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61. Prospect Books: Glossary According to burkill this nutmeg fruit candied or preserved in syrup was once exportedto Europe in quantity, in the same way as ginger. (john Nott, 1726) http://www.kal69.dial.pipex.com/glossn.htm | |
62. Descripteur - Approximation Polynomiale Translate this page Livre. burkill, john Charles BOMBAY Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1959, p. 71. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste rapide. http://www.math.univ-rennes1.fr/bibli/catalogue/Thesaurus.htm?numrec=05196852491 |
63. Descripteur - 28-01 Translate this page LEBESGUE INTEGRAL(THE), ! Livre. burkill, john Charles CAMBRIDGE UP, 1958, VIII-87. GENERAL THEORY OF FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRATION, ! Livre. http://www.math.univ-rennes1.fr/bibli/catalogue/Thesaurus.htm?numrec=05192648091 |
64. Plumtree Family Tree john PLUMTREE (b 1541) m Mawdlan bp 29 Oct 1594 Xpofer (b 24 Dec 1581) m 30 Nov1588 Thos GRIME m 12 May 1600 Eliz DONNAY m Robert burkill/BURKYT Fotherby http://www.plumtree.net.nz/plumtree_family_tree.htm | |
65. Worldsites Buchanan, Larry, Bully, Beefy, Bunyon, Paul, burkill, Anna, Cabrera, Carmen, callender,lidna, camaney, john, Casillas, Miguel, cat, top, choe, rick, Clause, Santa, http://demos.mapssystem.net/Demos/vauserconcept/admin/js_alljobseekers.ihtml?ste |
66. Books 1995; M. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd Edition, john Wiley JC burkill and H. burkill, A Second Course in Mathematical Analysis, 2nd http://www.angelfire.com/biz/gauchodave/books.html | |
67. MALTON61-1 On the 31st ult., at Welford, Northhamptonshire, john burkill, gentleman,brother to the late Thomas burkill, cordwainer, Malton, aged 85 years. http://www.angelfire.com/de/BobSanders/Malton63-2.html | |
68. K-9 And Company: A Girl's Best Friend (1981) @ The Encyclopedia Of Fantastic Fil Lighting Barry Hill. EDITING AND POST PRODUCTION Editor Michael LomasVT Editor john burkill Vision Mixer Mark Kershaw. MUSIC Theme http://www.eofftv.com/k/k9/k-9_and_company_main.htm | |
69. Re: Ideal Decomposition Implies Decomposition ? By MCKAY John Author MCKAY john mckay@cs.concordia.ca Organization University of Illinois atUrbana know but would look at Mumford s theta papers and burkill and Chaundy http://mathforum.org/epigone/sci.math.symbolic/zhingmandzend/8d4bd9$ivt$1@newsfl | |
70. Santa Barbara Newspapers, IJ Jacques burkill VRB Son, 15 Jul WP19Jul1873 53. Jacques burkill ITEM Sail from England*ST24Aug1872 24. ITEM Arrived from SF SD23Sep1873 21. Janssens john Esq. http://www.cagenweb.com/santabarbara/sbcgs/sbnews_i.htm | |
71. Ahmad Abid Munir at a Ph.D. and is reputedly 12 years older, but john Jessop tells Colombo Plan Fellowshipat the Singapore Botanic Gardens under then Director, Mr HM burkill. http://www.anbg.gov.au/biography/munir-ahmad.html | |
72. Churchman Back Issues 1990-1999 The Chronology of the Crucifixon and Passover Hamilton, john; Towards a Christian HistoryAmundsen, Darrel; The Current Legislation to Ordain Women burkill, Mark; http://www.churchsociety.org/churchman/back_1990s.htm | |
73. USC, Department Of Mathematics: Textbook List - Fall, 2003 COURSE IN ABSTRACT ALGEBRA john B. FRALEIGH ADDISONWESLEY PUBL., CO., 7th ED., 2003MATH 703-ANALYSIS I A SECOND COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS JC burkill H http://www.math.sc.edu/textbooks/textbooks_fall2003.html | |
74. Graduate School Of SOC - GSSOC List Of All PhD Topics and Prof. john Shepherd. Geophysical Richard Sanders. Grazing in marinemicrozooplankton PH burkill, M Zubkov and D Purdie. Hydrothermal http://www.soes.soton.ac.uk/graduate/admissions/projects/?link=list_all.php |
75. The Project 11) john, U. MEDLIN, L. GROBEN, R. (2000). 13) TARRAN, GA, AL?HADDAD, LM, COLLINS,GS, burkill, P. H, MORRIS, CW KRZANOWSKI, WJ (1998) Flow cytometric http://www.flowcytometry.org/Publications.htm | |
76. Key Skills In Geography In Higher Education: Final Report Dr Jacky Birnie. Dr Tim Hall. College of St Mark and St john, Sue burkill.Derry Corey. Lancaster University, Dr Gordon Clark. Terry Wareham. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/dfee/heqe/ks_candg_rep.htm | |
77. Goole Today Senior coach john burkill was particularly pleased with the performance of sixyear-oldAdam Porritt, competing in his first ever tournament in the under 25 http://www.gooletoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=767&ArticleID=743730 |
78. Nicholas Burkill - Partner Profile - (Legal500.com) Phone 020 7300 7000. Email n.burkill@taylorwessing.com. Legal500.com theofficial site of The Legal 500 (editor in chief john Pritchard) Enquiries http://www.icclaw.com/l500/formex/pps/ukp774.htm | |
79. Manuscripts & Archives BURGER, S. BURGESS, CR COL.. burkill, HENRY. BURNS, J NEWTON. BURNS, JAMES.BURNS, john. BURNS, SAM. BURTON, AB. BURTON, H ? BURTON, HELEN. BURTON, HENRY. http://www.lib.uct.ac.za/mss/index/index.php?action=browseletters&letter=B |
80. 40th Anniversay Dinner At St Pierre Jake, Arrowsmith, 1, £35.00, Black Horse. john, Arrowsmith, 1, £35.00,Black Horse. Duncan, Bulley, 1, £35.00, Ship. Linda, burkill, 1, £35.00,Anchor M. http://www.thornburyrfc.com/news/news_stpierre.html | |
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