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61. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Shaw Burial location unknown. Shaw, Bill See William Shaw; Shaw, Bob See Robert Shaw;Shaw, briggs See V. briggs Shaw; Shaw, henry (17881857) Son of Samuel Shaw. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/shaw.html | |
62. 1600-luvun Alkupuoli Samoihin aikoihin logaritmit keksi Napierista riippumatta sveitsiläissyntyinenJobst Bürgi. briggs, henry 1561 1630. Englantilainen http://matta.hut.fi/matta/isom/tskhtml/matemaat5.html | |
63. ARTSEDGE: Romeo And Juliet: Making Connections To The Arts: The Visual Arts Visual Arts Painting. henry briggs. Due to England s prosperity during the 19thcentury, the demand for portrait paintings by wealthy aristocrats increased. http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/exploring/randj/connections/visual/briggs.htm | |
64. Cz³owiek, Który Spopularyzowa³ Logarytmy - Nowinki Matematyczne - Wirtualny W ojcem logarytmów. henry briggs, bo o nim mowa, urodzil sie w lutym1561 r. w Worley Wood w angielskim hrabstwie Yorku. Dokladna http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/matematyka/200102/20010205-001.asp | |
65. The Henry W 1. 1. henry W. 2 briggs (henry 1 ) was born May 29, 1820 in New York, and diedApril 29, 1901 in Athens, Greene County, NY. Notes for henry CHARLES briggs http://bobmurg.home.att.net/henry_wbrigggs.htm | |
66. Briggs, Enos Henry laws.justice.gc.ca/en/privlaw/78967/1835.html briggs, Enos henry. revival of patent, 192627, c. 95. Back to Top, Important Notices. http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/privlaw/78967/1835.html | |
67. Virtual Norfolk: - Search for all pages containing Bedingfield, Sir henry . See henry Bedingfield.Beevor, Sir Thomas. (MR) (HC; MoN; NCO). briggs, Augustine. http://virtualnorfolk.uea.ac.uk/biography/ | |
68. CyberNet Denis: William Briggs Euna Belle briggs April 1, 1875 William henry briggs - October 22, 1876 Jesse Blanchardbriggs - October 9, 1878 Julia Etta briggs - June 3, 1880 John Robert http://www.kcnet.com/~denis/briggs/briggs02.htm | |
69. CyberNet Denis: William Henry Briggs William henry briggs Edna Isabelle Carleton. William henry briggsBorn October 22, 1876 in Leesville, henry County, Missouri http://www.kcnet.com/~denis/briggs/briggs12.htm | |
70. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Creators/Related Names: 5 briggs, Henrietta Kibbe, photographer. briggs, henry Perronet, artist.Brighty, GM, engraver. Brigman, Anne, 18691950, photographer. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphAuthors05.html | |
71. William Harlowe Briggs 18941896 henry C. briggs (father), ca. 1895-1896 Letters to William Harlowe briggsby- henry C. briggs (father), ca. 1907-1915 henry BR briggs (brother), ca. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/briggs.html | |
72. ADAM BRIGGS Translate this page secolare. Detective Frank briggs (henry Beckman) Agente Tom Colton (DonalLogue) Eugene http//www.moky.it/xfiles/xepisodi.htm 19. http://celebrita.godado.it/godado.pperl/page=EfJk/k=adam briggs/l=4/w1=21/af=0/p | |
73. Briggs briggs briggs, henry, engelsk Matematiker. f. 1556 nær Halifaxi Yorkshire, 26 / 1 1630 i Oxford. Han studerede i Cambridge http://bernielomax.com/leksikon/BRIGGSHENRY | |
74. Haines Watts Staff Contact Form Contact Form For Mr henry briggs. Please use this form to contacthenry briggs (Partner), of Haines Watts (Birmingham). If you http://www.hwca.com/contactstaff.php?sid=294&or=110 |
75. Pane-Joyce Genealogy Lloyd (18301911). 32107, viii. Franklin (1833-1892). 28685. henry briggs. Bornon 11 Mar 1789 at Scituate, MA. henry died at Scituate, MA, on 4 Dec 1837. http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr13/rr13_345.html | |
76. Pane-Joyce Genealogy resided north of Stockbridge Mill Pond, in the old briggs house. 6 On 7 Dec 1719Benjamin first married Leah Merritt (10531) , daughter of henry Merritt (6307 http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr04/rr04_483.html | |
77. Smart Computing Encyclopedia henry briggs. henry briggs was the man most responsible for making logarithmsvaluable to the scientific community. Logarithms are mathematical shortcuts. http://www.smartcomputing.com/editorial/dictionary/detail.asp?guid=&searchtype=1 |
78. Henry Banner Family of Charity BANNER (7) Rev. Jesse briggs. 56. Sarah briggs. ExecutorMy friend RT Saunders. Witnesses Jesse briggs and Lemuel P Jones. http://juliemorrison.com/gen/banner/rr01/rr01_011.htm | |
79. Author Search Results Paperback, Our Price £3.99. 3, Arithmetica Logarithmica (1628), briggs,henry. Georg Olms, Published Price EUR19.80, Hardback, Our Price £6.99. http://www.psbooks.co.uk/Author.asp?Author=Briggs&fld=bds |
80. Henry Albert Briggs - Neech Family Tree Genealogy information for henry Albert briggs (B1848, D1950). Memberof the Neech Family Tree. Jane Cook Married 1871 http://users.bigpond.net.au/neech/people/henr1848.htm | |
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