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61. Mediev-L Re Trivia - A Medieval Y2Kbug? time? If my assumption is correct, How did campanus of novara and his colleagues justify the calculations of their invention? It http://www.ku.edu/~medieval/melcher/matthias/t128/0016.html |
62. Re Trivia - A Medieval Y2Kbug? If my assumption is correct, How did campanus of novara and his colleagues justify the calculations of their invention? It http://www.ku.edu/~medieval/mediev-l/msg00704.html |
63. - 8885067859 - John P Campbell written by. Campano, et al ! campanus of novara Medieval PlanetaryTheory Theorica Planetarum (Medieval Science Series, No. 16). http://www.booksumary.com/069481campanili_e_torri_le_strumentazioni_di_controllo | |
64. J.F.Ptak Books, Maps, And Prints Mathematics Polya,George,Collected Papers, I Singularities of Analytic Functions, Todhunter,I.,SphericalTrigonometry, Benjamin,Francis S.,campanus of novara and Medieval http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/books/mathematics/ | |
65. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives Scot (dc 1235) *SB John of Halifax (Sacrobosco) (c. 12001256) Qin Jiushao (Daogu)Chin Chiu-shao (c. 1202-c. 1261) *SB campanus of novara (c. 1205-1296) *SB http://godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=64&topic=3&message=278278&mpa |
66. Do Lado Direito Translate this page Junto dele lê-se uma citação de campanus de novara sobre a média e extrema razão,com a respectiva expressão matemática e, aos seus pés, a equação do http://www.educ.fc.ul.pt/icm/icm2000/icm33/pormnum3.htm | |
67. Euclid 201); Archimedes De mensura circuli (202r203v); a paraphrase of another versionof Archimedes De mensura circuli (203v-207v); campanus de novara De quadratura http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/exhibns/month/june2001.html | |
68. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Cajori, Florian (1859 - 1930) Callipus (um 370 - um 310 v. Chr.) campanus von novara(1220 - 1296)) Campbell, John (1862 - 1924) Camus, Charles (1699 - 1768 http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
69. Prog Rivista04 Brusa. campanus de novara un precursore del Dondi di Alessandro Gunella. http://www.hora.it/La voce di HORA/rivista04/prog rivista04.htm | |
70. Ahmed Translate this page Cependant ce travail nétait pas sans défauts et campanus de novara signala unargument qui tournait rond et qui se produisait dans le raisonnement de Ahmed http://membres.tripod.fr/alkashi/almisri.htm | |
71. Phorum - Paro En Neurologia - METAPRESENTE Translate this page campanus de novara ideó en el siglo XIII un instrumento , llamado ecuatorio, que proporcionaba unos resultados de medición según unos discos que lo http://www.infodoctor.org/cvneuro/phorums/read.php?f=4&i=50&t=50 |
72. História Da Astrologia Translate this page Por volta de 1210 nasce campanus de novara, um dos supostos autores da divisão decasas conhecida como campanus, mas sabe-se que este sistema era usado entre http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/5862/historia.html | |
73. Índice Translate this page Passados 150 anos uma cópia árabe foi traduzida por campanus de novara (1260)para latim. (5) Esta obra foi impressa em Veneza em 1482. (6) (Figura). http://www.prof2000.pt/users/miguel/histmat/af22/produto/antonio/Euclides.htm | |
74. Alcuin - Ihre Datenbank Mit Mittelalterlichen Autoren Und Werken Translate this page Cambiolus Bononiensis 390. campanus de novara - Candidus von Fulda - Bruunvon Fulda - Candidus Witto - Candidus Wizzo 391. Candidus Wizzo 392. http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/Philosophie/Infotek/phil/view/repc. | |
75. Le Moyen Age En Europe Translate this page Une position médiane est représentée par campanus de novara 1258 qui essaiede concilier les 2 en montrant que chaque épicycle de Ptolémée pouvait http://osug.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/enseignement/dds/doc_pedago/tue350/031110/tue350 | |
76. ADELARD (OR AETHELARD) This important work was published first at Venice in 1482 under the name of campanusof novara, but the work is always attributed to Adelard, campanus may be http://71.1911encyclopedia.org/A/AD/ADELARD_OR_AETHELARD_.htm | |
77. Geomantie, Feng Shui, Hagia Chora - Forum Für Geomantie Translate this page SH Nasr) Dass diese Wissenschaft im Mittelalter nicht vergessen war, zeigt der italienischeMathematiker und Astronom Johannes campanus von novara (12201296 http://www.geomantie.net/content/article/id__art_3f338d19b746e | |
78. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of sc Callipus}\footnote{{\sc Callipus}, \born \circa 370, \died \circa 310 v. Chr.}} \newcommand{\campanusvonnovara}{{\sc campanus von novara}\footnote{{\sc http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
79. DeutschesFachbuch.de Translate this page 260 Burckhardt, J. 229 Byzanz 159, 169 C Caesar, CI 98, 100, 101 Camerarius 227 Campanella,T. 252, 270 Campani, G. 199 campanus von novara 180, 267 Campion, N http://abcatalog.net/buchtipp/grenzgebiete.der.wissenschaft.und.esoterik/3406509 | |
80. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE Translate this page Er hatte den damals berühmten Mathematiker campanus von novara zu seinem Kapellangemacht, ermunterte dessen Studien und empfing die Widmung von dessen http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/gregorov/stadtrom/rom1071.htm | |
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