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41. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page C. Caccioppoli, Renato (1455*) Cajori, Florian (85*) Calderón, Alberto (879*) Callippus(651) campanus of novara (171) Campbell, John (74*) Camus, Charles (61 http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
42. MSS. Arch. Selden. B. 3359. Summary of contents, Euclid, Elementa, tr. Adelard of Bath, with commentaryof campanus of novara. Language, Latin. Origin, English. Date, 13th century, late. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/medieval/selden/selden-b.html | |
43. Food For Thought: Biographies Campanius, John (Swedish clergyman), 16011683. campanus of novara (Campanus Novariensis)(It. mathematician), d.1296. Campbell, Alexander (Irish-born Am. fdr. http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_C.htm | |
44. Detailed Record campanus of novara and medieval planetary theory. Theorica planetarum. By Campano, da Novara ; Francis S Benjamin ; G J Toomer http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/6f5f22e8ded81400.html | |
45. Book Thoughts - Sitemap campania din est in ordine de zi campania felix campanian society campanion dogscampanion games campanion labrador retrievers campanus of novara campaspe lyly http://www.book-thoughts.com/s/s_ady.html | |
46. USL: Rare Books And Special Collections version here is thought to have been translated from the Arabic by the great 12thcentury scholar, Adelard of Bath, with a commentary by campanus of novara. http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/libraries/rare/treasures/t-euclid.html | |
47. The Medieval View Of The Heavens In the West, campanus of novara (d. 1296), gave his version of the calculation,assigning a figure of 107.936 miles to the radius of the inner surface of the http://www.granta.demon.co.uk/arsm/jg/heaven.html | |
48. Science Medieval Sources - Astronomy - What's Been Published 029905960X, campanus of novara and medieval planetary theory. Theoricaplanetarum. Edited with an introd., English translation, and http://www.pitbossannie.com/database_qb/dba_short.php?source=database_qb&showind |
49. History Of Science & Technology (Surnames A-L) Inquire Order$495.00. 23. campanus of novara (died 1296). Campanusof Novara and Medieval Planetary Theory Theorica planetarum. http://www.gach.com/Gach/l1146-01.htm | |
50. Da Vincis First Code Our Numbers Our Gods, The Pentagram Pacioli s translation of the Elements was an annotated version, based on an earliertranslation by campanus of novara (12201296), which appeared in printed http://www.epwijnants-lectures.com/firstcode.html | |
51. The Speculum Astronomiae And Its Enigma|KLUWER Academic Publishers an analysis of texts by Albert himself, as well as other important authors, suchas Bacon, Bonaventura, Thomas Aquinas, Witelo, campanus of novara, and others http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-1380-1 | |
52. Books And Articles Referred To In The Note By Menso Folkerts 249302. J. E. Murdoch, The Medieval Euclid Salient Aspects of the Translationsof the Elements by Adelard of Bath and campanus of novara, in XII e Congrès http://www.math.ubc.ca/people/faculty/cass/Euclid/folkerts/refs.html | |
53. BookFinder.com: Book Directory 19141917 0299059413 0-299-05941-3 campanus of novara and Medieval Planetary Theory Theorica planetarum 029905960X 0-299-05960-X Charles Kenneth Leith http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/373280-373439/ | |
54. BookFinder.com: Book Directory Built by the Stars 0608204153 0608-20415-3 campanus of novara and Medieval PlanetaryTheory Theorica Planetarum 0608204161 0-608-20416-1 Medicine and http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/1176480-1176639/ | |
55. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations KEYWORD, Author, Campanus, of Novara. Title, campanus of novara andmedieval planetary theory. Theorica planetarum. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,938/search/aCampanus, of Nov | |
56. G. J. Toomer: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price campanus of novara Medieval Planetary Theory By Francis S. Benjamin Hardcover/ December 1972 / 029905960X Books Similar to campanus of novara Medieval http://www.fetchbook.info/search_G._J._Toomer/searchBy_Author.html | |
57. Chronology Johannes (?) campanus of novara ( 1232? 1296). 1210-1296. campanus of novara.He is the one to whom that Campanus house system is often attributed. http://www.astroconsulting.com/FAQs/chronology.htm | |
58. History Of Science - Ancient Science - Medieval Science - Bibliograpy - Ancient Murdoch, JE The Medieval Euclid Salient Aspects of the Translations of the Elementsby Adelard of Bath and campanus of novara. Revue de synthese 89 (1968 http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Teaching/bibliogra | |
59. History Of Mathematics Text Elements, based upon a translation from Arabic to Latin presumably made by Abelardof Bath in the 12th century, was edited and annotated by campanus of novara. http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/University_Library/exhibits/math/textfr.html | |
60. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] The History Of Horn Angles: A Bir Also Johannes campanus of novara (1205? 1296?), chaplain to PopeUrban IV, was interested in the nature of HORN ANGLES. It has http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/nov99/0030.html | |
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