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41. Www.vma.bme.hu/mathhist/Mathematicians/Burali-Forti.html Book People Additions to the IPL Online Texts Collection 0405-01 cgm/ Dewey Subjects 516.36 Differential and Integral Geometry LC Subjects Curveson surfaces Gauss maps Singularities (Mathematics) burali-forti, cesare, 1861 http://www.vma.bme.hu/mathhist/Mathematicians/Burali-Forti.html |
42. Aberja - Philosophen - B burali-forti, cesare - Biografie (Philosophenlexikon.de); http://www.aberja.com/WissenschaftTechnik/Philosophie/Philosophen/Philosophen-B/ | |
43. Person Cesare Burali-Forti Translate this page Person cesare burali-forti. Roberto Marcolongo an Arnold Sommerfeld, 2.Mai 1913. Personen Wissenschaft Jahre Geschäft Druckwerke Institutionen. http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/00540.html | |
44. BibTex References f\ {u}r Mathematik und Physik}, Volume = 36, Pages = {153164}, year = 1929,} @Article{bforti1897, Author = {{buraliforti}, cesare}, Title = {`{U}na http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~jrgw/bibtexrefs.html | |
45. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï gubernia (now Vinnitsa oblast),Ukraine Died 12 Dec 1889 in St Petersburg, Russiaburaliforti, cesare burali-forti Born 13 Aug 1861 in Arezzo, Italy Died 21 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=B |
46. Russell's Paradox cesare buraliforti, an assistant to Giuseppe Peano, had discovered a similar antinomyin 1897 when he noticed that since the set of ordinals is well-ordered http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/russell-paradox/ | |
47. VIRGILIO Enciclopedia | Scienza | Matematica Translate this page , bisecante. », Bombieri, Enrico. », Bonnet, Pierre Ossian. », brachistocrona.», burali-forti, cesare. », calcolo (matematica). », calotta. », campila. »,campo. http://enciclopedia.virgilio.it/directory/cgi/dir.cgi?ccat=47702&vrs=45 |
48. Matematici Celebri - Wikipedia 1962); burali-forti, cesare (Arezzo 1861 - Torino 1931); William http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matematici_celebri | |
49. Matematici Italiani - Wikipedia burali-forti, cesare (Arezzo1861 - Torino 1931); Burgatti, Pietro (1868 - 1938); Burzio, Filippo http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matematici_italiani | |
50. Metamath Proof Explorer - Onprc In 1897, cesare buraliforti noticed that since the set of all ordinals is ordinal(ordon 2055), it must be both an element of the set of all ordinals yet http://us.metamath.org/mpegif/onprc.html | |
51. I Libri Della Scienza - La Matematica Nell'Ottocento Translate this page , cesare burali-forti (1861-1931) Logica matematica, Milano, Hoepli, 1894. ,Luigi Cremona (1830-1903) Elementi di calcolo grafico, Torino, Paravia, 1874. http://biblioteca.ing.unipi.it/Cataloghi/matematica/matematica.htm | |
52. UW Libraries - Database Search 02990001 id=5. Author, buraliforti, cesare, b. 1861 (4) Marcolongo,Roberto, 1862-1943. Subject, Vector analysis (2). Keywords, 1861 http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=32173 |
53. UW Libraries - Database Search URL, http//cdl.library.cornell.edu/Hunter/hunter.pl?handle=cornell.library.math/06430001 id=5.Author, buraliforti, cesare, b. 1861 (4). http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=32394 |
54. Seznam MatematiÄnih Vsebin - Wikipedija Brear, Matej Briggs, Henry - Brizon - Brouwerjeva funkcija beta - Brouwer, LuitzenEgbertus Jan - Brun, Viggo - Brunova konstanta - burali-forti, cesare -. http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seznam_matematiÄnih_vsebin | |
55. Fondo Gadda Burcardo Translate this page 72. Segn. 1784. burali-forti, cesare Boggio, Tommaso. Esercizi di matematica.Algebra, geometria, funzioni circolari. Torino, Petrini, 1924, pp. VII-341. http://www.arts.ed.ac.uk/italian/gadda/Pages/resources/catalogues/burcardoB.html | |
56. A History Of Set Theory The dates 1895 and 1897 are important for set theory in another way. In 1897the first published paradox appeared, published by cesare buraliforti. http://www.braungardt.com/Mathematica/history_of_set_theory.htm | |
57. SEMINARIO DE FILOSOFÍA Translate this page Lecturas cesare burali-forti. Una questione sui numeri transfiniti,contenido (en inglés) en Jean van Heijenoort. From http://lya.fciencias.unam.mx/horarios/2004-2/semin/9945.htm | |
58. Landmarks Draft His three main followers spent that Paris morning in August 1900 describing aspectsof the project Alessandro Padoa in person, cesare buraliforti and Mario http://www.axp.mdx.ac.uk/~ivor2/LANDMARKS_PM_.HTML | |
59. HALMAZ98\EA01 Többen úgy nevezett antinómiákat találtak a naív tárgyalásban cesare buraliforti(1861-1931), 1897-ben publikálta a burali-forti-antinómiát. http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/courses/halmaz99/antinom.htm | |
60. Institut DEstudis Catalans 1912). Sallent Del Colombo Parra Serra, Emma Josep Manel, cesare buraliforti(1861-1931) i les homografies vectorials. Lloc Palau http://www.iecat.net/institucio/societats/SCHistoriaCieniTec/Agenda Activitats/V | |
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