd: 3D computer graphics. In: Java World 05/06/07 1997. (
Hintergrundliteratur zur Geometrie
Beutelspacher, Albrecht: Projektive Geometrie: von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1992.
Klix, Wolf-Dieter: Darstellende Geometrie. VEB Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 1990.

75. (Index Und Bibliographie)
cantor, moritz (1913) Geschichte der Mathematik Bd.II(Leipzig); Capelle, W. (1932) Marc Aurel. Selbstbetrachtungen
Benutzte Literatur
Robert Baldauf
Dr. Horst Friedrich

Dr. Eugen Gabowitsch

Prof. Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn
Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis des ganzen Buchs

Titel in Kursive
  • Adelung, Joh. Chr. (1806): Aelteste Geschichte der Deutschen (Leipzig)
  • (Heidelberg)
  • Al-Mas'udi (gest. 956): (frz. v. Meynard u. Corteille, Paris 1861-74)
  • Altheim, Franz (1948-1950): Literatur und Gesellschaft im ausgehenden Altertum (Halle/S.)
  • Geschichte der Hunnen (4 Bde., Berlin)
  • Aschbach, Joseph (1868): Roswitha und Conrad Celtes (2. Aufl., Wien)
  • Geoffrey (1985): The Discovery of King Arthur
  • (dtsch 1986):
  • Palacios, Miguel (1931): El Islam cristianizado (Madrid)
  • Baigent, Michael und Leigh, Richard (1991):
  • Baldauf, Robert (1902): Historie und Kritik, Bd. IV C (Basel)
  • Historie und Kritik , Bd. I (Leipzig)
  • Francis (1946): Les routes de l'autre monde (Paris)
  • Barral i Altet, Xavier (1976):
  • Barrett/Thornton (Hrg) (1959): Texte zur Umwelt des Neuen Testamentes
  • Basham, Arthur L. (1954): The Wonder that was India (London)
  • Bauer, Bruno (1877): Christus und die Caesaren (Berlin)
  • Venerabilis

76. Cantor
list of the winners. There is a Crater cantor on the moon (named afterthis mathematician, as well as moritz cantor). You can see
Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
Born: 3 March 1845 in St Petersburg, Russia
Died: 6 Jan 1918 in Halle, Germany
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Georg Cantor After early education at home from a private tutor, Cantor attended primary school in St Petersburg, then in 1856 when he was eleven years old the family moved to Germany. However, Cantor [21]:- ... remembered his early years in Russia with great nostalgia and never felt at ease in Germany, although he lived there for the rest of his life and seemingly never wrote in the Russian language, which he must have known. ... a shining star in the engineering firmament. However, in 1862 Cantor had sought his father's permission to study mathematics at university and he was overjoyed when eventually his father consented. His studies at Zurich, however, were cut short by the death of his father in June 1863. Cantor moved to the University of Berlin where he became friends with Herman Schwarz who was a fellow student. Cantor attended lectures by

77. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 651) Campanus of Novara (171) Campbell, John (74*) Camus, Charles (61) Cantelli,Francesco (104*) cantor, Georg (3100*) cantor, moritz (498*) Caramuel, Juan
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

78. Corps
Translate this page 1964. cantor, moritz, Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Mathematik,Stuttgart, Teubner, 1965, t. II, chap. 51, pp. 186-203. Cassirer
Beierwaltes, Werner, " Identität und differenz, zum Prinzip cusanischen Denkens ", Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1977. Beierwaltes, Werner, " Cusanus-texte, Marginalien. 3. Raimundus Lullus ", [Marginalia sur une copie partielle du Liber contemplationis de R. Lulle], Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Heidelberg, Carl Winter-Universität Verlag, 1986. Blumenberg, Hans, La légitimité des Temps modernes, Second chapitre de la quatrième partie, Paris, Gallimard, 1999, p. 546 et suiv. Bormann, Karl, " Cusanus-texte, Marginalien. 2. Proclus latinus ", [Marginalia sur le Commentaire du Parménide de Platon par Proclus], Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Heidelberg, Carl Winter-Universität Verlag, 1986. Bréhier, Emile, " Le Platonisme : Nicolas de Cuse ", in

79. Biblichrono
Translate this page 420-436. cantor, moritz, Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Mathematik,Stuttgart, Teubner, 1965, t. II, chap. 51, pp. 186-203.
Morin, D., « N. de Cusa », Dictionnaire de philosophie et de théologie scolastique , Encyclopédie Migne, Vol. XXII, tome 2, Paris, 1857, pp. 293-390. Schanz, Der Kardinal N. von Kues als Mathematiker , Rottweil, 1872. Falckenberg, Richard, Geschichte der neueren Philosophie von Nikolaus von Kues bis zur Gegenwert, im Grundriss dargestellt , Leipzig, Verlag von Veit und Comp., 1886, chap. I. Janssen, Jean, , trad. M.G.A. Heinrich, Paris, Plon, 1887, introduction. Uebinger, Johann, « Die mathematischen Schriften des Nikolaus Cusanus », in Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft , n°8, 1895, pp. 301-317 et 403-422, n°9, 1896, pp. 54-66 et 391-410, n°10, 1897, pp. 144-159. Duhem, Pierre, « Thierry de Chartres et Nicolas de Cues », in Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques , 1909, n°521.

80. Geschichte Der Braker Häuser
Translate this page Okt., Geburt Sophia Florentina Lüdeking, Vater Johann moritz Lücking, hiesigerBecker. 1738 8. April, Hr. Johann Konrad Fischer, zeitiger cantor und Collega
Kolonat Nr. 40a Zur Geschichte bis 1770 s. DrescheMeister [L 92 Z IIIc/11] Dresche Meister [L 92 Z IV/16] Dresche-Meister[L 92 Z IV/16] Dresch Meister (seyn frey so lange sie in Diensten) [L 92 Z IV/16] 4. Nov., ist Mons. Conradt Eltz gestorben, d. 6. Abendts begraben und den 7. der begehrte Leichsermon gehalten ... 42 Jahre 11 Monat und 4 Tage Cantor Fischer wird in Lemgo eingesetzt [L68, Nr.61] 20. Juli, Geburt Sophia Hedwig Hattenbach, Vater: Mons. Hattenbach, Feldscher 1. Jan., Geburt Johann Conrad Fischer, Vater: Herr Fischer, Cantor zu Lemgo 10. Juni, Geburt Maria Elisabeth Fischer, Vater Johann Conrad Fischer, Cantor zu S. Johann in Lemgo 7. Jan., Geburt Amalia Dorothea Fischer, Vater: Herr Cantor Fischer Cantor Fischer wechselt von Horn auf die Cantor-Stelle in Detmold. [Isenberg, Horn] 14. Febr. begraben Eheliebste Cantor Fischer [KB Detmold] 8. April, Hr. Johann Konrad Fischer, zeitiger Cantor und Collega der Provinzialschule heiratet Jgfr. Annen Dorotheen Schierenbergs von Horn Koch Moritz Augustus in Brake [L92N, Nr.677, S.22] Hermann Joachim, Jobst Falken alhier ehelicher Sohn heiratet Elisabeth, Christoph Brakhagen hierselbst eheliche Tochter [KB]

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