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81. Verzeichnis | Mitglieder | Vorgängerakademien Translate this page BRUNNER, heinrich, * 21.06.1840, 11.08.1915. bruns, heinrich, * 04.09.1848, 23.09.1919. bruns, Karl Eduard Georg, * 24.02.1816, 10.12.1880. http://www.bbaw.de/archivbbaw/akademiemitglieder/vorgaengermitglieder_b.html | |
82. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 133) Brouncker, William (300*) Brouwer, LEJ (419*) Brown, Ernest (470*) Bruno, FrancescoFaà di (521*) Bruno, Giuseppe (294) bruns, heinrich (90*) Bryson of http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
83. I15828: Heinrich Claasen BRINK (6 Dez 1824 - ____) Translate this page 1786) m 1763 _Hans Hinrich BRINK _ (1781 - 1855) m 1816 _Fenne HANSSEN+ (1736 - 1789) m 1763 heinrich Claasen BRINK Leena bruns. http://www.ahnenundfriesen.de/html/d0017/g0000019.html | |
84. On The Contribution Of Heinrich Bruns To Theoretical Geometrical Optics. With Co Title On the contribution of heinrich bruns to theoretical geometricaloptics. With consideration of his correspondence with scientists http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1999AcHA....5..196I | |
85. BRUNS, Ahlerd Gerhard heinrich Nuelsen und Bild AG bruns,in Nippert Collection of German Methodism 1779-1974, in The Cincinnati http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/b/Bruns_a.shtml |
86. Mathematical Family Tree - L.W. Marcoux was published in Crelle s Journal (1854) bruns, heinrich ; Bugaev,Nicolay 1860; Frobenius, Georg 1870; Fuchs, Immanuel 1858; http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~lwmarcou/FamilyTree.html | |
87. PRO-GEN Output Uit dit huwelijk 1. Anna Catharina bruns (zie 8796). 8051 heinrich bruns (Jungerhans),Kötter, geb. Altharen (D.), ged. (RK) 2307-1656 Wesuwe (D.), overl. http://www.feringa.nl/pg/pg_00006.htm | |
88. Bröseke-Budde Translate this page bruns, Friedrich Wilhelm 15 01 1817 Strücken, Nr.6 29 11 1882 bruns, heinrich August6 12 1829 Strücken, Nr.6 3 07 1862 Strücken, Nr.6 bruns, Johan David Ca http://www.volksen.de/50045894670f4c204/500458946d1240901/500458946d125f527.htm | |
89. U-Boat Operations Commanders. 12.41 04.43, KL heinrich bruns. Operations information for U-175. heinrichbruns hit nine ships on this patrol, one was from convoy TRIN-14. http://www.ubootwaffe.net/ops/boat.cgi?boat=175 |
90. Bruns Ernst heinrich bruns 1848 1919 http://www.geomatics.ucalgary.ca/~sneeuw/hall_of_fame/seiten_e/bruns.html | |
91. Backs Catharina ( 4j ) Gerhardus ( 7c ) Bruins Maria Helena ( 7d ) Bruins Marisca ( 8i ) bruns Anna Angela( 7h ) bruns Anna Gertrud ( 5o ) bruns Herman heinrich ( 5k ) bruns Hermann http://www.jomar.nl/stamboom/namenlijstsuhlmann/b.html | |
92. Genealogy Data Bruins (Bruun, bruns), Jan Gender Male. Koel, heinrich Matthias (Hendrik Mathijs)Birth 1793 Wesuwe (Dld) Death 22 JUN 1865 Slagharen Gender Male Family http://home.tiscali.nl/bzwart/namen/dat53.html | |
93. Suche Nach Personen Translate this page Med. LMU 1947 bruns, Friedrich bruns, Gertrud bruns, heinrich (1848-1919) bruns,Ehefrau Friedrich bruns, Ehefrau Germanist brunsemann, Sommerfeldschüler http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/B.html | |
94. Genealogische Informatie bruns, Johann, Terug naar de startpagina. Arens, Johann Gerhard heinrich,Geslacht Man Geboren 20 Januari 1803 in Ankum, Duitsland. http://home.wxs.nl/~jamug/surnames/dat32.htm | |
95. Liste Historischer Mathematischer Dissertationen Von 1810 Bis 1933 Translate this page (Dirksen, Erman), 29.4.1843. 70, bruns, heinrich (1848-1919), H, De proprietatequadam functionis potentialis corporum homogeneorum. (Weierstraß, Kummer), 11.3.1871. http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/listen/histdisslist.php3?sec=B |
96. Liste Historischer Mathematischer Dissertationen Von 1810 Bis 1933 Translate this page (Weierstraß, Kummer), 18.2.1865. 70, bruns, heinrich (1848-1919),H, De proprietate quadam functionis potentialis corporum homogeneorum. http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/listen/histdisslist.php3?sec=B&onr=1 |
97. Spiele | Alles Von Heinrich Frahm 1 | Kaufen Translate this page Heinz Jöckel. Klaus G. bruns. heinrich Frahm. Henri Vieuxtemps. Albrecht Weber.Erich JooÆ Â¸. Manfred O Hinz. Eumir Deodato (Arrangeur). Bert Becker. http://www.computer-spiele-kaufen.de/search/author/Heinrich_Frahm/1/ | |
98. I2786: Lina BRUNS (27 Sep 1891 - 8 Mar 1915) Family 1 Fritz Jakob Otto MAUL MARRIAGE Lina bruns INDEX. August heinrich Martin HERMANN. 48 14 Nov 1870 18 Feb 1952. http://www.fieser.de/gendex/veltenhof/g0000197.html | |
99. I1339: Susanna (ABT 1641 - 26 Oct 1715) Dietrich heinrich bruns Mother Margarethe Catharina ALBERS Family 1 Johann http://www.fieser.de/gendex/veltenhof/g0000166.html | |
100. Carol Bruns Bronze Sculptor And Painter Carol bruns Bronze Sculptor and Painter. Carol bruns new bronze new perspective.Carol bruns in Her Studio with Sculpting Wax. View Carol http://www.biddingtons.com/content/creativebruns.html | |
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