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81. Centro De Estudios Moriscos De Andalucia (C.E.M.A) - EL SEXAGENARIUM: UNA APORTA Translate this page Conviene reseñar la existencia ya en el siglo XIII de los ecuatoriosde campanus de novara (22) y el de Henri Bate de Malines (23). http://www.alyamiah.com/cema/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=96 |
82. Information Und Kommunikation In Geschichte Und Gegenwart Johannes campanus von novara 1260?), die udT Elementa Geometriae (lat http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~wumsta/infopub/textbook/umfeld/rehm3.html | |
83. Dizionario Lunare - C campanus , che sembra designare un sistema Nomeassegnato dal Riccioli nel 1651 - Giovanni Campano da novara (XIII sec http://art.supereva.it/codas.freeweb/arzachel/dizionario lunare - c.htm | |
84. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Cajori, Florian (1859 - 1930). Callipus (um 370 - um 310 v. Chr.). campanus vonNovara (1220 - 1296)). Campbell, John (1862 - 1924). Camus, Charles (1699 - 1768). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
85. Los Símbolos Astrológicos Translate this page Gracias a el, la Iglesia durante esta época acepto la Astrología. Juan Campanusnacido en novara, fue el primer traductor y comentador de Euclides. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/1277/logos/logos2.htm | |
86. G. J. Toomer Published by Springer Verlag (January 2001) Price $129.00. Campanusof novara Medieval Planetary Theory Theorica Planetarum http://facultyofastronomy.com/search_G._J._Toomer/searchBy_Author.html | |
87. NEG Translate this page Lateinische. Um 1270 hat der italienische Gelehrte campanus von Novaraeine Überarbeitung dieser Übersetzung erstellt. Seit 1482 http://www.math.uni-frankfurt.de/~volkert/Vorlesungen/Geschichte_des_Parallelena | |
88. Astronomy - What's Been Published Showing all records for Campano, da novara 029905960X Campanusof novara and medieval planetary theory. Theorica planetarum. http://www.pitbossannie.com/database_qb/author_only.php?source=database_qb&showw |
89. Archival Materials Visit Carrier Library Euclid (ca. 300 BC) The text is the translation of a certain Campanusde novara (before 1260) from the Arabic into Latin. This first http://www.lib.jmu.edu/edge/archives/Fall2001(1)/article6.asp | |
90. HELGE KRAGH betydning. Peder har kendt til fremtrædende astronomer som Campanusde novara (ca. 12401300) og Guillaume de St. Cloud (ca. 1290 http://www.ifa.au.dk/ivh/dvh/dvh-middelalder.htm | |
91. Re: Horn Angles: Uses & History? Part 3 By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon Re Horn Angles uses history? Part 3 by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon. reply to this message. post a message on a new topic. Back to mathhistory-list. Subject Re Horn Angles uses history? http://mathforum.com/epigone/math-history-list/yahvingdweh | |
92. Re: Horn Angles: Uses & History? Part 4 By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon Re Horn Angles uses history? Part 4 by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon. reply to this message. post a message on a new topic. Back to mathhistory-list. Subject Re Horn Angles uses history? http://mathforum.com/epigone/math-history-list/crulskashe | |
93. Vol. 3 Ch. 1 Introduction. 2. Early Theories. 3. Philosophy. 4. Art History. 5. Psychology. 6. Social Sciences. 7. Marxism. 8. History of Printing. 9. Stages. 10. Media. 11. Narrative. 12. Optics, Mathematics, and Science. 13. Instruments. 14. Redefintion of Knowledge. 15. http://www.sumscorp.com/perspective/Vol3/ch1.htm | |
94. îÏ×ÁÑ áÓÔÒÏÌÏÇÉÞÅÓËÁÑ üÎÃÉËÌÏÐÅÄÉÑ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://encyclopedia.astrologer.ru/cgi-bin/guard/K/Campano.html |
95. Å·¼¸ÀïµÃ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.csxyzx.com/zf/zfweb/Sxmj/HJLD.htm | |
96. Homepage http://www.ub.uni-konstanz.de/fi/rara/ | |
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