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81. Bibliography 1995. cajori, florian, The teaching and history of mathematics in theUnited States, Washington Bureau of Education 1890. Gilreath http://www.math.virginia.edu/Jefferson/jeff_r(8).htm | |
82. The Peirce Edition Project | Peirce's Correspondents Russell Butler, Nicholas Murray Butler, William C. Byerly, William Elwood top Cabot,Richard cajori, florian Calderoni, Mario Calvi, Mr. Cambridge Historical http://www.iupui.edu/~peirce/peirce/lettersx.htm | |
83. Skeleton DRAFT Of Selective Bibliography 1976. 72 cajori, florian. \bk A History of Mathematics. \GRedition\en 1st ed. 1893.\eGR \GRedition 1980.\eGR 73 cajori, florian. http://poncelet.math.nthu.edu.tw/chuan/history/out.html | |
84. Linguistics And The Theory Of Science - Sten Vikner, Aarhus (Popper 1994b9394). REFERENCES. cajori, florian 1928, A Historyof Mathematical Notations, Open Court Publications, Chicago. Popper http://www.hum.au.dk/engelsk/engsv/theory.htm | |
85. SLATES, SLIDERULES AND SOFTWARE - TEACHING MATH IN AMERICA Publications. The Early Republic. cajori, florian. The Teaching and History of Mathematicsin the United States. Washington,DC Government Printing Office, 1890. http://americanhistory.si.edu/teachingmath/html/resources.htm | |
86. Références 96 Conference, Munich 1996. cajori1928 cajori, florian ; A Historyof Mathematical Notations, vol. I II. Open Court Publishing http://www.yoyodesign.org/doc/w3c/mathml2/appendixk.html | |
87. Florian Cajori Article on florian cajori from WorldHistory.com, licensed from Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia. Return to Article Index florian cajori. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/F/Florian-Cajori.htm | |
88. Some Notes On The History Of Isopsephia (Gematria) Eisenbrauns, 1990. cajori, florian. A History of Mathematical Notations(2 vv.). Chicago Open Court, 19289. Contenau, Georges. Everyday http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/BA/SNHIG.html | |
89. Kristen Mcquillin: [t]whirl cajori, florian. A History of Mathematics, fourth edition. Chelsea PublishingCompany, New York, 1985. Ifrah, Georges. From One to Zero. http://www.mediatinker.com/whirl/zero/bibliography.html | |
90. SULAIR: Mathematical & Computer Sciences Library: New Books AUTHOR cajori, florian, 18591930. TITLE A history of mathematics / byflorian cajori. IMPRINT Providence, RI AMS Chelsea, 1999, c1991. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/collections/newbooks/nbmay03.html | |
91. Cajori Prizes 1998 Carlynn Garrett; 2000 Margaret Beck; 2001 Adam Pringle. FlorianCajori. On March 1st 1999 (the day after the 140th anniversary http://www.cc.colorado.edu/Dept/MA/History/Topics/CajPrize.html | |
92. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs Formes quadratiques. Nombres incommensurables. Questions diverses. cajori, FlorianWilliam Oughtred, a great seventeenthcentury teacher of mathematics. http://historical.library.cornell.edu/math/math_C.html | |
93. Mathematical Notation For Law Representation Mathematical Notation for Law Representation. by Uriel Wittenberg (uw@urielw.com) The advice of Bill Brown, Mike Chappie, Dave Craig, Wilpen Gorr, Doug Keenan, Dan Rosenblum, and Wilfred Sieg is gratefully acknowledged. http://www.urielw.com/mathlaw/mathlaw.htm | |
94. Find All Book By Author, Starting With C Kelkoo ! Search all of kelkoo Search within Books . Bookmark this page.Departments. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_azc_author_10.html | |
95. Rechenschieber Im Online-Museum http://www.joernluetjens.de/sammlungen/rechenschieber/rechenschieber1.htm | |
96. LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DU DIX-SEPTIEMISTE http://odalix.univ-bpclermont.fr/Cibp/Bib17/B17bv1.htm | |
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