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Brianchon Charles: more detail |
41. April 29 Deaths In History - BrainyHistory April 29, 1871 John Gelinde van Blom, Fries notary/author, dies at 75 April 29,1864 charlesJulien brianchon, math (brianchon s theorem), dies at 80 April 29 http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysdeath/death_april_29.html | |
42. December 19 Events In History - BrainyHistory December 19, 1790 William Parry, England, Arctic explorer December 19, 1783 charlesJulienbrianchon, France, mathematician (brianchon s theorem) December 19 http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysbirth/birth_december_19.html | |
43. Teorema I Translate this page . 1 charles Julien brianchon nasceu a 19 de Dezembro de 1783 em Sèvres,França, falecendo nesse mesmo país, em Versalhes, a 29 de Abril de 1864. http://www.mat.uc.pt/~bebiano/brianchon_t.htm | |
45. I9767 : PHILIPPE CANET (3 EME ENFANT DE MARC) F; Naissance 1896. Père charles LECOEUR Mère NELLY brianchon http://membres.lycos.fr/payenneville/d0018/g0000030.html | |
46. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page Enfant(s) MAIGNAN, charles. Retour à la page principale. MAUCONDUIT,Pierre Famille Père MONNIER, Jean Mère brianchon, Marie. Famille http://membres.lycos.fr/jmaignan/genea/dat3.htm | |
47. Historical Moments For May 29 April 29th 1864, charlesJulien brianchon, math (brianchon s theorem), dies at80. April 29th 1871, John Gelinde van Blom, Fries notary/author, dies at 75. http://www.todayinhistory.com/m04-29-death-results.html | |
48. LaFamille - Name Index - Generated By Personal Ancestral File brianchon. brianchon, Clotilde . Briois. Calippe. Calippe, charles b.1731- Gouy saint André Calippe, charles b.1695 - Gouy saint André. Cantrel. http://www3.sympatico.ca/sangin/home/lafamille/index3.htm | |
49. Planetenkunde.de / Mond - Namen - Brianchon Translate this page Durchmesser 134,0 km Benennung (IAU) im Jahr 1964 Namensgeber charles J.brianchon Französischer Mathematiker (1783 - 1864) Weiter » Bridgman. http://www.astrolink.de/p012/p01204/p01204090199.htm | |
50. Pierre Cailler, éditeur De Livres Sur Les Artistes Translate this page Lars Bo par charles Perussaux 1971, 1972. Marius Borgeaud par Georges Peillex.Yves Brayer par André Chamson. brianchon par Pierre Courthion. http://www.nanga.fr/coll/cailler.htm | |
51. Liste Des Artistes Du Site Nanga Translate this page Bioulès Vincent. Bissière Roger. Blanc charles. Blanche Jacques-Emile. BlakeWilliam. Breuer Léo. Breytenbach Breyten. brianchon Maurice. Briault Maurice. http://www.nanga.fr/artistes/liste.htm | |
52. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 1588 - 1652) Brashman, Nikolai Dmetrievich (14.6.1796 - 13.5.1866) Brauer, Richard(1901 - 1977) brianchon, charles-Julien (1760 - 1854) Briggs, Henry (Februar http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
53. Biografisk Register Translate this page 1612-94) Aryabhata (476-550) Aschbacher, Michael Babbage, charles (1792-1871 Tyco(1546-1601) Brahmagupta (598-670) Branges, Louis de brianchon, Chares Kulien http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
54. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Brauer, Richard (1901 - 1977). brianchon, charles-Julien (1760 - 1854). Briggs,Henry (Februar 1561 - 26.1.1630). von Brill, Alexander Wilhelm (1842 - 1935). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
55. Artists Starting With Letter B Translate this page Friedrich Breslau, Marie-Louise Breslauer Maler Breton, Jules Bretz, Julius Breu(Preu) d.Ä., Jörg brianchon, Maurice Brias, charles Bridgman, Frederick http://www.artothek.de/cgi-bin/art_pl/artsearchartist2.pl?language=044&ID=66143& |
56. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page matemático norte-americano RH Bing Fatos relacionados 29/04/1864 Morte MatemáticaFatos França Morte do matemático francês charles Julien brianchon 29/04 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=3 |
57. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page Morte do matemático francês Michel Chasles 19/12/1783 Nascimento Matemática FatosFrança Nascimento de charles Julien brianchon (matemático francês) 19/12 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=6 |
58. Pappus' Theorem The dual of Pascal s theorem has been proven by charles Julien brianchon(17831864) in 1810 and is known as brianchon s theorem. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/Pappus.shtml | |
59. Mémorial-GenWeb Translate this page BONVOISIN, charles, 1914-1918, Voir les informations complémentaires. brianchon,Oscar, 1914-1918, Voir les informations complémentaires. http://www.memorial-genweb.org/html/fr/resultcommune2.php3?id_source=16650&pays= |
60. Larbaud, Valéry. - Bücher - Antiquarische, Gebrauchte Und Vergriffene. Translate this page Mit handkol. Frontispiz-Radierung und 13 handkol. Radierungen auf Tafeln von ChasLaborde di charles Laborde. Frontispice et bandeaux de Maurice brianchon. http://www.buch-laden4.de/buch_78/larbaud_valery.html | |
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