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Burali-forti Cesare: more books (15) | |||
21. Absolute Infinite - Encyclopedia Article About Absolute Infinite. Free Access, N This seems paradoxical, and is closely related cesare buraliforti s paradox Theburali-forti paradox demonstrates that naïvely constructing the set of all http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Absolute Infinite | |
22. Quaternion References buraliforti, cesare Introduction là Géométrie differentielle, suivant laméthode de H. Grassmann, Paris GauthierVillars, 11 + 165, 8°, 1897. http://home.att.net/~t.a.ell/QuatRef.htm | |
23. Biografie Translate this page Valentino Brunelleschi Filippo Brunetti, Rita Bruno, Giordano Buccola, Gabriele Buonanni,Filippo Buonarroti, Michelangelo burali-forti, cesare Buscaino, Vito http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/milleanni/cronologia/biografie/indice.html | |
24. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Buniakowski (Victor Jakovlevich), Russe (1804-1889). burali-forti (cesare), Italien(1861-1931). Campanus de Novare, Italien (début 13 ième siècle-1296). http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm | |
25. Burali-Forti Paradox The buraliforti paradox is named after cesare burali-forti, who discoveredit in 1897. burali-forti was an assistent of Giuseppe http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/B/Burali-Forti-paradox.htm | |
26. The Paradoxes Of Set Theory The first of the modern paradoxes was published by the Italian mathematiciancesare buraliforti (burali-forti, 1897, pp. burali-forti, cesare (1897). http://www.aug.edu/dvskel/Johnson1998.htm | |
27. La Matematica Italiana 1800-1950 Translate this page cesare burali-forti. (1861-1931). Nacque ad Arezzo il 13 - 8 - 1861e morì a Torino il 21 - 1 - 1931. Laureato a Pisa nel 1884, poco http://www.dm.unito.it/sism/m_italiani/biografie/tricomi/buraliforti.html | |
28. Biografisk Register Translate this page Henry (1561-1630) Brouwer, Luitzen EJ (1881-1966) Brun, Viggo (1885-1978) Buffon,Georges Comte de (1707-88) burali-forti, cesare (1861-1931) Buridan, Jean (ca http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
29. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page burali-forti, cesare (1861 - 1931). Burchnall, Joseph (1892 - 1975). burali-forti,cesare (1861 - 1931). Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph de (21.3.1768 - 16.5.1830). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
30. Liste Alphabétique Translate this page Brouwer, Luitzen (1881-1966). Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600). burali-forti, cesare(1861-1931). C. Cantor, Georg (1845-1918). Cardan, Jérôme (1501-1576). http://www.reunion.iufm.fr/recherche/irem/histoire/liste_alphabétique.htm | |
31. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals 203, Cornell, buraliforti, cesare Applications à la mécanique et à la physique,1913, book. 205, Michigan, burali-forti, cesare Geometria descrittiva. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_author_B.html | |
32. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals 224, Cornell, buraliforti, cesare Applications à la mécanique et à la physique,1913, book. 226, Michigan, burali-forti, cesare Geometria descrittiva. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_author.html | |
33. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Buffon, Georges Comte de (1707 - 1788) Bugaev, Nicolay (1837 - 1903) Bunyakovsky,Viktor (1804 - 1889) burali-forti, cesare (1861 - 1931) Burchnall, Joseph http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
34. B Index de Boislaurent (171) Buffon, Georges Comte de (157*) Bugaev, Nicolay (87) Bukreev,Boris (165*) Bunyakovsky, Viktor (172*) buraliforti, cesare (530) Burchnall http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/B.htm | |
35. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn Translate this page (1). Bemmel, PM van. (1), Booth, James (2), Brües, Max (1). Bentayou, P.-Jules(1), Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm (1), burali-forti, cesare (6). Bergbohm, Julius. http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/LiNuM/index_au-lib.html | |
36. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn Translate this page 3). Bergbohm, Julius. (1), Booth, James (2), burali-forti, cesare (6).Berge, Claude (1), Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm (1), Burat, E (1). Berger http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/LiNuM/index_au.html | |
37. Foundations Of Mathematics buraliforti, cesare. A Question on Transfinite Numbers. In From Frege to GödelA Sourcebook in Mathematical Logic, 1897-1931, edited by J. Heijenoort. http://www.canyoninstitute.org/resources/URBibliography/061_foundations_math_a.h | |
38. AIP Niels Bohr Library Holdings. More by this author. buraliforti, cesare, 1861-. Subjects. Vector analysis. byauthor burali-forti, cesare, 1861-. by title Éléments de calcul v http://libserv.aip.org:81/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uri=full=3100001~!17621~!0&profile=aip |
39. From Frege To Goedel und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen.) burali-forti, cesare, A question http://www.fuchu.or.jp/~d-logic/en/books/ftog.html | |
40. Livros Novos Translate this page (Subcommittee for the Netherlands of the International Commission on MathematicalInstruction, 4) BBC QA501 burali-forti, cesare B945g Geometria descritiva. http://www.ime.usp.br/bib/castrucci.html | |
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