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         Cantor Georg:     more books (71)
  1. Einführung in die Mengenlehre: Die Mengenlehre Georg Cantors und ihre Axiomatisierung durch Ernst Zermelo (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition) by Oliver Deiser, 2009-10-29
  2. Georg Cantor: Set Theory, Cantor´s Theorem, Transfinite Number, Leopold Kronecker, David Hilbert, ETH Zurich, Continuum Hypothesis, Bijection, Cantor Cube, ... Back-and-Forth Method, Cantor Function
  3. German Mathematicians: Carl Friedrich Gauss, David Hilbert, Gottfried Leibniz, Johannes Kepler, Georg Cantor, Bernhard Riemann
  4. 19th-Century Philosophers: Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Georg Cantor, John Stuart Mill, Sun Yat-Sen
  5. Georg Cantor
  6. CANTOR, GEORG(18451918): An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Joseph Dauben, 2006
  7. German Logicians: Immanuel Kant, Gottfried Leibniz, Georg Cantor, Gottlob Frege, Gerhard Gentzen, Christoph Gottfried Bardili
  8. Set Theorists: Kurt Gödel, Bertrand Russell, Georg Cantor, Paul Cohen, Max August Zorn, Chris Freiling, Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer
  9. Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Sherri Chasin Calvo, 2000
  10. Georg Cantor: Argument de La Diagonale de Cantor, Théorème de Cantor-Bernstein, Ensemble de Cantor, Escalier de Cantor (French Edition)
  11. Cantor Set: Mathematics, Mathematician, Georg Cantor, Henry John Stephen Smith, Line segment, General topology, Derived set (mathematics), Nowhere dense set, Smith?Volterra?Cantor set, Cantor function
  12. Eth Zurich Alumni: Albert Einstein, John Von Neumann, Georg Cantor, Wernher Von Braun, Niklaus Wirth, Wilhelm Röntgen, Felix Bloch
  13. Kardinalitat und Kardinale: Wissenschaftshistorische Aufarbeitung der Korrespondenz zwischen Georg Cantor und katholischen Theologen seiner Zeit (Boethius. ... der Naturwissenschaften) (German Edition) by Christian Tapp, 2005-12-01
  14. Specialist Schools in Germany: Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena, Georg-Cantor-Gymnasium, List of Specialist Schools in Germany

21. Georg-Cantor-Gymnasiums
Das mathematischnaturwissenschaftliche Gymnasium informiert ¼ber Begabtenf¶rderung, dei Schule sowie Erfolge bei diversen Wettbewerben.
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22. Cantor, Georg (1845-1918) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
cantor, georg (18451918), Dauben, J. W. georg cantor His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press, 1990.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality German
Cantor, Georg (1845-1918)

German mathematician who built a hierarchy of infinite sets according to their cardinal number By one-to-one pairing, he showed that the set of real numbers has a higher cardinal number than does the set of rational fractions However, he found every class of algebraic numbers has the same cardinal number as the integers. Such considerations led to his Mengenlehre (theory of assemblages) and Manningfaltigkeitslehre (theory of manifolds). He also invented the Cantor set Cantor's highly original views were vigorously opposed by his contemporaries, especially Kronecker . The attacks contributed to the nervous breakdowns he suffered throughout the final 33 years of his life. Cantor died in a mental institution. Kronecker
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Bell, E. T. "Paradise Lost: Cantor." Ch. 29 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 555-579, 1986. Dauben, J. W. Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990.

23. Cantor, Georg (1845-1918) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Mathematicians. Nationality. German. cantor, georg (18451918) German mathematician who built a hierarchy of infinite sets according to their cardinal number. Dauben, J. W. georg cantor His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality German
Cantor, Georg (1845-1918)

German mathematician who built a hierarchy of infinite sets according to their cardinal number By one-to-one pairing, he showed that the set of real numbers has a higher cardinal number than does the set of rational fractions However, he found every class of algebraic numbers has the same cardinal number as the integers. Such considerations led to his Mengenlehre (theory of assemblages) and Manningfaltigkeitslehre (theory of manifolds). He also invented the Cantor set Cantor's highly original views were vigorously opposed by his contemporaries, especially Kronecker . The attacks contributed to the nervous breakdowns he suffered throughout the final 33 years of his life. Cantor died in a mental institution. Kronecker
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Bell, E. T. "Paradise Lost: Cantor." Ch. 29 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 555-579, 1986. Dauben, J. W. Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990.

24. Cantor, Georg
cantor, georg (18451918). cantor was born in Russia. He attended school in Wiesbaden and Darmstadt in Germany, where he first became
Cantor, Georg (18451918) Cantor was born in Russia. He attended school in Wiesbaden and Darmstadt in Germany, where he first became interested in mathematics. In 1862 he began his university studies in Zurich and then went to University of Berlin in 1863, where he studied with Karl Weierstrass Cantor’s early research on series and real numbers shows Weierstrass’s influence, although in Berlin he also studied with Kummer and Kronecker. In 1869 Cantor obtained a teaching position at the University of Halle, soon becoming an associate professor and, in 1879, full professor. His chief contributions to mathematics were in the subjects of analysis and set theory. When Cantor first published his paper on the theory of sets in 1874, it was very controversial because it was innovative and completely differed from current mathematical thinking. His work was ridiculed by many of his contemporaries. Among the critics was his former instructor Kronecker. Unfortunately, Cantor suffered a series of breakdowns and eventually died in a mental institution. Today, we know that much of the foundation of modern mathematics rests directly on Cantor’s work.

25. Georg Cantor
Translate this page georg cantor (1845 - 1918). Der deutsche Mathematiker georg cantor gilt als Begründer der Mengenlehre. Er war von 1879 bis 1913 Professor in Halle.
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Georg Cantor (1845 - 1918)
Diagonalverfahren , das inzwischen zu einem wichtigen Beweisprinzip in vielen Gebieten der Mathematik geworden ist. Eine 1895 von Cantor entdeckte und 1897 von Burali-Forti Antinomie , heute Burali-Forti's Antinomie Seine Theorie bezeichnete Cantor selbst als philosophische powered by Uwe Wiedemann

26. Biographie : Georg Cantor (3 Mars 1845 [St-Petersbourg] - 6 Janvier 1918 [Halle]
Translate this page georg cantor (3 mars 1845 St-Petersbourg - 6 janvier 1918 Halle). Il détracteurs. georg cantor est né le 3 mars 1845 à St Petersbourg.

27. MSN Encarta - Cantor, Georg
Translate this page cantor, georg. cantor, georg (San Pietroburgo 1845 - Halle 1918), matematico e logico tedesco. Web Center. Trova altre informazioni su cantor, georg,
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Iscriviti a Encarta Premium Cerca in Encarta
Articolo riservato agli iscritti MSN Encarta Premium: Puoi consultare questo e altri 30.000 articoli, un atlante interattivo, un dizionario bilingue e altre risorse, effettuando l'iscrizione a MSN Encarta Premium per €29,95 all'anno. Per saperne di pi¹. L'articolo ¨ disponibile solo per gli utenti iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium. Gi  iscritto? Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. Cantor, Georg Cantor, Georg (San Pietroburgo 1845 - Halle 1918), matematico e logico tedesco. La famiglia, di origine ebraica, si trasfer¬ a Francoforte nel 1856;... Vuoi altri contenuti di Encarta? Iscriviti subito e avrai a tua disposizione:
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28. Cantor, Georg
cantor, georg (18451918). German mathematician who followed his work on number theory and trigonometry by considering the foundations of mathematics.
Cantor, Georg
German mathematician who followed his work on number theory and trigonometry by considering the foundations of mathematics. He defined real numbers and produced a treatment of irrational numbers using a series of transfinite numbers. Cantor's set theory has been used in the development of topology and real function theory.
Investigating sets of the points of convergence of the Fourier series (which enables functions to be represented by trigonometric series), Cantor derived the theory of sets that is the basis of modern mathematical analysis. His work contains many definitions and theorems in topology. For the theory of sets, he had to arrive at a definition of infinity, and also therefore consider the transfinite; for this he used the ancient term 'continuum'. He showed that within the infinite there are countable sets and there are sets having the power of a continuum, and proved that for every set there is another set of a higher power.
Cantor considered metaphysics and astrology to be a science into which mathematics, and especially set theory, could be integrated.

29. Berühmte Mathematik: Mathematiker > Georg Cantor
Translate this page georg cantor wurde am 3. März 1845 in St. Petersburg geboren. Sein Vater, Woldemar cantor, war durch Maklergeschäfte zu bedeutenden Wohlstand gekommen.
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Berlin Berlin Berlin kennen gelernt hatte. Aus dieser Ehe gingen sechs Kinder hervor. Dedekind besonders eng, dessen Forschung mit der seinen eng verbunden war. Berlin er Mathematiker Leopold Kronecker erwuchs Cantor ein erbitterter Gegner. Zwar trat Kronecker

30. Cantor, Georg. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. cantor, georg. (g ´ôrkh kän´tôr) (KEY) , 1845–1918, German mathematician, b. St. Petersburg.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Cantor, Georg

31. Georg Cantor --  Encyclopædia Britannica
cantor, georg (Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp) Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , cantor, georg (1845–1918). The German mathematician

32. Georg Cantor --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
cantor, georg Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , Early life and training from cantor, georg (Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp) cantor s parents were Danish., karl&ct=ebi

33. Cantor, Georg (1845-1918)
Translate this page cantor, georg (1845-1918). georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp cantor pôs adiante a teoria moderna sobre os jogos infinitos que revolucionaram
Cantor, Georg (1845-1918)
Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor pôs adiante a teoria moderna sobre os jogos infinitos que revolucionaram quase todos os campos da matemática. Entretanto, suas idéias novas também criaram-lhe muitas divergências e fizerem-no um dos matemáticos mais perseguidos da história. Cantor nasceu em St. Petersburg, Rússia, em 3 de março de 1845. Seu pai era um comerciante judeu dinamarquês que se converteu ao Protestantismo e sua mãe era dinamarquesa e Católica. Mudaram-se mais tarde para a Alemanha.Em 1862, Georg Cantor entrou na universidade de Zurique para transferir somente o ano seguinte à universidade de Berlim após a morte do seu pai. Em Berlim estudou matemática, filosofia e física. Lá estudou com alguns dos maiores matemáticos da includindo Kronecker e Weierstrass. Após ter recebido seu doutorado em 1867 e com dificuldade para encontrar um bom emprego acabou aceitando uma posição como professor assistente. Em 1874, casou e teve eventualmente seis filhos. Entretanto, com suas novas idéias ganharamu também inimigos numerosos. Muitos matemáticos apenas não aceitavam suas idéias. Um de seus maiores críticos, Leopold Kronecker, que usando seu prestígio como professor da universidade de Berlim, fêz tudo que pode para suprimir as idéias de Cantor e arruinar sua vida. Entre outras coisas, atrasou ou suprimiu completamente Cantor e as publicações dos seus seguidores, com ataques pessoais escritos e verbais, atrapalhando a ambição da vida de Cantor de ganhar uma posição na prestigiosa universidade de Berlim.

34. Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp
cantor, georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp. .
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp ±d¦«

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35. Ureda - Cantor, Georg
Translate this page Suche in der Bibliothek. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Ü Y Z Ö cantor, georg, Siehe unter unendlich Seite weiterempfehlen. unendlich.

36. Cantor, Georg - Ureda
Translate this page A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Ü Y Z Ö cantor, georg, Siehe unter unendlich, unendlich. Impressum / Haftungshinweis Ureda © 2002KJ Durwen.
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Cantor, Georg Siehe unter unendlich

Impressum / Haftungshinweis
K.-J. Durwen

37. - Biografia De Cantor, Georg Ferdinand
Translate this page cantor, georg Ferdinand. (San Petersburgo, 1845-Halle, Alemania, 1918) Matemático alemán de origen ruso. El joven cantor permaneció
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Cantor, Georg Ferdinand

38. Glossary Of People: Ca
Sec. of SWP till his death in August 1974. Further Reading James Cannon Archive. cantor, georg (1845 1918). German mathematician
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
French utopian author of Voyage en Icarie Cabral, Amilcar (1924-1973) In the early 1950s, Cabral was employed as an Agronomist. Using this position, he went to every village in the entire country and from this direct observation, he came up with an analysis and strategy for the national liberation movement. With others, he founded the PAIGC in 1956, and in 1963 their full-blown military campaign to overthrown Portuguese colonialism began. Within two years they had extensive liberated zones where effectively they were in power. On 20 January 1973, just months before the victory of the national liberation struggle, Cabral was assassinated with the help of Portuguese agents operating within the PAIGC. Cafiero, Carlo (1846-1892) Italian Anarchist, published a condensed version of Capital in Italian. Cannon, James P. (1890-1974) US Socialist Workers Party January 1938. Participated in bitter factional struggle in 1940 against Burnham and Schachtman's "petit-bourgeois opposition", the subject of Trotsky's In Defence of Marxism; Jailed 1944-45 for opposition to war; National Sec. of SWP till his death in August 1974. Further Reading: James Cannon Archive Cantor, Georg (1845 - 1918)

39. Cantor_Note
gallery index. georg cantor. The founder of the set theory. Born in St. Petersberg, Russia, and studied in Germany. His studies on
Georg Cantor The founder of the set theory. Born in St. Petersberg, Russia, and studied in Germany. His studies on the nature of "infinity" enabled us to treat this abstruse concept with mathematical precision. Cantor discovered an ingenious argument for proving that there are more real numbers than natural numbers (the cadinaliy is greater with the former than with the latter); since this argument makes use of a two dimensional table of infinie elements and the elements on the diagonal line (from left top to right bottom) are crucial, this is called "diagonal argument", and it became an indispensable method for logicians's proof. For instance, Goedel's incompleteness makes an essential use of it for cnstructing an "undecidable proposition". BACK TO CANTOR PICTURE BACK TO GALLERY INDEX Last modified March 27, 1999. (c) Soshichi Uchii

40. Cantor, Georg
encyclopediaEncyclopedia cantor, georg, gA ôrkh kän tôr Pronunciation Key. cantor, georg , 1845–1918, German mathematician, b. St. Petersburg.
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