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41. Sociedad Colombiana De Matemáticas:Publicaciones Translate this page Robertson , Obituario matemático. john C. burkill (1900 - 1993) LecturasMatemáticas Vol 16 1 ( 1995). Historia Más información . http://www.scm.org.co/revistas.php?modulo=Resultados&autor=174 |
42. INSOL INTERNATIONAL International Federation Of Insolvency Andrew Appleyard Richard burkill Trevor Clark David Clements David Coyne Ted FergussonPeter Forsey john Hall Mark Loftus Simon Smith john Travers Ian Wright. http://insol.gti.co.uk/company.asp?companyid=116 |
43. BIRTHS CONTENTS MARRIAGES th , john Cameron Burdass, second son the late john Burdass, of Thwing, to Ethel,youngest daughter of WG Walgate, of Ellerby. Jan 19, 1895. burkill, See Fairbank http://www.dg.petch.btinternet.co.uk/Marriages.htm | |
44. Consultants In South East - A To Z Dr john GA Burke, Dr Guy burkill, Dr john C Burnell, Dr EP Burova.Mr Roger Burr, Dr Christine P Burren, Mr Martin Burton, Mr Chris Butler. http://www.specialistinfo.com/data2/__C1SEB.html | |
45. Consultants In UK With Name Starting With B Burke. Dr Guy burkill, Mr David S Burkitt, Dr J Burley, Dr AN Burlingham.Dr john Burman, Dr R Burman, Dr David J Burn, Prof john Burn. Dr http://www.specialistinfo.com/data2/__C2Bu.html | |
46. Department For Constitutional Affairs - Queen's Counsel (QC) (Silk) Evans (G) The Honourable Daniel Joseph Mitchell Janner (M) AND (I) Victor LawrenceLyon (G) Paul Mann (G) Peter john Murphy (G) Guy Alexander burkill (M) AND (I http://www.dca.gov.uk/judicial/silk02fr.htm | |
47. PARISH Story Pt 1 john PARISH junior, my four X great grandfather, married Ann GOATESin September 1772. Ann s mother was Mary (née burkill). Ann s http://www.btinternet.com/~jennifer.dixon/page48.html | |
48. International JGOFS - Addresses Of Relevant Researchers And Managers burkill, Peter JGOFS IOSG Southampton Oceanography Centre, Waterfront Campus, EuropeanWay Field, john - JGOFS NCP (ZA), past SCOR President Zoology Department http://www.uib.no/jgofs/address.html | |
49. Local History Speakers Topics M-Z P burkill Talks with music. Current subjects include Birmingham, Northfield, Bournvilleand Kings Norton. john D Smith A Stechford childhood between the wars. http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/GenerateContent?CONTENT_ITEM_ID=1872&CONTENT_ITEM_T |
50. Abstracts From JGHE Vol 24(2) SARAH BEDNARZ, Texas A M University, College Station, USA SUE burkill, Collegeof St Mark and St john, Plymouth, UK john LIDSTONE, Queensland University of http://www.chelt.ac.uk/gdn/jghe/24_2.htm | |
51. Abstract 110 Originator, Sue burkill. Department, Geography Department, College of St. Mark St. john, Derriford Road, Plymouth, PL6 8BH, UK. Tel. +44 (0)1752 777188. http://www.chelt.ac.uk/gdn/abstracts/a110.htm |
52. Square-Eyed TV - K9 And Company - A Girl's Best Friend Technical Manager, Barry Chatfield. Senior Cameraman, Phil Wilson. VideotapeEditor, john burkill. Property Buyer, Michael Preece. Graphic Designer, Bob Cosford. http://www.square-eyedtv.co.uk/playsanths/k9&co/k9andco.html | |
53. New Books Second course in mathematical analysis / by JC burkill and H. burkill. burkill,JC (john Charles), 1900. Cambridge University Press, 2002. 0521523435. http://www.herts.ac.uk/lis/subjects/newbooks/may/Maths.html | |
54. Wakefield Family History Sharing -- : -- Trades & Professions A - E Field ~ john Binks, Bridge Street ~ house Wentworth Street ~ Thomas Binney, 71 Westgate~ Isaac burkill, Doncaster Road Leeds ~ john burkill, Doncaster Road http://www.wakefieldfhs.org.uk/Trades & Professions A - E.htm | |
55. AUSTRALIA DEATHS 11SEP1996P. Death. 11SEP1996 NMH. burkill,William Henry. 10SEP1996P. Death. 10SEP1996NMH. at Mowell Village. 16DEC1986 SMH. BURKITT,john Stanton. 04NOV1985. 63. Death. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nswsdps/b/ausdb632.htm | |
56. Lock Berlin Cemetery, Galen NY 1870 BARLOW john A. son MR ME Oct. 1871, 12y ? burkill Lydia wifeWilliam May 6, 1862, 45y burkill George Dec. 31, 1830 Jan. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nywayne/cemeteries2/lockbercem.html | |
57. Fentress Family In 1770, john Ackiss and Jane his wife sold to Anthony Fentress 50 acres lying onthe Eastward side of In 1771, with wife Anne sold 84 acres to Caleb burkill. http://www.geocities.com/cwheatley2000/fentressfam.html | |
58. Fellows Of The Royal Society 1950 Leslie Howarth 1950 Hans A Heilbronn 1951 Alan M Turing 1951 Freeman J Dyson1952 William McCrea 1952 A Cyril Offord 1952 john C burkill 1953 Michael http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Societies/FRS.html | |
59. Ecademy - Profile - Sarah Burkill Miss Sarah burkill Branch Manager CMC Recruitment Bexhillon-Sea, East José Machado Paul Keyes Dean Wallace (Jobseeker!) john harris Marius http://bre.ecademy.com/account.php?op=view&id=43101 |
60. Index To The Boles-Bole-Boal-Boyle Record, V. 6 (1997-8) William, 23 Britton, 13 Britton, Winnie, 13 Brown, Thomas, 36 burkill, Andrew,7 David, 29 Cox, Susanna, 29 Craig, Elizabeth, 22 Craig, john, 23 Creek http://members.aol.com/Bolesbooks/indexv6.html | |
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