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         Cantor Moritz:     more books (37)
  1. Print On Demand Facsimile of Original:Vorlesunger u{uml}ber geschichte der mathematik, von Moritz Cantor ... by Cantor. Moritz. 1829-1920., 1905-01-01
  2. Vorlesungen uber Geschichte der Mathematik by Moritz CANTOR, 1907
  3. Vorlesungen uber Geschichte der Mathematik - Vols. 1 and 3 by Moritz Cantor, 1894-01-01
  4. Vorlesungen uber Geschichte der Mathematik. 4 Banden. by Moritz Cantor, 1965
  5. Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte der Mathematik. by Moritz CANTOR, 1900
  6. Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik by Moritz Cantor, 1900
  7. The Letters of a Leipzig Cantor, Volume II by Alfred Schöne, Ferdinand Hiller, Moritz Hauptmann, 2009-03-10
  8. The letters of a Leipzig cantor by Moritz Hauptmann, 1892-01-01
  9. The Letters of a Leipzig Cantor, Volume II by Moritz Hauptmann, 2009-03-10

41. Ratdolt - Cantor's Text
What moritz cantor says about Ratdolt. (pages 265268 of moritz cantor, Vorlesungenüber die Geschichte der Mathematik, vol. II, translated by Richard Froese)
Main page on Ratdolt
Ratdolt - first publisher of Euclid
What Moritz Cantor says about Ratdolt
(pages 265-268 of Moritz Cantor, , vol. II, translated by Richard Froese) ... Already in our investigations of Regiomontan, we were obliged to leave Germany with him, and look around in Italy. We could have found the name of many a learned astronomer in the letters of Regiomontan, but did not follow this up. Only the name of Bianchini had to be named in passing, and also Jakob von Speier, a German, who, as we know, lived in Italy. We must mention one more German in Italy, who, without being a mathematician, rendered services to mathematics that cannot be overestimated. Erhard Ratdolt was a member of family of artists from Augsburg, and is said to have been born around 1443. After he had already practiced the printer's trade in his home, he went to Venice in 1475 and founded a famous printing business there, which he ran for 11 years. Then he returned to Augsburg where he continued his business with undiminished distinction to an old age. He is said to have died in 1528. The reason we mention him here is because of his 1482 edition of Euclid De latitudinibus It seems that whoever was in charge of the scientific aspects of the edition thought regarded the role of Campanus as the owner of the Theon edition regarded the role of Theon. Namely, the added material of Campanus is printed together with the proofs in smaller letters than the theorems, and headings such as "Euclides ex Campano" or "Campanus" or "Campani addito" or "Campani annotatio", as one can find in later editions, are missing. We have no doubt that it was Radolt himself who pursued this direction. For in the early days of printing, the printers were usually well educated and often edited their own books. Where this was not the case, it was not usual to suppress the name of the editor.

42. History Of Astronomy: Persons (C)
Crater cantor (lunar feature). cantor, moritz Benedikt (18291920) Solar systemfeature named after him. No other relation to astronomy known to us.
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (C)
Deutsche Fassung

43. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On May 5, 1999
18451918) Crater cantor (lunar feature). cantor, moritz Benedikt(1829-1920) Short biography and references; Crater cantor (lunar
History of Astronomy What's new
History of Astronomy:
What's new at this site on May 5, 1999
Some URLs have been updated.
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History of astronomy

44. Veröffentlichungen3
he started his position as cantor and teacher of the Laupheim Jewish Congregation.It might seem strange that, at the age of only eighteen, moritz Henle held
Rolf Emmerich Moritz Henle and Laupheim
The music tradition of the synagogue goes back thousands of years. There are many biblical passages referring to music instruments and singers. Especially in the psalms we can find many examples for this. Thus the song David sang in front of King Saul has been handed down to us for 3000 years. Together with the temple cult, the music tradition of the salomonic temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 72 AD . This was followed by the Jews being driven out of the country and scattered allover the world. What remained was the psalmody, the recitative singing while saying prayers. According to musicologists this form of expression has influenced the Christian worship service from Gregorian times till now.
For Jews in the Diaspora the synagogue was above all a place of teaching, a ”Shul” as it was called in Yiddish in Laupheim, too. The Rabbi used to be the teacher of the commandments, the Talmud and the Jewish traditions ; he also was the judge in the Jewish congregation - at Laupheim up until 1828.
The presence of ten men is required for a Jewish service, the Minjan as it is called in Hebrew. The cantor, in Hebrew Chasan, plays a central role. His Hebrew title ”Schaljach Zibur” means representative of the congregation; or, as it is put in literature on Jewish tradition: ”If one can talk at all of a priesthood in the Jewish tradition, the cantor in the synagogue is a priest.”

45. Cantor Post Mortem
cantor Post Mortem, Back to Perl Golf. Accepted argh!) (. 36.18, Marcus Holland-moritz,Thu May 2 180341 2002, s!!- !;eval s/./$ $ /g; x+pop;print.

46. Aus Teubner-Büchern
Translate this page cantor, moritz Ist nun uraltes Wissen auch uralte Wissenschaft? (Quelle cantor,moritz Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik. Erster Band.
Aus Teubner-Büchern
Von Albert Einstein
über "Ach Gott, ein Mathematiker!"
bis zu einer Fehleinschätzung von Bill Gates
Wilhelm: Wenn ein Mathematiker vor einem weiteren Zuhörerkreise zu sprechen hat, so ist er immer in einiger Verlegenheit. Schon die mathematische Ausdrucksweise scheint ja dem Fernerstehenden recht fremdartig. Goethe soll sich einmal geäußert haben: „Die Mathematiker sind eine Art Franzosen: Redet man zu ihnen, so übersetzen sie es in ihre Sprache, und dann ist es alsobald ganz etwas anderes.“ Besonders aber wirkt die für unsere Wissenschaft kennzeichnende Länge ihrer Schlußketten abschreckend.
Man pflegt sich nun so zu helfen, daß man von irgendwelchen Beziehungen der Mathematik zu anderen, weniger unnahbaren Wissensgebieten spricht, oder man rückt historische Gesichtspunkte in den Vordergrund. Ich will es nun heute doch versuchen, wirklich von der Mathematik selber zu reden, von Problemen, die, so alt sie sind und so naheliegend ihre Lösung scheint, doch den Geometern manches Kopfzerbrechen verursacht haben. (Quelle:
Blaschke, Wilhelm:

47. Hall Of Fame
Translate this page cantor, Georg, Über unendliche lineare Punktmannigfaltigkeiten. cantor,moritz, Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik. Bd. I - IV.
Hall of Fame: B. G. Teubner 1845 - 2000
An dieser Stelle der Homepage erscheint eine (natürlich subjektive) Auswahl
von Teubner-Titeln, die
- für die Entwicklung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Verlagsprogramms / für
das Ansehen des Verlages besonders wichtig waren
(z. B. die erste technische Schrift bei BGT von F. Kohl 1845,
das erste mathematische Werk bei BGT von T. Franke 1849 und auch
F. Kleins Autographierte Vorlesungshefte ab 1889),
- die wesentlich zur wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung beigetragen haben,
- die wirtschaftlich sehr erfolgreich waren
- oder die hoffentlich bald wieder im Buchhandel erhältlich sein werden (z. B. die Bände von Ahrens, Poincare und auch Lorentz/Einstein/Minkowski ...). Schrittweise werden weitere Originaltitelseiten / erste Umschlagseiten / Links eingefügt. Demnächst folgen hier auch Teubner-Bücher der Jahre 1948 bis 2000. Vorschläge / Anregungen bitte an: Jürgen Weiß Lektorat im Haus des Buches Gerichtsweg 28. D-04103 Leipzig

48. Cantor
moritz cantor, slavný matematik. Toto je disambiguation strana. Totoje strojový preklad clánku z encyklopedie Wikipedia porízený
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Slovo Cantor moci znamenat v­c než jednu věc:
  • Cantor je jin© jm©no pro Hazzan , člen židovsk©ho duchovenstva Georg Cantor , slavn½ matematik, důležit½ v teorii množin. Moritz Cantor , slavn½ matematik.
Toto je disambiguation strana
Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

49. Browse Top Level > Texts > Million Book Project > Authors > M > Moritz Cantor
Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte Der Mathematik Ii, 1892. There is no descriptionavailable for this text. Author moritz cantor Keywords

50. Korrespondenz
cantor, moritz (1902 1); Carda, Karl(1904 1); Castle, Eduard (1909-1910 5); Centraldirektor der Kk Schulbücher
Korrespondenz Alois Höfler Vorläufiges Grobverzeichnis. Der Gesamtumfang der Korrespondenz beträgt ungefähr 5400 Dokumente. Die Detailaufnahme der einzelnen Korrespondenzstücke ist gegenwärtig noch nicht abgeschlossen. Im folgenden sind die Korrespondenzpartner alphabetisch aufgeführt, in Klammer die Jahresangabe und die Anzahl der Korrespondenzstücke des jeweiligen Autors. A: B: C: D: ... Z: A: B: Zurück zum Beginn C: Zurück zum Beginn D: Zurück zum Beginn E: Ebbinghaus, Hermann (1905: 1); Eckardt Verlag (1908: 1); Edler, Robert (1917,1921: 5); Effenberger, Gustav (1); Egger-Möllwald, Alois (1881, 1886: 3); Ehrenberg, A. (1890: 1); Ehrenfels, Christian v. (1885-1920: 97); Ehrenfels, Emma (5); Ehrlich, Emil (1905: 1); Eibl, Hans (1); Einem, Helene von (1: ); Eisler, Robert (1902: 1); Elanser (1918: 3); Ellwanger, Lorenz (1918: 3); Endriß, R.F. (1918: 1); Engelmann (Verlag) (1910: 1); Ertl, Emil (1898, 1921: 2); Escherich, G. von (1906-1916: 70); Ettmayer, Karl (1921: 1); Ewald, Oskar (8); Exner, Karl (1893: 1); Exner, Sigmund (1912: 4); Eysenk v. Marienfels, Josef (1919: 1) Zurück zum Beginn F: Zurück zum Beginn G: Zurück zum Beginn H: Zurück zum Beginn I: Illing (1919: 2); Illustrierte Zeitung (1917: 1); Institut für intgernationalen Austausch fortschrittlicher Erfahrungen (1912: 1); Institut für Kulturforschung (1); Ivic, P.K.A. (1914: )

51. DIEPER - DIgitised European PERiodicals
Translate this page rechnung- und ihre Anwendung zur Beschreibung- von Naturerscheinungen cantor,moritz, Abhandlangen zar Geschichte der mathematischen Wissen- schaften mit

52. Stdin: Re: [HM] Was Cantor Of Jewish Descent? (was: Poetry And
Petersburg, Russia, March 3, 1845. He is distantly related to moritz cantor. and makes no further reference to religious or family background.
Re: [HM] Was Cantor of Jewish descent? (was: Poetry and Mathematics)
Subject: Re: [HM] Was Cantor of Jewish descent? (was: Poetry and Mathematics)
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 09:43:28 EST
has articles on both Cantor and Kronecker.
About Kronecker (vol VII page 577 article by Frederick T. Haneman MD) it
reads: "[in 1861 he became] privat-docent at Berlin University, where he
became professor of mathematics in 1883, having embraced Christianity."
The article on Cantor (vol III pp 550-551 by Alexander S. Chessin) reads
"German mathematician, born at St. Petersburg, Russia, March 3, 1845. He
is distantly related to Moritz Cantor." and makes no further reference to
religious or family background. The article on Moritz Cantor (vol III pp

53. Correspondence
L 73. cantor, Georg. Five letter drafts from CSP, December 2123, 1900, and nd.L 74. cantor, moritz. One letter draft from CSP, November 12, 1892. L 75.
Letters, drafts of letters, and miscellaneous items such as postal cards, telegrams, receipts, applications, legal documents, formal invitations, notices, and even an occasional notebook. The correspondents are listed alphabetically, and of the dated entries, when there are more than three, usually the first and last dates are provided. L 1. Abbot, Francis Ellington. One letter to CSP, January 5, 1894. L 2. Adams, Brooks. Two letters to CSP, January 3, 1892 and January 12, 1896. L 3.Adams, Charles K. One letter (TS.) to CSP, January 12, 1892. L 4. Adams, George B. Two letter drafts from CSP, May 17, 1901. L 5. Agassiz, Alexander. One letter to CSP, July 5, 1903. L 6. Agassiz Elisabeth C. Four letters to CSP December 16. 1891. December 8, [1892], January 27, n. yr., and December 30, n. yr. L 7. Agassiz, Louis. An invitation to CSP to attend a reunion of Agassiz's pupils on the one hundredth anniversary of Agassiz's birth, May 1907. L 8. Aikens, H. Austin. One letter (with an enclosed letter to the editor of The Nation) to CSP, September 27, 1902; one letter draft from, n.d. L 9. Alden, John B. One letter from CSP, August 25, 1890.

54. Nietzsche En Castellano - Morey - Cantor, Caballero Y Espíritu Libre
Translate this page cantor, CABALLERO Y ESPÍRITU LIBRE (1878-1882). moritz, que cierra este primer bloque-primera entrega de este nuevo período intelectual, marcado todo él por
Nietzsche en Castellano Heidegger
Principal Textos ... Links
Miguel Morey

Editorial Archipiélago, S.L., 1993 CANTOR, CABALLERO Y ESPÍRITU LIBRE 1. Aún cuando Nietzsche ha manifestado repetidamente el deseo de abandonar su cátedra, a primeros de septiembre de 1877 regresa a Basilea para reincorporarse a sus tareas docentes. Durante buena parte de su año sabático, permaneció en Italia -de donde recordará con especial afecto las tardes de lectura y tertulia en Villa Rubinacci, en Sorrento: Voltaire, Diderot, Michelet, Ranke... La influencia de estas lecturas, junto con las que Rée le sugiere, será bien patente en el desplazamiento que va a implicar su próxima obra, Humano, demasiado humano . Al día siguiente de su llegada a Basilea comienza a dictarle a Peter Gast la primera parte, que el 3 de diciembre estará concluida y en manos de su editor. Cuando se publica, en mayo de 1878, coincidiendo con el centenario de la muerte de Voltaire y con el subtitulo de Un libro para espíritus libres , Nietzsche está ya trabajando en la segunda parte, que editará con un apéndice, Opiniones y sentencias varias . A éste seguirá El viajero y su sombra Ecce homo , comentando este libro pero una guerra sin pólvora ni humo, sin actitudes belicosas, sin pathos , sin aspavientos, que todo esto sería todavía "idealismo". Uno por uno los errores van siendo puestos entre hielo con calma serena; el ideal no es refutado:

55. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Moritz Cantor
The Mathematics Genealogy Project

56. History Of Science - Ancient Science - Medieval Science - Bibliograpy - Ancient
Paris 1923. cantor, moritz. Vorlesungen über Geshichte der Mathematik.4 vol. Volume I. 4th ed. Leipzig 1922. (includes the ancient period).
Select Bibliography - Historiographic - Robert A. Hatch - University of Florida Aaboe, Asker. Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics . New York: 1964. Allbutt, T.C. Greek Medicine in Rome . London: 1921. Allman, G.J. Greek Geometry from Thaales to Euclid . Dublin and London: 1889. Amacher, Peter M. 'Galen's Experiment on the Arterial Pulse and the Experiment Repeated.' Sudhoffs Archive Archimedes. Opera omnia . In modern edition of J. L. Heiberg. 3 vols. Leipzig: 1910- . Arnim, J.V. Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta . Leipzig: 1903. Bailey, Cyril. The Greek Atomists and Epicurus . Oxford: Clarnedon, 1928. The Greek Atomists and Epicurus . Oxford U P, 1928. Barrett, H.M. Boethius . Cambridge: 1940. Bouche-Leclercq, A. L'Astrologie grecque . Paris: 1899. Brehaut, E. An Encylopedist of the Dark Ages, Isidore of Seville . New York: 1912. Brehier, E. Chrysippe. Presses Universitaires de France . Paris: 1951. Brock, A.J. Greek Medicine. Being Extracts Illustrative of Medical Writers from Hippocrates to Galen Brunet, P. and A. Mieli. Histoire des sciences . Antiquite, Paris: 1935. (includes selected readings).

57. AAC Database - Browse - List
3, cantor, Geoffrey N. See cantor, GN. 1, cantor, Georg. 1, cantor, Jay. 2, cantor,Leonard Martin. 1, cantor, Louis. 6, cantor, Milton. 2, cantor, Mindy. 1, cantor,moritz.
Sourasky Central Library
The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Cantoni, Lelio Cantoni, Marcello Cantoni Orvieto, Laura
See: Orvieto, Laura Cantoni Cantor, G. N. Cantor, Geoffrey N.
See: Cantor, G. N. Cantor, Georg Cantor, Jay Cantor, Leonard Martin Cantor, Louis Cantor, Milton Cantor, Mindy Cantor, Moritz

58. Biblioteca De Ciències I D'Enginyeries
cantor, moritz Vorlesungen über Geschichte
Llista d'obres exposades:
Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-nasi
Al-Din Al-Kashi, Jamshid Ghiyath

The Planetary equatorium / of Jamshid Ghiyath Al-Din Al-Kashi ; with translation and commentary by E.S. Kennedy. Princenton : Princenton University Press, 1960 Al-Khuwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa
The Astronomical tables of Al-Khwarizmi / translation with commentaries of the latin version edited by H. Suter supplemented by Corpus Christie MS 283 by O. Neugebauer. Kobenhavn : Ejnar Munksgaard, 1962 Al-Zayyat, Ishaq ibn al-Hasan
Baldi, Bernardino

Vite di matematici arabi / tratte da un'opera inedita di Bernardino Baldi ; con note di M. Steinschneider. Roma : Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisique, 1874 Bar Hiyya, Abraham
Bensaude, Joaquim
Cantor, Moritz
Critchlow, Keith

Islamic patterns : an analytical and cosmological approach / Keith Critchlow. Repr. London : Thames and Hudson, 1989 D'Hollander, Raymond Encyclopedia of the history of Arabic science / edited by Roshdi Rashed. London : Routledge, 1996 Glick, Thomas F.

59. Zeitschrift Für Mathematik Und Physik
Translate this page Hier seien von den Mitarbeitern stellvertretend genannt Ludwig Boltzmann, Georgund moritz cantor, Karl Exner, Wilhelm Jordan, RG Kirchhoff, Felix Klein, HA
R. Mehmke in einem Brief an Felix Klein v. 10.4.1899
zusammen 40.189 Seiten und 363 Tafeln
auf 440 Mikrofiches
in Kassette
1996, ISBN 3-89131-229-6
EUR 1.330,-

60. All Pages. Everything You Wanted To Know About All Pages But Had No Clue How To
Morita Akio, Morita Shoma, Moriteru Ueshiba. moritz cantor, moritzHaupt, moritz Leuenberger. moritz Schlick, moritz von Jacobi, moritzburg.,_Montana
Math and Natural Sciences
Applied Arts Social Sciences Culture ... Interdisciplinary Categories
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Moore, Montana Moore, Oklahoma Moore, Texas Moore Brothers ... Caption This

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